South Asia Related Courses

South Asia Related Courses
Spring 2011
Introduction to the Civilization of Medieval and Modern India -- South Asian (S
ASIAN) 1B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture per week
Location: TuTh 1230-2P, 258 DWINELLE
Instructor: FARUQUI, M D
Units/Credit: 4
Description: This course offers a broad historical and cultural survey of the civilizations
of the Indian subcontinent from the 12th century to partition of India in 1947. Attention
will be paid to the geography and ethnography of the region, its political history, and the
religious, philosophical, literary, and artistic movements that have shaped it and
contributed to its development as a unique, diverse, and fascinating world civilization.
Lectures, readings, and class discussions will center on salient texts, broadly defined, that
have characterized major cultural, religious, and political formations from the medieval
period to the 20th century. This course is open to all interested students and is required
for those majoring or minoring in South Asian Studies.
(SP) Staff
India in the Writer's Eye -- South Asian (S ASIAN) R5B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: MWF 8-9A, 123 DWINELLE
Instructor: MURCHIE, I A
Units/Credit: 4
Description: Reading and composition in connection with eastern and western
representations of India, and other Asian cultures, in great works of modern literature.
Satisfies the second half of the reading and composition requirement.
India in the Writer's Eye -- South Asian (S ASIAN) R5B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: TuTh 8-930A, 123 DWINELLE
Instructor: BAUSCH, L
Units/Credit: 4
Description: Reading and composition in connection with eastern and western
representations of India, and other Asian cultures, in great works of modern literature.
Satisfies the second half of the reading and composition requirement.
India in the Writer's Eye -- South Asian (S ASIAN) R5B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: MWF 10-11A, 123 DWINELLE
Instructor: KERR, S M
Units/Credit: 4
Description: Reading and composition in connection with eastern and western
representations of India, and other Asian cultures, in great works of modern literature.
Satisfies the second half of the reading and composition requirement.
India in the Writer's Eye -- South Asian (S ASIAN) R5B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: MWF 1-2P, 123 DWINELLE
Instructor: PARSON, R B
Units/Credit: 4
Description: Reading and composition in connection with eastern and western
representations of India, and other Asian cultures, in great works of modern literature.
Satisfies the second half of the reading and composition requirement.
India in the Writer's Eye -- South Asian (S ASIAN) R5B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: MWF 3-4P, 233 DWINELLE
Units/Credit: 4
Description: Reading and composition in connection with eastern and western
representations of India, and other Asian cultures, in great works of modern literature.
Satisfies the second half of the reading and composition requirement.
India in the Writer's Eye -- South Asian (S ASIAN) R5B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: TuTh 330-5P, 175 DWINELLE
Instructor: CHIARUCCI, B
Units/Credit: 4
Description: Reading and composition in connection with eastern and western
representations of India, and other Asian cultures, in great works of modern literature.
Satisfies the second half of the reading and composition requirement.
Classical Indian Literature in Translation -- South Asian (S ASIAN) 121 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: TuTh 11-1230P, 221 WHEELER
Instructor: KNUTSON, J R
Units/Credit: 4
Description: Literary works of ancient India are read in English translation and studied
critically. The course aims at giving a comprehensive picture of many important areas of
the Indian literary heritage.
Modern Indian Literature -- South Asian (S ASIAN) 124 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: TuTh 330-5P, 179 DWINELLE
Instructor: RAM, H
Units/Credit: 4
Description: Lectures and discussion of 19th and 20th century Indian literature through
English translations and original works in English. Interpretation of Indian society and
culture through literature.
Religion in South India -- South Asian (S ASIAN) C141 [3 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture per week.
Location: TuTh 2-330P, 80 BARROWS
Instructor: LITTLE, L R
Units/Credit: 3
Description: The development and practice of religion in South India. Emphasis will be
on sources translated directly from Indian languages. Subjects covered include: the
indigenous religion, the effect of Brahmanical religion, bhakti movements, and the
practice of Hinduism in modern South India. Also listed as Religious Studies C162.
India's Great Epics: The Mahabharata and the Ramayana -- South Asian (S
ASIAN) C142 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture per week.
Location: MWF 11-12P, 101 BARKER
Instructor: GOLDMAN, R P
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: 5A, 127, 140, or consent of instructor.
Description: The course entails substantial selected readings from the great Sanskirt epic
poems--the Mahabharata and the Ramayana in translation, selected readings from the
corpus of secondary literature on Indian epic studies as well as lectures on salient issues
in both. Discussion will focus on a variety of historical and theoretical approaches to the
study of the poems and their extraordinary influence on Indian culture. Readings will be
supplemented with selected showings of popular cinematic and television versions of the
epics. Also listed as Religious Studies C166.
Readings in Indian Buddhist Texts -- South Asian (S ASIAN) C215B [2-4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of seminar per week.
Location: W 3-6P, 288 DWINELLE
Instructor: VON ROSPATT, A
Units/Credit: 2-4
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit.
Description: This graduate seminar focuses on reading a wide spectrum of Indian
Buddhist texts in the Sanskrit (or Pali) original introducing the students to different
genres, and different aspects of Indian Buddhism. The students taking the course for two
units (rather the four) will be expected to prepare thoroughly every week for the reading
of Buddhist texts in the original. They will also be expected to read all related secondary
literature that is assigned to supplement the study of the primary source material. In
contrast to the students taking the course for four units, they will not be expected to write
a term paper or to prepare special presentations for class. Also listed as Group in
Buddhist Studies
Readings in Tibetan Buddhist Texts -- South Asian (S ASIAN) C224 [2,4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of seminar per week.
Instructor: DALTON, J
Units/Credit: 2,4
Description: This graduate seminar provides an introduction to a broad range of Tibetan
Buddhist texts as well as to the methods and resources for their study. Readings for the
course will be drawn from a variety of genres and historical periods, including (1)
chronicles and histories, (2) biographical literature, (3) doctrinal treatises, (4) canonical
texts, (5) ritual manuals, (6) pilgrimage guides, and (7) liturgical texts. The seminar is
designed to be of interest to graduate students interested in premodern Tibet from any
perspective (literature, religion, art, history, philosophy, law, etc.). Students are required
to do all of the readings in the original classical Tibetan. The course will also introduce
students to "tools and methods" for the study of Tibetan Buddhist literature, including
standard lexical and bibliographic references, digital resources, and secondary literature
in modern languages. The content of the course will vary from semester to semester to
account for the needs and interests of particular students. Also listed as Group in
Buddhist Studies C224 and Tibetan C224.
Under Western Eyes -- South And Southeast Asian Studies
(S,SEASN) R5B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: TuTh 11-1230P, 78 BARROWS
Instructor: COLLINS, R L
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: 5A or course equivalent to 1A.
Description: In this course, the student will read selections from the large body of
scholarly texts that have been written about Southeast Asia. Expository and
argumentative essays by premier scholars such as Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, Margaret
Mead, Clifford Geertz, and Benedict Anderson will be examined. Discussions will cover
a broad range of theoretical issues including power, gender, and space. This course
satisfies the second half of the Reading and Composition requirement.
Under Western Eyes -- South And Southeast Asian Studies
(S,SEASN) R5B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: TuTh 2-330P, 210 DWINELLE
Instructor: WOODHOUSE, L
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: 5A or course equivalent to 1A.
Description: In this course, the student will read selections from the large body of
scholarly texts that have been written about Southeast Asia. Expository and
argumentative essays by premier scholars such as Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, Margaret
Mead, Clifford Geertz, and Benedict Anderson will be examined. Discussions will cover
a broad range of theoretical issues including power, gender, and space. This course
satisfies the second half of the Reading and Composition requirement.
Under Western Eyes -- South And Southeast Asian Studies
(S,SEASN) R5B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Prerequisites: 5A or course equivalent to 1A.
Location: MWF 3-4P, 123 DWINELLE
Instructor: WOODHOUSE, L
Status/Last Changed:
Units/Credit: 4
Description: In this course, the student will read selections from the large body of
scholarly texts that have been written about Southeast Asia. Expository and
argumentative essays by premier scholars such as Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, Margaret
Mead, Clifford Geertz, and Benedict Anderson will be examined. Discussions will cover
a broad range of theoretical issues including power, gender, and space. This course
satisfies the second half of the Reading and Composition requirement.
South And Southeast Asian Studies (S,SEASN) 39G [2-4 units]
Location: F 8-10A, L45 UNIT III DIN
Instructor: HART, K
Units/Credit: 2
South And Southeast Asian Studies (S,SEASN) 39H [2-4 units]
Location: Tu 9-11A, L15B UNIT III DIN
Units/Credit: 2
Introduction to the Study of Buddhism -- South And Southeast Asian Studies
(S,SEASN) C52 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: TuTh 11-1230P, 219 DWINELLE
Instructor: DALTON, J
Units/Credit: 4
Description: This introduction to the study of Buddhism will consider materials drawn
from various Buddhist traditions of Asia, from ancient times down to the present day.
However, the course is not intended to be a comprehensive or systematic survey; rather
than aiming at breadth, the course is designed around key themes such as ritual, image
veneration, mysticism, meditation, and death. The overarching emphasis throughout the
course will be on the hermeneutic difficulties attendant upon the study of religion in
general, and Buddhism in particular. Also listed as Group in Buddhist Studies C50 and
East Asian Languages and Cultures C50.
Topics in South and Southeast Asian Studies -- South And Southeast Asian Studies
(S,SEASN) 120 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture per week.
Location: TuTh 1230-2P, 33 DWINELLE
Instructor: EDWARDS, P S
Units/Credit: 4
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit as topic varies.
Description: Designed to permit regular faculty and visitors to explore special topics not
normally covered in the curriculum. Focus and readings will change in response to
current research interests of instructors and teaching needs of the department.
Topics in South and Southeast Asian Studies -- South And Southeast Asian Studies
(S,SEASN) 120 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture per week.
Location: TuTh 330-5P, 221 WHEELER
Instructor: TIWON, S C
Units/Credit: 4
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit as topic varies.
Description: Designed to permit regular faculty and visitors to explore special topics not
normally covered in the curriculum. Focus and readings will change in response to
current research interests of instructors and teaching needs of the department.
Studies in South and Southeast Asian Languages -- South And Southeast Asian
Studies (S,SEASN) 149 [2-4 units]
Course Format: Two to four hours of lecture per week.
Location: MW 3-4P, 20 STEPHENS
Instructor: JAIN, U R
Units/Credit: 2
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit as topic varies or with consent of
Description: Directed study of South and Southeast Asian Languages. This course will
provide intensive language training in languages not regularly taught by the Department.
Language may vary each semester based on instructor availability. Intermediate language
ability required.
Seminar in South and Southeast Asian Studies -- South And Southeast Asian
Studies (S,SEASN) 190 [3 units]
Course Format: Two hours of seminar per week.
Location: M 4-6P, 47 EVANS
Instructor: DALMIA, V
Units/Credit: 3
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit as topic varies.
Description: Designed primarily to give majors sustained and intensive training in
reading, writing, and analysis in the discipline. Independent research and a substantial
essay required. Topics will vary in accord with faculty and student interests.
Hindi-Urdu -- South And Southeast Asian Studies (S,SEASN) H195C [3 units]
Instructor: FARUQUI, M D
Seminar in South and Southeast Asian Studies -- South And Southeast Asian
Studies (S,SEASN) 250 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of seminar and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: M 3-6P, 204 DWINELLE
Instructor: HADLER, J A
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
Formerly South Asian 250
Description: Topics vary from semester to semester.
Seminar in South and Southeast Asian Studies -- South And Southeast Asian
Studies (S,SEASN) 250 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of seminar and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: M 3-6P, 201 WHEELER
Instructor: FARUQUI, M D
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
Formerly South Asian 250
Description: Topics vary from semester to semester.
Seminar in South and Southeast Asian Studies -- South And Southeast Asian
Studies (S,SEASN) 250 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of seminar and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: Th 3-6P, 2519 TOLMAN
Instructor: EDWARDS, P S
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
Formerly South Asian 250
Description: Topics vary from semester to semester.
Introduction to the Civilization of Southeast Asia -- Southeast Asian
(SEASIAN) 10B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: TuTh 11-1230P, 160 DWINELLE
Instructor: HADLER, J A
Units/Credit: 4
Description: Readings, lectures, and discussion of the culture and civilization of
Southeast Asia.
A. Mainland Southeast Asia: Covers the modern-day nations of Burma, Cambodia,
Thailand, etc., with special emphasis on the impact of Hinduism and Buddhism. (F,SP)
B. Insular Southeast Asia: Covers the modern-day nations of Indonesia, Malaysia, and
the Philippines. Special emphasis on the arts and their social and political context, with
discussions on the impact of the colonial experience and the question of modernization
vs. tradition.
Contemporary Issues of Southeast Asian Refugees in the U.S -- Asian American
Studies (ASAMST) 125 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and zero to one hours of discussion per week.
Location: W 3-6P, 182 DWINELLE
Instructor: UM, K
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: 20A or equivalent.
Description: This course will introduce students to the sociocultural, economic,
educational, and political issues facing Southeast Asian refugees in the U.S. While the
course focus is on the Asian American experience, references will be made to the premigration experiences and histories of the Southeast Asian refugee groups. The processes
and problems in the formulation of refugee programs and services in the U.S. also will be
addressed in their implications for refugee resettlement and adaptation experience.
Emphasis will be placed on comparative analyses of the Southeast Asian refugee
South Asian American Historical and Contemporary Issues -- Asian American
Studies (ASAMST) 127 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture per week.
Location: MW 4-530P, 24 WHEELER
Instructor: SINGH, J K
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: 20A or equivalent.
Description: Examines immigration and social history of South Asian Americans from
the early 20th century to present. Development of South Asian American communities
within the social, political and economic contexts of South Asia and the U.S.
Intermediate Bengali -- Bengali (BANGLA) 101B [5 units]
Course Format: Five hours of session per week.
Location: MWF 12-2P, 31 EVANS
Instructor: BASU, A
Units/Credit: 5
Prerequisites: 101A or consent of instructor.
Description: Students are expected to be able to read, with the aid of a dictionary,
modern Bengali literature, and speak at a "high-intermediate" level by the end of the year.
There will be viewing of Bengali videos at a mutually agreed upon time and in class from
time to time.
Introductory Hindi -- Hindi-Urdu (HIN-URD) 1B [5 units]
Course Format: Five hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week.
Location: MTWTF 8-9A, 50 BARROWS
Instructor: HUETTEMANN, A L
Units/Credit: 5
Description: Hindi writing systems. Survey of grammar. Graded exercises and readings
drawn from Hindi literature, leading to mastery of grammatical structures and essential
vocabulary and achievement of basic reading and writing competence.
Introductory Hindi -- Hindi-Urdu (HIN-URD) 1B [5 units]
Course Format: Five hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week.
Location: MTWTF 10-11A, 54 BARROWS
Instructor: HUETTEMANN, A L
Units/Credit: 5
Description: Hindi writing systems. Survey of grammar. Graded exercises and readings
drawn from Hindi literature, leading to mastery of grammatical structures and essential
vocabulary and achievement of basic reading and writing competence.
Intermediate Hindi -- Hindi-Urdu (HIN-URD) 100B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and laboratory work/visuals per week.
Instructor: HUETTEMANN, A L
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: 1A-1B.
Description: This course acquaints students with representative readings from Hindi
texts on pivotal cultural issues from a wide variety of sources, to enable them to acquire
cultural competence in the language. Systematic training in advanced grammar and
syntax, reinforced by exercises in composition, both oral and written. Special attention to
developing communication skills
Readings in Modern Hindi -- Hindi-Urdu (HIN-URD) 101B [3 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture per week.
Location: MWF 12-1P, 78 BARROWS
Instructor: JAIN, U R
Units/Credit: 3
Prerequisites: Two years of Hindi or consent of instructor.
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit.
Description: This course is designed for students who have already achieved an
intermediate level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing Hindi. Its objective is
to move students toward a greater level of fluency in each of these key areas. Students
will be introduced to a variety of contemporary literary genres. Weekly readings and
discussions will be on short stories, poems, and dramatic sketches from representative
authors. These readings focus on various social, cultural, political, and historical aspects
of Indian society. Students are encouraged to explore these issues in their written
assignments as well as in their class discussions. Written assignments on themes
suggested by the reading will be required. We will also work on advanced grammar and
special attention will be given to matters of style and idiom. The class will be conducted
entirely in Hindi and students will acquire language skills sufficient to approach literary
texts on their own.
Advanced Urdu -- Hindi-Urdu (HIN-URD) 104B [3 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture per week.
Location: TuTh 11-1230P, 205 WHEELER
Instructor: CHOPRA, H B
Units/Credit: 3
Prerequisites: Two years of Urdu or consent of instructor.
Description: Reading of Urdu prose and poetry in a variety of literary and scholarly
styles; composition. Topics in advanced grammar; designed to improve proficiency in
speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will be expected to converse in a
clearly participatory fashion, initiate, sustain, and bring to closure a wide variety of
communicative tasks using diverse language strategies.
Hindi Literature -- Hindi-Urdu (HIN-URD) 221 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: W 3-6P, 358B DWINELLE
Instructor: DALMIA, V
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: Two years of Hindi or equivalent.
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit.
Description: The course will focus on readings in modern Hindi fiction, drama and
critical essays, occasionally also on the medieval devotional literature in Hindi. Topics
will vary from year to year. Students will be expected to write a 20-25 page research
India -- History (HISTORY) 11 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and two hours of discussion per week.
Location: MW 4-530P, 30 WHEELER
Instructor: SREENIVASAN, R
Units/Credit: 4
South Asian Women’s History in Comparative Context, c. 1500 to the present
Location: M 10-12P 204 Wheeler
Instructor: Sreenivasan
Description: This course is targeted at students who intend to specialize in South Asian
history as well as those interested in women’s history in other regions of the world. We
will acquaint ourselves with the vibrant historiography of women in South Asia (the
region of contemporary India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh) from 1500 to the present. We
will explore the evolution of institutions and practices shaping women’s lives such as the
family, religious traditions, and legal traditions. We will then examine the impact of
colonial rule, nationalism, and decolonization upon South Asian women in the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries. While a significant proportion of the readings will be focused on
South Asia, we will also read key works on women in North Africa, the Middle East, and
East and Southeast Asia. This will enable us to place and evaluate the South Asianist
historiography within the broader field of women’s history. Assignments will include
leading class discussions, a 6–8 page (double-spaced) midterm paper, and a 15–20 page
final paper.
Medieval and Early Modern India to the Coming of the British -- History
(HISTORY) 114A [4 units]
Course Format:
Description: We will have two projects in this course. The first of these is to understand,
in so far as the sources permit, the nature of state structure in the Indian area between
1000 and 1800 CE. The second of these is to look at the way in which historians have
described the history and the society of this period to understand the way in which the
Indian state and its society has been constructed. This will involve reading in both
substantive texts and theoretical works.
(canceled for this semester)
Seminar in the Art of India -- History Of Art (HISTART) [2,4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of seminar per week plus extensive outside work.
Location: Tu 2-5P, 425 DOE LIBRARY
Instructor: WILLIAMS, J G
Units/Credit: 2,4
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit.
Grading option: May be taken for 2.0 units on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis with
consent of instructor.
Music and Theater in Southeast Asia -- Music (MUSIC) 133C [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory (devoted to playing
Balinese and Javanese Gamelan) per week.
Location: TuTh 11-1230P, 128 MORRISON
Instructor: GOLD, L R
Units/Credit: 4
Description: Surveys musical traditions of Indonesia and mainland Southeast Asia with
special emphasis on Java and Bali and the central role of music in theater and dance in
these countries.
Introductory Punjabi -- Punjabi (PUNJABI) 1B [5 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week.
Instructor: UBHI, U K
Units/Credit: 5
Prerequisites: 1A.
Description: Gurmukhi script. Survey of grammar. Graded exercises, leading to a
mastery of basic language patterns, essential vocabulary, and achievement of basic
reading and writing skills.
Intermediate Punjabi -- Punjabi (PUNJABI) 100B [5 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week.
Location: TuTh 330-5P, 258 DWINELLE (effective 01/27/11)
Instructor: UBHI, U K
Units/Credit: 5
Prerequisites: 100A.
Description: Focus on reading, writing and speaking Punjabi more fluently in formal and
informal contexts. Selected readings vary every semester. These form the starting point to
stimulate students' own writings which include a long interview with a Punjabi elder from
the wider community. These may be recorded in the students' own voices and form a
contribution to the ongoing "Punjabi Voices" project. Review of grammar provided as
needed in addition to the introduction of more complex grammatical structures. Grading
based on performance in class and final presentation, weekly quizzes, two midterms, and
a final.
Religion in South India -- Religious Studies (RELIGST) C162 [3 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture per week.
Location: TuTh 2-330P, 80 BARROWS
Instructor: LITTLE, L R
Units/Credit: 3
Description: The development and practice of religion in South India. Emphasis will be
on sources translated directly from Indian languages. Subjects covered include: the
indigenous religion, the effect of Brahmanical religion, bhakti movements, and the
practice of Hinduism in modern South India. Also listed as South Asian C141.
India's Great Epics: The Mahabharata and the Ramayana -- Religious Studies
(RELIGST) C166 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture per week.
Location: MWF 11-12P, 101 BARKER
Instructor: GOLDMAN, R P
Prerequisites: South Asian 5A, 127, 140, or consent of instructor.
Description: The course entails substantial selected readings from the great Sanskirt epic
poems--the Mahabharata and the Ramayana in translation, selected readings from the
corpus of secondary literature on Indian epic studies as well as lectures on salient issues
in both. Discussion will focus on a variety of historical and theoretical approaches to the
study of the poems and their extraordinary influence on Indian culture. Readings will be
supplemented with selected showings of popular cinematic and television versions of the
Elementary Sanskrit -- Sanskrit (SANSKR) 100B [5 units]
Course Format: Five hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week.
Location: MWF 8-10A, 101 WHEELER
Instructor: GOLDMAN, S J
Units/Credit: 5
Description: Elements of Sanskrit grammar and practice in reading Sanskrit texts.
Intermediate Sanskrit -- Sanskrit (SANSKR) 101B [5 units]
Course Format: Four and one-half hours of lecture per week.
Location: MF 12-2P, 204 WHEELER
Instructor: GOLDMAN, S J
Units/Credit: 5
Prerequisites: 100B. 101B may be taken before 101A with consent of instructor.
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit.
Description: Selected readings readings vary each semester. In addition, students are
required to memorize verses, read selected secondary scholarship, and lead an in-class
discussion. Grammatical review will be provided as necessary. Grading is based on class
performance, mid-term, final, and translation project.
A. Epic Sanskrit: Course readings focus on Epic Sanskrit and commentary. Selections are
taken from Valmiki Ramayana and Mahabharata.
B. Kavya and Sastra: Course readings focus on Kavya and/or Sastra.
Sanskrit Literature -- Sanskrit (SANSKR) 200B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: MF 2-330P, 346B DWINELLE
Instructor: GOLDMAN, R P
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: 101B or equivalent.
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit.
Description: Formerly 200, 201 and 202. Advanced readings in Sanskrit literature,
including Sanskrit ornate poetry with emphasis on the canons of poetic analysis of the
Indian aesthetic tradition.
Sanskrit Philosophical Texts -- Sanskrit (SANSKR) 207 [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of seminar and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: Th 3-6P, 204 DWINELLE (effective 01/27/11)
Instructor: KNUTSON, J R
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: Two years of Sanskrit or equivalent.
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit.
Description: Reading of a Sanskrit philosophical, logical, or grammatical text, with
attention to philosophical, logical, or grammatical features. Text to be chosen in
consultation with students.
Introductory Tamil -- Tamil (TAMIL) 1B [5 units]
Course Format: Five hours of lecture per week.
Location: TuTh 930-11A, 263 DWINELLE
Instructor: HART, K
Units/Credit: 5
Description: The grammar of modern Tamil will be covered followed by readings in
simple texts. Practice will also be given in spoken Tamil.
Readings in Tamil -- Tamil (TAMIL) 101B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of lecture per week.
Location: TuTh 11-1230P, 254 DWINELLE
Instructor: HART, K
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: 1-year of Tamil or consent of instructor.
Description: These courses introduce students to a variety of literary styles. 101A will
consist of weekly readings and discussions of short stories, poems, and dramatic sketches
from representative authors. Short written assignments on themes suggested by the
readings are required. Special attention is paid to matters of style and idiom. 101B is
devoted to viewing films based on a variety of themes (social, village, mythological,
classical Tamil) and to reading scripts and oral written exercises. Students will acquire
language skills sufficient to approach literary texts on their own.
Seminar in Tamil Literature -- Tamil (TAMIL) 210B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of seminar and one hour of discussion per week.
Instructor: HART, G L
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: 100B.
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
Description: Readings in advanced Tamil. Texts to be determined by the needs of the
Seminar in Malay Letters and Oral Traditions -- Malay/Indonesian
(MALAY/I) 210B [4 units]
Course Format: Three hours of seminar and one hour of discussion per week.
Location: W 3-6P, 211 DWINELLE
Instructor: TIWON, S C
Units/Credit: 4
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
Description: Various aspects of Malay language and literature, history and development
of the language, classical literature, drama, oral literature, modern literature of Indonesia
and Malaysia, and dialect studies. Applies various theoretical approaches to the study of
the language and literature.
Elementary Telugu -- Telugu (TELUGU) 1B [4 units]
Course Format: Four hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week.
Location: WF 12-2P, 50 BARROWS
Instructor: SUNKARI, H
Units/Credit: 4
Prerequisites: 1A is a prerequisite for 1B.
Description: The focus of this course will be on systematic grammar, essential
vocabulary, and conversations. The goal is to achieve basic reading, writing, and
conversational competence as well as exposure to Telugu culture and traditions through
language learning. Students will be able to read short stories by the end of this course
with some facility
Course Title: Special Topics (Contemporary India)
Location: Tu 5-8P, 221 KROEBER
Instructor: COHEN, L
Units/Credit: 4
Special Topics in Public Policy -- Public Policy (PUB POL) 290 [1-4 units]
Course Format: One to four hours of lecture per week for 14 weeks depending on topic.
Two to eight hours of lecture per week for seven weeks depending on topic.
Location: Th 4-6P, 105 GSPP
Instructor: STERN, R
Units/Credit: 2
Credit option: Course may be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
Description: Course examines current problems and issues in the field of public policy.
Topics may vary from year to year and will be announced at the beginning of the
semester. Open to students from other departments.
Haas School of Business (International Business: India (EWMBA298S-3)
Location: TBD
Instructor: Rau, R