
SPF spending plan (SAMPLE)
Fund Name
Fund No.
Fund Objective
Plan Period
Full guidance could be found at the end of this form
A separate form is available for R&D projects
1. Expenditure
Please summarise all expenditure activities planned over this period to ensure the fund
meets its objectives. (max 250 words)
This section should provide an overview of the proposed expenditure, and if
possible, put it into a few main categories. For example:
Expenditure over this period will focus on::
1. Research: Recruiting a research fellow to investigate translating a new imaging
technique into clinical practice
2. Salaries: support for patient welfare officer & outreach nurse
3. Staff benefits (conferences, education and a celebratory event)
2. Benefit
How does this expenditure benefit patients? (max 500 words)
Here, benefits of the proposed expenditure should be highlighted, ensuring direct
patient benefit is clear. Following the above example:
Utilising this new technique in day to day practice would significantly decrease patient
waiting time and improve accuracy. Positive results would enable us to be the first UK unit
to utilise this technology in day-to-day diagnosis.
2. Patient support salaries
We will continue supporting a patient welfare officer & outreach nurse. These posts could
not have been funded from normal GSTT budgets, although they provide a highly regarded
service for our patients. Supporting them ensures our patients have access to all the
information they need in regards to benefits and other social care available to them. The
outreach officer has proven essential in ensuring most deprived and excluded patients
have access to the treatments they need.
3. Staff benefits and education
We plan to support staff attendance at training courses enabling them to deliver best
possible care, and bring new skills, experiences and ideas to the unit. We will also
purchase a training doll to help training new staff.
To celebrate the unit’s 30th anniversary, we plan to host a small staff party to mark this
occasion and boost staff morale We will also produce a commemorative pack for patients
and staff, which should enable us to further boost staff morale and pride as well as
potentially increasing income from donations.
3. Delivery
How will you ensure this is delivered as planned, and how will you demonstrate
achievements (max 250 words)
This section would highlight how the various elements of your plan are to be
delivered, and how the results of any research would be shared. It should include
issues such as requirement processes and research milestones. e.g. :
1. Research
The research programme is scheduled to start in August, after the requirement of a
research fellow. We anticipate it would take 8 months to collect the data, and 2 additional
months to analyse it. A report of our findings will be published in a peer reviewed journal.
We hope that following positive results we will be able to roll this into service by May of
next year.
2. Other staff
Both posts are currently filled, so there will not be a recruitment phase.
3. Staff benefits and training
We anticipate that 15 staff members would be able to attend courses and conferences
using the fund, and we have obtained quotes for the training doll.
The anniversary party is scheduled for 15th October, and invitation will be extended to all
staff members. We are working on obtaining quotes for the commemorative pack to ensure
we get the most value for money.
1. Budget
Please provide a full breakdown of costs split per organisation as set below. Quotes
should be provided when appropriate. Please insert extra rows or an extra sheet when
Note: Costs should be split to represent which items of expenditure are likely to go through
GSTT procurement/finance systems, and which is likely to go through KCL. This helps us
ensure the fund is appropriately recharged.
Salaries and Staffing
Please record each post separately and provide a staff
costing sheet as approved by your finance department
1 Outreach Nurse (up to June, one Qrt of costs)
2 Welfare and Information Officer (part time)
3 Clinical Research Fellow (contributes to research project) 65,000
Total £80,000
Equipment costs
Please list each piece of equipment separately with estimated costs.
Exclude VAT on medical equipment (see guidance below)
1 Computer equipment for unit
2 Training doll
Total £8,500
General expenditure
1 30th anniversary welcome pack (@ £1.5 per person)
2 30th anniversary celebrations
Total £4,500
Overall total £103,700
2. Reserves (Only complete if a reserve is planned, noting section 5 of the guidelines
Please outline the amount planned as a reserve and the reasons for it.
When a reserve is planned, please provide an estimate and reason for holding these
fundsnoting our reserves policy (see the Special Purpose Funds regulations). e.g.:
A reserve of £25,700 is planned to ensure continued funding for the support officer and
outreach nurse.
3. Anticipated income
Please provide details of any income anticipated over the period of this plan, this could be
from fundraising activities you plan to undertake over this period.
Please indicate when a fundraising event is planned and how much income that is
expected to generate.
The commemorative pack is expected to contribute to an increase in donations due to
increased awareness. Three of our staff members have committed to running the Brighton
Marathon for the fund next year, with a fundraising target of £3,000 each.
4. Declaration and signatures
a. Fundholders
By signing below you certify that the planned expenditure is in line with the charitable object
of the fund and complies with the SPF regulations.
* an email could be accepted in place of a physical signature.
b. Head of department
By signing below you certify that you fully support the planned expenditure and that it is in
accordance with the department’s strategy and policy.
Signature *
* an email could be accepted in place of a physical signature.
1- Expenditure
To ensure all donations are spent within a reasonable time frame and in accordance with our
regulations, clear expenditure activities and objectives must be defined for the fund over the
period of this plan. We aim to achieve a minimum expenditure of 25% of the opening balance
each year.
Depending on the purpose of the fund, activities could be anything from general patient
support, benefits for the ward or department, buying a certain piece of equipment or
renovations. All expenditure must be in line with the funds purpose and respect donors’
You should also plan the expenditure of any restricted donations or legacies within your fund,
this is where a donation is made to cover a very specific need within your fund (a certain
piece of equipment for example). Restricted donations must be spent on the purpose they
were intended for only.
All expenditure must comply with the Special Purpose Funds regulations, all medical
equipment must be ordered via the Trust’s procurement, and any other expenditure is
reimbursed using the SPF claim forms accompanied by receipts/invoices.
Fundholders may be requested to attend the Special Purpose Funds Committee meeting to
present their plan or provide more information.
2- Benefits
Please provide a summary of the benefits to patients arising from this expenditure; all
expenditure (eg. staff training for example) must ultimately be for the benefit of patients as
per the fund’s object.
3- Delivery
This is to help you (and us) ensure that the approved plan is being implemented and
progress is easily monitored.
Please detail all measures taken to ensure that the proposed activities are delivered as
planned and how will the achievements be demonstrated. This could be in the form of
milestones (e.g. a set number of staff attended training courses, equipment has been
delivered and in use..) or any other measure you see fit.
4- Budget
All items of expenditure must be listed and quotes should be provided for any equipment
above £1,000. Estimated budgets could be included for some elements of your plan (staff
training and development as an example).
The Special Purpose Funds Committee and Charity officers reserve the right not to
authorise, or to question any item of expenditure if it is believed not to comply with the SPF
regulations in any way.
Purchasing some items using charitable funds includes tax breaks such as 0% rating for
VAT. Certain medical, scientific, computer, video, sterilising, laboratory and refrigeration
equipment are included provided they are used for medical research, training, diagnosis or
treatment. Please contact us if you have any queries regarding VAT.
5- Reserves
Funds are allowed to keep reserves up to 25% of the fund’s balance for up to 3 years if a
genuine need is demonstrated. Cases could include saving for a specific piece of equipment
or to fund a certain staff post. Please provide as much detail to support your case.
6- Income
Please detail any fundraising initiatives you plan to undertake during the period of this plan
and how much income you anticipate from these activities. When possible, please list any
donations you are anticipating (eg regular donations, grants, etc.)
7- Approval process
The Special Purpose Funds committee reviews spending plans quarterly, we will inform you
when you are due to submit your plan.
Approval: Once the committee approves this spending plan, you are expected to inform us
of any major changes which might be subject to further approval or could lead to the failure
to implement part of the plan. You may be required to resubmit a new proposal if your fund
receives a donation of £10,000 or more anytime throughout the life of this plan.
Deferral: The committee may defer your plan to the next meeting if the information provided
is not sufficient for a decision to be made, you may be required to amend the proposal
according to the committee’s recommendations or provide more information when
Rejection: The committee may find that your plan does not comply with the relevant
regulations or that major elements could be funded from other sources. If your plan is
rejected, a new proposal must be submitted.
8- Outcome
At the end of your plan you will be required to provide an outcome report measuring the
funds achievements. This will be noted by the Special Purpose Funds Committee and may
be published on our website.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form, if you require any assistance please
Ahmed Abdeldayem
Funding Officer, Special Funds
Telephone: 020 7089 4559