Cellular Respiration Carbon dioxide and water are two of the most common and energetically stable compounds found in nature. Thus, energy is released when complex molecules that contain carbon and hydrogen are chemically converted to carbon dioxide and water. The burning of methane fuel (natural gas) is a dramatic example of this type of energy-yielding conversion: 1CH4 + 2O2 1CO2 + 2H2O + 213,000 calories (energy) This is an oxidation reaction because oxygen combines with another substance (methane in this example), with the release of energy during the reaction. Cell respiration is the process by which organisms oxidize food items to CO2 and H2O. Energy is released during this process. Cell respiration differs greatly from combustion, however, in that the energy of respiration is released in a controlled fashion through a series of small steps (chemical reactions). This sequential breakdown of food items permits some of the energy from the food to be transferred to “high energy” compounds like ATP instead of being entirely dissipated as heat. The ATP, in turn, is used to provide energy that is needed to drive reactions in the cell. The most common fuel for respiration in plants and animals is the six-carbon sugar glucose, which is often available via the breakdown of other complex carbohydrates, such as starch. Starch is the major storage form of glucose in plants. In cellular respiration glucose is oxidized to carbon dioxide with the release of energy: C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6 H2O + 674,000 calories (energy) All those calories that are released are either transferred to other reactions to form ATP, or are lost as heat. For many reasons it would be useful if we could measure the rate of respiration. Fortunately, there are several ways in which this can be performed in the laboratory: Heat Production – not all the energy released in respiration is converted to ATP. The remainder is given off as heat, which can be measured over time to give an estimate of the rate of respiration. This source of heat, in fact, is what maintains your relatively high body temperature. But, in plants, this loss of heat is largely just wasted energy that is dispersed into the environment. Liberation of Carbon Dioxide – the rate of respiration can be determined by measuring the amount of CO2 given off over a period of time. Oxygen Consumption – the rate at which oxygen is consumed is a generally accepted index of the rate of respiration. This is the method we will utilize in lab, by the use of a simple respirometer (see Figure below). The respirometer consists of a sealed chamber attached to a calibrated tube. Actively respiring tissue is placed in the chamber along with a smaller tube containing potassium hydroxide (KOH). A drop of water is then placed into the top of the calibrated tube. As CO2 is produced by the tissue it is absorbed by the KOH to form potassium carbonate. Thus, as oxygen is consumed by the respiring tissue, the volume of air in the chamber and calibrated tube decreases because the CO2 in the respired air is being absorbed. This decrease in volume will be observed by noting the movement of the drop of water down the calibrated tube. By observing this volume change per unit of time an estimate of the rate of oxygen consumption can be determined, in ml of O2 per minute The seeds of flowering plants are typically resistant structures in which embryonic plants are enclosed. The outer layer of the seed is called the seed coat, which protects the embryo from adverse environmental conditions. The seeds of most flowering plants are similar in that each contains a seed coat, an embryo, and some form of food storage tissue. The food for the development of the embryo is largely located in the tissue called endosperm. The cells of the endosperm are rich in stored protein, and especially rich in starch. Mature seeds have a low water content and the cells of the embryo are dormant. The cells of the seed can be activated by changes in environmental conditions, particularly an increase in the moisture content of the atmosphere and/or soil. This activation of the cells of the seed is called germination, and it begins by the uptake of water (the imbibition phase) and progresses to the point of protrusion of the embryonic root from the seed. In peas and barley, which we will use today, germination requires 24-48 hours under ideal conditions. OBJECTIVE: to measure the oxygen consumption in germinating peas and barley seeds at different environmental temperatures. PRE-LAB PREPARATIONS Barley seeds were germinated 2-3 days in advance of lab by soaking mature seeds on wet paper towels. Additional seeds were boiled, then cooled, to serve as non-respiring controls. Three water baths were prepared in which your experiments will be conducted. The purpose of the water baths is to maintain different temperatures for the experiment. Water baths will be held at these temperatures: Bath 1, 0-3 degrees C; (cold) Bath 2, 10-13 degrees C; (cool) Bath 3, 20-25 degrees C, and (room) A number of respirometer parts have been assembled. Your group will be assigned specific tissues and a particular water bath for incubating your seeds. For this experiment you will work in groups of three. Each group will be assigned a Group number. We will run a replicate of each tissue at each temperature. A control respirometer will be assembled for each temperature, as well. Groups will be assigned a tissue type and a temperature as follows: Group 01 Barley at cold temperature #1 Group 02 Barley at cold temperature #2 Group 03 Barley at cool temperature #1 Group 04 Barley at cool temperature #2 Group 05 Barley at room temperature #1 Group 06 Barley at room temperature #2 PROCEDURES 01. Obtain the components for assembling a respirometer. Refer to the figure above. 02. Using a waterproof pen, mark a line 5 cm from the top of the 25 ml tube. 03. Fill the tube to this line with the seeds assigned to your group. The seeds should fill the tube to the line, but not be packed into the tube. All groups should be consistent in how they fill their tubes. 04. Fold a small piece of white tissue (about the size of a postage stamp) several times and place it into the 1.5 ml tube. 05. Using a transfer pipet CAREFULLY add about 0.5 ml of KOH to the tube, allowing it to soak into the paper towel. DO NOT allow any of this base to leak out of the tube. The KOH is a caustic base and will damage clothes, furniture, and your skin (or the seeds). Handle it carefully. If an accident occurs where KOH contacts your skin or clothes, wash at once with water. Notify the instructor of any spills. 06. Gently lower the 1.5 ml tube with KOH into the large glass tube so that it rests on the seeds. Be sure to keep the tubes upright at all times. 07. Place the stopper with the attached calibrated tube into the top of the large tube and push down gently to form an air tight seal. Handle only the rubber stopper. Pressure on the calibrated tube may break the airtight seal. Use gentle pressure only. Push too hard and the tube may break, causing injury. Use caution. 08. If a control tube has not already been assembled, prepare a second tube to serve as a control for your experiment. Obtain some of the boiled seeds and assemble a respirometer following the same instructions above. N.B. Only the first lab group of the 09. 10. 11. 12. day need prepare a control. Other groups during the same day may use the already prepared control. Place your assembled respirometers into the designated water bath, and allow at least ten minutes for temperature equilibration. The respirometer must remain upright or just slightly tilted in the water bath during the entire balance of this experiment. DO NOT remove the respirometer from the water bath for the rest of the experiment After equilibration a drop of water must be placed in the top portion of each calibrated tube. This drop will allow you to monitor the oxygen consumed. Draw water into a small pipet and place the tip of the pipet in the calibrated tube a few mm from the open end of the tube. Gently squeeze the bulb to expel one drop of water. When done properly, the drop should be held near the end of the tube by surface tension. If the drop runs down the tube, draw it out with the pipet and try again. The drop should now be near the first calibration line. Wait 2-3 minutes more and record to the nearest 0.01 cc the position of the drop of water in each tube. Record this as Time Zero. Take readings in this manner every three minutes until at least eight readings have been taken. Record the data for your Group in Table 1 below. Note that 1 cc of water = 1 ml a. If your indicator drop moves the entire length of the calibrated tube it will be necessary to start a second drop. Simply add a second drop to the tube at an appropriate time interval and record the position and change in position for the new drop for the balance of the experiment Record the cumulative oxygen consumption for all groups in Table 2 below, then calculate the mean change for seeds at each temperature. Use the data from Table 2 for your analysis to be performed later. a. You must allow for any change that occurred in the control tube. Any oxygen consumption that was measured in the control must be SUBTRACTED from the cumulative consumption of the experimental tube at the same temperature. b. The control is non-respiring tissue and therefore, should not consume oxygen. Any change in gas volume in the control respiromenter is due to changes in temperature during the experiment. c. From the table, determine the mean (average) oxygen consumption for replicate tubes held at the same temperature, and record in the appropriate column of the table d. The graphs will display the data for mean cumulative oxygen consumption vs. time for all temperatures for each seed type. Each group will graph the data for all groups. e. Table 3 will be oxygen consumption rates for each tissue. For this, use the total mean cumulative oxygen consumed. ASSIGNMENT: Each group will hand in a completed Table 2, Graphs, and Table 3 Table 1. Drop position, change in position over each time interval, and cumulative change in drop position for experimental and control seeds Seed type: __________________________ Time (minutes) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 Drop position Control Change since last reading Control Cumulative change in position Control Drop position Experimental Change since last reading Experimental Cumulative change in position Experimental Table 2. Cumulative change in oxygen consumption for respiring seeds. NAMES: YOUR GROUP # ______ SEED TYPE: __________________ Time Cumulative Cumulative change change Group 1 Group 2 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 Mean cumulative change (cold) Cumulative change Group 3 TEMPERATURE: ______________ Cumulative change Group 4 Mean cumulative change (cool) Cumulative change Group 5 Cumulative change Group 6 Mean cumulative change (room) 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Cumulative mean oxygen consumption (ml) ANALYSIS In the space below, graph the mean cumulative oxygen consumption vs. time for all three temperatures. Label the different temperatures of incubation clearly. Use only data that has been corrected for changes in the controls. 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Time (minutes) 27 30 Finally, from your data, and the data from the other groups, determine the oxygen consumption rates for each tissue at different temperatures. Table 3. Oxygen consumption rates for peas and barley. Group # Temperature Total O2 Consumed (ml) Mean total O2 consumed (ml) Mean rate of O2 consumption (ml/min) 1 2 3 4 5 6 What do you conclude about the effects of temperature on respiration?