Organizing Compare Contrast Paragraphs

Organizing Compare Contrast Paragraphs
Comparing Two Subjects in Two Paragraphs
Block Format
When using the block format for a two-paragraph comparison, discuss one subject in the first
paragraph and the other, in the second.
Paragraph 1: The opening sentence names the two subjects and states that they are very similar, very
different or have many important (or interesting) similarities and differences. (Be sure to identify the
source of your subjects.)
The remainder of the paragraph describes features of the first subject without referring to the second
Paragraph 2: Opening sentence must contain a transition showing you are comparing the second
subject to the first. (e.g. "Unlike (or similar to) [subject #1], [ subject #2]...
Discuss all the features of subject #2 in relation to subject #1 using compare/contrast cue words such
as like, similar to, also, unlike, on the other hand for each comparison.
End with a personal statement, a prediction, or another snappy clincher.
The following words can help you to write a good compare and contrast paragraph:
Helper Words:
Complete and turn in the following:
is similar to
the other hand
in contrast
as well
differs from
the Venn diagram
the outline on the back of this handout
a draft of your two paragraphs
a final draft of your two paragraphs
DUE DATE:_______________________
Compare & Contrast Paragraphs Outline
I. Paragraph 1
A. Topic Sentence—Name the two subjects and state that they are very similar, very different
or have many important (or interesting) similarities and differences. (Be sure to explain the
source of the subjects.):_____________________________________________
B. Supporting Sentences—Describe all the selected features (at least three) of the first
subject without referring to the second subject.
1. First feature:_______________________________________________________
2. Second feature:_____________________________________________________
3. Third feature:______________________________________________________
C. Concluding Sentence—Conclude your thoughts about subject #1:____________________
II. Paragraph 2
A. Topic Sentence—The opening sentence must contain a transition showing you are
comparing the second subject to the first. (e.g. "Unlike (or similar to) [subject #1],
[subject #2]... :_____________________________________________________________
B. Supporting Sentences—Discuss all the features of subject #2 in relation to subject #1
using compare/contrast cue words such as like, similar to, also, unlike, on the other hand
for each comparison.
1. First feature of subject #2 in relation to first feature of subject #1:________________
2. Second feature of subject #2 in relation to second feature of subject #1:___________
3. Third feature of subject #2 in relation to third feature of subject #1:______________
C. Concluding Sentence—End with a personal statement, a prediction, or another snappy