Curriculum Vitae: Paul Eric Aspholm

Curriculum Vitae: Paul Eric Aspholm.
Paul Eric
Place of birth: Arendal, Norway.
Date of birth:
21st. December 1959.
Sex: Male.
Maternal status: Married.
Office address: Bioforsk, Svanhovd,
Telephone: + 47 78973604,
Telefax: + 47 78973601
The Norwegian Institute for Agriculture and Environment,
N- 9925 Svanvik, NORWAY.
Cand. Mag. (Bachelor degree), University of Oslo.
Subjects: mathematics, computing, geography, geophysics, chemistry, astronomy,
various biological courses
Cand. Scient. (Master degree), Univ. of Oslo, Section of Marine Zoology & Chemistry.
Thesis: Nematodes in coastal seals in Norwegian waters.
Direction of study: Marine zoology.
Courses: population dynamic, parasitology, various marine and freshwater biological courses,
boreal forests, alpine/arctic, tropical ecology, Aquatic and terrestrial management, course in water
managements law, administration and governmental law. Quality management. Pedagogical
guiding and instruction.
1977-1984 Various part-time and fulltime engagement, i.e. farm-hand, prison officer.
1988-1992 Technician on projects at University of Oslo, financed by the
Norwegian Fishery Research Council, full position.
Manager at the Biological Station, Drøbak (Univ. of Oslo).
1994-1995 Various position in several projects.
1995-2005 Senior executive officer and Researcher, Head of Department for research and development,
Svanhovd Environmental Centre, The Norwegian Crop Research Institute.
2006Head of section for biology , Bioforsk Svanhovd
Other experience:
Guest researcher at University of Rome, Institute for Parasitology, May 1995.
Assistant and teacher in primary and advanced courses at the Univ. of Oslo (1986-1995).
Invited lecturer in courses by several topics at some Universities in Europe
Co-supervisor for master thesis
Engagement in various fieldwork and field experiments including inspector and scientist
during the Norwegian scientific catching programme on minke whales (in the season's 1992,
1993 and 1994).
Work in organization:
Secretary and correspondent member in the Working Group of Biology & Nature Preservation, Scientific
Committee within CMAS (Confederation Mondiale des Activities Subaquatiques).
Scientific main interest: Life history-strategies, interactions between populations and other parameters
influencing lifecycles. Nature and environmental monitoring and surveying.
Other skills; Languages: Norwegian: mother of tongue, English: good, Scandinavian languages: good,
various European languages: some.
Teaching and training: Supervision and lecturing in all levels of education and groups of people.
Mass media: Working with mass media in many settings (film, TV, radio, magazines and newspapers).
Haug, T., Krøyer, A.B., Nilssen, K.T., Ugland, K.I. & Aspholm, P.E., 1991. Harp seals (Phoca
groenlandica) invasions in Norwegian coastal waters: age composition and feeding habits.
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 48: 363-371.
Ugland, K.I., Jødestøl, K.A., Aspholm, P.E., Krøyer, A.B. & Jakobsen, T., 1993. Fish consumption by
invading harp seals off the Norwegian coast in 1987 and 1988. ICES Journal of Marine Science,
50: 27-38.
Skåre, J.U.-, Degree, E., Ugland, K.I. & Aspholm, P.E., 1994. Mercury and selen in Arctic and coastal
seals off the coast of Norway. Environmental Pollution, 85:153-160.
Balbuena, J.A., Aspholm, P.E., Andersen, K.I. & Bjørge, A., 1994. Lung-worms (Nematoda:
Pseudaliidae) of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in Norwegian waters: patterns of
colonization. Parasitology, 108: 343-349.
Desportes, G., Andersen, L.W., Aspholm, P.E., Bloch, D. & Mouritsen, R, 1994. A note about a maleonly pilot whale school observed in the Faeroe Islands. Fro'dskaprit, 40: 31-37.
Aspholm, P.E., Ugland, K.I., Jødestøl, K.A. & Berland, B., 1995. Sealworm (Pseudoterranova
decipiens) infection in common seals (Phoca vitulina) and potential intermediate fish hosts from
the outer Oslofjord. International Journal for Parasitology, 25: 367-373.
Aspholm, P.E. 1995. Anisakis simplex Rudolphi 1809, infection in Barents Sea cod Gadus morhua L.
Fisheries Research, 23: 375-379.
Schram, T. A. & Aspholm, P.E 1997. Redescription of male Hatschekia hippoglossi
(GUÉRIN-MÉNEVILLE, [1837]) (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida) and additional
information on the female. Sarsia, 82 (1): 1-18.
Berg, V, Ugland, K.I., Hareide, N.R., Aspholm, P.E., Polder, A. & Skaare, J.U. 1997. Organochlorine
contamination in deep-sea fish from the Davis strait. Marine Environment Research,
44 (2): 135-148.
Lunnerud, S.-G., Ugland, K.I.& Aspholm, P.E. 2001. Sealworm (Pseudoterranova decipiens) infection in
the benthic cottid (Taurulus bubalis) in relation to population increase of harbour seal (Phoca
vitulina) in Skagerrak, Sweden. NAMCO Sci. Publ. 47-55.
Karlsbakk E, Aspholm PE, Berg V, Hareide NR &Berland B. 2002. Some parasites of the
smalleyed rabbitfish (Hydrolagus affinis) (Holocephali), caught in deep waters off SW
Greenland. Sarsia 87:179-184.
Jensen, H., Bøhn,T., Amundsen, P.-A. & Aspholm, P.E.2004. Feeding ecology of piscivorous
brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in a subarctic watercourse. Ann. Zool.Fennici, 41:319-328.
Ugland, KI, Strømnes, E, Berland, B, Aspholm, PE. 2004. Growth, fecundity and sex ratio of
adult whaleworm (Anisakis simplex; Nematoda, Ascaridoidea, Anisakidae) in three
whale species from the North-East Atlantic. Parasitol Res., 92(6):484-9.
Jensen , H, Amundsen P-A., Elliott, J.M., Bøhn. T & Aspholm P.E. 2006. Prey consumption
rates and growth of piscivorousbrown trout in a subarctic watercourse. Journal of Fish
Biology 68, 838–848.
E. Shutova, F. E. Wielgolaski, S. R. Karlsen, O. Makarova, N. Berlina, T. Filimonova,
E. Haraldsson, P. E. Aspholm, L. Flø & K. A. Høgda, 2006. Growing seasons of Nordic
mountain birch in northernmost Europe as indicated by long-term field studies and
analyses of satellite images. International Journal of Biometeorology:1432-1254 (Online).