Our adoption contract - Good NewZ! Pittie Pups Rescue

Application – complete
Application – all current pet’s neutered
Application – review/home inspection date
Adoption Contract – dog’s name
Adoption Contract – date
Adoption Contract – initial training section
Adoption Contract – dog’s name top of second page
Adoption Contract – initial liability section
Adoption Contract – name, address, city, phone, e-mail
Adoption Contract – date of Good NewZ! signature
$185 Adoption Fee
$150 Neuter deposit if animal unneutered
Petco Contract
Foster to Adopt Contract
We are fostering/adopting ______(the dog), a mixed breed/pit bull, from Good NewZ! Pittie Pups Rescue
(Good NewZ!). We understand that the pit bull breed needs strong guidance and agree to keep up with our
dog’s obedience training and contact Good NewZ! with any concerns. As part of our commitment to properly
socialize our new puppy, we agree to take this pup to the Good NewZ adoption events for free puppy
socialization until six months of age. We further commit to regularly attend at least one of the following classes
and meet-ups (or equivalent program) for pit bull owners:
www.BullyBarkPitBulls.com ,
www.BullyandFriendsK9Training.com or
____ Initials
If the dog is already fixed (spay/neutered), then ownership transfers today. If not, we understand that we are
fostering for Good NewZ! until the dog is fixed. We promise to complete the serialization surgery by the time
the dog is five months old. We understand that we are fosters for Good NewZ! and that Good NewZ! will
maintain ownership both with Contra Costa County and on the dog’s microchip until the dog is fixed. Once
Good NewZ! obtains a proof of the sterilization surgery, ownership will transfer to us. We further understand
that if the dog is medically fit for surgery and is not sterilized by five months, we relinquish all rights to the dog.
Further, prior to the dog’s surgery and the transfer of ownership, we agree to assume responsibility for any
medical expenses. We understand that Good NewZ is happy to advise us in terms of when to consult a vet and
which vet to consult, but regardless, we accept the financial responsibility for vet care.
Our dog will live inside as a member of the family and we will be very careful with him/her in public areas. We
agree to use gentle training devices and only resort to more strict forms of training under the direction of an
approved dog trainer only after all gentle positive forms of training have failed.
We promise to be an attentive and responsible guardian and always supervise our dog in public areas, dog
parks, as well as in our own home and when he/she is around other dogs, cats, animals and children. We
promise to keep up with his/her medical and health requirements.
We will always try to keep our dog with us and should we move to another area, will contact Good NewZ! with
a forwarding address. Should we be forced to relinquish our dog, we promise to contact Good NewZ! and allow
Good NewZ! to adopt our dog. We will not attempt to rehome this dog without the help of Good NewZ! Pittie
Pups Rescue. We release Good NewZ! from any liability in connection with our adopted animal.
Adopter recognizes that, although Good NewZ has made every possible effort to provide a pet which is
compatible with the Adopter's home environment, Good NewZ does not warrant the temperament or behavior
of the pet, and will not be liable for any acts of pet while living with Adopter, nor for any costs, expenses or
damages incurred as a result of the pet or pet's conduct. Further, Adopter agrees to indemnify, defend and hold
Good NewZ, its officers, directors, agents, employees and other related parties harmless from and against any
and all liabilities, damages, losses, expenses, claims, demands, suits, fines, or judgments that include reasonable
attorney’s fees, costs and expenses, incidental thereto, which may be suffered by, accrued against, charged to or
recoverable from any indemnity, by reason of any claim arising out of or relating to any act,
Error or omission, or misconduct on the part the adopter or arising out of the adoption. ______(Initials)
Thank you so much for joining the Good NewZ! Family and for saving this wonderful dog's life.
Adopter Signature
Adopter Signature
Print Name
Print Name
Date: ____________
Lori Wilson for Good NewZ! Pittie Pups Rescue