Prescott School District Review Date: March 2012 Academic Strategic Plan Goal #1: We will increase educational opportunities and the level of academic achievement for students. Goal #2: We will provide professional development opportunities for staff (teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, etc.) in order to help achieve Goal #1. # Action Step 1 Survey stakeholders and review results regarding academics, facilities, school climate, community involvement, communication, and fiscal accountability. 2 Investigate and develop the Wisconsin Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Math and provide the needed professional development. Assigned to: Status/Recommendations School Board Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Administrators, Staff Wisconsin adopted the Common Core Standards on June 2, 2010. Districts need to have the standards fully implemented and ready for the new state assessment in 2014-2015 school year. This goal follows the state’s guidelines. We recommend that the Director of Curriculum and Instruction become a fulltime (100%) position. 3 Maintain Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) to support collaboration in the Common Core Standards, Response to Intervention (RtI), and high quality instruction. 4 Create a district wide plan that utilizes available time to implement professional development across the district. Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Professional Development Committee Professional Development Committee, Administrators, Director of C&I In the past the PLC’s have been supported using substitute teachers using ARRA funds. We support the PLC plan recommended by the district administrators. We recommend that all staff is involved in at least one PLC per month. 1 of 2 Prescott School District Review Date: March 2012 Academic Strategic Plan Goal #1: We will increase educational opportunities and the level of academic achievement for students. Goal #2: We will provide professional development opportunities for staff (teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, …) in order to help achieve Goal #1. Assigned to: Status/Recommendations # Action Step 5 Begin implementation of PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) district wide. Administrators Administrators at all three buildings already have this goal underway. 6 Develop a district wide plan for increased intervention support consistent with the Wisconsin RtI Model (Response to Intervention). Administrators, District RtI Team, Staff This goal is in progress in all three buildings. Last year a position was added to support elementary students. We recommend that the board address staffing needs at the middle school. 7 Research, develop, and obtain additional math and literacy resources for interventions (leveled libraries, math resources, non-fiction texts) to support RtI. District and Building Level RtI Teams This goal is an ongoing process. The district team meets bimonthly and the building level teams meet monthly. 8 Implement a data management system to facilitate RtI data. (Example: SIMS) District RtI Team 9 Create building level and district level mental health teams focused on supporting students’ mental health needs that impact academic achievement. Counselors, School Nurse, Administrators At this time we are waiting for a final decision from the state level, but the district will need to move forward to find a system to manage a large amount of data that can be securely accessed. We recommend that the district begins building these teams in September 2011. 2 of 2