Regional Archives Advisory Group Meeting Thursday, 18 July 2013 @ 10.30 am Held at Archives Central, Feilding Present: Michael Biggs (MW LASS) (Chair), Aaron Groube (MW LASS), Dieter Stalmann (MDC), Natalie Dewson (MW LASS), Derek Clear (Archives NZ), Nina Alexander (RDC), Stephen Yule (PNCC), Raewyn Seagar (PNCC), Tim Leahy (RuDC), Amy Bell (RuDC), Simon Bloor (WDC). 1. APOLOGIES Ian Tate (HDC), Joy Kopa (TDC), Michael Hodder (RDC), Lesley Courtney (PNCC), Suzanne Craig (HRC), Carina Hickey (HRC) 2. ACTIONS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES Michael B informed the group all the actions had been completed except for the signing off of the SLA. 3. RECORDS MANAGEMENT STANDARD FOR THE NZ PUBLIC SECTOR Derek gave a brief background about the new standard that is out for consultation until 16th August. He advised the new standard is an amalgamation of the 4 existing standards. The feedback from the group included: The document would be good to present to management level but it was felt there still needs to be another level of description. It has clear principles but lots of context had been removed, needs links to good practice. It was felt that the standard was more for best practice than minimum requirements. Needs to be more decisive in tone. Out of this discussion Derek informed the group that: The document was framed in a reasonably flexible way and although the requirements are quite strong how you achieve the outcome is still up to you. The standard will be reviewed annually. The document has been aligned with other Central Government standards. The audit tool will also be refreshed and the plan is to release to all agencies so they can self audit. The advice and guidance will also be refreshed. This will be a work in progress and may take 18 months to 2 years. Once reviewed in light of the presentation by Derek, it was agreed that Natalie will circulate AC’s feedback for Derek to the group. Councils will confirm if they are happy to support the feedback or if they wish to do their own submission. D:\106739498.doc Action: 1. Michael B and Natalie to review AC feedback and forward to Advisory Group 4. EMAIL RECOMMENDATIONS PAPER Natalie went through the feedback she had received from HRC and WDC. HRC want to invest in educating people to do the right thing, no consensus was reached at WDC. The Group then discussed what to say to SSWP. The agreement was we need to focus on educating people to do the right thing. The question that will be put to the SSWP is: do they think developing standard advice for MW LASS councils on email management is a good idea? Action: 2. Natalie to ask SSWP if they think standard advice for MW LASS on email management is a good idea 5. METADATA PAPER A recommendations paper has been drafted and is with the Technical Sub Group for review. Natalie will take the AAG through it at the next meeting as an FYI. Natalie has done metadata training and can run workshops with councils on a. What is Metadata b. How to adapt the ALGIM Schema. Contact Natalie if you are interested in receiving training on both or either of these. 6. DIGITAL FEASIBILITY STUDY Natalie took the group through her project outline and needs analysis and asked for their input on confirming the needs with councils. Dieter suggested a Survey to gather input from other council staff. Natalie will investigate this option. 7. UPDATE ON DIGITAL PRESERVATION PROJECT Natalie attended the National Digital Forum BarCamp at Palmerston North City Library. Presenting at the ALGIM Records Symposium in two weeks. Has started the Digital Curation Course HRC Stocktake Complete, WDC and TDC Stocktake in progress 8. UPDATE ON ARHIVES CENTRAL OPERATIONS Michael B asked if there was any feedback from the latest report and will be including Ruapehu District Council in future circulations of the report. Michael also informed the group that Archives Central has been nominated for the Emerging business award by Feilding Promotions. 9. OTHER BUSINESS Michael B advised the group of the plans to change from Katipo to a less expensive Web Hosting Service. From this and the feedback he had received about the Website Charges it should further reduce the costs for any other council to join. The revised costs should be confirmed in the next couple weeks. Meeting closed: 12:15pm NEXT MEETING DATE ACTION LIST Item Who Michael B and Natalie to review AC feedback and forward to Advisory Group 1 2 Michael B/Natalie Natalie to ask SSWP if they think standard advice for MW LASS on email management is a good Natalie idea Action taken