CHM 221 - Northeast Alabama Community College

Northeast Alabama Community College
Fall 2013-2014
CHM 221
4 Semester Credit Hours B
Organic Chemistry I
6 Contact Hours
Course Description
This is the first course in a two-semester sequence designed to introduce the student to the basic
concepts of organic chemistry. Topics included are the nomenclature, reactions, mechanisms and
preparation of typical organic compounds. Laboratory techniques of organic chemistry and
synthesis of representative compounds are emphasized in the laboratory.
CHM111, CHM112
Course Textbooks, Manuals, or Other Required Materials
Carey, Francis A & Giulliano, Robert M. (2010). Organic Chemistry (8thed). New York, NY:
McGraw Hill.
Course Learning Outcomes
After completing CHM 221, Organic Chemistry I, the student will be able to:
A. Describe how the structure of a chemical compound affects the physical and chemical
properties of the compound.
B. Demonstrate an understanding of the reactions, nomenclature, and stereochemistry of the
C. Demonstrate a basic understanding of thermodynamics, equilibrium, and kinetics.
D. Demonstrate an understanding of the reactions, nomenclature, synthesis, stereochemistry, and
mechanisms of the alkyl halides.
E. Demonstrate an understanding of the reactions, nomenclature, stereochemistry, synthesis, and
mechanisms of unsaturated compounds.
F. Demonstrate an understanding of the reactions, nomenclature, synthesis, and mechanisms of
Activities Promoting General Education Outcomes
A. Problem solving – Students will solve problems related to the chemical concept under study.
B. Quantitative reasoning – Students will analyze, evaluate and predict solutions to advanced
problems in organic chemistry.
C. Critical thinking – Students will use appropriate theories and conceptual models to predict the
products of organic reactions and propose strategies for the synthesis of organic compounds.
Outline of Course Topics
A. Lecture Topics
1. Review of selected general chemistry topics
2. Introduction to functional groups
3. Alkanes—nomenclature, physical properties, conformations, reactions
4. Cycloalkanes—cis-trans isomerism, ring strain, conformations of cyclohexane, bicyclic
5. Study of organic reactions—equilibrium, kinetics, free energy, thermodynamics,
6. Stereochemistry—chirality, stereoisomers, enantiomers, (R) and (S) nomenclature,
optical activity, Fischer projections, diastereomers, meso compounds, resolution of
7. Alkyl halides—nomenclature, structure, physical properties, synthesis, substitution
reactions, elimination reactions, reaction stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms
8. Alkenes—unsaturation, nomenclature, structure, physical properties, Saytzeff rule,
synthesis, Markovnikov’s rule, reaction stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms,
regioselective reactions
9. Alkynes—structure, nomenclature, physical properties, synthesis, reactions
10. Alcohols—structure, nomenclature, physical properties, synthesis, Grignard reagents,
B. Laboratory Topics
1. Check in, laboratory safety guidelines
2. Melting Points
3. Crystallization
4. Simple distillation
5. Fractional distillation
6. Steam distillation
7. Extraction—isolation of caffeine
8. Thin-layer chromatography
9. Synthesis of t-butyl chloride
10. SN2 synthesis of 1- bromobutane
11. Reactions of alcohols
12. Biosynthesis of ethanol
13. Synthesis of cyclohexene
14. Synthesis and reactions of acetylene
15. Lab Final, Check Out
VII. Methods of Instruction
Chemistry laboratory
Blackboard (Homework/Tutorials)
Power Point Presentations
VIII. Evaluation and Assessment
A. Procedures for Assessment of Student Achievement
1. Written examinations
2. Laboratory Reports
3. Formal Lab Reports
4. Homework
5. Comprehensive final
Grades will be given based upon A = 90 – 100%, B = 80 – 89%, C = 70 – 79%, D = 60 – 69%,
and F = below 60%.
B. Departmental Assessment of General Education Outcomes
1. Cognition--Problem solving skills will be measured by an exercise on the calculation of
empirical and molecular formulas for typical organic compounds. Students will
demonstrate attainment of the general education outcome of Cognition-Problem solving
skills by scoring at least 70% or higher on the selected exercise.
2. Quantitative reasoning will be assessed by selected test questions on conformational
analysis of butane and cyclohexane. Students will demonstrate attainment of the general
education outcome of Cognition--Quantitative reasoning skills by attaining a score of
at least 70% or higher on the selected test questions.
3. Critical thinking will be assessed by a quiz on competition between SN1, SN2, E1, and E2
reaction mechanisms of the alkyl halides. Students will demonstrate attainment of the
general education outcome of Cognition-Critical thinking skills by scoring at least 70%
or higher on the selected quiz.
4. Assessment of all sections of Chemistry 221 will occur at least once every five years.
The assessment will consist of selected laboratory exercises and tests as indicated
above. Each instructor will complete the appropriate form documenting student
learning outcomes and submit it to the division director.
C. Use of Assessment Findings
During the Fall In-service of the year following the scheduled review of CHM 221, a
committee will review all course assessment materials submitted by the instructors and
division director. The committee will submit a report of any recommended curriculum
changes for CHM 221 to the division director, who will then submit them to the Student
Learning Outcomes (SLO) Committee. Upon approval by the SLO Committee, a copy will
be filed with the Office of Institutional Planning and Assessment.
Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered. Students who are unable
to attend class regularly, regardless of the reason or circumstance, should withdraw from that class
before poor attendance interferes with the student’s ability to achieve the objectives required in the
course. Withdrawal from class can affect eligibility for federal financial aid.
Statement on Discrimination/Harassment
NACC and the Alabama State Board of Education are committed to providing both employment
and educational environments free of harassment or discrimination related to an individual’s race,
color, gender, religion, national origin, age, or disability. Such harassment is a violation of State
Board of Education policy. Any practice or behavior that constitutes harassment or discrimination
will not be tolerated.
Statement of Adherence to ADA Guidelines
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
state that qualified students with disabilities who meet the essential functions and academic
requirements are entitled to reasonable accommodations. It is the student’s responsibility to
provide appropriate disability documentation to the College.