ERKEN LABORATORY 2004 Characterizing Phosphorus Concentration in the outflow of Lake Erken (River Järsöströmmen) Authors: Martin Kask – Estonia Zanda Ceirane – Latvia Supervisor: Karen Moore 39 INTRODUCTION This research is concentrating on the outflow of Lake Erken. The lake has only one major outflow – River Järsöströmmen (Figure 1.). In October 2003, a new sampling site at Norr Järsö was established. Between this site and the traditional sampling site (Utloppet) a difference in phosphorus has been noticed. These differences might be smaller than the differences within a site. We decided to test for differences within and between stream outflow sites. In addition the current monitoring sites, we looked at other locations between and downstream near a main road. A dam located between the established monitoring sites might also influence water chemistry, so it might be one of the factors that account the change between upstream and downstream phosphorus concentration. Samples from both places and between them will be taken and compared. There is a road and runoff (street sweepings of crud that accumulates between rainfalls) from it may increase the phosphorus budget though the road is not between the two major sites. In the past, samples were collected from one location from the stream channel. This may not be representative across the whole stream cross section. Our study examines the variability in total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (PO4) for a two week period in June 2004. Water samples were also analysed for turbidity (cloudiness) to get an idea of how much sediment was suspended in the water. Phosphorus is often sorbed onto sediment and soils particles that may wash in from the surrounding landscape. Hypothesis: ¤ There is no significant different in phosphorus concentration between sites at the outflow of Lake Erken. Research questions: ¤ Is there any significant different between two outflow monitoring sites for Lake Erken? ¤ Does the dam and road have effect on phosphorus budget? ¤ Where is the optimal place to take the samples from? 40 MATERIALS & METHODS Samples from different parts of river Järsöströmmen were taken in two dates (22/06/04 9:15 - 11.00 and 29/06/04 9:15 - 10:45). Altogether there was four samples (Figure 2.) from five different places (Figure 3), including the sampling stations. A fibreglass pole with a bottle attached to it and rubber boots (Figure 4 - 9) were used to obtain 20 different samples all of the volume 250 ml into plastic bottles, with very little space for air. Fifty ml of water from all the samples was filtered (Figure 12) into empty 250 ml plastic bottles. Bottles were stored in a dark fridge (+4 °C) for ~ 9h. Then (22/06/04 20:12 and 29/06/04 14:33) the Murphy & Riley’s method, was used on the filtered samples to determine the concentration of PO4. After 24h the turbidity was measured with turbidity meter and samples were put back to the fridge. In 26/06/04 22:44 and 30/06/04 15:52 the total phosphorous was measured. To compare the results of tests we used programs Microsoft Excel and Statistica (ANOVA). Overview of ANOVA (references 2 and 4): Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to test for significant differences between means of groups called factors or effects. Variances are divided into two parts: the factors or effects used to explain variation in a measured variable (such as phosphorus concentration) and the error variance due to variation within a group. The sum of squares (SS) for each effect is the variance we can explain due to differences in means between groups. The error SS is the amount of variance that cannot be accounted for by the effects used in an ANOVA model (Statistica 2004). In the case of our outflow data, the groups or effects in our ANOVA model are the 5 locations along the stream from the lake to the downstream site at the road (called “Place”) and the sampling points within the stream channel at each Place (called “In Site”). We wanted to know how much variance these effects accounted for in three dependent variables: total phosphorus, orthophosphate, and turbidity. We used this design to ask whether there were statistically significant differences in phosphorus concentrations or turbidity between “place” and between “In site.” Our null hypothesis is that there are no differences in mean concentrations between these groups. The alternative hypothesis is that the group means 41 are different from each other at an accepted level of statistical significance such as 0.05 or less, expressed as a p-value in the ANOVA table. The F-test is used to evaluate whether the variance between groups (Place and In Site) is the same as the variance within a group. The test is based on a comparison of the mean squares (MS, obtained by dividing the SS by df, the degrees of freedom) for the effects (model MS, further broken down into MS for each effect) and the variance within groups (error MS). If the ratio of these variances is significantly greater than 1 using the Fdistribution, then the null hypothesis of no difference between groups is rejected (Statistica 2004). If the F-ratio is near 1, then it is assumed that differences in group means are due to random variation and the null hypothesis (no difference) is accepted (Helsel and Hirsch 2002). A summary of laboratory methods follows (After Broberg 1998): Test 1 (MRP: PO4 µg/l): 1. Making the reagent: Mix together 250 ml Sulphuric acid (2.5 M), 75 ml Ammonium molybdate and 25 ml of Potassium antimony(III)oxide tartrate (1 mg Sb/ml); right before use mix with 150 ml Ascorbic acid (0.1 M) 2. Pipetting: 10 ml of filtered water from every sample to different 20 ml glass scintillation vial (Figure 13.). 3. Adding reagent: 2 ml of reagent to every glass vial and then waiting for at least 30 minutes (~ 45 min). 4. Measuring: Measure the absorbance of the solution in 5 cm-cuvette at 882 nm (with Spectrophotometer (Hitachi U-2000)) (Figure 14.). 5. Reading the concentration of PO4 (equation based on the calibration curve that the machine uses to calculate the concentration of phosphorous: concentration = 339.1 * absorbance + 0.623) Test 2 (Turbidity): 1. Turning the bottle gently to mix the sediment. 2. Pouring about 20 ml of unfiltered samples into glass vial. 3. Putting the vial into turbidity meter. 42 4. Reading the results from the screen. Test 3 (Total phosphorus): 1. Pipetting 10 ml of unfiltered sample and 2 ml of potassium persulphate solution into closed glass vials. 2. Autoclaving vials in 120 ºC for 60 min. 3. Prepare reagent mixture (250 ml Sulphuric acid (2.5 M), 75 ml Ammonium molybdate and 25 ml of Potassium antimony(III)oxide tartrate (1 mg Sb/ml); right before use mix with 150 ml Ascorbic acid (0.1 M)) 4. Let the samples to cool off. 5. Add 2 ml of reagent mixture to all of the samples and mix thoroughly 6. Wait at least 30 minutes (~ 45 min) and measure the absorbance of the solution at 882 nm in 5 cm-cuvette (with Spectrophotometer (Hitachi U-2000)). . 7. Reading the concentration of PO4 (equation based on the calibration curve that the machine uses to calculate the concentration of total phosphorous: concentration = 394.1 * absorbance + 0.039). RESULTS Looking at the historical data (Table 1) revealed that there are some differences between Utloppet and Norr Järsö phosphorus levels, but they don’t have any consistent pattern, as the numbers vary from negative to positive values. Based on this we made our first hypothesis: there is no significant different in phosphorus concentration between sites at the outflow of Lake Erken. Table 1 Historical data Place Date PO4 (μg/l) Total phosphorus (μg/l) Utloppet Norr Järsö Utloppet Norr Järsö Utloppet 13/10/2003 13/10/2003 18/11/2003 18/11/2003 09/12/2003 23 29 27 26 26 44 50 40 37 43 Differences in PO4 Differences in total phosphorus 6 6 -1 -3 0 -7 43 09/12/2003 13/01/2004 13/01/2004 17/02/2004 17/02/2004 16/03/2004 16/03/2004 13/04/2004 13/04/2004 12/05/2004 12/05/2004 Norr Järsö Utloppet Norr Järsö Utloppet Norr Järsö Utloppet Norr Järsö Utloppet Norr Järsö Utloppet Norr Järsö 26 30 35 41 40 37 35 1 2 5 5 36 46 47 46 46 49 45 33 32 20 21 5 1 -1 0 -2 -4 1 -1 0 1 Samples A5 (22/06/2004) and D1 (29/06/2004) (Highlighted in Table 2) were excluded from statistical tests which were made for total phosphorus and turbidity, because they were contaminated with sediment and did not therefore represent the average water from those sites. These samples were used in orthophosphate tests because the water was filtered before measuring it. Table 2 All results from test 22/06/2004 Behind road Utloppet Before dam After dam Norr Järsö No. PO4 µg/l (22/06/04) Turbidity (FTU) (23/06/04) Total phosphorous (26/06/04) A1 B1 C1 D1 A2 B2 C2 D2 A3 B3 C3 D3 A4 B4 C4 D4 A5 B5 C5 D5 11.47 9.78 6.73 7.07 7.41 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.05 5.71 5.03 5.71 5.37 7.07 7.07 6.05 6.73 5.03 5.03 4.69 1.13 1.61 1.33 1.85 1.84 1.43 1.31 1.32 2.50 1.48 1.28 1.47 1.53 1.47 1.37 1.25 24.00 0.84 1.03 1.24 14.82 19.92 21.95 11.45 15.21 10.49 16.75 18.00 14.63 22.04 15.79 20.02 12.99 11.36 10.97 10.78 117.10 12.61 7.22 9.91 44 29/06/2004 Behind road Utloppet Before dam After dam Norr Järsö No. PO4 µg/l (06/29/04) Turbidity (FTU) (01/07/04) total phosphorous (30/06/04) A1 B1 C1 D1 A2 B2 C2 D2 A3 B3 C3 D3 A4 B4 C4 D4 A5 B5 C5 D5 5.09 5.77 5.09 5.77 5.09 4.41 4.75 6.78 4.41 4.07 5.09 4.07 5.77 7.12 5.43 4.41 4.07 1.70 1.70 1.36 1.94 1.50 1.73 9.00 2.40 1.33 1.65 1.37 1.91 1.85 1.51 1.66 1.23 1.07 1.18 1.51 1.83 1.43 0.80 3.50 14.44 19.92 22.00 69.69 13.96 13.38 25.00 15.30 10.13 13.28 23.00 13.96 12.18 12.51 24.00 13.76 21.66 11.45 20.00 28.68 45 Sites have been put into order from (Graphs 1.-3.) downstream to upstream to get a better picture of changes. Ortophosphate (µg/l) Current effect: F(4, 32)=5.0217, p=.00295 Vertical bars denote 0.95 confidence intervals 9 8 PO4 (µg/l) 7 6 5 4 3 2 Norr Järsö Before dam After dam Utloppet Behind road Place Graphic 1 Average orthophosphate Average total phosphorus Place effect: F(4, 30)=.71962, p=.58528 Vertical bars denote 0.95 confidence intervals 24 22 Total phosphorus (µg/l) 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 Norr Järsö Before dam After dam Utloppet Behind road Place Graphic 2 Average total phosphorus 46 Turbidity Current effect: F(4, 30)=.72205, p=.58371 Effective hypothesis decomposition Vertical bars denote 0.95 confidence intervals 2.2 2.0 Turbidity (FTU) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 Norr Järsö Before dam After dam Utloppet Behind road Place Graphic 3 Average turbidity Results that have significant value have been highlighted in the tables of F-test. (Table 3 -5) Table 3 PO4 ANOVA results Univariate Test of Significance for PO4 Sigma-restricted parameterization Effective hypothesis decomposition SS Effect Intercept 1234.824 Place 49.331 In site 5.805 Error 78.588 Degr. Of freedom 1 4 3 32 MS F p 1243.824 12.333 1.935 2.456 506.4677 5.0217 0.7879 0.000000 0.002953 0.509565 This model explained 42% of the variance in PO4 concentration (R2 = 0.41). 47 Table 4 Total phosphorus ANOVA results Univariate Test of Significance for Total phosphorus Sigma-restricted parameterization Effective hypothesis decomposition SS Effect Intercept 9580.864 Place 72.489 In site 110.311 Error 755.501 Degr. Of freedom MS F p 1 4 3 30 9580.864 18.122 36.770 25.183 380.4443 0.7196 1.4601 0.000000 0.585282 0.245201 Table 5 Turbidity ANOVA results Univariate Test of Significance for Turbidity Sigma-restricted parameterization Effective hypothesis decomposition SS Effect Intercept 91.30075 Degr. Of freedom MS F p 1 91.30075 420.7398 0.000000 Place 0.62674 4 0.15669 0.7221 0.583706 In site 1.54695 3 0.51565 2.3763 0.089697 Error 6.51001 30 0.21700 DISCUSSION After receiving statistical results and analysing them we came to a conclusion that turbidity and total phosphorous doesn’t have any significant changes compared to differences in a site and between sites (Table 4 and 5; Graphic 2 and 3), that means that turbidity and total phosphorus values are about the same in everywhere or if they are not, than the variation of phosphorus level is not bigger than between places compared to inside variation. Though from these graphics we can draw an conclusion, that the total phosphorus is largely dependent from the amount of sediment that the samples contain. But results concerning orthophosphate indicated the opposite; the differences between sites were more significant than within a site. And the graphic (No. 1) indicates that 48 the PO4 level, along the river, is growing. That means that river gets more phosphate from other sources than the lake such as farms, road, ditches, streams, groundwater and so on. Therefore our hypothesis that was based on historical data was proven wrong, but that can be said only for this time of year, the river may act differently in other seasons. That is why more study is needed to find the best sampling place. But with the data available to us the optimal site with the water most representative to the lakes outflow is Norr Järsö. CONCLUSION Hypothesis (corrected): There is significant different in phosphorous concentration between sites at the outflow of Lake Erken. Answer 1: There is significant difference between two outflow monitoring sites for Lake Erken. Answer 2: The dam and the road has visible effect on the phosphorus budget. Answer 3: The optimal place to take samples from is Norr Järsö. Possible sources of errors: ¤ Limits of Detection (LOD) for total phosphorus and orthophosphate: LOD (cons.≤100µg/l)=1µg/l LOD (cons.>100µg/l)=5µg/l For turbidity: LOD (turb.≤10 NTU)=0.01 NTU LOD (turb.>10 NTU)=0.1 NTU LOD (turb.>100 NTU)=1 NTU Error of the estimate or laboratory results: Total phosphorus: cons.≤20 µg/l = ±26%; cons. >20µg/l = ±10% Orthophosphate: cons.≤20 µg/l = ±24%; cons. >20µg/l = ±10% Turbidity: all = ±10% ¤ Sampling with rubber boots might have caused sediment to rise from the bottom and contaminate the samples, changing the average values of turbidity and total phosphorus in that site. ¤ While sampling with an fibreglass pole from the bottom of the river, and bringing the bottle from the bottom to the surface there might have been an slight inflow to the bottle from other depths of river. 49 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to thank our supervisor Karen Moore for the time and effort she used to aid us. We also thank Mia Arvidsson for her help with fieldwork and Irina Persson for assistance in the laboratory. REFERENCES 1. Broberg A., Uppsala 2002, Water and sediment analyses, 3rd edition, pg. 2629. 2. Helsel, D.R. and R.M. Hirsch. 2002. Statistical Methods in Water Resources. Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey, Book 4, Chapter A-3. 3. Phosphorus budget: “” 4. ANOVA: “” and “” 50 APPENDIX Figure 1 Aerofoto of River Järsöströmmen (Copyright © Lantmäteriet) 51 Figure 2 Stream cross section Figure 3 Sampling sites (Copyright © Lantmäteriet) 52 Figure 4 Behind road Figure 5 Norr Järsö Figure 6 Dam Figure 7 Before dam Figure 8 After dam Figure 9 Utloppet 53 Figure 10 Fridge +4 °C Figure 11 Filtering Figure 12 Pipetting. Figure 13 Spectrophotometer (Hitachi U2000) Figure 14 Turbidity meter 54