Study Guide Key SS2 Unit 2 Western Medieval Europe Name the

Study Guide Key SS2 Unit 2
Western Medieval Europe
1. Name the three main social classes ranking them from highest to lowest in their social
status of the Middle Ages.
Nobility, Clergy, and Peasants
2. On the manor, who collected taxes, made laws, and acted as the judge in all disputes?
3. Christian Missionaries converted the Germanic Barbarians to Christianity unifying
Europe while forcing them to give up the practice of worshipping many gods called
4. The manorial system in medieval Europe was also this type of system.
5. The Church was the last institution still standing after the fall of this empire. Rome
6. Feudalism was what type of system during the Middle Ages?
7. Farming, Hotel, Medical treatment, and even copying books were all things that were
done by these establishments. Checking books out was not allowed.
8. Did monasteries convert the barbarians to Christianity?
9. What lands did Charlemagne rule?
All of Western Europe
10.When was Charlemagne alive?
800 A.D.
11. True or False: When the Barbarians controlled Europe, people fled to the country,
monasteries were created & all institutions were destroyed except for the church. True
12. Charlemagne was crowned King by this person.
13. Because he was crowned by this person it showed the world that there was no conflict
between the King and the _______________.
14. The code of Chivalry called for a man to honor his word, promises had to be
15.William the Conqueror led this invasion in 1066 against England.
Norman invasion
16.William beat the Anglo Saxons and took control of ______________& Normandy France
17.True or False: William made the English swear loyalty to him, took land away from those
who fought against him and gave land to those who fought for him
18.True or False: The monasteries were used as a cathedral for the peasants. False
19. _________________ preserved books & libraries during the Middle Ages. Monasteries
20. True or False: The Church stayed out of the affairs of running a city
21.What direction did the Black Death travel on rats along the trade routes? East to West
22.How long did it take Europe to recover from the 30% (25 million) population lost due to
the Bubonic Plague
23.The 100 years war is most famous for the new technology and the rise of
______________________ among the warring countries
24.A crossbow was an important invention because it could pierce ________. Armor
25. At the Battle of Agincourt the English had a ____________ army with archers while the
French had a _______________ army with Knights on horses.
26.French Nationalism was best represented by this female.
Joan of Arc
27.The middle class in the towns were made up of these people.
28.With the invention of a ____________ plowing became 4 times faster. Harness
29.More food allowed more people to live, town populations__________. Increased
30.More food allowed the extra to be sold or traded at the town ____________. Markets
31.Name three reasons why serfs left the Manors.
Social, Political, Economic
32.True or False: Medieval towns were well planned out and very clean.
33.Apprentice, Journeyman and Craftsman are all steps you must take to join
34.Who controlled most of Spain from 700-1400?
Islamic Moors
35.What battle stopped the spread of their influence in Western Europe? Battle of Tours
36. The Spanish European Muslims were the 1st to translate the ancient writings of the
Greeks into _______________ so it preserved the classics.
37.These two people defeated the Muslims in Spain, converted Jews to Christianity and
began the Spanish Inquisition.
Ferdinand and Isabella
38.English nationalism is best represented by this person.
King Arthur
39.This English King abused his peasants and Nobility so much that the Nobles went to war
against him forcing him to sign the Magna Carta which guaranteed them certain political
King John
40.The very 1 universities that were founded were done by this institution. Church