ALBERT EINSTEIN MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRIC & ADOLESCENT MEDICINE Scholarly Activity Update: 2008-2009 Updated June 26, 2009 Presentations at local, regional and national Professional Meetings 2008-2009 1. Cecilia Damilano, Alexandra Aguilar, Francesco De Luca. Predictors of Poor Glycemic control in children Newly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes Mellitus. Poster presentation at LWPES / ESPE, New York City, 9/10/2009 (accepted) 2. Kala Schilter, Tanya M Bardakjian, Adele Schneider, Rebecca C Tyler, Linda M Reis, Elena V Semina. The identification of mutations in the OTX2 gene in Anophthalmia/ Microphthalmia patients. Poster presentation at ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 05/2009 3. Nomilinne Nery, Michael Huang, Felipe Bautista, Michael Janeczko. Breast Milk Usage in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Poster presentation Research Recognition Day – Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA 05/09.Health Services Award. 4. Sri Chinta, Natalia Isaza, Nisha Singh, Alexis Lieberman. Einstein Residents and Attendings Knowledge of Autism and Use of M-CHAT. Poster presentation Research Recognition Day – Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA 05/09. 5. Wendy J. Ross, Angela Jones, Virginia Baez, Chrissa George, Michael Huang, Rebecca Jackal, Clara E Notredame, Vanette Jordan. Relationship of Parental Concerns and Educational level to Services Received Prior to Diagnosis of Autism in an Urban Autism Center. Poster presentation Research Recognition Day – Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA 05/09. 6. David Schutzman, Romal Sekhon, Shilpa Hundalani. An Hour Specific Bilirubin Nomogram as a Marker of Hemolysis in ABO Incompatible Newborn Jaundice. Poster presentation Research Recognition Day – Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA 05/09. 7. Alexis Lieberman, Virginia Baez Socorro, Taaha Shakir, Jitsuda Sitthi-Amorn. Coming to America: Assessing the Transition of IMGs to the U.S. Poster presentation Research Recognition Day – Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA 05/09. 8. Matilde Irigoyen, Lina Huerta, Maria Mendoza. Drinking Water Preferences, Perceptions and Fluoride Knowledge in an Urban Pediatric Population. Poster presentation Research Recognition Day – Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA 05/09; Platform presentation at American Public Health Association annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 11/09 (accepted) 9. Adam Barouh, Christopher Haines, Sri Chinta, Colette Mull, Sabina Singh. Educational Opportunities in a Pediatric Emergency Department Parental Attitude and Perceptions of CPR. Poster presentation Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS), Baltimore MD, 5/4/09. 10. Agnes Salvador, Anja Mowes, Romal Sekhon, Michael Janeczko, Rachel Porat, David Schutzman. Randomized Controlled Trial of Early TPN Cycling to Prevent Cholestasis in Premature Infants. Poster presentation PAS, Baltimore MD, 5/4/09; Poster presentation Research Recognition Day – Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA 05/09. 11. Alexis Lieberman. Goals Set by Teen Weight Loss Club Website Users. Platform presentation ESPR, Philadelphia, 3/15/2009. 12. Alexis S. Lieberman, Allan M. Arbeter, Rachel Kauffman, Katherine Desmond, Matilde Irigoyen. Is HPV Vaccine Being Given on Time? An Inner-City Center Experience. Poster Presentation at ESPR, Philadelphia, 3/13/2009; Poster presentation Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 5/2/09. 13. Alexis Lieberman, Arlene Terras, Sherry Pomerantz. Cues to Action, Adolescent Version. Platform presentation ESPR, Philadelphia, 3/15/2009; Poster presentation PA, Baltimore MD, 5/2/09. 14. Theresa Pattugalan, Mark E. Dovey, Pulmonary Findings in Pediatric Patients with Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome. Poster Presentation PAS, Baltimore MD, 5/3/2009; Poster presentation Research Recognition Day – Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA 05/09.. 15. Rachel Porat, Claudia G. Lares, Shilpa Hundalani, Mariya L. Koval, Lina Huerta-Saenz. Evaluation of Our “Back To Sleep” Program. Poster presentation ESPR, Philadelphia, 3/13/2009; Poster presentation PAS, Baltimore MD, 5/4/09; Poster presentation Research Recognition Day – Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA 05/09. 16. David Schutzman, Romal Sekhon, Shilpa Hundalani. Utility of an Hour Specific Bilirubin Nomogram in the Management of ABO Incompatible Coombs Positive Infants. Platform presentation ESPR, Philadelphia, 3/14/2009; Poster presentation PAS, Baltimore MD, 5/5/09; Poster presentation Research Recognition Day – Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA 05/09. Finalist Research award. 17. Cynthia DeLago, Wendy Ross. Challenges Implementing PEDS Screening in a Resident Continuity Clinic. Poster presentation ESPR, Philadelphia, 3/13/2009; Poster presentation PAS, Baltimore MD, 5/5/09; Poster presentation Research Recognition Day – Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA 05/09. QA/QI award. 18. Melissa S Stockwell, Sally Findley, Matilde Irigoyen. How Parents’ Experiences at Immunization Visits Affects Child Immunization Status. Poster Presentation at ESPR, Philadelphia, 3/13/2009; Poster presentation PAS, Baltimore MD, 5/5/09. 19. Melissa S Stockwell, Sally Findley, Raquel A Martinez, Matilde Irigoyen. Parental, Practice and Community Factors Affecting Return for Immunization Visits. Platform presentation ESPR, Philadelphia, 3/15/2009; Platform presentation PAS, Baltimore MD, 5/5/09. 20. Omolara A Thomas, Sally E Findley, Matilde Irigoyen, Raquel Andres-Martinez, Melissa S Stockwell. Ethnic Disparities in Influenza Vaccination Coverage for Latino Children aged 6-36 months. Poster Presentation at ESPR, Philadelphia, 3/13/2009; Poster presentation PAS, Baltimore MD, 5/5/09. 21. Anna M Carr, Matilde Irigoyen, Robert S Wimmer, Robert S McGregor. Successful Strategies for Enhancing Inpatient Subspecialty Exposure in a Small Pediatric Residency Program. Poster session at ESPR, Philadelphia 3/13/2009 22. Schneider, A, Bardakjian T, Dorsainville D, Berkowitz J, Johnston J, Ng David, Biesecker L. 16q deletion detected by array CGH in a boy with anophthalmia/ microphthalmia. Poster presentation American College of Medical Genetics, Tampa, FL. 03/2009. 23. Ross W. “Autism Access: Connecting with Museums." Workshop presentation American Association of Museums (AAM) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, May 2, 2009. 24. Barbouth D, Wasserman D, Loring J, Zakarin L, Herman E, Herbstman D, Sacharow S, Rosen S, Schneider A. Awareness, attitudes and barriers of Jewish Genetic Screening: A Florida experience. Poster presentation American College of Medical Genetics, Tampa, FL. 03/2009. 25. Adele Schneider, Tanya Bardakjian. Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of anophthalmia/microphthalmia. Recommendations for testing and genetic counseling. Poster presentation at the American Society of Human Genetics, Philadelphia, PA, 11/2008. 26. Schneider, R. Keep, D. Dorsainville, T. Bardakjian, D. Finegold, W. Sun, A.M Roe, J. Lebow, S. Nakagawa, J. Zhan, S. Gross. Comparison of Hexosaminidase A enzyme assay and mutation testing: Is enzyme assay still necessary in Tay-Sachs population screening? Presentation at the ASHG (American Society of Human Genetics, Philadelphia, PA , 11/2008 PUBLICATIONS 2009 1. Hilton E, Johnston JJ, Whalen S, Okamoto N, Hatsukawa Y, Nishio J, Kohara H, Hirano Y, Mizuno S, Torii C, Kosaki K, Manouvier S, Boute O, Perveen R, Law C, Moore A, LemkeJ, Fellmann F, Debray F-G, Dastot-Le-Moal F, Collot N, Martin J, Conteville P, Goossens M, Verloes A, Schinzel A, Bartholdi D, Bardakjian T, Belmont JW, Hay B, Jenny K, Johnston K, Lyons M, Biesecker LG , Guirgea I, Black GCM. The mutational spectrum of BCOR: Candidate gene analysis of patients with oculofaciocardiodental and Lenz microphthalmia syndromes, mental retardation and ocular anomalies, and cardiac laterality defects. Eur J Hum Genet, epress March 2009 2. Schneider A, Nakagawa S, Keep R, Dorsainville D, Charrow J, Aleck K, Hoffman J, Minkoff S, Finegold D, Sun W, Spencer A, Lebow J, Zhan J, Apfelroth S, Agus-Schreiber N, Gross S. Population based Tay-Sachs Screening among Ashkenazi Jewish Young Adults in the 21st Century: Hexosaminidase A Enzyme Assay is Essential for Accurate Testing. American Journal of Medical Genetics (accepted) 3. Stockwell MS, Findley SE, Irigoyen M, Chen S, Sonnett M, Change in the Parental Reasons for Utilization of an Urban Pediatric Emergency Department in the Past Decade. Pediatric Emergency Care (accepted) 4. Srikant Das, Matilde Irigoyen, Marybeth Patterson, Agnes Salvador, David L. Schutzman. Neonatal Outcomes of Macrosomic Births in Diabetic and Non-diabetic women. Archives of Disease in Childhood (accepted). 5. Lieberman AS, Robbins J, Terras A. Why do some adolescents lose weight and others not?: A qualitative study. Journal of the National Medical Association (accepted) 6. Rowinsky PA, Steenhoff AP, Kung SJ, Arbeter A, Shah SS. Ancillary testing in children with rotavirus gastroenteritis. Journal of Hospital Medicine (accepted) 7. Lieberman AS, Cromley J, Charles L, Rodriguez O, Lopez-Marti MG, Das S, Moguillansky D. Outcomes related to low literacy in low-income adolescents. Int J Child Adolesc Health; 2 (10:00-00), 2009 (accepted) 8. Uppu SC, Chnadrasekaran S, Mallula KK. Constrictive pericarditis in a patient with sinus venous atrial septal defect and anomalous upper pulmonary venous return. Ann Pediatr Card 2: 87-88, 2009 9. Findley SE, Sanchez M, Mejia M, Ferreira R, Pena O, Matos S, Stockwell MS, Irigoyen M. Effective Strategies for Integrating Immunization Promotion into Community Programs. Health Promotion Practice 10; 128S, 2009 10. Findley SE, Irigoyen M, Stockwell MS, Chen S. Changes in Childhood Immunization Disparities between Central Cities and their Respective States, 2000 versus 2006. Journal Urban Health 86:183-95, 2009 11. Fasano CJ, O'Malley GF, Lares C, Rowden AK. Pediatric ziprasidone overdose. Pediatr Emerg Care Apr;25(4):258-9, 2009. 12. Ryan Chao, Linda Nevin, Pooja Agarwal, Jan Riemer, Xiaoyang Bai, Allen Delaney, Matthew Akana, Nelson JiminezLopez, Tanya Bardakjian, Adele Schneider, David FitzPatrick, Pui-yan Kwok, Lars Ellgaard, Doug Gould, Yan Zhang, Jarema Malicki, Herwig Baier, Anne Slavotinek. A Male with Unilateral Microphthalmia Reveals a Role for TXNDC10 in Eye Development., American Journal of Human Genetics. (Submitted)