Deborah Grand Chapter Order of Eastern Star PRINCE HALL ADOPTED COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA "PROTOCOL GUIDELINES" JANICE C. HARVEY, NO. 83 GRAND WORTHY MATRON JOSEPH H. LEE, NO. 53 GRAND WORTHY PATRON DR. MURPHY J. KELLER, III, NO. 20 MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTER Revised October 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROTOCOL GUIDELINES 1. DEFINITIONS 2. HEADS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA PRINCE HALL FAMILY 3. INTRODUCTIONS OF SUBORDINATE HEADS OF HOUSES 4. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR - LINE OF MARCH 5. SOCIAL FUNCTIONS A PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS B. PRINTED MATERIALS NUMBERS 1-3 6. SOCIAL FUNCTIONS B. PRINTED MATERIALS NUMBERS 4-5 C. SEATING ARRANGEMENTS 6-A 7. 8. CENTER LECTERN SOCIAL FUNCTIONS D. THE COMMITTEE E. SALUTATIONS F. INTRODUCTIONS NUMBER 1-10 SOCIAL FUNCTIONS F. INTRODUCTIONS NUMBERS 11 and 12 9. GENERAL PROTOCOL A. SALUTATIONS B. CALLING CARDS 10. GENERAL PROTOCOL C. THE EASTERN STAR LOGO (GRAND AND SUBORDINATE) D. ADOPTION BY A LODGE E. CHAPTER CHURCH SERVICE F. HOT LINE 11. GENERAL PROTOCOL G. DEATHS H. JOINT OBSERVATIONS 12. SUBORDINATE CHAPTER FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES 13. TICKETS - CHAPTER AND JOINT AFFAIRS 14. SOUVENIR JOURNAL COVER (CHAPTERS) 15. SOUVENIR JOURNAL COVER (JOINT AFFAIRS) DEFINITIONS PENNSYLVANIA PRINCE HALL FAMILY A. Social Protocol is defined as the rule of etiquette and ceremony, as applied to an aggregate group, living and functioning in society, i.e. Freemasonry. B. GENERAL PROTOCOL is defined as procedures that are established as proper and correct. C. Adopted is defined as, "to take into one's family, legally." 1. Order of Eastern Star D. Affiliated is defined as, "associated or united as a member or branch to a larger body." 1. Knights of Pythagoras E. Capitular is defined as, "of or pertaining to a Chapter, especially, to an Ecclesiastical Chapter." 1. 3. 5. 7. Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Royal and Select Masters PA Convent General USA 2. 4. 6. Heroines of Jericho Order of Cyrene Ladies of the Circle of Perfection F. Concordant is defined as, "existing in concord, agreeing, harmonious or friendly relations." 1. Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite 2. Order of Golden Circle G. Social Functions are prescribed to by Freemasonry, generally into various categories, such as fund raising, recognition and awards, social enjoyment and charity benefits, etc. Suggested activities include: Banquets, Dinners Dances, Food Sales, curio or Souvenir Sales, Bar-B-Ques and Teas. -1- ORDER OF PROTOCOL HEAD OF PA PRINCE HALL FAMILY 1. KNIGHTS OF PYTHAGORAS……………………………………..Grand Master Knight 2. ORDER OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE………….……..........State Grand Loyal Lady Ruler PA State Grand Assembly 3. ANCIENT ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE OF FREE MASONRY…………………………….…Illustrious Deputy of the Orient 4. ORDER OF CYRENE ……………………………..…….Most Royal Grand Commandress Most Royal Grand Court Most Royal Grand Chief Engineer 5. MASONIC KNIGHTS Templar………………………….Most Eminent Grand Commander 6. LADIES OF THE CIRCLE OF PERFECTION…………..…...Royal Grand Perfect Matron Esther Grand Court Royal Grand Chief Advisor 7. ROYAL & SELECT MASTERS …………………………………..…...Right Grand Thrice Prince Hall Grand Council Illustrious Master 8. HEROINES OF JERICHO, INC. ……………………………..Most Ancient Grand Matron Most Ancient Grand Court Worthy Grand Joshua 9. HOLY ROYAL ARCH MASONS ………………………Most Excellent Grand High Priest Most Excellent Grand Chapter 10. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR ……………………………….………Grand Worthy Matron Deborah Grand Chapter Grand Worthy Patron 11. MOST WORSHIPFUL PRINCE……………………………Most Worshipful Grand Master HALL GRAND LODGE -2- PROTOCOL INTRODUCTION OF SUBORDINATE BODY HEADS MALE BODIES FEMALE BODIES 1. PRINCE HALL MASONS Worshipful Master __________ _________Lodge No. _____ Brother ___________________ 1. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Worthy Matron ______________ ________Chapter No. _________ Sister _______________________ Brother _____________________ 2. CONSISTORY _______Consistory No. ______ Commander - In Chief Sublime Prince ______________ 2. ORDER OF GOLDEN CIRCLE Loyal Lady Ruler _______Assembly No. _________ Loyal Lady __________________ 3. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Eminent Commander ________Commandry No. _____ Sir Knight _____________________ 3. COURT OF CYRENE Royal Commandress___________ __________Court No. _________ Sister _______________________ Sir Knight ___________________ 4. ROYAL & SELECT MASTERS Thrice Illustrious Master _________Council No._________ Companion Guardian __________ 4. LADIES OF CIRCLE OF PERFECTION Royal Perfect Matron ___________Court No. __________ Royal Matron __________________ 5. HOLY ROYAL ARCH MASONS High Priest _________Chapter No. _________ Companion ___________________ 5. HEROINES OF JERICHO Most Ancient Matron ___________Court No. __________ Heroine _______________________ Companion ____________________ -3- ORDER OF EASTERN STAR - ORDER OF PROTOCOL Line of March Grand Worthy Matron Grand Worthy Patron Grand Associate Matron Grand Associate Patron Grand Conductress Grand Lecturer Grand Associate Conductress Grand Warder Past Grand Worthy Matrons & Past Grand Worthy Patrons Grand Treasurer Grand Secretary Grand Assistant Treasurer Grand Assistant Secretary Grand Trustees Grand Emeritus Grand Floor Appointees District Deputy Grand Matrons District Lecturers Grand Chairpersons Worthy Matrons Worthy Patrons Associate Matrons Associate Patrons Conductresses Associate Conductresses Past Worthy Matrons (No Past Worthy Patrons) NOTE: All male members of the OES will be in Masonic dress but not included in the Line of March. They will march with the Master Masons. Sisters of Subordinate Chapters For "Opening of Ranks," the order would be reversed. For Processional at Festive Days, and Chapter/Lodge of Sorrow, the Line of March would begin with the Grand Associate Matron and Grand Associate Patron. The Grand Worthy Matron and GrandWorthy Patron shall be escorted in LAST. EXCEPTION: When the Most Worshipful Grand Master or his representative is present, he shall be LAST. -4- ORDER OF EASTERN STAR PROTOCOL FOR SOCIAL EVENTS A. Preliminary Considerations 1. In arranging for Social Affairs, considerable thought and attention should be given, if extending an invitation to the Grand Worthy Matron, Grand Worthy Patron and/or the Most Worshipful Grand Master to be your guest. Do not send tickets. Their reception and entertainment are your responsibility, as well as the accommodations for their transportation, lodging and meals. These expenses are to be borne by the Host Chapter. 2. Whenever the Grand Worthy Matron, Grand Worthy Patron and/or Most Worshipful Grand Master are to be invited, the Affairs Committee should forward the request directly to those individuals at least 60 days prior to the affair. It could only help if more advance notice were given. 3. The letter of invitation should include as much information as possible, i.e. suggested type of dress, time, date, location, directions, lodging availability and date by which you would like to have a response. Do not say ‘If you are in the area’. B. Printed Material 1. At the bottom of the outside cover, the names should appear in this manner: NAME Chairperson NAME Co-Chairperson NAME Worthy Matron NAME Worthy Patron NAME Grand Worthy Matron NAME Grand Worthy Patron FULL NAME Most Worshipful Grand Master 2. 3. On the Program, there is only one National Anthem, which is "The Star Spangled Banner." Do NOT list the Negro National Anthem, only, if so desired, both may be sung. The National Anthem, first and then "Lift Every Voice and Sing." It must be listed as such. On the program, under introduction of guests, a male must be listed to introduce male dignitaries. -5- 4. The Most Worshipful Grand Master's name and title, appearing on printed material, should appear as: FULL NAME Most Worshipful Grand Master Do Not include: Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge. 5. C. NO ONE will make remarks after the Grand Master has spoken. Only the Benediction shall be given. SEATING ARRANGEMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The "Seat of Honor" shall be that seat which is NOT MORE THAN THREE (3) seats from the podium, on the right facing the audience. This seat is reserved for the Grand Worthy Matron, or her representative, when invited. The "Seat of Honor" shall be that seat which is NOT MORE THAN THREE (3) seats from the podium, on the left, facing the audience. This seat is reserved for the Most Worshipful Grand Master, or his representative, when invited. When other elected Grand Chapter Officers are present, they are to be seated, optionally at the Head Table, according to rank, or at a Special Table near the front. When other Grand Lodge Officers accompany the Grand Master and this was indicated before the affair, they are to be seated, optionally at the Head Table, according to rank, or at a Special Table near the front. The Worthy Matron should be seated in the first seat to the RIGHT of the podium, facing the audience. The Mistress/Master of Ceremonies should be seated in the first seat to the LEFT of the podium, facing the audience. The Chairperson of the affair should sit in the last seat to the LEFT of the podium, facing the audience. To facilitate the seating of the Head Table guests, as they are processed in, a Hostess should be assigned to stand behind the chair where they are to sit as each name is called. Name cards should be PRINTED, by hand or computer, and placed at each guest's table place. -6- D. THE COMMITTEE ALL printed materials must be checked and approved by your District Deputy Grand Matron before going to print. When tickets and programs are printed, the Worthy Matron must check ALL printed material against the copy approved by The District Deputy Grand Matron to ensure it is correct. Any tickets or programs with errors will be recalled by the District Deputy Grand Matron. E. SALUTATIONS See GENERAL PROTOCOL PAGE 8 F. INTRODUCTIONS 1. Introductions for the Prince Hall Family must be made in reverse order, i.e. least ranking officer first. 2. It is not necessary to have introductions at Chapter of Sorrow. 3. Introductions should only be made ONCE. If they are made during the procession to the Head Table, DO NOT repeat them. 4. Introductions should be limited to those at the Head Table. Exceptions: Elected Heads of the Prince Hall Family and other dignitaries not necessarily a part of the Masonic Family. 5. Acknowledgements or recognition may be made to groups of individuals; however, these should be limited to a simplistic form. 6. During Chapter affairs where the public is invited, the presentation of gifts, awards, love tokens, etc., for committee members are to be given in Chapter Meeting. The giving of gifts to others, not associated with the purpose of the event is not appropriate and should not be part of the program. 7. At no time, will the entire audience be raised for anyone other than the Grand Master. When the Grand Worthy Matron is announced or introduced only the members of this Order will be asked to rise. 8. The introduction of the Most Worshipful Grand Master, or his representative must be made by the most qualified Grand Lodge Officer present. Providing no one present fits the category, the Male Head of the hosting group will make the introduction. 9. When introducing the Grand Worthy Matron, where the public may be in attendance, the wording shall be used: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Grand Worthy Matron of Deborah Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Prince Hall Adopted, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Sister FULL NAME, will All members of the Order please rise". 10. When introducing the Grand Worthy Matron's representative, under like circumstances, this wording shall be used: -7- "Ladies and Gentlemen, the representative of the Grand Worthy Matron, TITLE, FULL NAME, will all members of the Order please rise". 11. When introducing the Grand Worthy Patron, where the public is in attendance, this wording shall be used: "Ladies and Gentlemen, the Grand Worthy Patron of Deborah Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Prince Hall Adopted, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Brother FULL NAME". 12. When introducing the Grand Worthy Patron's representative under like circumstances, this wording shall be used: "Ladies and Gentlemen, the representative of the Grand Worthy Patron, TITLE, FULL NAME -8- GENERAL PROTOCOL A. SALUTATIONS The Mistress or Master of Ceremonies shall give complete and full salutations, which depending on the level of the affair, the invitees, and those present, should include: Worthy Matron, Worthy Patron Grand Worthy Matron, Grand Worthy Patron, or their representative Heads of Prince Hall Family (Festive Day Programs or Chapter of Sorrow only) Honoree(s), if any Clergy Most Worshipful Grand Master *Complete salutations should be given by the Mistress/Master of Ceremonies, all others should address the audience as "Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening, (the appropriate time of day)." Don't give the salutations……………… B. CALLING CARDS Calling cards are a very important part of the Formal Presentation Procedure. All Grand Chapter Officers should have them, for their use, in making official visitations: Two cards should be given to the Sentinel. The Sentinel shall hand the cards to the Warder. The Warder shall announce to the Worthy Matron, the name and title of the visitor. The Warder shall give the cards to the Marshal The Marshal shall give one (1) card to the Worthy Matron, and one (1) to the Conductress. The Conductress shall use her card to introduce the visitor. The Worthy Matron shall use her card to greet the visitor. In the event that the visitor doesn't have a calling card, the Warder should have 3x5 cards. -9- C. DEBORAH GRAND CHAPTER D. ADOPTION BY LODGE 1. The Lodge should first write a letter requesting the adoption. 2. The Letter shall be read at a regular Chapter meeting. 3. The Letter shall then be held over until the next regular Chapter meeting. 4. The pending matter should be included in the monthly communication. 5. The adoption shall be voted on at the next regular meeting. 6. The manner of voting shall be a motion, a second, and a majority. E. CHAPTER CHURCH SERVICE 1. Special Dispensation is necessary, if you wish to attend in O.E.S. Regalia. 2. When requesting Dispensation, state the date, place and time of service. 3. If Dispensation is granted, the Worthy Matron and Officers may wear sashes. 4. If there is a procession, be sure to follow the correct Line of March. 5. To enlarge your attendance, it would be good to invite other Chapters and your Brother Lodge to the Service. F. HOT LINE 1. Hot Line should be established to be used in emergencies and other urgent situations. 2. Use dependable Officers and Members. 3. Have each person responsible for calling a specific number of members. 4. Have an updated Chapter Roster. Give a copy to each member of the Committee and to every member of the Chapter if possible. -10- SUBORDINATE CHAPTER G. DEATHS When there is a death of a member of your Chapter, these are the procedures to follow: 1. The Worthy Matron and/or Secretary should be notified immediately. 2. The Worthy Patron shall be notified who will, in turn, notify the District Lecturer. 3. The Worthy Matron, with the Worthy Patron (if possible) should visit the family as soon as possible. 4. Comply with the family's wishes regarding the O.E.S. Service. DO NOT insist on a Service. 5. If O.E.S. Services is REQUESTED, the Worthy Patron shall check with the Church Pastor for permission. 6. If permission is granted, the Worthy Patron should visit the church to check area for Service, also means of entrance and exit. 7. Once arrangements have been made, the Worthy Matron or, Secretary, shall notify Hot Line Chairperson, giving date of death, date, place and time of Service. 8. The Worthy Patron shall notify Burial Team, giving same information as in No. 7. 9. The Worthy Matron shall direct the Secretary to prepare a Resolution Resolution should include date deceased joined, term of service, work done for the good of the Chapter and the Order. 10. If any problems arise, the Worthy Patron shall contact the District Lecturer. SERVICE FOR A BROTHER 11. The regular Eastern Star funeral CANNOT be performed for a Male Member. A Memorial Service may be given prior to any Masonic service. (DGC Ritual p. 321) H. JOINT OBSERVATIONS The following procedures are to be used during an assembly of Female Members of the O.E.S. and Master Masons. 1. On Esther Day and at Chapter of Sorrow, the Master Masons are the guests, and are to be conducted into the Observance Area, prior to the entrance of the Sisters. 2. At the Chapter of Sorrow, where we have a Ritualistic Team, the Most Worshipful Grand Master, or his representative shall be conducted in, immediately proceeding the Team. 3. At the conclusion of the program, the Grand Master, or his representative will, under escort, be the FIRST to leave. -11- SUBORDINATE CHAPTER FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES Fund raising affairs and/or functions sponsored by a Subordinate Chapter using the name of Deborah Grand Chapter, the following applies: Any activity where a subordinate Chapter such as Banquets, Dinner Dances, Testimonials, Church Functions, Teas, Fashion Shows and Luncheons, no ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES shall be SERVED during the program. The Libation station must be closed from the beginning of the program until the end. All other activities such as Cabarets, Disco's, Private Clubs etc, must be given in the name of a Social Club or Group. If and when there is doubt as to the classification of the Function/Affair, contact the District Deputy Grand Matron. -12- S A MP L E T I C K E T SUBORDINATE CHAPTER 50TH ANNIVERSARY Sponsored By BANQUET CHRISTIAN CHAPTER NO. 929 ORDER OF EASTERN STAR PRINCE HALL ADOPTED COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Honoring NAME, PAST WORTHY MATRON ON Friday, February 28, 20__ MASONIC BANQUET HALL 4301 N. Broad Street - Meadville, Pennsylvsnia 7:30 p.m. - Donation $30.00 NAME, Chairperson NAME Worthy Matron NAME Grand Worthy Matron NAME Worthy Patron NAME Grand Worthy Patron NAME Most Worshipful Grand Master -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOINT AFFAIRS SECOND ANNUAL BANQUET Sponsored By AND THE FIFTEENTH MASONIC DISTRICT THE FIFTEENTH OES DISTRICT MOST WORSHIPFUL PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGE DEBORAH GRAND CHAPTER, OES, PHA COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA HONOREES NAME NAME PAST MASTER , NO. 205 PAST WORTHY MATRON, NO. 929 Saturday, February 28, 20__ MASONIC HOTEL 4301 North Broad Street - Ideal, Pennsylvania 6:30 P.M. - Donation $35.00 NAME, Chairperson NAME, Chairperson NAME Worshipful District Deputy Grand Master NAME Grand Worthy Matron NAME Distric Deputy Grand Matron NAME MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTER -13- NAME Grand Worthy Patron SAMPLE SOUVENIR JOURNAL COVER SUBORDINATE CHAPTER FIFTEENTH ANNIVERSARY BANQUET Sponsored By CHRISTIAN CHAPTER NO. 929 OF DEBORAH GRAND CHAPTER ORDER OF EASTERN STAR PRINCE HALL ADOPTED COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA HONOREE NAME PAST WORTHY MATRON Friday, February 28, 20___ MASONIC BANQUET HALL 4301 North Broad Street Meadville, Pennsylvania 88888 NAME CHAIRPERSON NAME WORTHY MATRON NAME WORTHY PATRON NAME GRAND WORTHY MATRON NAME GRAND WORTHY PATRON NAME MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTER -14- SAMPLE SOUVENIR JOURNAL COVER JOINT AFFAIR SECOND ANNUAL BANQUET Sponsored By THE FIFTEENTH MASONIC DISTRICT AND OF THE MOST WORSHIPFUL PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGE AND THE FIFTEENTH OES DISTRICT DEBORAH GRAND CHAPTER, OES, PHA COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA HONOREES NAME PAST MASTER NO. 205 NAME PAST WORTHY MATRON, NO. 929 Saturday, February 28, 20 ____ 6:30 P.M. MASONIC HOTEL 4301 North Broad Street Ideal, Pennsylvania 11111 NAME CHAIRPERSON NAME CHAIRPERSON NAME WORSHIPFUL DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER NAME DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MATRON NAME GRAND WORTHY MATRON NAME GRAND WORTHY PATRON NAME MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTER -15-