Landforms, Climate Zones, and Vegetation

Directions for Creating the
Landforms, Climate Zones, and Vegetation Booklet
70 points (10 points per page)
The slideshow will be posted on my blog for images and further explanation.
Cover Page
Label the cover: Earth’s Physical Geography
Sketch: the earth (a globe)
Write: Landform Categories
List the booklet pages:
o Landforms Created by Water
o Landforms Created by Wind
o Plains and Tundra
o Volcanic Landforms
o Mountainous Landforms
o Glacial Landforms
Write your name at the bottom of the cover page
Blue Page (Front)
Label the blue page: Landforms Created by Water
Sketch and label 2 Landforms: river, river delta, lakes, waterfall, beach, bay, peninsula, island
Sketch and label 2 Plants: aquatic plants, algae
Sketch and label 2 Animals: fish, birds, beavers, frogs, ducks, anemones
Blue Page (Back)
Moderate Climate: Found in the middle latitudes, this climate has moderate rainfall, temperatures
that rarely fall below freezing, and varied vegetation. Forests include deciduous trees (trees that
lose their leaves in fall), shrubs, low bushes, wildflowers, and a variety of grasses.
Yellow Page (Front)
Label the yellow page: Landforms Created by Wind
Sketch and label 2 Landforms: desert, sand dunes, butte (hill with steep, often vertical sides
and a small, relatively flat top)
Sketch and label 2 Plants: shrubs, prickly pears, cacti
Sketch and label 2 Animals: kangaroo, coyote, lizards
Yellow Page (Back)
Dry Climate: A dry, hot climate with little rain and sandy, gravelly soil. Vegetation is sparse and
plant roots are shallow to absorb water before it evaporates. Some plants have small leaves,
which lose little moisture.
Pink Page (Front)
Label the pink page: Plains and Tundra
Sketch and label 2 Landforms: hills, hummocks (humps), permanently frozen ground
Sketch and label 2 Plants: small plants and shrubs (bushes), grasses, mosses, and lichens
Sketch and label 2 Animals: bison, elk, caribou (reindeer), ox, arctic hare, arctic fox, snowy
owl, and polar bears
Pink Page (Back)
Continental Climate: Summer temperatures are moderate to hot; winters are cold. Vegetation includes
grasslands and forests. Large deciduous forests occur where temperatures are moderate, while colder
regions have coniferous trees (trees with needles and cones).
Green Page (Front)
Label the green page: Volcanic Landforms
Sketch and label 2 Landforms: volcano, volcanic crater, caldera, Crater Lake, geyser
Sketch and label 2 Plants: flowers, berries
Green Page (Back)
Tropical Climate: Found in the low latitudes, this climate is hot, wet, and sunny. The vegetation is
tropical rain forest with thousands of kinds of plants. Trees grow to 130 feet (40 meters). Other trees,
vines, and ferns grow in their shade.
Brown Page (Front)
Label the brown page: Mountainous Landforms
Sketch and label 2 Landforms: mountain, mountain range, plateau, valley,
Sketch and label 2 Plants: coniferous forests, shrubs
Sketch and label 2 Animals: eagles, falcons, wolves, elk, moose, bears, deer, sheep, goats,
Brown Page (Back)
Moderate Climate: Found in the middle latitudes, this climate has moderate rainfall, temperatures that
rarely fall below freezing, and varied vegetation. Forests include deciduous trees (trees that lose their
leaves in fall), shrubs, low bushes, wildflowers, and a variety of grasses.
White Page (Front)
Label the white page: Glacial Landforms
Sketch and label 2 Landforms: arête, cirque, horn
Sketch and label 2 Plants: mushrooms and other fungi
Sketch and label 2 Animals: polar bears, penguins, fish
White Page (Back)
Polar Climate: This climate is found in the high latitudes and is cold all year. Vegetation includes low
shrubs, mosses, and lichens (plants that grow on rocks). There are no trees and few flowering plants.