SEPARATION OF TWINS FETAL ECG BY MEANS OF BLIND SOURCE SEPARATION (BSS) A. Kam and A. Cohen Signal Processing Laboratory, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel. E-mail: amitk(arnon) Abstract The Maternal ECG (MECG) is the main source of interference in Fetal ECG (FECG) monitoring. The MECG is detected at all electrodes placed on the mother’s skin (thoracic and abdominal). In the case of multi-fetal pregnancies the traditional adaptive filtering technique provides a “maternal clean “ signal consisting of the two fetal ECG signals. It cannot however provide the desired individual FECG. The work reported here suggests the use of Blind Source Separation (BSS) algorithm to deal with the problem. Simulation studies showed that the BSS algorithm could perform separation of twins FECG. Real signals were recorded from pregnant women at their 28-30th week of pregnancy, carrying 2-3 fetuses. The noise was found to be too strong for the algorithm (and the naked eye) to notice any fetal heart signal. The monitoring of FECG has clinical importance. If the physician could obtain a reliable reading of the FECG, he could detect problems in the fetal heart activity even before he is born. The procedure for obtaining the FECG should be non-invasive. The fetal heart is a small heart so that the electrical current it generates is very low. In order to record the FECG, electrodes are placed on the maternal abdomen as close as possible to the fetal heart. The FECG may be acquired by placing a number of electrodes around the general area of the fetus and hoping that at least one of the electrodes will have the FECG with high enough SNR. Beside the problem of electrode placement, noise from electromyographic activity effects the signal due to the fetus low voltage signal. Another interfering signal is the maternal ECG (MECG) which can be 5-1000 times higher in its intensity and ability to induce surface potentials [1]. The MECG effects all the electrodes, those that are placed on the chest (thoracic electrodes), and those placed on the abdomen (abdominal electrodes) of the mother. Because the FECG is a very weak signal, an electrode placed on the thorax of the pregnant woman will hardly record any of it, if at all. This fact implies that an adaptive Abdominal electrode cancellation algorithm may be employed. An illustration of this conventional Thoracic electrode - approach is given in figure 1. that n sources are suffice to represent the Σ + Estimated FECG Adaptation algorithm Another approach to eliminate maternal interference was suggested [2]. Assume H(z) Figure 1:Adaptive scheme for MECG cancellation. activity of all the bioelectric signals including the MECG and FECG. Define the source vector as all the source signals si(t): s(t ) T [ s1 (t ), s2 (t ),, sn (t )] (1) Suppose that m measurement signals from surface electrode pairs are measured and arranged in a vector x(t), called the measurement signal vector: x(t ) T [ x1 (t ), x2 (t ),, xm (t )] (2) Due to the resistive behavior of the body as a conductive medium in the frequency range of 0.5-100Hz there exist a linear memoryless relationship between x(t) and s(t). The problem can then be formulated as : x(t ) As(t ) (3) Where A is an n×m constant real matrix. It can be assumed that all bioelectric sources are mutually independent. By applying the algorithm for the BSS problem (JADE algorithm [3]) to the recorded data x(t) recovery of the source signals can be achieved yielding the source signal of the FECG and the source signal of the MECG. When comparing the results of the adaptive filtering technique to that of the BSS in the single fetus case no apparent advantage was detected in favor of the BSS separation approach [4]. This is however not the case with a multiple fetus pregnancy. Let us assume we are dealing with the case of two fetuses i.e. twins. The thoracic electrodes still record only the MECG but the abdominal electrodes record all three signals, the maternal ECG (MECG), first fetus ECG (FECG1), and the second one (FECG2). The adaptive filtering approach can separate the MECG from the fetus signals (FECG1 & FECG2), but can not separate FECG1 from FECG2 as both appear in all the abdominal electrodes. Using the Blind Source Separation approach, theoretically, the problem can be solved. In order to study the problem, simulation studies were performed. The coupling system used (matrix A) was that of linear instantaneous combination form. Three ECG signals taken from three persons (men or non-pregnant women) were chosen to simulate each source (MECG, FECG1, FECG2). The MECG was about 1 ten times larger in amplitude from the FECG1,2. 0 Figure 2 shows the three source signals. One of -1 (a) 0 0.1 the observations was simulated as a thoracic 0 electrode and the other two as abdominal ones. A -0.1 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 (b) 0 0.1 (c) mixing matrix, A, was chosen to simulate the 0 generation of the three observation vectors (electrodes recording). Figure 3 shows the three simulated electrode signals. Infinite SNR was assumed. Applying the JADE algorithm to this -0.1 0 Figure 2: The three source signals used in the simulation, (a) MECG, (b) FECG1, (c) FECG2. 1 problem yielded the three source signals, up to sign and amplitude. The simulation results were very encouraging suggesting the method could be (a) 0 -1 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 (b) 0 applied to real signals. -0.5 With cooperation from the Soroka medical 0.5 center, several pregnant women carrying two to 0 -0.5 three fetuses were sampled. The pregnant women were in their 26th-28th week of pregnancy. In none of the recorded signals, abdominal or thoracic 0 (c) 0 Figure 3:The three simulated electrode signals, (a) Thoracic signal, (b) first abdominal signal, (c) second abdominal signal. electrodes, the FECG was visually noticed. Even when the location of the heart was determined by ultra-sound and the electrodes were placed in its vicinity. We assume that the FECG of the fetus in the 28th week and less, is very low and the signal to noise ratio does pose a severe problem. In order to verify the assumption that no FECG was detected in real recordings due to a very low SNR, more simulation studies were carried out. Three of the sources used were the three ECG signals used previously. Two more sources were defined, one was white noise with uniform distribution and the second was white noise with exponential distribution. The two noise sources were scaled to provide an SNR of 25dB between the noise and the MECG signal. This ratio was constant throughout all the simulations. The FECG signals were then scaled to various SNR’s. The gains used (elements of the matrix A) were between 0.2 and 0.9 to simulate an electrode that is close to the source (gain of around 0.85) and further away from the source (gain of around 0.25). When the number of simulated electrodes was equal or more than the number of sources full separation of the sources was achieved even when the SNR between the FECG and the noise signals was as low as –25dB. In the case where the number of simulated electrodes (three) was less then the number of sources (five) three situations have been noticed, depending on the SNR between the FECG’s and the noise signals. From the definition of the JADE algorithm the maximum number of sources that can be estimated from three observations (electrodes) is three. So at least two of the estimated sources are expected to be a combination of two or more sources. The first situation was for SNR of more then 15dB. In this case each one of the estimated sources contained only one of the ECG signals and maybe some noise, figure 4 shows the three outputs for this case. In the second case where the SNR was less then 15dB the two FECG were not separated (The MECG was separated). In the third situation where the SNR was less then –20dB and lower both FECG where not detected at all, i.e. the algorithm managed to separate the MECG from the noise but the FECG was non existent in any of the estimations. In conclusion the BSS algorithm may perform with real recorded signals from a pregnant woman with multiple fetuses in the condition that the FECG’s signals are strong enough (SNR 10 (a) 0 -10 0 5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 (b) 0 -5 0 5 (c) 0 between the noise and the FECG is high). The simulation studies assessed the assumption made that the SNR between the FECG’s and the noise was low (lower than 15dB) in the real recordings -5 -10 0 Figure 4: Output for SNR of 15dB. (a) MECG. (b) FECG1 + noise. (c) FECG2 + noise. made from pregnant women in their 28th-30th week of pregnancy. Future work planned will include pregnant women in more advanced stages of their pregnancy. References Adam, D., and Shavit, D. “Complete foetal ECG morphology recording by synchronized [1] adaptive filtration”, Medical and biological engineering and computing, 28, 287-292. 1990. [2] Cardoso, J.-F., “ Multidimensional independent component analysis”, Proc. of ICASSP 98. 4, 1941-1944. 1998. [3] Cardoso, J.-F., and Souloumiac, A., “Blind beamforming for non gausian signals”, IEE Proc. –F, 140 (6), 362-370. 1993. [4] Kam, A. and Cohen, A., “Maternal ECG elimination and Foetal ECG Detection – Comparison of Several Algorithms”, Proc. Of the 20th Ann. Int. Conf. IEEE EMBS, HongKong, 1998.