2. policy guidelines - Main Roads Western Australia

Document No. 37/15/01
Issue Date November 2000
Fencing at Pedestrian Bridges and Underpasses
This document is owned and authorised by the Executive Director Planning and Practice.
Please submit all comments and requests to the Manager Road Use.
As Executive Director Planning and Practice, I authorise the issue and use of this Policy
on Fencing at Pedestrian Bridges and Underpasses on behalf of the Commissioner of
Main Roads
Date: ___/___/___
Controlled Copy No: ________
Fencing at Pedestrian Bridges and Underpasses
This Policy and accompanying Guidelines were developed by Main Roads Western
Australia’s Planning and Practice Directorate with the assistance of experienced advice
from both internal and external sources. They are a consequence of the removal of a
traffic regulation that disallowed pedestrians crossing roads at grade within 120 metres of
a pedestrian bridge or underpass, and to enhance pedestrian safety generally. Regulation
changes were a result of the adoption of Australian Road Rules by Government and
integration of those rules into the Road Traffic Code 2000.
Comments from users on this document should be addressed to the Road Safety Manager
as follows:
Brian Kidd
Road Safety Manager
Main Roads Western Australia
Don Aitken Centre
Waterloo Crescent
MAIN ROADS Western Australia
(08) 9323 4500
(08) 9323 4547 (See Fax Back)
Fencing at Pedestrian Bridges and Underpasses
Document 37/15/01
Issue 1 (July 2000)
Page 2 of 9
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Page No.
Revision Description/Reference
Authorised by ………………………………………….……….
Executive Director Planning and Practice
MAIN ROADS Western Australia
Fencing at Pedestrian Bridges and Underpasses
Document 37/15/01
Issue 1 (July 2000)
Page 3 of 9
Fax Back
Fax No: (08) 9323 4547
Please photocopy or detach this sheet and fax, post or deliver
Mr Brian Kidd
Road Use Branch
Main Roads Western Australia
Waterloo Crescent
Phone: (08) 9323 4500
Fax: (08) 9323 4547
Email: brian.kidd@mrwa.wa.gov.au
Please provide your comments on suggested changes or modifications on the
Fencing at Pedestrian Bridges and Underpasses Policy and Guidelines.
Attach additional sheets if needed
Name: ……………………………………………………..
Main Roads Directorate/Branch Unit: ……………………. Date:………………..
Organisation: ……………………………………………….. Telephone:………….
MAIN ROADS Western Australia
Fencing at Pedestrian Bridges and Underpasses
Document 37/15/01
Issue 1 (July 2000)
Page 4 of 9
POLICY ............................................................................................................................................... 6
PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................... 6
SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................... 6
BACKGROUND................................................................................................................................... 6
DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 6
POLICY STATEMENT ......................................................................................................................... 7
POLICY GUIDELINES ..................................................................................................................... 8
CRITERIA .......................................................................................................................................... 8
APPLICATION OF POLICY & GUIDELINES .......................................................................................... 9
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 9
MAIN ROADS Western Australia
Fencing at Pedestrian Bridges and Underpasses
Document 37/15/01
Issue 1 (July 2000)
Page 5 of 9
The purpose of this document is to detail Main Roads WA’s policy for installing fencing
adjacent to pedestrian bridges and underpasses.
This policy is to be applied in conjunction with the policy guidelines to provide a
consistent approach to the provision of fencing at all pedestrian bridges and underpasses
on Highways and Main Roads in Western Australia.
Pedestrian bridges and underpasses are primarily provided to assist pedestrians crossing
busy roads in relative safety, while minimising disruption to road traffic. However, they
have practical limitations. For instance, pedestrians have to travel considerably further to
use these facilities than they would otherwise do by crossing roads at grade. For many
pedestrians, the risk of being hit by a vehicle while crossing roads is not perceived to be
high whereas travelling the extra distance to use a facility is seen as an unnecessary waste
of time and energy. Apart from extra travel distance and time taken to use bridges and
underpasses some pedestrians, particularly the disabled, find that ramp slopes are too
steep to negotiate. A further issue that mitigates the use of pedestrian underpasses is fear
of being accosted or assaulted.
While some of these problems are addressed by design standards and location decisions,
many pedestrians continue to cross roads at-grade. A traffic regulation that was
specifically included in the Road Traffic Code to legally deter pedestrians from crossing
at-grade existed for many years. However, in the absence of sustained Police
enforcement, pedestrians continued to cross at-grade. Consequently, many carriageways
have been fenced adjacent to these facilities to compel pedestrians to use them, although
this has not been consistently applied. Since traffic regulations making it an offence to
cross within 120 metres of pedestrian bridges and underpasses have been removed, it is
appropriate that a consistent approach to fencing be put into place. This document
addresses the circumstances where fencing is required.
Road Traffic Code:
Regulations under the provisions of the Road Traffic Act
An area open to and used by the public that is designated
for, or has one of its main uses, use by pedestrians.
Shared path:
An area open to and used by the public (except a separated
footpath) that is designated for or has one of its main uses,
use by both pedestrians and bicycles.
MAIN ROADS Western Australia
Fencing at Pedestrian Bridges and Underpasses
Document 37/15/01
Issue 1 (July 2000)
Page 6 of 9
Separated footpath:
A length of footpath that is separated into two parts
longitudinally – one part for the exclusive use of
pedestrians and the other by bicycles, and designated as
such by signs.
Policy Statement
Main Roads WA will install pedestrian fencing adjacent to pedestrian bridges and
underpasses along Highways and Main Roads, where appropriate, to prevent pedestrians
crossing nearby and to direct them to cross at the bridge or underpass, or a suitable
crossing point.
MAIN ROADS Western Australia
Fencing at Pedestrian Bridges and Underpasses
Document 37/15/01
Issue 1 (July 2000)
Page 7 of 9
The criterion for fencing to be installed adjacent to pedestrian bridges and underpasses
along roads under the care and control of the Commissioner of Main Roads is as follows.
General Requirements
Fencing shall be installed only where pedestrian safety is at risk by crossing at-grade
and the fencing will not impose additional, unacceptable restrictions on vehicles
parking on the carriageway, or access to public transport, e.g buses.
Fencing shall not impose unreasonable restrictions on access by people with
The fencing shall be installed between the carriageway and the pedestrian pathway
(footpath, shared path or separated footpath). Alternatively, on dual carriageways
where crossing movements by visually impaired pedestrians are infrequent and the
median width is sufficient, fencing may be installed within the median.
Where fencing is installed between a path and a carriageway, kerbside No Stopping
prohibition for vehicles shall be installed along the carriageway between the
extremities of the fencing (including any gap in the fencing at the bridge or
The length of fencing shall be determined by the circumstances. It shall extend 100
metres either side of the bridge or underpass, unless circumstances make this
impractical and a lesser length is appropriate, i.e. to enable access to intersections,
median openings, driveways, bus and taxi stands, or at-grade pedestrian facilities.
Particular attention is to be given to the height and placement of the fence and to the
materials used. It should not obscure drivers’ view of other traffic and pedestrians,
(particularly children), and it should be constructed of materials and in a manner that
would minimise the potential for injury to pedestrians and vehicle occupants in the
event of a crash. I.e. fences with top rails are not allowed within the clear zone and
requirements for the use of chain mesh in lieu of higher standard fencing materials
such as weldmesh and balustrading should be examined. General design principles
for fencing in urban areas is discussed in the ‘Draft Guide to the Design of Fencing
and Walls’.
When fencing is proposed in the vicinity of bus or other public transport stops, it
shall be designed and installed in close consultation with Transperth Service Planners
and Bus Stop Coordinator, as well as with the Senior Transit Engineer at the
Metropolitan Infrastructure Directorate of the Department of Transport.
Direction Signs to Indicate Crossing Point
Signs to direct pedestrians to the bridge or underpass shall be installed in accordance
with AS 1742 Part 10, if the facility is not clearly visible to pedestrians. They shall be
provided near the commencement of the fencing, at the crossing access point and other
locations as appropriate to ensure pedestrians are directed to the bridge or underpass.
MAIN ROADS Western Australia
Fencing at Pedestrian Bridges and Underpasses
Document 37/15/01
Issue 1 (July 2000)
Page 8 of 9
Application of Policy & Guidelines
The Policy and Guidelines shall be applied where an investigation indicates that
pedestrians are crossing roads adjacent to a pedestrian bridge or underpass and their
safety is at risk or traffic efficiency is unacceptably compromised.
AS1742 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 10: Pedestrian Control
and Protection.
Draft Guide to the Design of Fencing and Walls: Road and Traffic Engineering
MAIN ROADS Western Australia
Fencing at Pedestrian Bridges and Underpasses
Document 37/15/01
Issue 1 (July 2000)
Page 9 of 9