Field Trip Checklist

Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
ACES Field Trip Checklist
Fax completed form to ACES office @ 370-2380 within 7 business days of receiving Transportation and SNS invoice.
Field Trip Date:
Trip Budget: ____ Students x $8 Activity Fee = $_________ + $150/bus = $________+ 411 Funds $________ = $_________
More for rural schools
Admission Fee
_____ x $______
Budget Code
Admission Fee
_____ x $______
Bus Transportation
Use Transportation Cost
Estimate Spreadsheet
_____ x $______
Budgeted $5.25/Person for AllDay B = $1.25 L = $3.00 S = .75
_____ x $______
Cost Estimate
Actual Cost
I used the Get Ready, Get Set, Go! ACES Field Trip Checklist when planning and conducting this ACES field trip to ensure:
 I planned a safe, appropriate and enriching experience for the ACES children for which I am responsible.
 I provided activities that are clearly connected to engaging ACES students in meaningful learning experiences
which cannot be provided in the school setting and that provide one or more of the following opportunities:
expose ACES children to new ideas and experiences, enhance their cultural education, teach them about
multicultural and community events and practices, and/or learn a new skill.
 I followed Guilford County Schools policies and procedures.
 I met expectations for an ACES field trip.
Site Coordinator:
Check off checklist items as they are completed.
 While checklist items are grouped in planning, preparation, and implementation categories, the items are not
listed in the exact chronological order in which they will be completed.
 Although this is a comprehensive checklist, it is not inclusive of all steps required for a field trip. There will be
additional items that require the site coordinator’s attention to ensure a safe and successful field trip
Write N/A for items that are not applicable to trip.
When all items on checklist have been completed, sign Cover Page.
Fax the signed Cover Page and Field Trip Reflections page to the ACES office @ 370-2380 within the time specified.
File the completed checklist and associated documents in the Quality Programs and Care notebook, behind the Field
Trips tab.
September 2009
Credits: CMS ASEP Procedures, NC-DCD Supervision Series: GET READY, GET SET, GO! checklist
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
ACES Field Trip Checklist
Fax completed form to ACES office @ 370-2380 within 7 business days of field trip.
Field Trip Destination:
Have staff discuss the questions below with their group and record the students, and their own, thoughts and observations
about the trip, on the day of return or no later than the following day. Site coordinator reviews staff/student reflections,
summarizes the comments onto one form, and adds his/her own reflections to the one form submitted to the ACES office.
What activities did the children enjoy? Be specific regarding grade of children.
What activities did the children NOT enjoy? Be specific regarding grade of children.
What went well?
What did not go well?
What could we have done before the trip to make this a more enriching, positive experience for our children?
What should we add to our list of things to take on future field trips?
Would this be a good site to visit again?
September 2009
Credits: CMS ASEP Procedures, NC-DCD Supervision Series: GET READY, GET SET, GO! checklist
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
ACES Field Trip Checklist
Documents on ACES Forms and Documents Web Page
Field Trips
Activity Bus Request Procedure
Activity Bus Trip Request Form AS-28
Field Trip Change
Field Trip Checklist
Field Trip Information/Permission Slip
Request to Sponsor a Field Trip in ACES
Transportation Zone Supervisors
Transportation Cost Estimate Spreadsheet
Plan Ahead
Review Guilford County Schools Board of Education Field Trips Policy IFCB and Procedure IFCB-P (GCS website and
Quality Programs and Care notebook, behind Field Trips tab)
Review Guilford County Schools Board of Education Student Wellness Policy IHB and Procedure IHB-P (GCS website
and Quality Programs and Care notebook, behind Health and Safety tab)
Review SACERS Items 20 – 17 (pages 19 – 22, Activities), and Item 40 (page 31, Use of community resources). Quality
indicators in the Good and Excellent columns are especially helpful
Identify the purpose and concepts (reasons and ideas) for the trip
Identify funds available for field trip (xxx= school’s code number)
Budget Code
Bus transportation, admission fees
Budgeted $150 per bus + $8 All-Day Activity Fee for 80% of enrollment
Budgeted more per bus for schools in rural area, contact ACES office for more details.
Budget Code
Field trip memento/souvenir
Budget Code
Field trip lunch Budgeted $5.25 for 80% of enrollment (B, L, S)
Remember: All afternoon snacks, All-Day breakfasts and All-Day lunches
are paid from this account.
Identify appropriate field trip destinations
Destinations and activities must be appropriate for kindergarten through 5 th grade students attending a public
school after-school program – specifically Guilford County Schools ACES
ACES Approved Resources List (Quality Programs and Care notebook, behind Field Trips tab) has information
about many low-cost, interesting, enriching trips.
If considering other destination, contact Coleen Nardoci to ensure destination is appropriate for ACES.
Submit Request to Sponsor a Field Trip in ACES (ACES Forms and Documents Web page) to Principal and obtain
approval to move forward with plans
Whenever possible, it is helpful for the site coordinator to drive his/her car rather than ride on the bus.
This enables the site coordinator to travel independently if an ambulance or emergency vehicle must
transport a child for medical treatment.
If staff numbers require the site coordinator to ride on the bus to maintain required child to staff ratios, short
distance trips should be scheduled and a back-up plan for emergencies must be arranged with the principal.
Set preliminary schedule for the day
September 2009
Credits: CMS ASEP Procedures, NC-DCD Supervision Series: GET READY, GET SET, GO! checklist
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
ACES Field Trip Checklist
Review and follow Activity Bus Request Procedure (ACES Forms and Documents Web page)
ACES uses Form AS-28
Determine number of buses needed
A regular activity bus has a capacity of 66 children. Adults and large children should be counted as two
Email Transportation Zone Routing Specialist or Supervisor (ACES Forms and Documents Web page) regarding desire
to reserve an activity bus for a field trip, include:
Date of trip and approximate departure and return times
Number of buses needed
Preliminary plans
Whether names and contact information of bus drivers willing to drive are needed
If site coordinator has bus drivers who have agreed to drive, include drivers’ name (good source may be the
school’s regular school bus and field trip drivers)
Ensure program has a Guilford County Schools Open PO for Transportation Services
Budget Code
Use same PO for all Transportation Services expenses during school year, increase/decrease amount as needed
Example in Business Management notebook, behind Transportation tab
PO filed in Budget and Financial Reports notebook behind 333 391 – Field Trip Expenses tab
Ensure program has a Guilford County Schools Open PO for School Nutrition Services
Budget Code
PO should be adequate for after-school snacks (if less than 50% of school enrollment receives free and
reduced-priced meals), breakfast and snacks on All-Days, and All-Day lunches that will be gotten from the
school cafeteria during school year
Example in Business Management notebook, behind Meals and Snacks tab
PO filed in Budget and Financial Reports notebook behind 459 – Snacks and Meals tab
Use ACES Procurement Card – LUNCH to pay for All-Day lunch from an approved source other than School
Nutrition Services. Follow GCS Procurement Card Usage Procedures and Guidelines.
Gather Information About Destination
Contact the site to arrange for visit. If site coordinator cannot visit, gather detailed information about the site from the
contact person, web site, and/or other site coordinators who have taken field trip to the site.
Plan how to get to the site (transportation method and route) and the travel time each way is a
great resource
Decide if the site activities fulfill the purpose of the trip
Determine which activities at the site are appropriate for students in each grade level (K-5)
Learn how much time should be allowed for a good visit
Learn how much the fees are for students, adults, staff, and chaperones
Learn if site has specific child to staff ratio requirements
Learn if site has low-cost memento/souvenir that can be purchased for students (not required)
Determine if site will accept a GCS Purchase Order for admission fees and memento/souvenir
September 2009
Credits: CMS ASEP Procedures, NC-DCD Supervision Series: GET READY, GET SET, GO! checklist
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
ACES Field Trip Checklist
If the site person states that fees must be paid in advance or at time of visit, or that a GCS PO cannot be
accepted, get name and contact information of the site’s supervisor
Contact site supervisor to determine if GCS PO procedure can be used
Contact ACES office if site will not accept a GCS PO
If GCS PO cannot be used, determine if principal will allow school treasurer to write check to “front” the
money. (ACES Business Management notebook, School Accounting Procedures)
Learn if fee is charged for number of participants on reservation/PO or for actual number of participants
Learn if change will be provided when check is submitted or if a refund check will be mailed to site coordinator
Understand the rules and regulations of the site
Obtain brochures, posters, etc. about the site to show the students
Check for safe physical environment at the site
Locate restrooms, water fountains, and emergency phones
Know the field trip site’s emergency evacuation plan
Ask if various sensory experiences are offered for program’s special needs children
Locate accessible ramps, parking areas, paths, restrooms, etc. if needed
Confirm name and contact information of person with whom trip will be coordinated
Cell number
Phone number
Trip Memento/Souvenir
Determine if low-cost field trip memento/souvenir will be provided to students, and if yes, when the gift will
be distributed
Collect price information and determine vendor from which memento/souvenir will be purchased
Prepare GCS PO for memento/souvenir
Budget Code
Use ACES Procurement Card – SUPPLY to pay for field trip memento/souvenir following GCS
Procurement Card Usage Procedures and Guidelines.
Determine Cost of Trip
Use information gathered to determine cost of trip
Use Transportation Cost Estimate spreadsheet (ACES Forms and Documents Web page) to calculate
approximate cost of bus driver and activity bus
Post estimated costs on cover page of Get Ready, Get Set, Go! ACES Field Trip Checklist
Reserve Activity Bus
Follow directions on Activity Bus Request Procedure (ACES Forms and Documents Web page)
Complete GCS Activity Bus Request, Non-Athletic Events (AS-28 10/03) (ACES Forms and Documents Web page)
Obtain principal’s signature
Fax GCS Activity Bus Request to Transportation Office @ 370-8930 following Activity Bus Request Procedure
If use of charter bus (motorcoach) is considered, obtain GCS Motorcoach Contract information from Principal
September 2009
Credits: CMS ASEP Procedures, NC-DCD Supervision Series: GET READY, GET SET, GO! checklist
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
ACES Field Trip Checklist
GET SET . . .
Prepare Parent Information
Prepare GCS ACES Field Trip Information/Permission Slip (ACES Forms and Documents Web page)
Fill in all information on the top half of the form.
On the bottom half, fill in the Destination, Trip Date and School information.
Submit ACES Field Trip Information/Permission Slip to Principal for approval
Prepare copies of ACES Field Trip Information/Permission Slip for distribution to parents
Print a copy for each group. After writing in each group leader’s name on a separate copy, make
copies for each group.
Have each group leader write in each of their students’ name in the designated space on the
bottom half of the form.
Prepare field trip information for ACES newsletter and/or parent memo. Include information about:
Purpose of trip, destination
Appropriate dress, need for sweaters, coats, raincoats, hats, gloves, etc.
Items students can and cannot bring on the field trip. Be sure parents know that children do not
need any money as children will not make purchases on the trip.
Submit ACES newsletter and/or memo to Principal or Principal Designee for review and approval
Inform Parents
Inform parents of field trip information through ACES newsletter and/or memo
Have group leaders distribute ACES Field Trip Information/Permission Slip to parents and to obtain parents’
signature to document parent received information (See Get Parent Approval section below)
Remind parents that students may not attend on the ACES All-Day if the ACES Field Trip Information/
Permission Slip is not returned by the deadline
Use ACES All-Day poster to remind parents of field trip information and deadlines
Determine number of chaperones, if any, are needed for field trip
Before asking chaperones to serve, ensure the principal approves of the specific
parents/guardians/persons the site coordinator is considering asking to serve as chaperones.
Chaperones assist with loading/unloading items onto the bus, aiding students, assisting students in
trip activities, distributing lunch and/or snacks, monitoring children, etc.
Chaperones are not official supervisors of the children. ACES staff members are responsible for this.
ACES funds may be used to pay the chaperones’ field trip admission fees.
Chaperones may ride the bus at no cost, or drive their own car at their personal expense.
A list of chaperones who will ride the bus must be submitted to the principal.
Invite parents/guardians to serve as chaperones and ensure they understand their role.
Parents who only want to attend to their child or their child’s friends are not considered chaperones, and must
pay their admission fee directly to the site. If space is available on the bus, the principal determines if these
parents are permitted to ride on the bus. If they are, a list of the persons must be submitted to the principal.
September 2009
Credits: CMS ASEP Procedures, NC-DCD Supervision Series: GET READY, GET SET, GO! checklist
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
ACES Field Trip Checklist
Get Parent Approval and Collect ACES All-Day Activity Fee
Provide copies of approved ACES Field Trip Information/Permission Slip to group leaders
Have Group Leaders distribute the ACES Field Trip Information/Permission Slip to parents, and to get the
parents to sign the Distribution of ACES Information Roster (ACES Forms and Documents Web page)
Check off the parent’s name on the Distribution of ACES Information Roster when the parent returns the
signed ACES Field Trip Information/Permission Slip.
Post and collect ACES All-Day Activity Fee from parents whose children are participating in the field trip. The
activity fee is waived for students who have a DSS or other agency child care voucher. Parents may pay fee
in “installments” as long as full activity fee is received before field trip. Enter payment in SchoolCare and
deposit funds along with other ACES funds collected on the same date, following ACES Accounting procedures.
Post reminder of submission deadline on ACES All-Day poster
A minimum of 4 days prior to the submission deadline, have group leaders speak to parents who have not
returned the ACES Field Trip Information/Permission Slip and payment. Additional forms should be
available so parents can easily complete and submit the form.
Keep signed permission slips at the site for the duration of the school year
Checks from Treasurer
If school is “fronting” money and writing checks for field trip admission fees:
Two weeks before field trip, submit appropriate School Accounting Purchase Requisition/Purchase
Orders to Principal following directions in (ACES Business Management notebook, School
Accounting Procedures)
Two days before field trip, provide treasurer the exact numbers and amounts for each School
Accounting Purchase Requisition/Purchase Order
If change will be provided by vendor, it is best to have check written for a few extra children so a
late parent can be accommodated if site coordinator thinks this is warranted.
No later than the afternoon before the field trip, the treasurer will provide the needed checks to the site
Prepare the Children
Talk to the students ahead of time about the field trip. Make sure they know what it will involve.
For each group, include complementary introductory and follow-up activities to the field trip on the Daily
Activities Plan during days/weeks before and after the visit (ACES Forms and Documents Web page)
Prepare the ACES All-Day Program Activities Plan for the day (ACES Forms and Documents Web page)
Explain to the students exactly what is expected of them on the field trip
Go over simple rules for travel and visiting
Discuss behavior rules and safety precautions
Explain that ACES is not responsible for lost or misplaced personal items and discuss items students should
and should not bring on the trip
Inform students that they do not need to bring money on the trip as they cannot make purchases
Review bus safety rules and consequences
Explain the buddy check system, share which children have been assigned as buddies, and practice using the
buddy check system
September 2009
Credits: CMS ASEP Procedures, NC-DCD Supervision Series: GET READY, GET SET, GO! checklist
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
ACES Field Trip Checklist
Prepare the Staff
Discuss the purpose of the trip, sequence of activities, and time schedule
Review site and bus rules and regulations
Share information about the site so that clear boundaries can be identified to children and supervision of
children can be maintained
Discuss with group leaders how children’s behavior may vary in new settings and discuss appropriate guidance
techniques for children in the various segments of the field trip
With group leaders, identify activities for bus ride and transitions that will increase students’ enjoyment and
success on trip
Have group leaders assign a buddy for each child who will participate in the field trip and to make a list of the
buddies to place in their Group Leader notebook and to share with the site coordinator.
Determine how staff will be able to quickly tell which children are in the program and which are not when on
the trip. Use name tags, bandannas, bright T-shirts, visors, etc.
Prepare identification (school name, site coordinator’s Nextel number, and the school’s phone number) for
each student
Carefully plan how children will be supervised when using the public rest rooms
Discuss what to do if a child gets ill, hurt, misbehaves, or is separated from the group while on the trip
Determine tasks for expected chaperones and assign each chaperone to a specific group leader
Appoint a group leader or chaperone to sit behind bus driver to relay directions if driver needs route
information while the bus is moving
Determine area of bus where each group leader will sit
Plan what to do if a vehicle accident or breakdown occurs (See Go! section for emergency phone numbers)
Assign groups and group leaders to buses to provide person trained in First Aid (and CPR if possible) in each bus
Enter group leaders’ personal cell phone numbers in ACES Nextel phone
Assign persons to gather field trip items listed in Field Trip Items section
If some children will remain at the site due to some groups not participating or groups going in shifts:
Clearly designate who is the lead person for the staff remaining at the school
Assign supervision and care for groups remaining at the school
Ensure appropriate activity plans/meal arrangements are made for groups remaining at the school
Plan for Lunch and Snack
Review ACES Food Lion Purchases (applies to any store), Miscellaneous Reimbursement Form, and Regular
Purchasing Procedures – front and back of page (Business Management notebook, behind Accounts Payable tab)
At least 10 business days prior to trip, submit ACES All-Day Cafeteria Order Form to Cafeteria Manager for
breakfast and snack, and for lunch if it will be obtained from cafeteria
ACES staff members are not food service employees and do not prepare meals and snacks.
Obtain breakfast from school cafeteria and eat meal at school
Obtain lunch that meets USDA Meal Pattern for Children in Child Care Programs from school
cafeteria (Business Management notebook, behind Meals and Snacks tab) OR from food service
establishment inspected by Environmental Health Services (eat at restaurant, have meals delivered,
or pick up meals)
September 2009
Credits: CMS ASEP Procedures, NC-DCD Supervision Series: GET READY, GET SET, GO! checklist
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
ACES Field Trip Checklist
Obtain snack from school cafeteria, determine if snack will be eaten at school or on field trip
All foods must be stored and served in compliance with Environmental Health Services Rules
Governing the Sanitation of Child Care Centers, Amended Effective January 1, 2006 (NC-DCD
Licensure notebook, behind the Environmental Health Inspections tab, pages 1-8)
If obtaining field trip food from cafeteria, determine if cafeteria has appropriate insulated containers for food
items and cold water, and if not, what containers will be used to maintain proper temperatures
Obtain disposable cups, napkins, wet wipes, soap, paper towels, tissues, etc.
Purchase water if appropriate sanitary containers are not available
No later than 2 business days prior to the field trip, inform Cafeteria Manager of actual number of breakfasts
and snacks, and lunches (if from cafeteria) needed for All-Day (can reduce original order by up to 10%).
Follow directions on ACES All-Day Cafeteria Order Form.
Bus Driver
Review Transportation Services Bus Driver manual, Activity Bus section (ACES Forms and Documents Web page)
Discuss field trip plans with assigned bus drivers
Trip destination
Departure and return times
Where driver will pick up activity bus
When driver will fuel bus
When driver will pick up fuel charge card
Time driver is to arrive at the school
7. Time bus must depart for trip
8. If driver will eat ACES lunch
9. Driver’s behavior “rules” for students on bus
10. How driver will obtain Clear Map and Precise
Directions to and from the destination (or will site
coordinator provide)
Discuss expectations of assistance bus driver will provide to staff and students during the non-driving portions
of the trip (help load and unload ACES materials onto and off of the bus, assist students during field trip
activities, etc.) following guidelines in Bus Driver manual
Bus drivers may not be counted in the child to staff ratio on the bus
Two (2) Days Before Trip
If checks are needed from treasurer, review and follow directions for obtaining field trip checks (ACES
Business Management notebook, School Accounting Procedures)
Provide cafeteria manager final number of breakfasts, lunches, and snacks needed
Check weather forecast for following days
Confirm field trip plans and arrangements with field trip destination contact person and approved Food
Service Establishment
Contact drivers to confirm trip details and to ensure driver has obtained and reviewed Clear Map and Precise
Directions to and from the destination
Remind parents of appropriate dress, need for sweaters, coats, raincoats, hats, gloves, etc. and time by which
children must arrive at school through ACES All-Day Poster, memos, and group leaders
Afternoon Before Trip
Have group leaders remind parents of time students must arrive (no later than 30 minutes prior to departure
time) and that parent is responsible for child’s care if child arrives too late to ride the bus
Ensure staff have gathered assigned field trip items
Ensure site coordinator has, or has arranged to get, all items in Field Trip Items and Items to Leave with
School Staff sections
September 2009
Credits: CMS ASEP Procedures, NC-DCD Supervision Series: GET READY, GET SET, GO! checklist
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
ACES Field Trip Checklist
Field Trip Items
Checks for admission fees (if needed)
Copy of Purchase Order for admission fees if invoice will be received for these expenses
ACES Procurement Card – LUNCH and ACES Procurement Card – SUPPLY (as needed)
Clear Map and Precise Directions to and from the destination for each driver
Emergency phone numbers – Inform principal and ACES office of ALL emergencies
School office
Transportation Zone Supervisor
Transportation office (336) 370-8920
ACES office
Ensure each bus driver has Transportation Emergency Contact List
(336) 370-2321
(336) 370-8905
(336) 254-0749
Appoint a group Leader or chaperone to relay directions to the driver if route information is needed while the
bus is moving
Group reservation confirmation
Group Leader Notebook for each group which contains:
All-Day Attendance Roster and SchoolCare Sign In/Out Sheet which list all students in group, and
that indicate which students are present on that day and participating in trip, and each child’s
assigned buddy
ACES Enrollment Application (copy)
Diet Restrictions Log of students in group
Medical Conditions Log of students in group
Information behind Other notebook tabs
Student and Staff Information Notebook which contains:
1. 911 Emergency Numbers
2. Emergency Medical Care Plan and Emergency First Aid Chart
3. Diet Restrictions Log
4. Medical Conditions Log
5. ACES Enrollment Application for all students (original)
6. Staff Health and Emergency Information (Also, have all substitutes and chaperones who participate in
the trip to complete this form)
7. Student Accident Reports (blank)
8. Information behind Other notebook tabs
Site coordinator should also have copies of group leaders’ All-Day Attendance Rosters, SchoolCare Sign
In/Out Sheets, original ACES Field Trip Permission Slip for each child, and a list of ACES staff, chaperones,
and other parents on bus or driving car
Name tags for substitutes or chaperones who are accompanying the group
September 2009
Credits: CMS ASEP Procedures, NC-DCD Supervision Series: GET READY, GET SET, GO! checklist
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
ACES Field Trip Checklist
First Aid kit, disposable gloves on each bus
ACES Site Coordinator’s Nextel phone
Group leaders’ cell phones and list of cell numbers (Ensure each person’s cell number is in ACES Nextel phone)
Play equipment appropriate for trip destination (if needed)
Emergency activity bag with things to do should the bus break down or another emergency arise
Medications in locked box – Authorization of Medication for a Student at School and Medication Log for
current school year must be in Student and Staff notebook, behind child’s ACES enrollment application
Cold drinking water
Disposable cups, napkins
Wet wipes, soap, paper towels, tissues, etc.
Change of clothes (various sizes and numbers appropriate for group)
Mats or blankets for sitting on the ground
Trash bags
If lunch or snack are taken on bus, ensure sufficient number of lunches/snacks are packed in appropriate
containers (insulated coolers and ice for cold items)
Items to Leave with School Staff
School secretary/treasurer and principal, and with lead ACES person if some ACES groups remain at school:
Copy of the trip itinerary
Site Coordinator’s Nextel number and personal cell phone number
Cell phone number of one or more staff members on field trip
Phone number and contact person at destination
Copy of group leaders’ All-Day Attendance Rosters (serves as list of children on trip)
List of ACES staff and chaperones on trip, and other parents on bus or driving car
Clear Map and Precise Directions to and from destination
Leave an ACES All-Day poster on the school door with trip information and estimated return time
Post an ACES Field Trip Information/Permission Slip and Clear Map and Precise Directions to and from the
destination on the school door
Post on the school door a note for late parents stating that they are responsible for their child’s care during
the time ACES is away from the campus
If the trip is in town, at site coordinator’s discretion, late parents may be permitted to transport their child to
the field trip location and to sign-in their child there
Before Boarding Bus
Ensure each driver has Clear Map and Precise Directions to and from destination
Ensure each bus driver has conducted the required Activity Bus Inspection Checklist
If lunch or snack are taken on bus, ensure sufficient number of lunches/snacks packed in appropriate
containers (insulated coolers and ice for cold items) are on the bus
September 2009
Credits: CMS ASEP Procedures, NC-DCD Supervision Series: GET READY, GET SET, GO! checklist
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
ACES Field Trip Checklist
Have group leaders discuss tasks with chaperones assigned to their group
Have group leaders remind students to use bathroom facilities. Stopping the bus is not allowed except in cases
of emergency.
Have an exact record of the names and number of students by group and total (copies of All-Day Attendance
Rosters), and a list of ACES staff and chaperones going on the field trip
Remind students of the behavior expected of them as they board the bus (ACES and bus driver’s expectations)
Have students in each group line up with their buddy
Boarding Bus
Save seat behind bus driver for person assigned to relay directions to the driver if route information is needed
while the bus is moving
Save seats for group leaders and chaperones so they are dispersed throughout bus
Have group leaders count and check off students on roster as students board, to ensure all have gotten on bus
After all students are seated, conduct buddy check
After Boarding Bus
Review Field Trip Items section to ensure all items are on the bus
Ensure special needs students are appropriately seated
Ensure group leaders and chaperones are dispersed in bus so all students are supervised
Remind students of the behavior expected of them on the bus, such as
Regular behavior expectations
Bus driver’s expectations
Whether windows can be opened
All body parts must be kept inside the bus
Children must remain seated while bus is moving
Acceptable noise level
Count and Recount
students throughout
field trip
Have group leaders conduct activities on bus that will increase students’ enjoyment and success
Check in with destination contact person to provide an accurate count of the students and adults in party and
the expected arrival time
Bus Rules and Regulations
Capacity limits must not be exceeded
A first aid kit is located in each bus
Emergency and identification information for child must be in bus in which child is transported
Children shall never be left by themselves in a vehicle
Load and unload children from curb side, or in a safe off-street area protected from all traffic hazards
The child to staff ratio is maintained on the bus. The bus driver is not counted in the child to staff ratio.
The bus driver is responsible for doing the final check of the bus to ensure all children have exited.
September 2009
Credits: CMS ASEP Procedures, NC-DCD Supervision Series: GET READY, GET SET, GO! checklist
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
ACES Field Trip Checklist
At Destination
Determine safe area where children should stand when they exit bus and clearly communicate this to children
and staff
Explain to children what they should do if separated from the group
Remind students of the behavior expected of them as they leave bus and during next phase of trip
Remind students to thank their hosts in each area of the visit
Have group leaders count and check off students on roster as the students disembark, to ensure all have
gotten off bus
Have driver check that no children remain on the bus
Have group leaders continually “count heads” to make sure all students are with the group – this should be
on-going during the entire field trip, with special attention given to times of transition
Have adults visually supervise at the front and rear of the group at all times
Have provisions to keep children in same area as their group leader and chaperone, and close to other ACES
Have the students do periodic buddy checks to remind the students to stay with their buddy
Have group leaders maintain constant visual supervision of each student in their group
Safeguard receipts, invoices, field trip change, etc. to take back to
Before Boarding Bus for Return Trip
Have students thank their hosts
Count and Recount
students throughout
field trip
Have group leaders take students to the restroom and water fountain
Check that items removed from buses are on buses
Have group leaders conduct at least two head counts to ensure all students are with the group
Boarding Bus for Return Trip
Have students board the bus with their buddy
Once children are seated, have group leaders conduct at least two head counts to ensure all students are on
the bus
Return Trip
Remind students of the behavior expected of them on the bus ride back to school
Have group leaders collect trash from students
Before students get off bus, have students thank the bus driver, chaperones, and group leaders
Bus Arrives at School
Have ACES staff ensure all trash is placed in trash bags
Have group leaders count and check off students on roster as the students disembark, to ensure all have
gotten off bus
Have bus driver and available chaperones and staff remove ACES equipment and other property from bus
September 2009
Credits: CMS ASEP Procedures, NC-DCD Supervision Series: GET READY, GET SET, GO! checklist
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
ACES Field Trip Checklist
Have bus driver conduct a final check of the bus to ensure all students have exited the bus and all ACES
equipment or other property has been removed
Verify that the bus has been vacated and that it is okay for the driver to return the bus to the garage
It is the responsibility of the bus driver to do a final walk through of the bus to make sure all students have
exited the bus before returning the bus to the garage.
Field Trip Follow Up
Have staff record students’ and their own thoughts and observations about trip on Field Trip Reflections page
on the day of return – or no later than the following day
Review and summarize groups’ reflections on one Field Trip Reflections form
Have group leaders conduct planned follow-up activities with children
Have children write thank you notes to hosts and chaperones
Mail thank you notes
Field Trip Finances
Provide appropriate receipts and change documentation to treasurer and ensure treasurer submits Request
for Reimbursement for any funds “fronted” by the school (ACES Business Management notebook, School
Accounting Procedures)
Submit green copy of PO and invoice to Accounts Payable for field trip admission fees for which a check was
not issued prior to the trip
File documentation for Procurement Card purchases in folder for monthly Bank of America statement ;
reconcile statement following GCS Procurement Card Reconciliation Report Instructions.
When the following invoices/receipts are received, submit invoices to Accounts Payable following directions in
Accounts Payable Information (Business Management notebook, behind Accounts Payable tab)
GCS Transportation – Email Beatrice (Buttons) McSweeney in Transportation if invoice is not
received by the middle of the following month
School Nutrition Services – Email Debbie Wrenn in School Nutrition if invoice for month is not
received within 60 days
Other– Submit no later than Wednesday after purchases are made
Final Steps
Fax completed Field Trip Reflections page to the ACES office @ 370-2380 within 7 business days after trip.
Post actual costs on Cover Page of Get Ready, Get Set, Go! ACES Field Trip Checklist from invoices and
When all items on checklist have been completed, sign cover page.
Fax signed, completed Cover Page only to the ACES office @ 370-2380 within 7 business days of receiving
Transportation and School Nutrition Services invoice (if lunch was obtained from SNS).
File the completed checklist and associated documents in the Quality Programs and Care notebook, behind
the Field Trips tab.
September 2009
Credits: CMS ASEP Procedures, NC-DCD Supervision Series: GET READY, GET SET, GO! checklist