1 Gene content characterization and genome organization of Corynebacterium 2 pseudotuberculosis. 3 4 Vivian D’Afonseca¹, Fernanda Alves Dorella¹, Luis Gustavo Pacheco¹, Pablo Matias 5 Moraes¹, Francisco Prosdocimi², Izabella Pena², José Miguel Ortega², Santuza Teixeira3, 6 Sérgio Costa Oliveira4, Guilherme Correa Oliveira5, Roberto Meyer6, Anderson 7 Miyoshi¹**, Vasco Azevedo¹* 8 9 1- Laboratório de Genética Celular e Molecular, Depto. Biologia Geral, ICB-UFMG 10 2- Laboratório de Biodados, Depto. Bioquímica e Imunologia, ICB-UFMG 11 3- Laboratório de Imunologia e Bioquímica Celular de Parasitas, Depto. Bioquímica e 12 Imunologia, ICB-UFMG 13 4- Laboratório de Imunologia de Doenças Infecciosas, Depto. Bioquímica e Imunologia, 14 ICB-UFMG 15 5- Laboratório de Parasitologia, Centro de Pequisa Reneé Rachou – Fiocruz 16 6- Laboratório de Biointeração, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, ICB - UFBA 17 18 19 Vasco Azevedo* and Anderson Miyoshi** (shared credit in this work for senior 20 authorship) 21 vasco@icb.ufmg.br 22 miyoshi@icb.ufmg.br 23 Laboratório de Genética Celular e Molecular. Sala Q3-259. 24 Departamento de Biologia Geral, ICB, UFMG 25 Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 C.P. 486 26 31.270-010 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil 27 Tel: +55 31 3499-2778 28 Fax: +55 31 3499-2610 29 30 Running Head 31 Partial-identification of the gene content of C. pseudotuberculosis 32 33 * To whom correspondence should be addressed 34 1 35 Abbreviations: CLA, Caseous Lymphadenitis; GSS, Genome Survey Sequences; BLAST, 36 Basic Local Alignment Search Tool; COG, Clusters of Orthologous Groups; Cd, 37 Corynebacterium diphtheriae; Ce, Corynebacterium efficiens; Cg, Corynebacterium 38 glutamicum; Cj, Corynebacterium jeikeium; Cp, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 68 ABSTRACT 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is an intracellular pathogen that infects sheeps and goats. The widespread occurrence of this pathogen and the economic importance of the Caseous Lymphadenitis Disease (CLA) have prompted investigation of its pathogenesis. However, the genetic basis of C. pseudotuberculosis virulence is still poorly characterized. A genomic library constructed from C. pseudotuberculosis was used for generation of Genomic Survey Sequence (GSS). From both ends of 720 distinct clones were obtained 1440 GSS’s which were submitted to in silico analyses using bioinformatic algorithms such as PHRED 0.16 base-caller, Seqclean and PHRAP (Crossmatch) package and public databases to comparative analyses. These analyses resulted in about 1,000 GSS’s that presented lengths between 100 to 790 nucleotides and 346,860 basepairs. Non-redundants uniques sequences were used as query for BLAST searches against the genome (BLASTn), translated genome (tBLASTx) and proteome (BLASTx) of other four complete genome Corynebacterium species, presenting more similarity to other Corynebacterium at protein level than at DNA level. As results, we were able to characterize approximately 8% of the genome of C. pseudotuberculosis, therefore, we characterize functional groups genes were not described previously according to COG database, a closely relation between C. pseudotuberculosis and C. diphteriae, beyond conserved genes sinteny in Corynebacteria species. 91 Keywords: Corynebacterium genus, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, Genome 92 Survey Sequences (GSS), microbial genome sequencing, partial-genome sequencing, 93 comparative genomics. 94 3 95 INTRODUCTION 96 97 The decade 1990 was the starting point of the genomic era, with the 98 sequencing of the first microbial genome, a free-living organism - the bacterium 99 Haemophilus influenzae (Fleischmann et al., 1995; Mora et al., 2006). Since then, 100 genomic researches allow to generate a lot of information that are available in public 101 databases (Dorella et al., 2006a). These informations have been aid scientists 102 discovery genes and its functionality, consequently proteins that its encoding, 103 comparing genomes and species evolutionarily related (Celestino et al., 2004) and, 104 although prokaryotic microorganisms occupy the largest part of the planet total 105 biomass, (Rodrìguez-Valera, 2004), much more still need to be understood about 106 them. Thus, the massive accumulation of prokaryotic DNA sequences generated by 107 microbial genome projects can to provide greatest advances in our understanding in 108 various fields including bacterial diversity, mobile genetic elements (MGE) and 109 horizontal gene transfer (HGT) (Binnewies et al., 2006). Furthermore, genome 110 sequencing has provided important insights on deduced genes and proteins of 111 pathogens, including biological features, putative virulence factors and potential 112 targets that might be useful for development of immunological or chemotherapeutic 113 reagents against organism of choice (Celestino et al., 2004; Tauch et al., 2006). At 114 present, around 570 microbial genome projects are finished and published, and more 115 than 1100 are ongoing (Genomes OnLine Database, http://www.genomesonline.org/). 116 The Corynebacterium genus consists of a large number of Gram-positive 117 bacteria that are pleiomorphic, asporogenous and possess high G + C content in their 118 genomes (Deb & Nath, 1999). Originally, the genus Corynebacterium had only 119 diphtheria bacillus and some other animal-pathogenic species (Barksdale, 1970; 120 Pascual, et al., 1995). Latest, other microorganisms were added including plant- and 121 animal-pathogenic, nonpathogenic soil bacteria and saprophytic species (Collins & 122 Bradbury, 1986; Collins & Cummins, 1986; Pascual, et al., 1995). Members of the 123 genus Corynebacterium are closely related to Mycobacterium species, and both are 124 classified into the taxonomic order Actinomycetales (Nakamura et al. 2003). At 125 present, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) genome database 126 contains the complete genome of four different species from the Corynebacterium 127 genus: Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Corynebacterium efficiens, Corynebacterium 4 128 glutamicum and Corynebacterium jeikeium (Cerdeño-Tárraga et al., 2003; Ikeda et al., 129 2003; Nishio et al., 2003; Tauch et al., 2005). 130 One of the most important members of this genus, and the focus of this paper, 131 is the bacterium Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, a facultative intracellular 132 pathogen that infects sheeps and goats, causing caseous lymphadenitis (CLA). This 133 disease is worldwide spread, and its high economic importance has prompted 134 investigation of its pathogenesis. However, the genetic determinants of C. 135 pseudotuberculosis virulence are still poorly characterized (Dorella et al., 2006a), 136 moreover, this specie presents only 19 proteins identified in GenPept database. 137 In this context, the partial C. pseudotuberculosis genome sequence provided 138 in this work may aid to improve the understanding about the molecular and genetic 139 basis of this bacterium’s virulence, and still may be useful in the development of novel 140 diagnostic methods, contributing to the control of CLA. 141 142 143 5 144 METHODOLOGY 145 146 Bacterial strains and growth conditions 147 C. pseudotuberculosis wild-type strain T2 was isolated from a caseous 148 granuloma found in a CLA-affected goat in Bahia state (Brazil) and identified by the 149 API CORYNE battery (Biomerieux, France). This bacterium was aerobically grown in 150 Brain Heart Infusion (BHI, Acumedia) broth at 37ºC under agitation (Dorella, 2006b). 151 For attainment of recombinant clones we used the Escherichia coli DH5α strain, 152 aerobically grown in Luria Bertani (LB, Difco Laboratories, Detroit, USA) and 153 supplemented with ampicillin (100g/mL) and X-Gal (40g/mL) at 37ºC. 154 155 Genomic DNA extraction and construction of genomic library 156 Genomic DNA extraction was performed according to a previously described 157 protocol (Pacheco et al, 2007). DNA integrity was confirmed through electrophoresis 158 in 0.8% agarose gels and visualization by ethidium bromide staining. To evaluate the 159 DNA clearly and quality we used spectrophotometer analysis. To obtain differently 160 sized C. pseudotuberculosis DNA fragments, total genomic DNA was submitted to 161 two minutes of nebulization (Roe et al, 1996). Fragmentation was confirmed through 162 electrophoresis in 0.8% agarose gels and was obtained DNA fragments ranged from 163 500 – 1000 pb. These fragments were cloned in PCR®4 Blunt-TOPO vector using 164 TOPO® Shotgun Subcloning KIT (Invitrogen) and transformed into E. coli DH5α by 165 electroporation (Dower et al, 1988). 166 Blue-white screening was performed to select for positive clones, and PCR 167 with M13 universal primers was used to confirm insert presence, according to the kit 168 manufacturer’s instructions. 169 170 GSS sequencing 171 Plasmid extraction was performed directly on plates using a standardized 172 protocol (Sambrook et al., 1989). Plasmids obtained were analyzed in 0.8% agarose 173 gels and concentrations were determined spectrophotometrically. 174 Obtained plasmidial DNA, around 200ng/µL, were submitted to sequencing 175 reactions in a Mastercycler gradient (Eppendorf), using DYEnamic ET Dye 176 Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit (GE Healthcare) and universal primers M13 F and 6 177 M13 R, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Sequences were generated in a 178 MegaBACETM 1000 equipment (GE Healthcare). 179 180 GSS amplification by PCR 181 For confirmation of the presence of putative exclusives genes in 182 Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and exclusion of any contamination were 183 designed primers forward and reverse for each GSS which didn´t have similarities in 184 the searches databases of the other sequenced Corynebacterium. 185 Putative Oligopeptide/dipeptide ABC transporter primers: 186 Forward: 5´-CCTTACCGAGACAACGTCAT-3´ 187 Reverse: 5´-GCCTGGTGCTTATCATTGAT-3´ 188 NADP oxidoreductase, coenzyme F420-dependent primers: 189 Forward: 5´-CTGCGACATAGCTAGGCACT-3´ 190 Reverse: 5´-CCGCCAGACTTTTCTCTACA-3´ 191 Proline iminopeptidase (PIP) primers: 192 Forward: 5´-AACTGCGGCTTTCTTTATTC-3´ 193 Reverse: 5´ -GACAAGTGGGAACGGTATCT-3´Generated amplicons presented 194 lenght of: 285bp, 382bp and 551bp respectly. 195 196 Base-calling 197 The base-calling procedure was performed using PHRED algorithm (Ewing 198 and Green, 1998; Ewing et al., 1998) with parameterization using trim_alt and 199 trim_cutoff parameter of 0.16, as suggested by Prosdocimi and colleagues (2007). 200 201 Sequence filtering and clustering 202 In order to filter sequences from dust and vector sequences, we have used the 203 algorithms SeqClean (http://compbio.dfci.harvard.edu/tgi/software/) and PHRAP’s 204 package cross_match (http://www.phrap.org). SeqClean was firstly used to remove 205 dust from PHRED base-called sequences. So, have been run cross_match algorithm 206 against the sequence of cloning vector used in this analysis and, at least, SeqClean was 207 once more run in order to remove the cross_match. The sequence clustering has been 208 performed using TIGR software TGICL (Pertea et al., 2003) using default parameters. 209 210 7 211 212 Comparative BLAST analyses against Corynebaterium complete genomes 213 Non-redundant unique sequences clustered by TGICL were used as query to 214 BLAST searches (Altschul et al., 1997) against other species from the 215 Corynebacterium genus to identify similarities between these species and C. 216 pseudotuberculosis uniques. We have run BLASTs in the DNA (BLASTn) and protein 217 levels (BLASTx, tBLASTx) to verify the nucleotidic and amino acidic conservation 218 among species. 219 220 COG functional categories inference through Blast best hit analysis 221 C. pseudotuberculosis unique sequences were also used as query to BLASTx 222 searches against COG database (Tatusov et al., 1997). The NCBI COG database 223 clusters genes from 66 microbial species into ortholog groups and classify these 224 protein clusters into biological processes categories. A best hit inference approach 225 method has been used to classify organism’s sequences into COG functional 226 categories (REF). Therefore, BLASTx algorithm was run using 10e-5 e-value cut-off 227 and C. pseudotuberculosis partial genome sequences were classified into COG 228 categories based in the best hit match of each sequence against COG classified 229 proteins. 230 231 Comparative BLAST analyses against UNIPROT database 232 The most recent version of UNIPROT curated protein database (Apweiler et 233 al., 2004; Uniprot Consortium, 2007) was downloaded from EBI website at Feb 13, 234 2007 (ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/ databases/uniprot/knowledgebase/uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz). 235 Thus, it was used UNIPROT as database subject to BLASTx searches using C. 236 pseudotuberculosis uniques as query. The number of protein hits was reported as well 237 as the number of uniques matching UNIPROT proteins and not Corynebacterium 238 genus or COG proteins. 239 240 Gene synteny analysis with Corynebacterium genomes 241 A synteny analysis of C. pseudotuberculosis non-redundant GSSs was also 242 performed to verify if the gene order is conserved in C. pseudotuberculosis when 243 compared to other Corynebacterium species. Using tBLASTx best hits data of C. 244 pseudotuberculosis uniques against C. diphteriae, C. efficiens, C. glutamicum and C. 8 245 jeikeium genomes, we have calculated the putative average position of each protein- 246 coding gene (subject end minus subject init) when compared to other Corynebacterium 247 complete genomes. The putative gene positional results were plotted in a graph 248 ordered by C. diphteriae hits (C. pseudotuberculosis closest genome, see results). 249 250 251 9 252 RESULTS 253 254 Raw data filtering and processing 255 The raw data produced by sequencer machines and base-calling was firstly 256 filtered to remove vector regions and dust. Filtering has removed more than 30% of 257 bases and sequences (Table 1). Moreover, larger sequences were diminished due to the 258 presence of vector regions and/or dust contamination. Seqclean also removes from 259 analysis all sequences smaller than 100 base pairs. 260 261 Tab 1. Raw data analyses RAW DATA PROCESSED DATA Number of sequences 1,440 963 Total number of residues 506,037 346,860 Smallest sequence 0 100 Largest sequence 906 792 Average length 351 360 262 263 Clustering Analysis 264 C. pseudotuberculosis GSS have been clustered using TIGR’s TGICL 265 software. This software uses Megablast (Zhang et al., 2000) to cluster sequences and 266 CAP3 (Huang and Madan, 1999) to further assemble the sequences from each cluster. 267 Such as expected, we have observed the presence of both many singlets and clusters 268 presenting a small number of sequences, certifying the library quality (Figure 1). The 269 non-redundant unique sequences have shown to span around 184,000 bases into 466 270 non-redundant set of DNA sequences (Table 2). 271 272 10 273 274 Fig1. Number of clusters by class of clustered sequences as defined by 275 TGICL/Megablast. 276 277 Tab 2. Clustering results Number of Number of Average Bigger Smaller bases Sequences Size (bp) Sequence Sequence Singlets 91,047 276 331 792 100 Sequences clustered 255,813 687 372 786 100 Clusters 92,645 190 490 1248 121 183,692 466 395 1248 100 Sequence Class GSS Uniques* (non-redundant set) 278 * Unique data (except bigger and smaller sequences) are a sum of singlets plus clusters 279 data. 280 281 BLAST against complete genome Corynebacterium species 282 From the data above, all the analyses were made using the non-redundant set 283 of C. pseudotuberculosis sequences (uniques). C. pseudotuberculosis GSS unique 284 sequences were then used as query for BLAST searches against the genome 285 (BLASTn), translated genome (tBLASTx) and proteome (BLASTx) of other complete 286 genome Corynebacterium species (Table 3). 287 288 289 11 290 Tab 3. BLAST analysis of C. pseudotuberculosis uniques against other 291 Corynebacterium species. BLAST Subject program E-value cutoff cd*,a ce*,a cg*,a cj*,a tBLASTx Genome 10-10 300 (100%) 244 (100%) 247 (100%) 198 (100%) BLASTn Genome 10-10 106 (35%) 42 (17%) 46 (19%) 31 (16%) BLASTx Proteome 10-10 268 (89%) 224 (92%) 221 (90%) 182 (92%) BLASTx Proteome 10-5 305 274 275 235 292 * Number of C. pseudotuberculosis uniques hitting other species’ genome; 293 a Percentage of search with Genome and tBLASTx 294 295 It is interesting to realize that C. pseudotuberculosis has shown to be more 296 similar to other Corynebaterium in the protein level than in the DNA level (Nakamura 297 et al., 2003). Data on Table 3 suggests that C. pseudotuberculosis is more similar to 298 C.diphteriae, followed by C. glutamicum, C. efficiens and C.jeikeium. 299 300 Functional categorization of putative proteins based on best hits to COG database 301 All GSS unique sequences were used as query to BLASTx searches against 302 COG database. We have used 10-5 BLAST e-value cut-off and the C. 303 pseudotuberculosis translated partial protein sequences were classified into functional 304 categories based in the category of their best hit in COG database. Thus, C. 305 pseudotuberculosis proteins were classified into major (Figure 2) and minor (Table 4) 306 COG functional categories. 12 307 308 Fig 2. GSS classification in major COG categories 309 Almost half of C. pseudotuberculosis GSS uniques did not hit any protein in 310 COG database, even with the low stringent BLAST cut-off used. Metabolism has 311 shown to be the category on which most of genes were classified, while Information 312 Storage and Processing, Cellular Processes and Poorly Characterized have shown to 313 present a similar percentage of genes classified (~10%, Figure 2). Since these 314 percentages do not mean too much without a comparative perspective, Table 4 present 315 the expected percentage of genes classified in Corynebacterium, given by the COG 316 classification of the four mentioned complete genome bacteria already sequenced from 317 this genus. 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 13 328 Table 4. COG functional classification of C. pseudotuberculosis putative partial 329 proteins COG Category Cat* Cp** % in genus*** Inf 21 (4.2%) 3.9 (K) Transcription Inf 23 (4.6%) 5.4 (L) DNA replication, recombination and repair Inf 23 (4.6%) 5.2 (D) Cell division and chromosome partitioning pCel 1 (0.2%) 0.5 pCel 8(1.6%) 2.2 (M) Cell envelope biogenesis, outer membrane pCel 19 (3.8%) 3.1 (N) Cell motility and secretion pCel 0 0.0 (U) Intracellular trafficking and secretion pCel 1 (0.2%) 0.7 (V) Defense mechanisms pCel 8 (1.6%) 1.3 (P) Inorganic ion transport and metabolism pCel 21 (4.2%) 4.9 (T) Signal transduction mechanisms pCel 11 (2.2%) 2.3 (C) Energy production and conversion Met 14 (2.8%) 3.9 (H) Coenzyme metabolism Met 19 (3.8%) 3.4 (I) Lipid metabolism Met 14 (2.8%) 2.4 (G) Carbohydrate transport and metabolism Met 21 (4.2%) 3.6 (E) Amino acid transport and metabolism Met 28 (5.6%) 5.8 (F) Nucleotide transport and metabolism Met 18 (3.6%) 2.1 Met 3 (0.6%) 1.7 (R) General function prediction only Poor 29 (5.8%) 8.0 (S) Function unknown Poor 17 (3.4%) 5.0 Not in COG ------ 204 (40.6%) 33.3 (J) Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis (O) Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones (Q) Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism 330 Cp: Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis 331 *Description of column data: Inf (information storage and processing), pCel (cellular 332 processes), Met (metabolism), Poor (poorly characterized). 333 **Number of genes found (and partial percentage) in cp genome. The absolute number 334 is bigger than 514 since some genes were classified in more than one category. 335 ***Percentage 336 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sutils/coxik.cgi?gi=375) in genus Corynebacterium according to COG data 14 337 338 Most of GSS uniques classified data fits the expected percentage of 339 classification into Corynebacterium genus if we consider this is only a partial analysis 340 of C. pseudotuberculosis genome and proteome (Table 4). Confirming data on Figure 341 2, we have seen an excess of sequences not classified. 342 343 Shared hits against different databases 344 In order to search for putative C. pseudotuberculosis genes originated by 345 lateral transference, we have compared BLAST results against different databases. It 346 would be expected that most of C. pseudotuberculosis genes derived from GSS will be 347 present in other Corynebacterium species if they had been present in the common 348 ancestor of all species inside this genus. This expectation has been confirmed (Figure 349 3). However, we have observed the presence of 4 putative C. pseudotuberculosis 350 proteins (translated uniques) presenting similarities with COG and UNIPROT proteins 351 but not similarities with other Corynebacterium species proteins. Therefore, it is 352 possible to consider these 4 proteins as putative candidates for lateral transference into 353 C. pseudotuberculosis genome. 354 355 356 Fig 3. Distribution of C. pseudotuberculosis GSS uniques’ BLAST hits against three 357 databases tested: COG, UNIPROT and a built-in Corynebacterium protein database 358 containing the proteomes 359 15 360 These putative genes that might originated in C. pseudotuberculosis genome 361 by lateral transference were identified as: (1) an oligopeptide/dipeptide ABC 362 transporter, ATPase subunit with best hit in NR database against another bacteria 363 (Arthrobacter sp. FB24) from the same order of C. pseudotuberculosis 364 (Actinomycetales) (e-value 2e-19); (2) a NADP oxidoreductase, coenzyme F420- 365 dependent from Chloroflexus aurantiacus, a bacterium of Chloroflexi phylum (e-value 366 4e-10); (3) a proline iminopeptidase (PIP) from Xanthomonas axonopodis from 367 Proteobacteria phylum (e-value 1e-55); and (4) a high-similarity (99% identities) 368 complete sequence of a ribosomal protein L30 of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit 369 from the baker yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (e-value 2e-61) (Figure 4). 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 >gi|132946|sp|P24000|RL24B_YEAST Gene info 60S ribosomal protein L24-B (L30) (YL21) (RP29) Length=155 Score = 238 bits (606), Expect = 2e-61 Identities = 154/155 (99%), Positives = 154/155 (99%), Gaps = 0/155 (0%) Frame = -1 Query608 MKVEVDSFSGAKIYPGRGTLFVRGDSKIFRFQNSKSASLFKQRKNPRRIAWTVLFRKHHK 429 MKVEVDSFSGAKIYPGRGTLFVRGDSKIFRFQNSKSASLFKQRKNPRRIAWTVLFRKHHK Sbjct 1 MKVEVDSFSGAKIYPGRGTLFVRGDSKIFRFQNSKSASLFKQRKNPRRIAWTVLFRKHHK 60 Query 428 KGITEEVAKKRSRKTVKAQRPITGASLDLIKERRSLKPEVRkanreeklkankekkraek 249 KGITEEVAKKRSRKTVKAQRPITGASLDLIKERRSLKPEVRKANREEKLKANKEKKRAEK Sbjct 61 KGITEEVAKKRSRKTVKAQRPITGASLDLIKERRSLKPEVRKANREEKLKANKEKKRAEK 120 Query 248 aarkaekaKSAGVQGSKVSKQQAKGAFQKVAVTSR 144 AARKAEKAKSAGVQGSKVSKQQAKGAFQKVA TSR Sbjct 121 AARKAEKAKSAGVQGSKVSKQQAKGAFQKVAATSR 155 390 Fig 4. Best hit BLASTx result of a C. pseudotuberculosis unique against a complete 391 sequence of a yeast 60S ribosomal protein. Putative case of lateral gene transfer to be 392 further investigated. 393 394 395 396 397 398 16 399 Confirmation of the putative genes of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis 400 By PCR were confirmed the presence of 3 putative exclusives genes of 401 Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. For this amplification, we used genomic DNA 402 of the Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis 1002 and T2 strain, Corynebacterium 403 pseudotuberculosis equi, Corynebacterium ulcerans, Corynebacterium renale, which 404 still didn´t have sequenced Corynebacterium diphteriae and Corynebacterium 405 jeikeium. As negative control, was used vector TOPO only and positive control was 406 the clone contained the fragment that originated the GSS (figure 5). 407 408 A 409 M123456789 B C M1234 56 789 M123456789 382 bp 551 bp 285 bp 410 411 Fig. 5: PCR confirmation of the presence of the putative genes in Corynebacterium 412 pseudotuberculosis. (A) putative dipeptide/oligopeptide ABC transporter. (B) NADP 413 oxirectudase. (C) PIP – proline iminopeptidase. (M) Molecular marker (1Kb Ladder 414 Plus); (1) Negative control; (2) Positive control; (3) C.pseudotuberculosis 1002; (4) 415 C.pseudotuberculosis T2; (5) C. renale; (6) C. ulcerans; (7) C.diphteriae; (8) C. 416 jeikeium; (9) C. pseudotuberculosis equi. 417 418 Gene order analysis 419 In order to verify whether the gene order is conserved in Corynebacterium 420 species, when compared to the C. pseudotuberculosis partial genome analysis done 421 here, we have used tBLASTx best hit results against C. diphteriae, C. glutamicum, C. 422 efficiens and C.jeikeium genomes to define the position where all the GSS C. 423 pseudotuberculosis putative genes have been mapped in those genomes. 17 424 425 Fig 6. Gene synteny analysis of C. pseudotuberculosis GSS uniques based in 426 tBLASTx genome mapping into other Corynebaterium genomes. 427 428 Therefore, all C. pseudotuberculosis GSS putative genes were mapped into 429 other Corynebacterium genomes (Figure 6) ordered by C. diphteriae genome. All 430 genomes have shown to present a high degree of gene order conservation when 431 compared to C. pseudotuberculosis mapped genes, while C.jeikeium has presented a 432 clear inversion in the very middle part of its genome when compared to others. 433 Moreover, triangles representing C. efficiens and C. glutamicum genomes can be seen 434 many times together, showing the similarity between these genomes. There were not 435 seen any squares representing the similarity of C. pseudotuberculosis genes with C. 436 diphteriae ones out of the main diagonal line, representing a putative high 437 conservation of gene order in these two species. 438 439 440 441 442 443 18 444 DISCUSSION 445 446 An overview from the C. pseudotuberculosis genome was done here based in 447 the sequence of ~1,000 genome survey sequences. The DNA clustering of these data 448 has shown to produce 466 sequences representing 183,692 base pair from this 449 organism genome. Other four Corynebacterium species from this same genus were 450 already sequenced and they present a genome size between 2.4 to 3.2 megabases 451 (Table 5). 452 453 Tab 5. Data from complete Corynebacterium genomes already sequenced Genome Number of size (bp) RefSeq proteins NC_002935 2,488,635 2,291 ce NC_004369 3,147,090 3,006 C. glutamicum cg NC_006958 3,282,708 3,057 C. jeikeium cj NC_007164 2,462,499 2,201 Organism Mnemonic Accession Number C. diphteriae cd C. efficiens 454 455 Therefore, it might be concluded we have analyzed something between 5.6% 456 and 7.5% of C. pseudotuberculosis genome. Moreover, since C. pseudotuberculosis 457 has shown to be more similar in both the nucleotidic and the amino acid level to C. 458 diphteriae (Table 4), a species containing a 2.4 megabases genome, we have probably 459 analyzed here a number closer to 7.5% than 5.6% of C. pseudotuberculosis genome. 460 Many similarity analyses were performed here comparing C. 461 pseudotuberculosis GSS genome data with the genome and proteome of other four 462 Corynebacterium species already sequenced. It is interesting to realize that better 463 similarity results were produced when the comparisons between these organisms were 464 done at the protein level. This may indicate they have already being evolutionary 465 diverged since a consider amount of time. Moreover, C. pseudotuberculosis has shown 466 to share more nucleotide and amino acid similarities against C. diphteriae than other 467 species (Table 4) as well as a similarity in their gene order (Figure 6). This observation 468 is consistent with sequencing data of 16S rRNA and rpoB genes, where these species 469 have clustered very close (Khamis et al., 2005). After C. diphteriae, C. 470 pseudotuberculosis has shown to present similar similarity levels against C. efficiens 471 and C. glutamicum; and more distant relationship with C. jeikeium genome. All these 19 472 data are consistent with the 16S rRNA and rpoB data produced by Khamis and 473 collaborators (2005) and summary presented in Figure 7. 474 475 476 Fig 7. Evolutionary relationship between Corynebaterium species studied here. This 477 data was derived from 16S rRNA and rpoB genes (Khamis et al., 2005) and it is in 478 accordance with similarity data shown here (Table 4). 479 The very high number of “no hits” seem in Figure 2 may be almost totally 480 explained looking into data in Table 5 and considering the size of non-coding regions 481 in Corynebacterium genomes. First, the last raw in Table 5 shows the number of genes 482 expected to be absent in COGs when some species from the Corynebacterium genus is 483 analyzed. Consequently, it is supposed that 33.3% of genes will not be classified in 484 COG categories in some species of Corynebacterium and C. pseudotuberculosis has 485 shown to present 40.6% of their non-redundant unique sequences classified in this 486 non-classified category. However, the number 33.3% in Table 5 is related only to the 487 percentage of genes not classified in COGs and the unique sequences represent both 488 genes and intergenic regions. When analyzing the Corynebacterium genomes trying to 489 find which part of them are composed of non-coding regions: C. diphteriae, C. 490 glutamicum, C. efficiens and C.jeikeium have shown present, respectively, 11.7%, 491 6.7%, 12.7% and 8.4% of their genomes composed of non protein-coding regions. 492 Therefore, if we consider an average putative value of 9.9% as C. pseudotuberculosis 493 genome non-coding region plus 33.3% of putative C. pseudotuberculosis proteins not 494 classified in COGs, we get a value of 43.2% of uniques expected to be not classified in 495 COGs and this number is close to the numbers seem in Figure 1 and Table 5 (40.6%). 496 Comparing the number of uniques presenting on BLAST hits into 497 Corynebacterium proteins but presenting significant similarities with proteins in 498 different curated protein databases (COG and UNIPROT), we have verified the 499 presence of some candidates C. pseudotuberculosis genes to be risen in this genome 500 through lateral gene transference. Amongst the 4 genes found in this category, a 501 proline iminopeptidase (PIP) and a ribosomal protein have shown high similarity 20 502 indexes with other species proteins. Regarding this ribosomal protein, we have found a 503 very high level identity in the entire sequence of an eukaryotic ribosomal protein from 504 S. cerevisiae (Figure 4). Presence of the 3 GSS were confirmed by PCR in C. 505 pseudotuberculosis (Figure 5), suggesting that PIP, putative oligopeptide/dipeptide 506 ABC transporter and NADP oxireductase actually are present into genome of C. 507 pseudotuberculosis, furthermore, it also is present in C. ulcerans (putative 508 dipeptide/oligopeptide ABC transporter), C. renale (all the 3 GSS) and didn´t present 509 in C. diphteriae and C. jeikeium as suggest our work. This gene presence in C. 510 pseudotuberculosis as well as C. renale and C. ulcerans was explained by Dorella and 511 colleagues, 2006 which based on analysis of the rpoB gene was suggested a clear 512 relationship between C. pseudotuberculosis and C. ulcerans. 513 The synteny of C. pseudotuberculosis putative genes and genes from other 514 Corynebacterium genomes were also evaluated in the present work (Figure 5). An 515 almost straight line can be seen when C. pseudotuberculosis putative gene positions 516 were mapped into C. diphteriae genome, evidencing the fact that our analysis has been 517 efficient in the sample of randomly disposed genes in the C. pseudotuberculosis 518 genome and once more attesting the quality of our genomic library. A broken line 519 would indicate that some regions had been preferentially sampled. Moreover, all the C. 520 pseudotuberculosis GSS uniques following the main diagonals in the Figure 5 are 521 suggested to be used as anchors to produce a final version of a further C. 522 pseudotuberculosis genome initiative. It is also interesting to observe that many C. 523 pseudotuberculosis genes were mapped in different positions when compared to C. 524 efficiens and C. glutamicum genomes. Nevertheless, in many situations it is possible to 525 see filled and not-filled triangles in similar positions (out of the diagonal), evidencing 526 also the similarity between C. efficiens and C. glutamicum genomes and their 527 differences when compared to C. diphteriae and C. pseudotuberculosis ones. 528 C.jeikeium genome has shown to be, such as expected, the most divergent species 529 when gene order is evaluated. 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