
 The most important legislation post-independence
 For the first time, it has empowered people to say no to bribes and their day to day work done
without harassment
 People keeping check on government expenditure on roads, streets and other developmental
works in their own areas
 Empowers people to question and intervene in state and national policies
Unfortunately, this historic opportunity to transform India is being threatened by the very people who are
entrusted with its implementation. The Central Information Commission has been explicitly set up to serve RTI.
They have a mandate to promote transparency by honestly implementing the RTI Act. Sadly, the Commission,
headed by Mr. Wajahat Habibullah has, instead, been passing order after order to promote secrecy.
Someone applied for a petrol pump which was denied. Suspecting foul play he asked to see the
manner in which the interview board had evaluated the applicants and how much marks did
each one get. This information was refused by the Commission saying it would violate the
privacy of applicants.
Someone made a complaint of corruption against an officer. After a few days, he filed an RTI
application to know the action taken on his complaint. This was rejected saying it would violate
the privacy of that officer.
 Thousands of students commit suicides every year because they feel they got much less marks
than they deserve. When some students asked for copies of their evaluated answer sheets, they
were refused.
Whereas RTI Act allows disclosure of all the above, the Commission refuses to provide such information.
One of the most important reasons why RTI Act works, when no other law has worked in Independent
India is that for the first time, it provides a compulsory imposition of penalty on the official who does not
provide correct information in time. The Commission refuses to impose any penalty on officers, because
it appears that their sympathies lie with the bureaucracy rather than the public. This has emboldened
officials, who are now beginning to routinely violate the RTI Act
Let us stop them from ruining this historic opportunity! Send letters and emails to:---The President, requesting him to order an inquiry into the conduct of Central Information Commission under
Section 14 of the RTI act. If found guilty they should be replaced by some retired supreme court judges.
---The Prime Minister and Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, requesting them to urge the President to do so since he is the
one who has the authority to take this action.
---Mr. Habibullah, Chief Information Commissioner, requesting him not to ruin this historic opportunity.
Though RTI is the most significant step post independence, however, this is not sufficient. Much more needs to
be done. We plan to undertake research in the following areas:
1. Study anti-corruption laws and machinery: After people expose corruption through RTI and complain to
the Government about it, no action is taken on that. Our preliminary study shows that there are glaring
deficiencies in our anti-corruption laws and in the structure and administration of vigilance and investigative
machineries. We plan to study them in great detail. Maybe the study would lead to filing of several Public
Interest Litigations (PILs).
2. Local self governance: Work out a model of local self governance, which enables people to run their own
small areas or colonies. All decisions should be taken by the people collectively through General Body
Meetings, and not by any politician or a bureaucrat. The people should decide how much money should be
spent on what and they should have the power to penalize officials who do not function or indulge in corruption.
That would be real democracy, when the people will run their own areas. We plan to develop a model for local
self governance for urban areas, and then persuade the Government to implement it.
3. Economic policies of the Government: Some of the economic policies being pursued by the Government
are hurting the poor very hard. For instance, land is being snatched from poor farmers at throw away prices and
handed over to rich industrialists to set up Special Economic Zones. Homes of millions of poor people are being
demolished in cities rendering them homeless. We plan to study some of these policies of the Government.
4. Judiciary: Nothing would work unless judiciary starts delivering. What ails judiciary? Lot of studies have
already been done on this issue. We would like to develop an understanding on this issue and strategize how to
demand judicial reforms from the Government.
Support Right to Information related work in India:Most activists and organizations working in this area are sustained by local contributions and
volunteers. However funds are critically needed for:
1. Media campaigns, newspaper ads, etc.
2. Logistical support for workshops, conferences, etc.
3. Conducting research on government policies
4. Basic sustenance for individuals who are engaged full time in this
Express your solidarity and commitment by making a contribution to the best of your ability
Please write your check to India Friends Association and send to:
2261 El Nido Court, Camarillo, CA 93010. Write “RTI” in the memo.
IFA is a non-profit organization tax-exempt under section 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an
organization described in section 501 (c) (3).