
BR Extreme Fanfic
Chapter 31
5:01pm E8
Trey slowly opened and slowly saw Catherine holding a gun pointed at his head, Trey
slowly closed his eyes thinking that there was no way out of this,
“Trey realised that he was not dead yet, He opened his eyes to see Catherine still
holding the gun, he looked the other way and noticed Simone Chambers (Female
Student 2) Adam Leigh’s girlfriend in the doorway, she immediately ran out of the
hospital, Trey looked back at Catherine,
“Whooh deded kiiiel mmew?” said Trey who realised he was wearing a mask of some
sort, “Why didn’t you kill me?” asked a weak Trey, Catherine was too afraid to speak,
she was more worried that she didn’t kill Simone, and now she would be in more
danger of Adam for trying to kill his girlfriend.
“Catherine? Are you all right?” asked Trey
“I’ll be Okay” said Cath “Ya Okay there? Replied Cath
“My chest hurt’s” said Trey
“Ya lucky to be alive,”
“Where am I?”
“Your still in the hospital and it is 5 o’clock in the evening, still on day one if you’re
that delusional… ya okay ya look like ya see a ghost?”
“I sorta did, I saw Mr Lynch,” said Trey
“Dang ya’ll I didn’t know you had a thing for Lynch” said Cath
“Huh what? Cath I’m not Gay, what I meant to say was: I saw him and he helped
Realised something,” explained Trey
“Realise what”
“That I still love Taylor, and she still loves me, speaking of Taylor have you seen
“Nope sorry”
“And there was something else he said: He said that there is hope that there is for
those left to all go home!”
“Uhh are you sure you saw him or were ya just hearing what ya wanted to hear?”
Trey Paused “Now that you put it that way, I’m not sure.” He said, but if it’s true than
we have to keep our spirits up and think positive.
Simone Immediately ran south-east of the Hospital just after running out the front
door, the weapon supplied to her was a bullet proof vest, the vest took the bullet but
Simone was scared out of her mind she had only one instinct right now: Run, she ran
and ran and all of a sudden her feet felt like there they were stepping on needles, she
looked to the ground and noticed she was walking on some thumb tack’s she was
wearing currently running shoes but she had stepped on so many tack’s that the ones
she was steeping on were pushing other tack’s through her shoe and into her feet, She
tried to run, but the pain just got worse she fell to the ground outside all of the tack’s.
She took off her shoes, there was blood coming out of her shoe’s as she took them off.
Her feet had small holes in them from stepping on the tacks, she was trying her best
not to scream, she too out two of her shirts in her bag and covered her feet up she just
wished the pain would go away because it was so intense she couldn’t even stand up,
she had hoped to make it to west side of the Island to see the Sunset one last time, but
now that was out of the question, Simone started to cry, she was a sitting duck, she
looked up towards the sky it had been a long time since she stopped to look at the sky,
she just laid on the ground, without a care in the world just staring at the sky.
Trey Lawson (Male Student 7) still alive
26 Students actually remain
Chapter 32
5:37pm D4
Blu Rayne (Female Student 12) had been hiding within the bushes near the road
leading to the beach; Blu was the class photographer, she had been taking pictures for
the prom yearbook, she had both her camera and her video camera in her bag, both
were state of the art and she had a lot of batteries, tapes and rolls of film for them, her
supplied weapon was an automatic pistol which she kept in her bag, Blu took the
video camera out of her bag unaware that the pistol was caught in the still image
camera strap, she turned the camera on and faced the lens towards her face, she
flipped the LCD screen around and started recording:
“I’ve never been so scared in my life” she said into the microphone of the camera
“This will probably be my last message, to anyone who receives this tape: our entire
school class has been kidnapped by our School gym teacher as well as dozens of
soldiers, and … they’re forcing us to kill each other until only one of us is left” Blu
faced the camera lens towards the Plane above the Island, “This is their Headquarters:
a new Sky surfer Aeroplane that’s running the whole show, It’s armed with some sort
of lasers on the wingtips, we boarded the plane at Los Angeles International Airport
thinking we were on a once in a life time field trip to Sydney Australia, they gassed us
gave us weapon and left us stranded on this island, my weapon was a gun of some
sort,” she faced the lens towards her bag and showed the gun inside. “I know it’s hard
to believe but they gave me: a 17 year old schoolgirl a gun, I haven’t seen anyone else
since the game started” she faced the camera back towards her face. “These collars
like the one you see around my neck, is the way they watch over the game, they can
blow up the collars by just the press of a button, they’ve already used it to kill one of
our Teachers: Alfred Lynch, they killed him to demonstrate what would happen
should more than one of us survive.”
“If anyone receives this message please get to any TV station to expose the truth,
Mum, Dad, I love you both, you guys have been my inspiration for all these years,
I’m sorry I’ll never see you again, and my boyfriend TJ, I miss you so much I you’ve
been my true friend and love for all these years and I just want to say: Thank you for
the best days of my…” Blu suddenly stopped and noticed Bre in the LCD picture
behind her, Blu turned around, Bre swung her sword towards Blu’s neck
“CLANK” The sword’s blade collided with Blu’s collar which protected her neck,
Blu quickly grabber her bag and ran, Bre was behind her in pursuit, Blu dropped her
camera as she ran, there was no time to go back and retrieve it, she was very athletic,
but then again so was Bre, Blu reached into her bag to get her gun out as she ran,
however it was caught on the still camera’s strap and she couldn’t get it out, “C’mon
you F***in gun” she said as she ran through the forest, she kept pulling on the gun
trying to pull it out of the bag, suddenly she tripped on a rock and fell to the ground,
she looked behind herself Bre was closing in on her, suddenly loud gunshots were
heard and some bullets hit a tree that Bre was behind at the time,
“Blu this way” said a male voice Blu looked around to where the voice came from,
she saw Reave and Jess, (Jess holding her machine gun) “C’mon get up this way” said
Reave running towards the East Blu grabbed her bag and followed Reave, Jess fired
her gun at Bre who was running towards the west, not one bullet hit Bre, all the bullet
hit the tree’s around her, Jess wasn’t a good aimer but it scared Bre off.
Jess ran back east to join Blu and Reave, all three of them ran back towards the mall,
Robert was there waiting for them, Reave gabbed a Radio that he found in the security
room and talked into it “Rob quick open the shutter”,
“On it” said Rob through the Radio, the Shutter for the underground car park Reave,
Blu and Jess quickly ducked under the shutter to enter the car park,
“Close it quick” ordered Reave, Rob did what he was told and pulled on a chain to
close the shutter, Blu fell back in exhaustion “Thanks, I owe ya” she said to Reave
and Jess.
26 Students Remaining
Chapter 33
5:58pm C8
Andy, Tridad, Shell and Holly arrived at the front gates of the power plant as planned,
earlier Shell saw Bre chasing Blu the Tirdad’s TV she also noticed that Blu dropped
her camera, they made a quick detour to collect the camera; it wasn’t damaged and the
tape was still intact, they took it with them as evidence for their distress signal, the
camera had a USB port on the side and Tirdad had a USB cable for his laptop, he
could upload the video to his laptop and send it across the internet.
Outside the gates Andy fired his silenced gun into the padlock, the gate swung open,
Holly took out a key card (not a weapons shed key card) she found in the house it
said “Level one Priority, Power plant” the key card would probably allow them to
access all areas of the power plant, she also had some jumper cables but she didn’t say
what for, as the four of them reached the front door, the speakers across the Island
came to life; it was time for the 6pm report General Capper’s voice came out across
the Island “Hello class, Mr Kerry is currently asleep at the moment so I will be filling
in, I must say I am really disappointed, there were only two deaths in the last six
hours: Female Student 4 Riley Kennett and Male Student 12 Aaron Newsome, that is
disgraceful, you guys better speed up your performance, as well as watchout for these
next danger zones:
At 7pm I7,
At 9pm H8,
And at 11pm B8.
You kids better clean up your act quick, now get moving, Capper out”
All four of them checked their maps, “oh shit” said Andy, “In five hours the plant
will become a danger zone,”
“Well everyone we’ve got five hours lets make this happen” said Tridad,
The front door was unlock all four of them walked inside, The Power plant looked
really dusty, there were spider webs everywhere it was quite dark despite the sun still
being up, Andy checked a nearby directory of the power plant, there was an entrance
way to the underground cable tunnel somewhere in the middle of the power plant, all
four of them made their way to the entrance
Taylor and Drew were on the beach awfully close to a danger zone both of them had
been shocked by the announcement because Trey’s name was not called from the
casualty list, it then they realised that neither of them ever bothered to check if Trey
was still alive,
“Are you sure he was dead?” asked Drew
“I don’t know … what have done?” said Taylor
“So… what do we do?”
“What do you mean ‘what do we do’: we gotta go back”
“What are you crazy? You stabbed him in the chest and left him to die! I don’t think
he’s going to take it lightly”
“I don’t care I love him, and I need to tell him that”
“Taylor what your suggesting is Suicide, once we step foot inside he’ll attack us with
anything he can find, not to mention some of the other guys that may be playing the
“Drew please…I have to go back for him…will you help me?” Drew paused for a few
seconds to think about it
“Tay…alright I’ll help you, after all I did swear to protect you” Drew replied, Taylor
smiled “I knew I could trust…Thank you Drew”
26 Students Remaining
Chapter 34
6:10pm B8
Tirdad found what appeared to a server hub at the entrance to the Cable Tunnel,
unfortunately it wasn’t working because the power was not working, Andy realised
that if their plan was going to work; they were going to have to get the power back on,
the four of them decided to split up to find some clue on how to get the power up and
6:41pm G7
Close to the bank of the river was one of speaker towers, at the base of the Tower sat
Meg Sokolosky (Female Student 19) she hadn’t move from that spot since she landed,
she was too afraid to move, she wished she had packed some clothes in her bag that
weren’t going to attract any attention, the only top she had close enough was a red
tank top that would easily attract any attention, but it was the best she had. Another
problem she had was her weapon; a sledge hammer, the hammer was so heavy that
she could barely lift it off the ground, Meg loved to play tennis, but a tennis racquet
was a lot lighter than a sledge hammer.
“Someone help please” she said quietly crying while looking up towards the sky, The
sun had already set but the fading light over the cloud showed one of the most
beautiful sunsets she had ever seen, she could never see anything like this in Los
Angeles because of the bright lights, and she had also never seen the stars before, she
knew she would finally get a chance to see them, suddenly she heard a rustle in the
bushes behind her Meg turned around, trying to look tough, but at the same time she
panicked, Esmarelda Villalobos was now standing in front of her, These two were
sworn enemies since the forth grade when Meg purposely copied Esmarelda
homework and forced The Teacher at the Time to fail them both, and they were both
forced to repeat the forth grade. These memoires came back to haunt both girls at the
present time, Esmarelda look at Meg “It’s all your fault that were here, If you hadn’t
Copied my homework I would have been Collage by now having the best time of my
life, Instead I’m here in a kill of be killed situation, AND IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT”
yelled Esmarelda.
“Esmarelda I’m sorry” begged Meg “Please don’t kill me”
“Sorry, SORRY, SORRY doesn’t cut it” Esmarelda raised one of her guns and fired a
shot into Meg’s chest, Meg went into shock from the bullet and landed on her butt,
Esmarelda fired another shot into her chest “It’s your fault I’ll never see my dream
come true” she said “I need to do this for the long awaited vengeance I’ve waited for
so long” she fired another shot into Megs chest, Blood started coming out of Megs
mouth, she had never felt so much pain, Meg was scared, she knew this was the end
for her, one simple mistake nine years ago, and now she’s paying the ultimate price.
Esmarelda raised the gun in her left hand to fire one more shot into Meg’s head, but
before she could pull the trigger, she heard a loud noise she had never heard before
coming from being her; she saw a metallic object dig into her chest at a high speed.
Meg watched as Esmarelda flew… well everywhere, whatever hit her caused her
entire body to explode, pieces of Esmarelda’s flesh and drops of blood flew
everywhere, it was raining pieces of Esmarelda, Meg had never seen anything so
graphic in her life, she felt like throwing up but she was already throwing up blood,
the upper half of Esmarelda’s head landed in Meg’s lap with her eyes still wide open,
Meg quickly brushed of the piece of the head.
Meg then heard a male voice singing (poorly):
“Rain drops keep falling on my head! And that will mean that you’ll soon be DEAD”
It was Adam Leigh on his right arm was Jesse’s Rocket Launcher, he found it while
checking out H8 which would soon be a danger zone, Meg looked at Adam, she
didn’t speak,
“What should I do with you?” said Adam, Meg could tell by his tone of voice that he
was starting to go insane looks like this game had finally gotten to him, she thought
that speaking to him might work
“Adam” she gasped “Listen to yourself… this isn’t you … you’re better than this”
“Your right I am better … than you” Replied Adam,
“That’s … not what I meant … your inner feelings … must be saying something
different to what you’re doing”
“Feelings? I would give a F***”
“What about Simone?” stated Meg, Adam went silent he had forgotten all about
Simone, “what do your feelings on Simone say?” asked Meg,
Adam grabbed Esmarelda’s guns that were miraculously both unharmed by the
explosion he then pointed one of the guns at Meg’s head
“Where is she?” Asked Adam, Meg realised her plan had backfired there was now a
gun pointing at her head, she obviously didn’t know where Simone was,
“She … at the Power Plant” lied Meg, Adam fired a shot at the ground in front of
“LIAR” yelled Adam “THE GATES ARE LOCKED” Meg was unaware that the
Power plant gates ‘were’ locked Adam aimed one of the guns at Megs head again
“goodbye” he said, Meg closed her eyes tears started to fill her eyes she was
frightened by the looming death upon her, 10 seconds later Adam had not fired his
gun, Meg opened her eyes Adam was no longer standing in front of her, she also
noticed that her sledge hammer was gone she looked around she noticed Adam
walking towards the bridge “Adam?” she yelled towards him
“Thank you Meg” replied Adam “but consider this mercy! If we meet again you
won’t be so lucky” he said back to her as he walked off.
Meg was bleeding badly she had already lost a lot of blood from the bullet wounds,
she fell onto her back and looked upward, at the bright stars, she had never seen them
so beautiful she continued to watch the stars as she passed away.
Adam was going to start his search for Simone shortly, but first he started to make his
way to the gold weapons shed, the gold key card was in Esmarelda’s bag, Esmarelda
found it on the beach at H9 earlier as was about to head to shed when she noticed
Meg, and the rest is history.
Esmarelda Villalobos (Female Student 20), Meg Sokolosky (Female Student 19) dead
24 Student Remain
Chapter 35
6:52pm E8
“What the hell was that?” Catherine said out loud after hearing an explosion south of
their position,
“You got me” said Trey lying in a hospital bed “But whatever it was it sounded
awfully close”
“Very close more like it” Said Catherine heading towards the door,
“Hey where are you going?” asked Trey
“I’m gonna go check it out, I’ll be right back”
”Don’t say that!”
“Say what?”
“’I’ll be right back’ chances are you’ll be dead, and besides were you just going to
leave me here?”
Catherine gave Trey some scalpels that she found, Trey already had one, but now he
had 5, he could use them at throwing weapons,
“I’ll be fine I’ll only be gone a few minutes” said leaving Trey behind.
Catherine headed directly south in the direction she heard the noise, she had her gun
well gripped in her right hand with a spare clip in her left, her journey was cut off by
the river unaware that Simone was only a few yards away, she could see the Speaker
tower on the other side, it was hard to make out anything else in the dark, she didn’t
want to risk turning on her flashlight, as it would give away her position she headed
west towards the bridge as she crossed the zone border into F7 she notice someone
walking across the bridge, she couldn’t tell who it was, but she did notice a large
object on his right arm, Catherine thought to herself “a bazooka?” she then
remembered earlier during the day when a rocket nearly destroyed the plane.
The person made their way north Catherine was no match for a rocket launcher, but
after hearing the explosion she realised that this guy was playing the game, he was too
far out of range for Catherine to take a snipe shot, it was too risky, instead she decided
to follow him, but quietly, Cath kept her distance, once he lets his guard down, she’ll
attack or if he tries to attack another student.
Holly found a main office one of the upper floors of the power plant, at the back of
the office wall was a map of some islands, Holly checked out the map, in the top left
hand corner of the map it read “Chatham Islands” there was a large Island that clearly
stood out from the rest of the islands, but did not match the map of the island the
students were given, in the lower right hand corner of the map was a familiar looking
island, Holly took out her map of the battle ground and compared it to the island in
the map, It was an accurate match, The Island was called: “Rangiauria” or “Pitt
Island”. Holly had just discovered their location: They were on Pitt Island, ‘this new
information will be useful’ Thought Holly; it would also explain why the Cable
Tunnel runs towards the north-west, it must connect with Chatham Island itself, Holly
wrote down the new information in a book in her bag, and went to find the others to
tell them the new information she found.
24 Students Remaining
Chapter 36
7:15pm E8
Trey was lying all alone in a hospital bed, he couldn’t believe what Catherine had just
done, she had been gone for more than 20 minutes, and she said she’d be right back,
but then again he thought the chances of her coming back were slim to none, Trey
heard the lobby door’s downstairs open “Trey” yelled a familiar voice from
downstairs, Trey recognized that voice any day,
“Taylor” he yelled back “Up here on the 3rd floor”
Trey looked around there was a crutch placed near his bed, “possibly put there by
Catherine” he thought, he grabbed the crutch as well as a few scalpels that Cath left
for him (Just in case) and put them in the back of his belt.
Taylor ran up the stairs to the 3 floor with Drew close behind her, finally she
reached the 3rd floor she ran down the closest hallway from hearing Trey’s voice, and
at the end of the hallway: was Trey.
Taylor was so happy to see him alive, she ran down the hallway full of joy, It all
seemed to go in slow motion for Taylor she could see Trey’s happy face almost in
tears, but then his eyes opened in surprise and Trey stopped “WATCH OUT!” he
yelled, Taylor turned her head as a butchers knife flew just an inch away form her,
and it struck Trey’s left shoulder “Aaaahhh” yelled Trey in pain as he fell to the
ground, Taylor looked around to see who the thrower was; It was Bre.
Drew was not going to hold back against Bre, he hated Bre because of her bitch
attitude and mean personality, he quickly drew his Katana ready to fight Bre who had
her Samurai Sword ready to kill, while Taylor rushed to Trey’s Aid, Bre went for a
jab to the chest but Drew parried the attack, he went for a swing to the head but Bre
ducked, Bre tried a raising slice and Drew stepped back to dodge, Bre went for an
over the head swing, Drew blocked an landed a kick into Bre’s chest, Drew was quite
strong Bre was knocked back against the wall hard, Drew attempted to drive his
katana into Bre but she quickly moved out of the way “little help here guy” Drew said
to Taylor and Trey, Taylor looked at Trey.
“I’ll be fine help Drew!” ordered Trey, Taylor nodded her head and pulled the
Butcher’s Knife out of Trey’s shoulder which actually made the pain worse for Trey,
but Taylor needed a weapon, Bre way laying on the ground and quickly made a cheap
kick to Drew’s Ankles, It only made him step back slightly, but it gave Bre the
window of opportunity to get back to her feet, Taylor lunged forth with the butchers
knife in one hand, Bre easily dodged while grabbing her Cattle Prod she took from
Lucy with her free hand and using it to stun Taylor, her whole body went numb as she
fell flat on her face unable to move “TAYLOR” yelled Trey sliding on the floor with
his right (Strong) arm.
“Wait for you turn bitch” said Bre to Taylor.
Bre was nearly caught off guard by Drew swung toward Bre with his katana, Bre
quickly parried but at the same time she was tackled to the ground knocking the cattle
prod out of her hand and Drew landing on top of her, Drew Tried to land a head butt
but Bre used her forearms to slightly raise Drew and used her legs to kick him over
her head, both of them got to their feet both holding their type of sword with both
hands both slowly circled each other poised to attack, Drew lunged first Bre parried
his attack and was able to land a kick into Drew’s chest with her stiletto heel breaking
one of his ribs, Drew grabbed his chest in pain, Bre quickly jumped and landed a
double kick into Drews Chest again knocking him through an (open) door and into
another hospital room, Bre landed on her back, she learned that move form watching
Wrestling and Kung fu shows on TV, but she wasn’t meant to land on her back.
Both Bre and Drew rose to their feet fighting their pain, Drew noticed a flower vase
on the room’s bedside, he quick grabbed the vase and threw it at Bre, Bre quickly
duck the incoming vase but it struck her Sword, almost knocking it out of her hand,
Drew seized the opportunity he charged at Bre Swung … and missed, Bre dodged to
the side and swung her Samurai Sword at his leg and the tip of the blade sliced (but
didn’t cut off) his right leg just below the knee, Drew stumbled back into the hallway
and landed on the ground grabbing his leg in pain, Bre saw the chance to end the fight
and went to stab him in the chest, Drew tried to parry but Bre lifted her sword at the
last second dodging the parring and drove the sword right into Drew’s upper chest,
right into his heart, Drew’s arms fell back lifelessly, Bre removed her bloody sword
form his chest and grabbed her cattle prod that she dropped, she looked at Trey and
“Now where was I?” said Bre as Taylor slowly tried to raise herself on all fours Bre
quickly shocked her with the Cattle Prod again, Taylor’s fell flat on her chest, Bre
Grabbed Taylor by the hair and held her facing Trey, Taylor was so weak from the
cattle prod that she couldn’t move a muscle in her body, she could barely keep her
eyes open and all she could see was a blurry image of Trey, Trey who was trying to
slide toward Taylor on one arm, saw the tip of Bre’s blade a few feet away from his
forehead, “Make one wrong move and your Bitch dies sooner than expected” Said Bre
moving her sword under Taylor’s chin with the blade touching Taylor’s neck, “Now
lets talk shall we? First, let’s go back to Sandra Overtez’s party; tell her what
‘happened’ ok?”
“No more lies Bre” Trey said with an angry tone in her voice, Bre tightened her grip
on the swords handle,
“Aah aah aah, no funny business” said Bre
“There’s nothing funny, I’m not going to let her die knowing a lie, Taylor I’ve always
loved you” Trey said looking a Taylor, Taylor tried to smile, knowing she was happy
to hear his voice,
“Oh you love her huh?” said Bre slowly sliding her sword down Taylor’s blouse, Bre
moved her sword out ward ripping Taylor’s Blouse and Bra and exposing her breasts
“Well go on; F*** her” Ordered Bre holding Taylor in front of Trey,
“I…” started Trey “Why are you doing this?” Bre move the blade of the sword back
to Taylor’s throat
“No no no, I’m the one answering the questions here!” said Bre, “I you love her than
F*** her, right now!”
Trey couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he was eager to have sex with Taylor one
last time, but not like this, not with Bre forcing him in a life or death situation for
Trey would do anything to help Taylor but Trey obviously knew what Bre would do:
She would kill him and Taylor if Trey did it with Taylor right now, Trey needed a
plan, and he needed a plan quickly,
“Why have me F*** her? If you love me so much, why not F*** me?” asked Trey
“Ohhhhh you think you’re really smart, don’t you?” Said Bre, Trey watch as
surprisingly she loosened her grip on her sword, Trey thought his plan might work,
she released her grip on Taylor’s hair, Taylor landed flat on the ground,
“I’m glad we see things my way” said Bre who started to walk towards Trey, as she
walked past Taylor’s head, as she did she quickly raised her foot above Taylor and
brought it down on Taylor’s head: Bre’s stiletto heel dug deep into the back of
Taylor’s Skull
“NOOOOOOOO” screamed Trey, his plan had backfired and Taylor was now dead,
he didn’t expect Bre to step on Taylor’s head.
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” asked Bre sarcastically walking towards Trey
“She didn’t deserve to die SHE WAS YOUR FRIEND” yelled Trey with tears in his
“Uhh reality check Trey, only one of us can survive” replied Bre walking up to Trey
holding her sword at Trey’s Throat, Bre quickly looked at Taylor and Drew’s bodies
ready to say something Trey quickly reached into the back of his belt and grabbed a
scalpel, Bre turned her head quickly, Trey quickly swung the scalpel at Bre’s wrist
(the farthest part of Bre’s body he could reach) severing Bre’s right hand from her
wrist her sword (with Bre’s hand still holding it) fell into Trey’s lap, Bre fell back
from the pain clutching her wrist “MY HAND, MY HAND” she repeatedly screamed.
Trey saw his opportunity he felt strength he had never felt before and grabbed Bre’s
sword, he fought through the pain and rose to his feet, Bre squirmed away from Trey,
Her pain was unbearable,
“You heartless bitch” yelled Trey walking (rather limping) towards Bre, Bre was
bleeding a lot from her wrist, Trey lunged forth and attempted to drive the sword into
Bre, Bre log rolled out of the way; and ended up right next to the Butcher’s Knife
Taylor dropped earlier, she grabbed the Knife with her other hand and threw it at
Trey’s head, the blade striking his forehead, there was no second chance this time for
Trey he simply fell back lifeless.
Bre wasted no time and quickly grabbed her severed hand, she ran into the nearest
hospital room gabbed some bandages and bandaged up her wound, she the ran into
the organ storage room, there were no organs, but there were some battery powered
medical Ice boxes, Bre knew First Aid very well, she sealed her hand in a plastic bag
and stored it in the Ice box, the battery timer on the side of the box said 36 hours of
battery life remaining, which meant she’d need to kill everyone else within 36 hours if
she ever hopes of getting her hand reattached, she stored the box in her bag as well as
all the spare weapons including Drew’s Katana, she made sure all three of the others
were dead (which they were), and left the hospital and headed west.
Drew Weaver (Male Student 19), Taylor Reid (Female Student 13) and Trey Lawson
(Male Student 7) dead
21 Students Remain
Chapter 37
7:30pm E7
Monica Lead a blind John down the road heading towards the hospital, they had not
encountered Bre who was heading west, Monica was leading John with her left hand
and in her other hand she held her Uzi ready to shoot if necessary, They reached the
Hospital, the medical storage room was on the 3rd floor (of all things), Monica lead
John up the stair well to the 3rd floor, Monica walked down the nearest hallway, and
“Aahh” Monica said in shock.
“What is it?” asked a blind John, Monica didn’t reply she couldn’t explain what she
“Let’s not stay here for longer than we need to ok” Monica said with her heart racing,
“Monica what is it?”
“Taylor… Trey… and Drew … all dead, it looks like they were killed recently”
“If they were killed recently I agree lets not stay here for longer than we need to!”
Monica slowly walked through the dead bodies, she looked at Taylor and saw a large
gash in the back of her head, Monica’s weak stomach gave in, she released her grip on
Johns hand and ran into the nearest room; and threw up all over a hospital bed.
“Monica where are you?” asked John holding his hands out in front of him trying to
find her, Monica didn’t reply instead she raised her Uzi and pointed it threw the
doorway towards John.
“Monica where are you? What are you doing?” asked John, Monica tightened her grip
on the trigger, she couldn’t bear to see John like this, walking around helplessly,
beside only one of them could survive, she thought it would be best to put him out of
his misery now, end his pain.
Monica was ready to fire “You don’t want to do that” Said a faint male voice, Monica
turned around, there was no one there, she looked around the room there was no one
else around,
“Hello?” yelled Monica
“Monica” said John who started to walk in the direction he heard her voice, Monica
grabbed Johns hand,
“John, did you hear something?” asked Monica
“Hear what?” asked a puzzled John
“That voice”
“What voice, are you ok?” Monica seemed Puzzled,
“I… I swear I heard some faint male voice” she replied
“Are you sure you weren’t hearing things.”
“… Maybe I’m just going crazy” Said Monica who started to breathe heavily “but …
It sounded like Lynch!”
“Monica, Lynch is dead, we saw him die remember?”
“Then I am going crazy, we should get out of here, lets just grab everything we can
out of the storage room and leave.”
They did just that, they grabbed one of every single type of drug and medicine and
placed it in their bags, they didn’t bother to check what they had, they just left as soon
as possible, Monica started to run as the made their way back towards the house, John
started to stumble a little bit, but eventually they made it to the house they were
hiding out in before, they made their way to the attic when ‘BOOOM’ the house was
engulfed by an explosion, half the house had been blown apart, and the rest of it was
engulfed in flames, John was amazingly not badly hurt by the explosion, although he
wasn’t sure what just happened, he could feel the head, and the sound of fire and the
smell of thick smoke, but he wasn’t sure what caused it, Monica however was
impaled through the chest by a piece of wood,
“Monica” yelled John, her hand had slipped away from John’s he then felt himself
kicking something, he kneeled down to feel what it was; It was Monica and she
wasn’t moving, he felt the plant of wood there was no question about it; Monica
he yelled at the top of his lungs,
“Yes damn him!” said a male voice before John could react he heard a machine gun
fire with bullets scattered all over his body, John pain finally ended as he landed on
top of Monica’s Body, the Shooter went through Monica and johns bags, they were
filled with medicine, he didn’t have time to sort out the bags, he just took them with
him, along with Monica’s Uzi, “Good night folks” he said as he left the burning
The shooter was Derek Weinster, Earlier he saw Monica and John leaving the
Hospital, and running down the street to the house they were hiding out in, Derek
noticed a large gas canister next to the side of the house, the gauge read that it was
still full, so he placed one of his remote grenades on the to of the canister with the
valve open, ho got to a safe distance and detonated the Grenade setting the house
alight, he then entered the house to finish off anyone still alive, he saw John over
Monica’s Corpse, he notice that John had been blinded, and he also noticed the Uzi in
Monica’s hand (on the opposite side of John) he then crept up grabbed the uzi and
Killed John. Derek left the house quickly and headed north as the house burnt
throughout the night.
Monica Soares (Female Student 18) and John Doe (Male Student 3) dead
19 Students Remain
Chapter 38
7:50pm B8
Andy and Shell found the control room of the Power Plant, The main feature of the
room was a large console with the word CASPA on the side, there was also an open
diary in at one of the smaller terminals, and the last entry was dated 5 weeks ago
Tuesday 4th of February 2014
Today was my first shift at the Plant since coming back from holidays, I was
devastated to hear the news that there had been a radioactive leak last week and
Roger Patterson had been diagnosed with radiation poisoning, I was also devastated
to hear that the day after the reactor went into potential meltdown, causing panic
across the Island and even worse, some people fled by helicopter including Roger’s
wife Claire and daughter Alex, the Chopper was not fully fuelled and it crashed into
the ocean, and no survivors were found, Poor Roger, I felt sorry for him, he died a
few days after the chopper crashed.
On a positive side the meltdown was averted and things are running just fine,
although there is a lack of staff, I’ve got a 4 day shift coming up, Bugger
Wednesday 5th of February 2014
A large crate came into the Control room today, just as I finished my shift, I didn’t get
to see what was inside it, but my boss Parish says it’ll help reduce the work load, on
the drive home there was a report on the radio about protests against our Power
plant on Chatham Island and the New Zealand Southern Island after the Meltdown
Panic, It seems They had little warning, and say that the Plant is unsafe, But to be
honest I doubt it.
Thursday 6th of February
When I got the work today I was assigned a new Job; main user of a new
supercomputer called CASPA, apparently the massive thing, was what was in the
crate I saw yesterday, CASPA is a massive supercomputer that can run the power
plant itself safely, all I did was entered the password provided and just watched it
work on the 4 monitors ,CASPA also had a sexy female voice like out of an old Sci-fi
movie, I can’t believe how simple it was to use, This thin really made my job easy, a
little to easy I was so bored I ended up falling asleep so many times today, basically
whenever something goes wrong CASPA automatically fixes it herself,
I also learned that most of the workers today were sacked because they were no
longer needed, I wonder I my Job may be in Jeopardy too,
I keep forgetting the Password for CASPA so I wrote it on the back cover of the diary.
Friday 7th of February
My fears have come true, this’ll be the last entry in this diary, I’ve learned that at
6pm tonight the Plant will be shut down for good, also the Island is being Vacated
since there is no further use for it, Those bloody protesters got their wish and now
I’ve gotta look for a new job, I’m worried what will happen to my life long term wise.
Apparently the New Zealand Government’s economy has dropped really hard, I’ve
heard they’re selling Pitt Island to the Americans, Although I don’t know what they’d
want with a useless Island.
Shell and Andy both knew what it would be used for, they also now knew how to get
the power back up and running, they approached CASPA; there was a main power
switch underneath the keyboard, they’re was also a plate with words engraved saying:
“Runs on its own power supply”, Shell flipped the switch, one of the four monitors
came to life with the words “Enter Password 1”
“Andy what does the back of the diary say” asked Shell who had her hands on the
Keyboard, Andy checked the back cover of the diary, there were three words written
on the back: “Rekohu,” “Wharekauri” and “Hakepa”
“Ree-koo-who” said Andy trying to pronounce the first word,
“What?” asked Shell
“R-E-K-O-H-U” Said Andy,
“Lemme see that” said shell grabbing the diary from Andy, “Whoa you think they
could have used something simple like ‘English language’” said Shell as she entered
the first password, followed by the other two,
“Welcome back Wayne” said the Computer in a female voice with an Australian
Accent, “I am CASPA unit number AI0054, The Plant’s status is currently … Offline,
what is your first command?” some buttons appeared on screen, the first one said
“Restore Power” all the others were greyed out, apart form one that said “Shut down
CASPA” Shell Grabbed the mouse and clicked “Restore Power”,
“Power Plant has been offline for… 5 week, estimated time until power is restored:
“1 hour, 5 minutes”,
“That’s about 8:55 when the power will come back on,” said Andy. “Let’s get back to
the others.”
19 Students Remaining
Countdown until power is restored 1:05:00
Chapter 39
8:12pm on the border of C6-C7
Time Remaining until power is restored: 0:42:37
Daniel Tran (Male Student 18) and Carrie Lynn King (Female Student 5) were trying
to make their was to the rim of the Power plant to hide, earlier when Carrie heard the
gun shot in the Hospital, she ran south fearing for her life, as she ran she dropped her
bag of Tack’s (her weapon), and all the tack’s spilled everywhere, Carrie didn’t have
enough time to pick them all up because she could see Simone close on her tail, she
continued to run south, until she reached the river, Desperate to lose Simone she
jumped into the river and tried to swim to the other side, but exhaustion from running
around all day finally took its toll, Carrie didn’t have any strength left to reach the
other side of the river and she was caught in the current and washed downstream
towards the south-west, luckily at G6 just be she was washed into a danger zone
Daniel Tran noticed her struggling in the water, he dived in after her and dragged her
to shore.
Carrie didn’t know how to thank him for saving her life, she didn’t have much of a
weapon, Daniel just asked for her to tag along for strength in numbers (that and he
could use some company), Daniel didn’t want to try and hit on Carrie, he knew she
already had a boyfriend; Tony White, who was in a different school and currently in
the student exchange program in Ireland, aside from that Carrie wasn’t really Daniel’s
type, he was hoping to have a relationship with a Japanese student; there were two to
choose from; Judy Mitsumoto (Female Student 7), and Natalie Nakagi, although he
kinda liked Judy better because he believes Natalie is too far out of his league, Daniel
was hoping to find Judy, Daniel didn’t really have much of a weapon, his supplied
weapon was a can of spray paint (black paint), although it would probably work at
point blank range to blind someone.
Carrie took out her map; their destination wasn’t too far away, maybe a zone away,
“Not far to…” she started to say when Daniel covered her mouth with his hand and
pulled her behind a fallen log, and made a “shhh” gesture with his finger. Carrie
peeked over the log, she could see Derek Weinster on the other side holding his Uzi
with both hands, and looking around, Derek defiantly heard a noise close by but he
didn’t know where it came from, he reached into the bag on his back scuffled around
in and pulled out his flashlight, Derek needed his flashlight he couldn’t see anything
in the darkness, he turned his flashlight on and surveyed the area, the light came close
to the log, Carrie quickly ducked down, Derek didn’t notice anything, Derek turned
his back to the log, Daniel saw his opportunity he grabbed a small pebble an threw it
the right of Derek, the pebble landed within some bushes, Derek immediately notice
the noise and ran in that direction allowing Carrie and Daniel to make their escape,
Derek didn’t notice either of them as he ran (east) towards the direction he heard the
Daniel was a little proud of himself, he remembered watching Lord of the Rings on tv
last week, which is where he got the idea, but now the both of them realised they
needed a new plan because Derek was way too close to the plant, they decided to head
to A2 which was behind a danger zone, and could provide cover for the two of them,
the downside to the plan was that they’d be cornered in that zone with no way to go
but the way they came or attempt a swim in the ocean.
19 Students Remaining
Countdown until power is restored 0:37:00
Chapter 40
8:50pm C8
Time Remaining until power is restored: 0:04:31
Adam Leigh finally reached the gold weapons shed, he delayed his trip to take a quick
look around when he thought someone was stalking him (which someone was,
Catherine was) he did so a few times, but the last time he did so was at least an hour
ago, Adam inserted the Gold Card into the reader, and the doors to the shed opened
Catherine wasn’t too far behind, she was still back in D8, she had her gun in her hand
and was going to use the element of surprise to ambush Adam whenever she could get
a clear shot.
Inside the shed was a large body suit, almost like a knights armour but more present
day looking, a nearby group of Post-it notes said the suit is armoured in a combination
of Titanium and Kevlar, that covers the entire body, it also has assorted sizes for the
chest, legs, and helmet, the helmet also has a bullet-proof visor, Adam couldn’t
believe his luck; he had two guns, a baseball bat, a sledgehammer, a rocket launcher,
and now an armoured body suit, “no way I can lose now” he thought to himself
Catherine saw Adam going through the different sizes of the suits, she knew that If
she was going to kill him she’d have to do it now, Catherine used the darkness to her
advantage, she slowly crept forth ready to fire when…
Time Remaining until power is restored: 0:00:00
The street lights and lamp posts came to life, Catherine positioned was compromised,
Adam immediately saw Catherine who had been blinded by the sudden lights, he
immediately grabbed one of his guns and fired at Catherine… and missed, Adam had
only put the pants of the suit and chest plate on, the rest of him was still exposed,
Catherine ran being a nearby tree and took pot shots at Adam, Adam raised one of the
smaller size chest plates and covered his face, Cath continued to fire until the clip ran
out of bullets, Adam quickly grabbed the rocket launcher he placed on the ground, as
Catherine struggled to reload her gun, she noticed Adam with the rocket launcher and
ran for life towards the south, Adam fired the launcher, just short of Catherine but
enough to knock her off her feet, she hit the ground hard in extreme pain, Adam
dropped the launcher and held his gun in front of him and fired shots from long range
into Catherine, eventually one shot struck Cath in the back of her head, killing her
Adam quickly finished putting on the rest of the suit, he realised he couldn’t leave the
spare sizes behind, he gathered some fallen branches from outside the shed and placed
them in a massive pile against the back wall of the shed, he also used spare clothes out
of Catherine’s bag, and Catherine’s body, he then gathered all the spare sizes of the
suit within the pile, one all the spare parts were in the pile of branches and leaves, he
grabbed Cath’s food, water, and gun and got at a safe distance, loaded the rocket
launcher with a new rocket, and fired it directly into the massive pile, most of the
pieces flew in different directions but the rest of it caught fire, the Kevlar parts of the
spare suit pieces caught fire, the shed didn’t burn to the ground because it was made
on thick concrete, Adam left the blaze and headed south to start looking for Simone,
the armour wasn’t as heavy as he thought it would be despite being covered from
head to toe, (although there was a tiny unprotected spot whenever he bent his knees)
but it wasn’t like anyone was going to notice, he felt invincible, he realised he now
has an extremely strong chance of winning the game.
Catherine Murrey (Female Student 9) dead
18 Students Remain
Power Restored
Chapter 41
9:00pm The Plane
“Sir we’re picking up some interference from the power plant” said a private on one
of the main consoles
“What is it?” asked Capper
“There are five students in the power plant at the moment, and their signals from their
collars appear distort and were receiving minimal signal, Electrical interference
maybe?” replied the Private
Capper took a look out one of the windows down onto the battle field; he noticed
some street lights turned on, and most of the building lighting up.
“The Power’s been restored” said Capper “That’s why we’re receiving interference”
“There’s more” said the Private “four of those students have not moved from their
spot since the power came back on, and the area will be a danger zone in two hours,
and another interesting fact is they have their collars covered, we’ve got no visual or
audio coverage on any of them”
“You think their up to something?” said another Private
“Send a warning signal to one of their collars, give them the impression we’re onto
them” Ordered Capper
“Yes sir” replied the first private, he gave the computer the command to send the
signal to Andy’s collar, but his collar didn’t receive the warning.
“No Luck” said the private “the interference is preventing us from sending any signals
of any type,”
“Can we at least manually detonate their collars?” asked Capper
“I doubt it,”
“What about when the area becomes a danger zone will their collars still detonate if
their still in B8?”
There was a long pause, and then the Private replied “I don’t know.”
With the power now restored the Internet line in the cable tunnel was now working,
Tirdad was now able to send his distress signal across the internet, he sent a video
message using Blu’s camera and uploading it to his computer via a USB cable he kept
in his bag, He sent the distress message to almost every News station across the globe
from CNN, ABC, SKY NEWS, News Online, every where, the message would take at
least an hour and 45 minutes to fully upload however,
Tirdad message claimed that their class was kidnapped by a rich group of terrorists
who are forcing the students to kill each other, he did not mention that they were
kidnapped by the United States government because he’s know that other countries
wouldn’t dare oppose them,
9:20 D7
Bre was almost ready to pass out, she had lost a lot of blood from losing her hand, she
returned to the Police station where Darcy and Lucy’s bodies were now covered in
flies, Bre had been walking around all day, she had to use her samurai sword as a
walking stick, she needed to rest.
Now that the power was back on the security system for the station could be activated,
because the system had not received any for five weeks the code needed to be reset,
Bre used a code only she would remember, she also removed the motion sensor from
one of the upstairs office, ripped out the cushions from the chair, at the computer
desks to make a bed, and finally went to sleep, something she really needed for a long
18 Students Remaining
Chapter 42
9:45 (8:45 Local time) 15 miles outside of Newcastle Australia
Sandra Overtez was on one of many busses transporting stranded passengers from
Brisbane to Sydney, Sandra hoped on board the last bus in to group of busses, the bus
was only half full weather as all the other busses were full, the seat next to her was
empty, in the seat across from her sat a teenage boy, who she couldn’t take her eyes
off, he was also on the plane from Dublin, the boy finally realised Sandra kept
looking at her
“Can I help you” the boy said with a southern accent, Sandra struggled to speak
“I… uhh…you’re American?” she asked,
“Uhh…yeah…I’m from Kansas, where you from?” he asked,
“I’m from Los Angeles” replied Sandra “I’m Sandra Overtez” introducing herself,
“Overtez” the boy replied “as in Jerry Overtez the famous film director?” he asked,
“That’s me” replied Sandra “What’s your name?”
“Tony” replied the boy extending his hand to shake Sandra’s hand “Tony White”
‘Tony White’ thought Sandra, she had heard that name before, but she couldn’t put
her finger on it, where had she heard that name from?
“BOOM” a loud explosion like noise was heard from underneath the Bus as it came to
a rolling stop on the side of road, the driver told all the passengers to quickly but
calmly exit the bus, while the driver inspects the loud noise, upon exiting the bus
passengers noticed smoke coming out from underneath the bus, the driver
immediately noticed that the engine had blown, he used a fire extinguisher to cool the
engine down in case it was on fire (which it wasn’t), he then used the bus radio to call
for assistance, but there was no answer cause the nearest bus base was closed, “well
folks” started the driver, “It looks like were stuck here until morning,” Moans were
heard among the passengers including Sandra and Tony.
Sandra was starting to worry, she should have meet up with the rest of the class hours
ago, she had no way of calling home, no way of calling her class, and she was now
stuck in the middle of nowhere, some field trip of a lifetime this turned out to be, If
only she knew how the rest of the class was doing, this wasn’t so bad compared to
what the rest of the class was stuck in.
18 Students Remaining
Chapter 43
10:20pm B8
Tirdad Was working away like there was no tomorrow, he had hit so many firewalls It
would be close to the 11:00pm deadline before he would finish because it took so
long to bypass them,
“How are we doing?” asked Shell who had just come back from watching the tunnel
entrance since Tirdad’s portable TV wasn’t working from the electrical interference
(Holly took over).
“It going to be close” replied Tirdad,
“Tirdad please hurry!” asked Andy “we’re running out of time, we’ve only got forty
minutes left”
“I know I know it’ll be close to the deadline” Tirdad paused (but kept typing) “I think
it would be best if you guys got out now!”
Andy and Shell both looked at Tirdad,
“No way man I’m not leaving you behind!” replied Andy
”Neither am I!” replied Shell, While saying this Both Andy and Shell were ready to
run away, Andy felt like he was starting to lose it,
Andy started pointing his gun at Shell the only other person who had a gun of any
sort, he disguised it by crossing his arms to hide any indication he was going to shoot
her, neither Shell nor Tirdad noticed Andy’s position of his gun, he started to squeeze
the Trigger when suddenly the lights turned red, and sound could be heard, and
CASPA came over the loud speaker repeatedly started saying “Emergency at Main
Reactor” then she started saying “Technician required at Reactor!” This caught the
attention of all three of them, Holly came running back to join them screaming
“what’s going on?”, Tirdad started slowing down but didn’t stop typing, Andy and
Shell were frozen not knowing what to do,
“Tirdad…Tirdad can you hear me?” said a faint voice covered in static, all four
student noticed the voice but didn’t determine who it was,
“Tirdad? Andy? Michelle? Holly? If any of you can hear me speak into your collar!”
said the voice again.
Andy noticed that the voice was coming from Tirdad’s Portable TV; He grabbed it
and loosened the shirt around his collar,
“Yeah I can hear ya, who is this? I can barely hear you” he said into his collar.
“This is General Capper, what the hell is going on down there?” The voice replied
“I was hoping you’d tell me the alarm just went off and we didn’t do anything”
snapped Andy
“Well this…” Cappers voice was interrupted by some strong static “…the four of you
and far away from the reactor to cause any deliberate damage,”
“Deliberate Damage?” Replied Andy,
“That means someone’s doing this deliberately” Followed Tirdad
“We could hear your friend from here, and he’s right! The Plant could possibly go
into Meltdown” explained Capper
“MELTDOWN, Oh crap” said a frightened Holly, her heart rate suddenly rose,
“Pressure exceeding safe zone, Unable to shut down automatically, Possible
Meltdown in… 10 minutes” Said CASPA over the loud speaker.
“Andy listen: You have to stop the Meltdown go to the outer room outside the reactor
it’s located just outside the border of A8 and B8 and release the safety valves just
outside the sealed room, they’re clearly marked so you shouldn’t have trouble finding
them, hurry If the plant goes into the meltdown not only will we die, but thousands of
other people on neighbouring Islands will also die as well! Watch out for the
“saboteur” he’s left the room you need to go to but he’s still close hurry and Good
Luck” Ordered Capper
“If I attempt to shut down the reactor I won’t have time to get out of B8 It’s the only
way out of the plant, after 11pm I’ll be trapped!” said Andy
“If you succeed we’ll postpone the danger Zone time to midnight is that good enough
for ya? Get going!” snapped Capper
“Wait I have one more question, the ‘saboteur’ who it he?” asked Andy, there was no
answer the TV went silent under the static,
“Ten Minutes remaining” Said CASPA
“Ok guy here’s the plan” Said Andy putting the shirt back over his collar “Shell; you
stay here and defend Tirdad while he works, Holly: You make your way to the
Control Room and guide me to the outer room!”
“Wait. You’re going alone?” said Shell
“I have to there’s no other choice, besides with Holly in the control room watching
the cameras I’ll have an advantage over this guy” explained Andy checking his pistol
“I’ll be fine!”
Tirdad stopped typing to talk to Andy “Good luck man, you can do it” he said,
“Take Care Andy!” said Shell kissing him on the cheek,
“Ok Holly lets do it!” said Andy as the two of them left the Tunnel, as they walked
off Shell loosened her collar to speak into it “By the way: my name’s Shell, not
Michelle, just Shell! Remember that ok!” she snared.
18 Students Remaining
Countdown: 9:00:00
Chapter 44
10:37 B8
Countdown 8:00:00
“Ok Andy make your way to the 1st floor and follow the signs to the outer room”
explained Holly over the loud speaker, the control room wasn’t too far away from the
cable tunnel Andy told Holly where it was, she could see Andy on the Security
monitor, she could also see the saboteur just a short distance form the outer room but
she couldn’t tell who it was, because the of the red alarm light, and also as soon as
Holly used the loud speaker he started hiding his face from the camera using his bag,
Holly realised that the saboteur was heading back to the outer room she could now see
that he was male, at about 5’10”, she still wasn’t sure who he was, “Make a right
Andy” Holly said over the Loud speaker as Andy approached a junction, It was at this
point Holly also noticed the “Saboteur” holding an object in his hand, and he threw it
at the Camera knocking out the monitor, “Andy the “Saboteur” is at the outer room,
and he just took out the security camera, so be extra careful” explained Holly.
“6 minutes, to main reactor meltdown” said CASPA, Andy had his pistol aimed the
way he was facing ready to shoot, he was really scared, He knew that if he did this he
could be killed, but if he didn’t everyone would be killed, there was so much sweat
coming down his forehead he was just about ready to pass out.
“Andy the hallway that leads to the outer room is just coming up on the right”
Explained Holly over the loudspeaker.
Andy finally made it to the hallway as he looked across he could see the “Saboteur”
but he was too far away to identify him, Andy aimed his pistol at the “Saboteur” fired
… and missed, the pistol was silenced but the “Saboteur” obviously heard the bullet
rebound off the wall, he ran into the outer room, Andy gave chase, just as he was
about to enter the outer room a crowbar, swung towards him and knocked the pistol
out of his hand, I was here that Andy discovered the Identity of the “Saboteur” it was
Michael Dixon (Male Student 2), Andy could obviously tell it was him from his
different eye colour’s (one eye blue, the other green) the red hair and blonde goatee,
His face was like a walking rainbow, But he was also the biggest bully in the school,
He paid out kids like Derek, Daniel, and he also Pick’s on Andy a lot, He was also
taller and a lot stronger than Andy.
Michael Swung his Crowbar at Andy again, Andy ducked and ran for his gun, but
Michael tripped him as he ran passed, Andy landed flat face first, he quickly rolled
onto his back, He saw the crowbar coming at him, he rolled to the side as the crowbar
hit the ground next to him, Michael dragged the crowbar towards Andy’s body hoping
to stab him with the curved metal tip, but Andy grabbed the Crowbar, Michael
however was really strong, and tried to shake off Andy’s hold, Andy made a cheap
move he bought his head in close and bit Michael’s Wrist as hard as he could,
“AAAAHHHHHH” screamed Michael releasing his grip on the Crowbar,
“4 minutes till main reactor meltdown,” said CASPA, Andy grabbed the crowbar and
backed away from Michael towards his gun, it was only at this point that he saw for
the first time: Michael was crying!
“Michael what the hell are you doing?” Asked Andy
“I can’t do it Andy, I can’t kill anyone without being able to no longer live with
myself, I have to do this” Replied Michael
“Michael I don’t understand, you’re one of the toughest kids in class, it’s rare to see
you crying,
“Bullying and Murdering are two completely different words, I bully you guys to
make me feel better, but I couldn’t kill anyone without killing myself, that’s why I’m
doing this,
“Michael you don’t understand, if the plant explodes thousands of other people will
die on neighbouring islands, do you want to be responsible for the deaths of all those
Michael was left speechless,
“Michael Tirdad, Shell, Holly and I may have found a way out of the game alive, it’s
a chance it might not work, but it’s the best thing we have than killing each other right
now, if we have the tough Michael we know, that chance of getting out of here will
“2 minutes, to main reactor meltdown,” said CASPA
“Michael first we have to stop the Meltdown, we have to open the safety valves to
stop the meltdown, said Andy, both he and Michael looked around for it, as Capper
said, they were clearly marked one safety on each side of the door leading to the main
reactor room, “Hurry” said Michael, “You get the one on the left I’ll get the one on
the right!”
Andy did as Michael said, the both turned the valve until the alarms shut off,
“Meltdown averted, all systems returning to normal” Said CASPA,
“Way to go Andy” said Holly over the loudspeaker, who couldn’t actually see Andy
because Michael took out the camera with the Crowbar, “I’m heading back to the
cable tunnel, Tirdad should be finishing up any time now, Meet us at the front
entrance, then we’ll get the hell out of here!”
“You here that Michael, we’re getting out of here!” said Andy, Michael began to
“What’s so …” began Andy but before he could finish a knife flew right at him, it
connected with his right arm and impaled it against a nearby pipe and causing him to
drop the crowbar, Andy saw that it was a pocket knife in his forearm,
”Aaaahhhh, What are you doing?” asked Andy in pain, Michael didn’t answer, he
grabbed Andy’s head and slammed it into the wall, Andy started seeing stars, Michael
pulled his pocket knife out of Andy’s forearm, he then grabbed a barley conscious
Andy, opened the door to the reactor room, and threw him in closing the door behind
Andy, the door had a window in it, Andy fully regained consciousness and ran for the
door, however, Michael jammed his Crowbar in between the handle and a nearby pipe
blocking his escape, Michael picked up the gun on the floor, As Andy screamed at the
top of his lungs “Let me out what are you doing?” Michael looked at Andy
“You were right Andy, if we have the tough Michael we know, we, more like ‘I’ have
a better chance of getting out of here, Thank you! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have
some ‘brainiaks’ I need to blow, Have a nice Roast Wiener, hahahahaha” chuckled
Michael as he left, “Noooooooo” cried Andy pounding the door with his strong arm.
18 Students Remaining?
Chapter 45
10:49pm B8
Tirdad had finally finished the Upload, he and Shell Packed up ready to go, Capper
said he’d postpone the area becoming a Danger Zone until midnight, but they weren’t
buying it, better safe than sorry, As they left they rendezvoused with Holly outside the
Control room,
“Ready to go?” asked Tirdad
“Yep, Andy will meet up with us at the Front door” explained Holly.
“What about the power?” asked Shell.
“I think we’ll have a better chance of survival with the power on, we should head for
the Police Station and camp out there, the Security system should keep us safe” said
“And hide like cowards?” snapped Holly.
“You got a better Idea that doesn’t involve killing others?” said Shell
Holly paused for a few second, “Good point, I could never do anything like that.”
The three of them arrived at the Front door and Andy was nowhere to be seen, the
three looked around worried, then they started to hear footsteps coming from another
hallway behind a corner,
“Hey Andy c’mon time to go!” Yelled Tirdad, Holly moved closer to the corner as
Andy came around.
Wait that wasn’t Andy that was Michael Dixon! Tirdad panicked, Michael raised his
Pistol and fired it at Tirdad, Tirdad clutched his chest and collapsed in pain, Michael
noticed Holly holding her pickaxe, she was standing close to him and she took a
swipe at him but Michael grabbed the pickaxe by the handle pulled Holly towards
him, and held her around her neck with her back to him, Michael also used his free
arm to point the Barrel of the gun at Holly,
“DROP IT!” Yelled Shell, raising her gun at Michael who held Holly in a sleeper
hold, Michael knew what kind of gun Shell had, it was a Magnum .38 Revolver, he
knew that the bullets in that gun were so powerful, they’d did through Holly and hit
him, But he couldn’t let Shell know that.
“Drop it?” asked Michael “what are going to do? Kill me?” he tightened his grip on
Holly she started to panic, tears started rolling down her face, “or her” he continued “I
think YOU should drop it” he suggested,
Shell started to panic, Tirdad was lying on the floor in pain, but she couldn’t help him,
otherwise Michael would kill Holly,
“I can’t do that,” said Shell “I won’t let you kill her,”
“Then let me ask you this” he said “Could you kill your best friend?”
“What makes you think I’ll miss?” asked Shell
“Well, your sweating, your shaking, you have a gun aimed at you best friend, I’d say
you have a better chance of killing her than me!” he thought “now be a good girl and
put the gun down?” he ordered
“Where’s Andy” asked Shell
“Oh he had to catch a barbeque!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” yelled Shell
“Ahh ahh ahh, do you want your friends brains on the roof?”
“Just Shoot!” said Holly to Shell, “You and Tirdad find Andy and get out of here,”
“Just shoot huh?” said Michael “Very we…” a loud Clunk like noise was heard,
Michael mouth filled up with blood, he dropped his gun and released his Hold on
Holly who rushed to Tirdad aid, the bullet had hit one of his ribs, he was going to be
alright, both him and Holly turned around to look at Michael as he fell to the ground
lifeless with a crowbar lodged in the back of his head, and standing behind Michael
… was Andy, only it wasn’t the Andy they recognized, his Hair was gone, most of his
flesh had literally fallen off, he was bleeding from many parts of his body and had
left a trail of blood, and he was shaking very badly, it was a very graphic site, Andy
fell to he knees, Shell rushed to his aid
“NO GET AWAY FROM ME” yelled Andy, Shell stopped right in her Tracks, Holly
felt like vomiting as did Tirdad and Shell,
“What happened” asked Tirdad who was starting to cry,
“I was locked in the reactor by Michael; I was exposed to high levels of Radiation”
said Andy, “Forget about me just get his stuff and go,”
“No we’re not leaving you behind” said Shell,
“You don’t have a choice, I won’t make it, and I think that dick General was only
going to postpone the Danger zone for whoever stops the meltdown, you’ve 5 minutes
get out of here while you still can, but Shell do me a favour, point your gun at my
head, and Shoot me!” said Andy,
“I can’t” said Shell who almost felt like breaking into tears,
“Then get Michael’s stuff and go,” snapped Andy
“But…” started Tirdad,
”GO NOW” Yelled Andy
Tirdad Grabbed Michael gun and Holly Grabbed his bag, Andy didn’t have his bag,
all three of them Started to cry,
“Thank you Andy” said Tirdad
“Give ‘em hell for me!” said Andy as he stopped breathing and fell to the ground
“No” cried all three of them, as they ran out the Door to avoid the possibility of a
danger zone, as the three of them crossed the border in to C8 all three of them broke
down into tears, Tirdad, was hurt the most, He had witnessed his best friend dying
right in front of him, and he couldn’t do anything, all three of them were immobilised
by the sadness of losing one of their friends, the friend that had just saved them,
Earlier Andy was pounding on the door as hard as he could he notice by doing that he
made the crowbar lodged in the door budge, he kept on hitting the door, as hard as he
could as he felt the effects of Radiation, eventually the Crowbar fell to the ground and
the door swung open, Andy grabbed it and hurried to the front door to save his
Michael Dixon (Male Student 2) and Andy Lewisham (Male Student 9) dead
16 Students Remain