Yoga for Pregnancy Prospectus

Yoga Therapy & Training Centre (YTTC)
Yoga for Pregnancy Diploma Course
Majella Mc Intyre
The fundamental aims of yoga are increasing flexibility and mobility while decreasing
tension and stress. These are perfectly compatible with the needs of mothers-to-be and their
babies. Learn how to make your class suitable for pregnant students with specially chosen
asanas and modifications. Learn essential birth-breathing and relaxation techniques.
Guidance on how to prepare the mum-to-be during pregnancy, labour and birth giving with
yoga movements.
Pregnancy and yoga are a good match! Why? Many of us agree that 'yoga is a complete
approach to life' and if you ask any pregnant woman, a mother or a father they will tell you
the same: having a baby is a complete new approach to life or at least it will change the
approach to life. Pregnancy is a time of transition, new sensations, new experiences and new
limits too - you can say the same about a general yoga practice.
The beauty of the adaptability of yoga will be our guide during this training and the
importance that pregnancy is not a 'condition' but a transformation - a different state of the
female body and that the right yoga practice is not only very beneficial for the body and mind
but a possibility to find a safe support system for this transformation.
The Aims of the Yoga for Pregnancy Diploma Course are:
1. To provide a foundation on prenatal yoga on which yoga teachers can develop and
evolve a class for pregnant yoga students.
2. To build on the yoga teacher’s knowledge of yoga for pregnancy.
3. To provide yoga teachers with the knowledge, skills and attitude to teach prenatal
yoga safely, confidently and professionally.
4. To produce prenatal yoga teachers who take responsibility not only for their own
physical, mental and spiritual health, but also for their pregnant students.
Course Duration:
The course duration is 4 days. Home assignments and case studies will form part of the
Entry requirements:
Candidates must be fully qualified or currently training as yoga teachers and hold current
YTTC membership ( £40 ).
Prenatal yoga trainee teachers are required to attend all tutorials. Punctuality and
commitment are expected throughout the course, and in keeping with the ethos of yoga
philosophy, trainee prenatal teachers will be expected to show awareness both “on and off the
Assignments are given on the first weekend of the course and are designed to equip the
prenatal yoga trainee teacher with the necessary skills to enable them to teach safely and with
Teaching practice will take place throughout the course and trainee prenatal teachers are
encouraged to make arrangements with qualified prenatal yoga teachers to assist in their class
in order to gain valuable extra teaching practice. Course tutors will advise on this.
As well as providing each student with the necessary skills for teaching yoga for pregnancy,
the course gives an excellent opportunity for personal development and growth.
Evaluation sheets are provided at the beginning of the course and are available for on-going
feedback at the student’s discretion.
A Yoga for Pregnancy Diploma will be awarded on successful completion of the course.
Finally, we want you to enjoy the course, and the YTTC prides itself in providing a relaxed
and supportive environment. Majella is very approachable and available at all times to give
advice and support. It is hoped that you will make many new friends on the course.
Course Content:
Adaptability of the traditional asana posture.
Restorative Yoga - Techniques of propping for the pregnant student.
'Micro-Movements' and 'Free Flow' - prenatal yoga practice
This will include a range of loosening, limbering, strengthening, and quietening
postures base on the classical yoga asanas.
Pranayama - Breathing Techniques - Work with the breath and its adaptability for labour
Alternate Nostril Breathing
Full Yogic Breath
Ujjayi Breath
Cooling Breath
Meditative breathing practices that exert an influence on the physical, emotional and
mental structure.
Relaxation - Relaxation Techniques - from awareness to mindfulness
This will include simple methods of relaxation and the ancient Tantric art of Yoga
Anatomy of the pregnant body
The female pelvis
Pelvic floor
Anatomy of birth-giving
The YTTC reserves the right to re - schedule this course should insufficient numbers