Level 4/5 - Scheme of Work – Journeys Through Time

During the lesson, learners are progressing toward the following language learning aims:
 shows what activities to take out of a two hour class.
Content / Activities
Sub-theme: Action
Can Do Statement: Can use different verbs to talk about actions / pictures
Lesson Prepared by Emma Dorrell
Stage plan overview:
Greet students and recap last lesson. Ask students to describe something about themselves, perhaps something they are wearing, by
using either a number or colour. Then ask students to spell the target words. For example, I am wearing two pink shoes. T-w-o, p-i-n-k
To introduce today’s target language, use Teacher Resource 1 to play charades using different verbs.
Supporting Tasks
Ask students if they know what the charades words are – verbs / action words. Brainstorm more verbs to check understanding. Model
on the board how to write –ing verbs accurately by observing what is happening in the classroom. Kyle is sitting on the blue chair.
Rachel is listening to the teacher. Ensure students know the structure, including the use of to be but don’t confuse them! Students then
practise this by completing Activity Sheet 1 – Action.
Ask students what they can remember from last week’s story. Can they describe Cam? What actions happened in the first chapter?
Read Young Cam Jansen – Chapters 2-3 to the students. Make sure you ask questions throughout which will enable them to answer
with verbs.
In pairs, students write / draw all the verbs which they associate with what has happened so far in the story. Share ideas as a class.
Students can further practise using verbs to describe the pictures of the story. They complete Activity Sheet 2 – Cam Jansen Action.
Either show the pictures from the book, or use Teacher Resource 2 to show the relevant illustrations.
Students complete PB pp.4-5 (assign actions when you do the song), and AB pp.4-5.
Look again at the picture on PB p.5. Invite students to describe the picture, ensuring there is an –ing verb in every sentence. Count how
many descriptions they give. Teacher to model exercise – The robot is walking. For stronger students, encourage them to give more
detail – The red and white robot is walking on the pavement.
Main Task
Put students into pairs, each student receives a picture (each pair has a different picture to their partner) from Activity Sheet 3. They
take in turns to describe something from their picture. They should count to see how many descriptions they can get. (These pictures
are taken from Cambridge YLE practise pack and are used in the Starters speaking exam.)
Complete Activity Sheets 4 and 5 for practice
Fast finishers / stronger students can write about what is happening in their picture.
Post Task Activities
Upon completion of main task, ask students how many descriptions they could find. Who found the most?
Play Simon Says using lots of different verbs.
Play charades from earlier, but let students think of their own verbs to act out this time.
Lesson Log
Students complete their Lesson Log and Self Assessment - Task 2
Extension: Draw picture and use lots of verbs to write about what is happening in it.
Students complete Extension – Song by filling in the gaps
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Young Cam Jansen and the
Missing Cookie
Chapters 2-3
Course Book: Kid’s Box 3
Pupil’s Book: p.4-5
Activity Book: p.4-5
Teacher Book:p.14-15
CD 1 Tracks 5-6
Teacher’s Resources
Cam Jansen Pictures
Activity Sheets
Cam Jansen Action
Picture A / Picture B
Verb Practice
Linking Verbs
Additional Materials
Self Assessment
Lesson Log
A4 lined paper
Coloured pencils
Teacher Resource 1
Cut out the cards below. Students take in turns to come to the front of the class. Teacher
gives a card to the student (assist with reading and understanding if necessary). The
student must silently act out the word on the card until the rest of the class guesses
correctly. You may wish to ask students to act out a verb of their choice once they
understand the game.
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Teacher Resource 2
Pictures from
pages 14, 19, 21
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Activity Sheet 1
Action words are also called verbs, they tell us what someone or something
is doing. When we say what is happening now the verb ends with –ing. Look
at the examples:
The girl is wearing a hat.
The boy is flying a kite.
The girl is standing on the grass.
She is holding a kite.
The kite is blowing in the wind.
Your Turn Complete these sentences with the correct verb from the box.
1. Lucy is _______________________ a dress to the party.
2. Simon is ______________________ to music in his bedroom.
3. Dad is _______________________ a book.
4. Mum is ______________________ the news on TV.
5. Harry is ______________________ a picture of his family.
Extra Think of more sentences with –ing words.
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Activity Sheet 2
You have read the first three chapters of the story Cam Jansen and the Missing Cookie. Look at
the pictures on the pages shown below to complete the table. Use the first one to help you.
Change to -ing
Write a sentence to describe the picture
open (p.14)
Jason is opening his lunch box.
look (p.14)
drink (p.19)
wear (p.19)
eat (p.21)
hold (p.21)
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Activity Sheet 3i
Use lots of verbs to describe the picture to your partner. How many descriptions can you say? _________
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Activity Sheet 3ii
Use lots of verbs to describe this picture to your partner. How many descriptions can you say? _________
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Activity Sheet 4
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Activity Sheet 5
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Use the words from the box to complete the song. Then write sentences
under the pictures.
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Student Learner Diary for ………………………….……….. (Date)
Three things I learned or practiced today
I mimed different actions
I used –ing verbs to describe what was happening in pictures
I continued to read Young Cam Jansen and the Missing Cookie
To the Parent/Guardian This Learner Diary encourages the student to reflect on what s/he has
studied in this week’s lesson. It also provides you with important information about what your child is
learning and allows you to support this at home.
Student Learner Diary for ………………………….……….. (Date)
Three things I learned or practiced today
I mimed different actions
I used –ing verbs to describe what was happening in pictures
I continued to read Young Cam Jansen and the Missing Cookie
To the Parent/Guardian This Learner Diary encourages the student to reflect on what s/he has
studied in this week’s lesson. It also provides you with important information about what your child is
learning and allows you to support this at home.
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