PROPER DISPOSAL OF ANIMAL FECES Residents are advised that animal feces must be double bagged and distributed among various bags rather than placed all in one bag. This would ensure that crews responsible for the collection of our city refuse are not unduly exposed to unsanitary waste. Our garbage trucks are high compaction units, and a bag of animal feces literally explodes when compressed with the end result causing possible injury and creating unsanitary conditions that pose a health problem to employees and the public. COVERING OF HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE The City enacted new By-Laws in 2003 that require residents to cover or contain their household garbage from April 1 to November 30 each year by using a container, net, blanket or tarpaulin on the day of collection. Failure to comply may result in your household garbage not being collected. This container or covering must be removed from the curb no later than 8:00 p.m. on your scheduled day of collection. PROPER DISPOSAL OF SYRINGES & SHARP ITEMS TOXIC SUBSTANCE ON GARBAGE BAGS Needles and syringes that are disposed of improperly, or bags that have been sprayed with bleach can cause serious personal injury. Section 6 (b) and 6 (c) of our By-laws state: No person, firm or corporation shall dispose of syringes or any sharp object unless it is wrapped and secured to prevent injury to the sanitation worker. No person shall put any toxic substance such as javex or bleach on the outside of garbage bags, which can cause harm to persons and/or animals.