DUNDEE PARTNERSHIP LEARNING & CULTURE STRATEGIC GROUP Minute of Meeting held on Thursday, 20 September in the Meeting Room, The McManus: Dundee’s Art Gallery and Museum Present: Stewart Murdoch, DCC – Director, Leisure & Communities (chair) Leslie Dick, Assistant Principal Dundee College Clive Gillman, Director DCA Georgina Follett, Duncan of Jordanstone/University of Dundee Billy Gartley, Chair of Cultural Partners Group/Head of Cultural Services Michael Wood, Director Education Department Gregor White, University of Abertay Jemima Levick, Dundee Rep Ciaran McDonald, PhD Student Lorenzo Pergola, PhD Student Neil Gunn, Head of Communities, Chief Executive’s Department Peter Noad, Scottish Enterprise Tayside Apologies: Gill Poulter, Dundee Heritage Trust Marie Dailly, Discover Learning Partnership/Adult Learning Manager No Item Action 1. Note of Meeting held on 26 April 2012 at Dundee College This note was agreed as an accurate record. 2. Matters Arising 2.1 Doctoral Research Seminar Arrangements have been put in place for a seminar on the evening of 9 October. Ten creative sector based PhD students, their supervisors, project sponsors and other interested parties would be invited to this event which would take place at The McManus. It was envisaged that there would be an informal gathering from 5.00 pm onwards with presentations commencing at 6.00 pm. 2.2 BG/CMcD/ LP Shared Services Project Clive gave an update on the Shared Services Project which had four distinct strands: The operations strand looked at collaboration on training/transports/ storage. The marketing strand looked at integrated marketing/Visit Scotland support and development of capacity for marketing. Programming had focused on the Blue Skies Festival. Education had been based on joint CPD for specific primary school clusters and would be repeated on 13 November 2012. There had also been joint education work taken forward in partnership with Prince’s Trust. Clive described in more detail the Blue Skies Festival which had secured £90k funding from Creative Scotland and which would run again in 2013 (provisionally 12/13 August). The event would continue to provide a unique opportunity to promote and celebrate blue skies thinking in relation to the arts, communities and the creative sector and involved a wide range of partners within the sector. D:\533570316.doc 1 CG No Item 2.3 Turning Talent into Jobs Action Georgina advised that there had been no response from Dundee University Students’ Union over the summer. However, she felt that with a refreshed Management Group at DUSA there was still an opportunity for an event run by DUSA, but engaging other institutions, to take place within the current academic year, i.e. in the spring of 2013. 2.4 GF City of Culture Bid In response to questions from local press it was noted that the City Council had indicated that it would be considering a UK City of Culture Bid. Partners, particularly the University who were strongly in favour of this, were looking to announce the intention to bid at the earliest opportunity. The Chief Executive has been in discussion with the Council’s Administration and work is progressing with a view to coming to a firm position in relation to Dundee’s bid in the very near future. 3. SM Dundee Partnership Festival and Events Strategy The version of the Festival and Events Strategy approved by Dundee City Council and the Dundee Partnership Management Group earlier in the year had been circulated prior to the meeting. A number of minor changes had been made in response to consultation on the final draft. The main outstanding task was to replace Appendix 2 (Year of Creative Dundee 2012) with an updated version. This would be finalised as soon as possible. SM The Festival and Events Implementation Group is to meet on 26 October at 2.00 pm. Most agencies are represented on this group (see Appendix 3). Stewart asked, however, that anyone who wished to be represented and wasn’t communicate with his as soon as possible. All One of the main challenges to be discussed on 26 October was the views expressed by Judith Barnard, Director of External Relations at the University felt that there needed to be a clear evidence that the partnership or partner agencies were ‘putting their money where their mouth was’. She felt that approving a strategy without putting resource behind its implementation would not deliver the desired outcomes. There was sympathy for this view but none of the partners were in a position to resource its implementation other than by releasing staff and by making available help in kind. There was an interesting exchange of views about how this might be achieved and it was noted that this was something that might require further discussion at a Dundee Partnership level. 4. Strategic Guidance for Community Planning Partnerships – Community Learning and Development Neil spoke to the report which had been approved by the Dundee Partnership at its meeting in August and referred to the Scottish Government’s new priorities for Community Planning Partnerships in relation to Community Learning and Development. D:\533570316.doc 2 Implementation Group No Item A new Community Learning and Development Strategy will be produced for the period 2013-17 with the involvement of partners through stakeholder events and the support of the Dundee Partnership Theme Groups. The Community Learning and Development Strategy will be produced in line with the Strategic CLD Guidance with a strong focus on the development of CLD as a model of early intervention and prevention. In discussion, Michael advised that Education Scotland were likely to only complete eight full inspections during 2012/13 and it was not yet clear whether one of these would be within Dundee. These inspections cover a secondary school catchment area and include the learning community along with delivery by the school as a key institution within the community. Stewart noted that in previous inspections the learning outcomes achieved by cultural partners had provided an important opportunity for adding value to the inspection and profiling good work being done by partner agencies. 5. Dundee Partnership Community Awards 2012 Lesley gave a brief verbal update on the outcome of the thirteen applications which had been assessed by a subcommittee on behalf of the Dundee Partnership. The subcommittee had been impressed by the quality and range of work being done under the guise of learning and culture. They had found it difficult to come to a conclusion but had agreed on the nominee. This will be made public at the Dundee Partnership Awards Ceremony in October. The group felt that there was a need to review the focus of the awards in order that small scale community organisations could continue to compete and have their work valued against larger culture and learning organisations. Jemima drew the group’s attention to the Creative Scotland Awards which were to be sponsored by the Daily Record http://www.quaydigitalscotland.co.uk/sites/events/creative-scot/awardcategories.html . 6. Information Exchange 6.1 DCA 6.2 Discovery Film Festival will commence on 20 October and run for two weeks. The current gallery exhibition ‘From the Edge’ has received good critical acclaim and there is interesting video documentary produced by marginalised young people from France. The exhibition ‘Imagine Being A World Leader’ has also attracted good feedback. Scottish Enterprise Tayside The Dundee Renewables Strategy has been approved. Planning permission has been formally secured for the V&A Dundee. The partnership have commissioned a perceptions study to establish whether the waterfront is changing external perceptions of the city. There has been active engagement with developers. Critical decisions are to be made in relation to the future of the Unicorn. The Olympia is on schedule for demolition during 2013. Demolition work has already commenced on Tayside House. D:\533570316.doc 3 Action No Item Work to prepare for the redevelopment of the station site is onsite. 6.3 Abertay University 6.4 The number of student productions has been reduced as a result of budget cuts. 57 students from the art and design programme have progressed to university places – very high return. Philip Long is to talk to heads of centres in the College. A decision on the merger discussions between Angus and Dundee Colleges is expected next week. The new Perth Road entrance for Duncan of Jordanstone is nearing completion. There are three new lectureships filled for the current academic year and five further lectureships still going through the selection process. The Martin Kemp lecture had been highly successful. ‘Design An Action’ commenced in September with 25 of the 27 posts filled. It was confirmed that these are four year appointments to develop a knowledge exchange for Scotland. The Steering Group is chaired by Sebastian Conrad. Professor Stephen Decent has been appointed as Head of School from Birmingham. It was agreed that a launch event for the knowledge exchange should, if possible, take place in the City Chambers later in the year. GF/SM PhD Students 6.8 The 2012/13 programme has recently been published and had met with an excellent response. Duncan of Jordanstone 6.7 Dare Plus, a four week project for new start up companies, had been highly successful and will be repeated. ‘Imagination Will Get You Everywhere’ – the current exhibition at the Hannah Maclure Centre. 4 Talent – A one day event will take place on 17 October. Dundee College 6.6 Protoplay had attracted 10,000+ visitors. The indie festival for start up companies that ran in conjunction with Protoplay had been well supported by media partners. Gardyne Theatre 6.5 Action There was a brief update on the progress being made by Lorenzo and Ciaran in relation to their postgraduate research. Both felt that they now clear about where they were going and were actively engaged in field work. Education Department A discussion on how to get the V&A brand into schools and the benefit of the V&A development embedded in the curriculum was currently being taken forward. An IT project with Morgan and Glebelands was referred to and it was suggested that a presentation on this should form part of the agenda for the next meeting. D:\533570316.doc 4 MW/SM No 6.9 Item Leisure & Culture Dundee – Cultural Services 6.10 Action The Leonardo da Vinci exhibition has doubled the normally busy throughput at McManus. The galleries have been open for extended hours and this will continue through the V&A Selling Dreams exhibition which opens next week. The school and community programme is at capacity. Creative Scotland have released funding for a grant fund which will be locally managed for the benefit of enabling community groups to promote cultural events. This will allow small grants to be made from a £14k budget over the next 12 months. A Music Development Strategy is currently under discussion and the RSNO partnership will focus on the catchments of Grove, Menzieshill and Baldragon for three years. Dundee Rep ‘She Town’ is fully sold out. ‘Mill Lavvies’ is 90% full. ‘This Town’, and offshoot from ‘She Town’ is to focus on Whitfield. ‘Whisky Galore’ will be the next community tour which will go to ten venues, starting on 24 October. The pilot MLitt in Theatre Studies has recruited four students and has started. There had been great feedback from the Blue Skies event. SDT are touring internationally (in India). Fleur Darkin will start at the Director for SDT in mid October. 7. AOCB 7.1 Attention was drawn to the Dundee University Review of the Arts which is now available online at http://www.dura-dundee.org.uk . 7.2 Hospitalfield House It was noted that Lucy Byatt has been appointed as the new Director for Hospitalfield House. 7.3 Creative Dundee The group discussed whether there was any way in which institutional support or financial support could be offered to Creative Dundee. All partners have appreciated the voluntary effort which had gone onto the development of the site and recognised that its sustainability required some form of support. There was no easy way of delivering this and it was suggested that the business model for the site perhaps needed to be reviewed. Georgina suggested that, through expert mentoring via the knowledge exchange, there may be ways of coming up with a more sustainable business model. It was remitted to partners to consider how they could assist the site’s development and sustainability. 8. Date of Next Meeting Thursday, 15 November 2012 at 2.00 pm at Duncan of Jordanstone. D:\533570316.doc 5 All