Health and Education 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ON.12.01 Infrared breast screening thermography Whereas, Thermography, as an effective breast screening test, is not currently approved by leading cancer organizations or medical authorities in Canada ; and Whereas, In recent years, major advances have been made in infrared thermal imaging technology; and Whereas, Thermography proponents state that studies show that the proper use of breast, self-exams, physician exams, thermography, and mammography together provide the earliest cancer detection system available and reduces mortality rates; therefore, be it Resolved, That the Ontario Provincial Council of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada in its 65th annual convention assembled, strongly urge the Ontario provincial government to direct the minister of health to implement an immediate comprehensive study of infrared breast screening thermography that uses the technologies available; and be it further Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded through the national executive to the other ten provincial councils, urging them to become aware of this issue as it pertains to their province/territory, and to act on it, as deemed necessary/prudent. Submitted by: Ontario Provincial Council Health and Education 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 ON.12.01 -Infrared breast screening thermography Brief Though evidence proves promising for Infrared Breast Screening Thermography, currently it is not recommended by any leading cancer organization or medical authority nor is it licensed for breast cancer screening in Canada. Studies to date have not proven this to be the most effective way to find early breast cancer. Infrared Breast Screening Thermography, or thermal imaging, is a way to measure and map heat from the breast using a digital infrared camera. A high-speed computer looks for “hotspots” or different levels of heat. Then, it analyzes the pictures. This is based on the principle that if any area of higher heat is found, it may mean more blood vessels are forming due to cancer (Ontario Breast Screening Program, 2008). Infrared Breast Screening Thermography detects changes in breast tissue before tumors form or when they are too small to be detected with X-Rays. This is done without harmful radiation, compression, contact, or needles. This technique is most effective on those who are pre and post menopausal, pregnant, breastfeeding, as well as those with dense breast tissue, fibro-cystic disease, prosthetic augmentation, surgical reduction, previous biopsies, large breasts, and when on hormone replacement therapy (Infrared Medical Solutions). It has the potential to detect problems five to ten years before abnormalities can be seen with mammograms. The early detection of abnormal tissue activity makes infrared breast screening thermography extremely useful and cost effective as a screening strategy and gives the opportunity to apply non-invasive therapies to improve breast tissue function. The noninvasive nature of thermography also allows for repeat scans. This improves the ability to compare changes over time and monitor the results of preventative strategies (Hunt,V). The staggering predictions for 2011 were that 23,400 women in Canada would be diagnosed with cancer and of them 5,100 will die. Furthermore, one in 9 women would develop breast cancer during their lifetime and one in 29 would die. Men are not exempt. One hundred and ninet men would be diagnosed with breast cancer and of those 55 would die (The Canadian Cancer Society, 2011). Breast cancer still remains the second leading cause of cancer death in women despite advances in treatment that have reduced breast cancer mortality (Kennedy, 2009). The goal of breast cancer screening is to detect cancer early, when it is less likely to spread, and to successfully treat it (Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care). No single screening tool provides excellent predictability, but this method of screening could be used as a vital tool in conjunction with mammography and MRI tests (Kennedy, 2009). While previous studies may have found thermography to lag behind other screening techniques, infrared thermal imaging has resurfaced in this age of modernized computer technology (Thermographic Research, 2009). It now has the capability of making a significant impact in medicine (The American Journal of Surgery, 2008). Many women seeking to find the safest, earliest and most effective screening technique possible are turning to thermography clinics for breast screening. Considering recent developments in computer technology, and advancements in the thermographic industry, additional research and study is essential to confirm and/or continue to develop the potential of this technology and to provide a more effective noninvasive adjunctive tool for the earliest detection of breast cancer (Kennedy, 2009) Health and Education ON.12.01 Infrared breast screening thermography Works Cited: The American Journal of Surgery (2008) 196, 524. The American Society of Breast Surgeons Aurora, Nimmi, Diana Martins, Danielle Ruggiero, Eleni Tousimis, Alexander J.Swistel, Michael P. Osborne, Rache M. Simmons. Effectiveness of a noninvasive digital infrared thermal imaging system in the detection of breast cancer. Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, 2011. Breast Screening Technology. Internet The Canadian Cancer Society, 2011. Breast cancer statistics at a glance. Hansard, 2011. Bill C-314. Act respecting the awareness of screening among women with dense breast tissue. 1st Session, 41st Parliament, 60 Elizabeth II, HOUSE OF COMMONS CANADA. Hunt, Verna. Digital Infrared Breast Thermography. New Technology Avoids the Hazards of Standard Mammograms. Vitality Magazine. Internet Infrared Medical Solutions. Physicians Understanding Infrared Analysis. Kennedy, Deborah, Tanya Lee, and Dugold Seely. Integrative Cancer Therapies. A Comparative Review of Thermography as a Breast Screening Technique. Volume 08 Number 1. (2009/09/16) Copyright 2008 Sage Publications hosted at Ontario Breast Screening Program, 2008. Fact Sheet: Tools & Technologies for Breast Cancer Screening. Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, August 29, 2011. Breast Cancer Screening. What is Breast Cancer Screening? Internet. Thermography Research, Copyright 2009. Beyond Mammography. The Safe Breast Cancer Screening Test Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About. Effectiveness of a non-invasive digital infrared thermal imaging system in the detection of breast cancer. Health and Education ON.12.01 Infrared breast screening thermography Action plan encourage members to write to the Provincial and Federal Ministers of Health and Long -Term Care to establish a thorough study of infrared breast screening thermography encourage members to monitor the Canadian Government’s plan of action in response to the request contained in the resolution encourage members to become educated and more aware of thermography and their breast health sponsor educational opportunities by inviting guest speakers and medical persons to speak on the subject