American Academy of Pediatrics Disaster Preparedness State Initiatives The information below includes details provided by several AAP chapters regarding: An AAP point person for disaster preparedness initiatives in that chapter A summary of any chapter disaster preparedness initiatives to date AAP members within that chapter who are involved in disaster preparedness efforts These details do not describe state initiatives that the AAP chapters are not yet aware of. Ideas for AAP Chapter Initiatives 1. Ask which chapter members are already involved in disaster preparedness initiatives. 2. Identify an AAP member to serve as a Chapter Contact for Disaster Preparedness. 3. Establish a chapter committee on disaster preparedness. 4. Provide information on relevant courses/trainings to interested chapter members. 5. Identify disaster preparedness committees, task forces, or initiatives in your state and appoint a chapter member to represent the pediatric perspective and children’s needs as needed. 6. Host a meeting or CME presentation for interested chapter members. 7. Determine who oversees the state plans for disaster preparedness and pandemic influenza. Identify chapter members who can review these plans for inclusion of children’s issues. 8. Review AAP disaster preparedness resources and customize a handout or publication for chapter members, families, or other key audiences. 9. Plan to do “just one thing” in September, which is disaster preparedness month. 10. Refer to the Chapter initiatives summarized below for other ideas. Alabama Contact: E-Mail: James Hanley, MD, FAAP The AAP Alabama Chapter has established a committee on disaster preparedness. This year, Chapter member James Hanley, MD, FAAP, directed Alabama’s first Advanced HazMat Life Support Course, thanks to federal funding on emergency preparedness that was funneled through the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH). Dr Hanley also served as the pediatric emergency medicine representative on the USA Children’s and Women’s Hospital Committee that has worked with the ADPH to develop a triage and shelter plan for high risk OB-GYN patients during Hurricanes and other natural disasters. He is also serving as one of 3 physicians (and the only pediatrician) on the Alabama Task Force 1 Urban Search and Rescue Team (link to As part of related efforts, he participated in the Federal Emergency Management Agency Office of Emergency Management course for disaster medical specialists. Alaska For more information, e-mail Arizona Contact: Sue Braga, Executive Director 1 E-Mail: Sue Braga, Arizona AAP Chapter (AzAAP) Executive Director, participated in the Arizona Medical Association’s Disaster Preparedness & Response Task Force. She shared AAP resources with task force members, including the AAP policy statement “The Pediatrician and Disaster Preparedness” ( and the AAP Children and Disasters Web site ( The Arizona Medical Association published the first draft of its “Disaster Preparedness and Awareness Guide for the Practicing Pediatrician” in December 2007 ( This guide references the AAP publication, “A Disaster Preparedness Plan for Pediatricians: A Work in Progress”, that was written by Scott Needle, MD, FAAP. Chapter representative, Peggy Stemmler, MD, MBA, FAAP, represented the AAP at the Arizona Short-Term Tabletop Exercise in October 2007. Arkansas Contact: E-Mail: Kristin Lyle, MD, FAAP The Arkansas AAP Chapter is in the process of developing a Web site that will warehouse disaster preparedness and response information, as well as volunteer opportunities for all physicians and healthcare providers. Initially, this site will be linked to the Arkansas Children’s Hospital Web site and will be accessible to all state AAP members. Plans are to launch this site in September during disaster preparedness month. Arkansas coordinates an annual statewide preparedness conference. At the 4th annual conference in 2007, all Arkansas AAP Chapter members were invited. More than 600 individuals attended, including several AAP members. California Most disaster preparedness efforts in this state appear to be organized by county. The AAP California Chapters are considering a District approach to disaster preparedness efforts. California Chapter 1 For more information, e-mail California Chapter 2 For more information, e-mail California Chapter 3 Contact: Dean E. Sidelinger, MD, MSEd, FAAP E-Mail: The California AAP Chapter 3 is reviewing relevant disaster preparedness plans. For San Diego, there is an all hazards, all citizens approach. There is not a pediatric specific disaster plan, although children are supposed to be incorporated throughout. 2 California Chapter 4 For more information, e-mail Colorado Contact: E-Mail: Current Chapter President Connecticut For more information, e-mail Delaware For more information, e-mail Disaster preparedness plans are under consideration; this topic is a priority of the incoming Board of the Delaware AAP Chapter. Florida Contact: E-Mail: Deborah Mulligan, MD, FAAP, FACEP Contact: E-Mail: Scott Needle, MD, FAAP The Florida AAP Chapter is creating a series of Web pages with information on disaster medicine as part of its Chapter Web site. Deborah A. Mulligan, MD, FAAP, FACEP, presented educational sessions at the 6th Annual Conference on Health, Disability and The Law June 2021, 2008 and the Kentucky Osteopathic Medical Association Annual Conference June 26-29, 2008. Dr Mulligan is also developing a master disaster preparedness plan that can be used as a template for other AAP Chapters. Scott Needle, MD, FAAP, is a member of the AAP Disaster Preparedness Advisory Council. He participated on a panel discussion on children and disasters at the Federal Emergency Management Agency Individual Assistance Division – Emergency Support Function “Building Partnerships for Progress” conference on June 5, 2008. Information on this presentation was shared with other chapter members via the Chapters’ electronic mailing list. Georgia Contact: E-Mail: Natalie Lane, MD, FAAP Natalie Lane, MD, FAAP, is the chairperson for the Georgia AAP Chapter Committee on Emergency Care. In 2007, Dr Lane provided an educational presentation on the Pediatrician’s Role in Disaster Preparedness and Management for continuing medical education (CME) credit to members of the Georgia AAP Chapter. Dr Lane regularly updates chapter leaders by presenting at Chapter Board meetings and general sessions for Chapter members. 3 Hawaii Contact: E-Mail: TBD TBD The AAP Hawaii Chapter was represented at state-level disaster preparedness meetings. Specific directives were not clarified, but strategies/tools to be implemented in the event of a pandemic influenza were identified and included: rapid isolation of geographic outbreak areas, use of mobile hospital units, and community wide immunization clinics. The Chapter consults and collaborates with the Hawaii Department of Health as needed. This year, the Hawaii Department of Health and the Hawaii AAP Chapter planned the first widespread seasonal influenza immunization campaign in Hawaii elementary schools. The Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children (which is the only dedicated pediatric subspecialty medical center) will serve as the hub for any needed pediatric emergency mobilization and care for the children of Hawaii. The state government, civil defense, local military units, department of health, and the local medical care team has been involved in this collaborative effort to prepare Hawaii for the unthinkable. Work has also been done to stockpile medications, air purification masks, and mobile hospital units in secure military guarded storage areas on the island of Oahu. Idaho Contact: E-Mail: Kathy Drake, MD, FAAP Specific disaster preparedness plans are still under consideration. Illinois Contact: E-Mail: Scott Allen, Chapter Executive Director The Illinois AAP Chapter was very involved in developing the Illinois state bioterrorism guidelines, and representatives made sure that pediatric-specific information was included. Within these guidelines, pediatric information is italicized and is also marked with the Emergency Medical Services for Children logo (a teddy bear). For the full set of guidelines and other key resources, see: Indiana Contact: E-Mail: Greg Wilson, MD, FAAP Specific disaster preparedness plans are still under consideration. Iowa Contact: E-Mail: 4 Kansas Contact: E-Mail: Dennis Cooley, MD, FAAP, Vice President In Kansas, the primary state disaster preparedness organization is the Bio Terrorism Coordinating Council. Dennis Cooley, MD, FAAP presented information to this council on pediatric disaster preparedness issues, and it was well received. Dr Cooley is seeking to join the Council, which requires an appointment by the governor. Dr Cooley has presented information on pediatric disaster preparedness to Chapter members, and he is scheduled to present on this topic at the state annual Immunization Conference in September 2008. He also completed a 1day Basic Disaster Life Support course in July 2008. Kentucky Contact: E-Mail: Kentucky AAP Chapter Vice-President Steve Church, MD, FAAP and Executive Director Mary York, met with Department of Public Health officials to review and endorse a Kentucky disaster plan booklet which was distributed to families and pediatric offices in the Commonwealth. These efforts have been tabled until the emergency preparedness representative position is filled. Louisiana Contact: E-Mail: Jimmy Guidry, MD, FAAP Contact: E-Mail: Gina LaGarde, MD Children have remained on the radar screen in Louisiana Disaster planning. Highlights of those efforts include: Ensuring that a pediatric formulary and medical supplies for children are available at all shelters (including those shelters that serve children with special needs). Putting a bus triage plan in place along with a system for providing bar-coded wrist bands to help families remain together. Initial planning for a public and professional education campaign. Use of the LA Volunteers in Action Emergency Volunteer Registry, which is Web-based. Plan to provide emergency preparedness training volunteers enrolled in the above-mentioned registry. Maine There are several Maine AAP Chapter members who regularly contribute to ongoing disaster preparedness projects. For more information, e-mail Maryland For more information, e-mail 5 Massachusetts For more information, e-mail Michigan For more information, e-mail Minnesota Contact: E-Mail: Lee Pyles, MD, FAAP The Minnesota AAP Chapter (MN-AAP) continues to participate in the Minnesota Emergency Medical Services for Children Advisory Committee. Chapter member Lee Pyles, MD, FAAP has developed a Web site that includes a system with AAP Emergency Information Forms (EIF) that can be used to provide a medical summary for a child with special health care needs. Staff who are working on a Region IV genetics project supported by the Material and Child Health Bureau are enrolling children with inborn errors of metabolism into this Web-based system. Mississippi For more information, e-mail Missouri Contact: E-Mail: Ted Barnett, MD, FAAP Contact: E-Mail: Jan Frank, Executive Director The Missouri AAP Chapter has formed a Committee on Disaster Preparedness and has appointed Ted Barnett, MD, FAAP to serve as the committee chairperson. Dr. Barnett is a highly-qualified and experienced pediatric emergency medicine physician at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, and he also serves as the disaster preparedness director for the hospital. Committee members from across the state are being recruited, and conference calls will be scheduled. Montana For more information, e-mail Nebraska For more information, e-mail Nevada For more information, e-mail New Hampshire Contact: Patricia Campbell, MD, FAAP, President E-Mail: 6 New Jersey For more information, e-mail New Mexico Contact: Robert Sapien, MD, FAAP E-Mail: The New Mexico AAP Chapter disaster preparedness initiatives are integrated with Chapter activities on emergency medicine. Robert Sapien, MD, FAAP is a member of the national AAP Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine and is active in the New Mexico Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMS-C) Program. The EMS-C Program advocates for children on an ongoing basis with respect to education, emergency care, preparedness, and prevention efforts. The program also develops and conducts educational sessions and disseminates materials on pediatric emergency topics. In June 2007 a dedicated Pediatric Emergency Department was opened at University Hospital. The physician staff consists of seven Pediatric Emergency physicians and several general emergency medicine physicians. Program representatives serve on several committees of the New Mexico Department of Health (Trauma Advisory Committee, EMS Advisory Committee, and EMS Medical Direction) to ensure that children’s issues are integrated into these efforts. The New Mexico Department of Health has also established a "Health Alert" e-mail system for health care providers. This is a quick way to send out notifications of public health situations statewide. New York Chapter 1 Contact: George Dunkel E-Mail: The New York AAP Chapter 1 coordinates its disaster preparedness efforts through the AAP District II office. New York Chapter 2 Contact: Anthony J. Battista, MD, FAAP Email: The New York AAP Chapter 2 is developing a Web page on disaster preparedness, which can be found as a link on the Chapter's home page or at New York Chapter 3 For more information, e-mail North Carolina For more information, e-mail North Dakota Contact: Parag Kumar, MD, FAAP E-Mail: 7 Parag Kumar, MD, FAAP has received special training and is certified in Advanced HAZMAT Life Support (AHLS). This is a comprehensive training program that helps participants to develop the critical skills needed to treat victims exposed to toxic substances and to be ready to face the medical challenges of hazmat incidents, such as chemical spills or toxic terrorism. Dr Kumar has attended a variety of others trainings in disaster response and is a certified first responder who is responsible for pediatric aspects of disaster, mass casualty, or terrorism response. He has completed the “basic and advances disaster life support” courses conducted by the American Medical Association. Dr Kumar has helped design and implement the University of North Dakota School of Medicine program BORDERS Alert & Ready and is a member of the MedCenter One Emergency Preparedness committee. The Biochemical Organic Radiological Disaster Educational Response System is a continuing education and training program operated by the University of North Dakota Research Foundation in cooperation with the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Ohio Contact: E-Mail: Michael Anderson, MD, FAAP The Ohio AAP Chapter works in partnership with the Pediatric Disaster Preparedness Committee (PDPC). The members are Bill Cotton, MD, FAAP (Chapter President), Joe Stack (Ohio EMSC coordinator, EMS Homeland Security Committee mostly as an observer) and Ginny Haller (Ohio Department of Health). They are currently looking for the most important issues to include in the EMA disaster plans. Michael Anderson, MD, FAAP, is the point person on a project known as PST-Ohio (Pediatric Specialty Team- Ohio). He is currently looking for funding for his project, and is hoping his team can be formed using the children’s hospitals resources. Dr Anderson was appointed by the White House to serve on the National Commission on Children and Disasters. Oklahoma Contact: E-Mail: J. W. Hendricks, MD, FAAP, Chapter President Oregon Contact: E-Mail: Dana A Braner, MD, FAAP, FCCM The Oregon AAP Chapter, also known as the Oregon Pediatric Society (OPS), is actively engaged in statewide efforts to coordinate the care of children during a disaster. Members of the OPS serve on the State Advisory Council for Pandemic and Disaster preparedness and are actively involved in disaster preparedness efforts at the national level. Pennsylvania 8 Contact: E-Mail: Robert Olympia, MD, FAAP Rhode Island Response pending. South Carolina Response pending. South Dakota For more information, e-mail Tennessee For more information, e-mail Most of the disaster preparedness efforts for children in the Sate of Tennessee occur through the Tennessee Committee on Pediatric Emergencies and the Tennessee Emergency Medical Services for Children program. A summary of relevant projects follows: A proposal was submitted to request funds to improve disaster preparedness programs in the State of Tennessee. Provisions of the grant included: Enhancing the Tennessee Emergency Medical Services for Children program Web site ( through the development and dissemination of pediatric-specific disaster information. Initial materials and information have been developed and are accessible on the Web site. Plans are ongoing to maintain and expand the Web site. Providing Web-based continuing education courses. Development of a pediatric toolbox for those facilities with limited or no Web access that replicates information provided online. A statewide survey was conducted among hospital facilities to assess pediatric capacity regarding readiness for disasters and/or mass casualties that involve children. Onsite visits at select facilities were conducted to identify the needs for these facilities to meet increased capacity for pediatric readiness. The current state requirements regarding pediatric emergency equipment were reviewed, and the need for additional equipment or training (based on current recommendations for mass disaster planning) was assessed. More than 1,000 Emergency Medical Services for Children reference guides and 500 wall charts were developed and disseminated throughout the State. These reference guides contained information on assessing and treating pediatric disaster victims such as pediatric resuscitation protocols, medications, antidotes for chemical agents and Jump-Start, a pediatric triage system. Texas Contact: E-Mail: Christine Reeves 9 A subcommittee has reviewed a SWOT analysis of the facility and transport capabilities in the state. A Pediatric Disaster Coalition has been meeting since the beginning of last year. The group is comprised of representatives from the pediatric designated facilities and pediatric transport teams within FEMA Region 6. Other facilities within Texas that have pediatric capability have been asked to participate as well. This group meets about once a month and initial efforts focus on preparing for another hurricane by determining guidelines/strategies for evacuating pediatric hospital patients. The Governor’s EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) established a Disaster Task Force for hurricane evacuation issues. These efforts led to the development of a group that could address the pediatric-specific issues in a disaster situation. Lori Upton at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston currently oversees these efforts. Utah For more information, e-mail The Utah AAP Chapter is moving forward to assess and contribute to pediatric disaster preparedness initiatives. While the Chapter determined that hospitals seem well-prepared (especially the Children’s Hospital), there was a need to support community pediatricians and to define various ways that they could contribute to community efforts. The Chapter President has met with relevant state representatives to explore ways to develop office- and hospital-based disaster preparedness plans and to organize “table top” exercises for members in various locations throughout the state. U.S. Services West For more information, e-mail Chapter members, by virtue of specialized military training, are experts in biochemical warfare. They are actively involved in disaster preparedness initiatives coordinated by local military and civilian communities as well as national activities. Two Madigan Army Medical Center pediatricians presented information to the Pierce County (WA) Immunization Coalition and the Washington AAP Chapter on pandemic influenza. Chapter members have developed and are actively involved in teaching the unique Military Medical Humanitarian Course (MMHC) which prepares pediatricians for deployment to areas that are devastated by manmade or natural disasters and provides information caring for children in those areas. Vermont Contact: E-Mail: Stephanie Winters, Executive Director The AAP Vermont Chapter Executive Director, Stephanie Winters, serves on the Vermont Department of Health Senior Advisory Committee for Public Health and Preparedness. Virginia Contact: E-Mail: Margaret Dolan, MD, FAAP 10 Contact: E-Mail: Robert Gunther, MD, FAAP, Vice President Washington For more information, e-mail The Washington AAP Chapter has actively participated in relevant state efforts and has served on various State and County disaster preparedness committees to ensure that issues related to pediatric patients are addressed. West Virginia Contact: Cathy Slemp, MD, MPH E-Mail: Specific disaster preparedness initiatives are still under consideration. Wisconsin For more information, e-mail Wyoming For more information, e-mail 11