Office Use Only – Application Ref IDTE/03/16/ NIHR INFRASTRUCTURE DOCTORAL TRAINING EXCHANGE SCHEME NIHR INFRASTRUCTURE DOCTORAL TRAINING EXCHANGE SCHEME 2016 APPLICATION FORM Applicant Name: Contact Tel: Email: Published January 2016 Page 1 of 11 SECTION A – APPLICATION SUMMARY Ai. Trainee Details Surname Forename Title Professional background please select from drop down lists Medical Specialties: A–G ***** Medical Specialties: H–O ***** Medical Specialties: P–U ***** Dental Specialties ***** Nurse/Midwife ***** Allied Health Professional ***** Other Healthcare Professionals ***** ****** ***** if other please specify Not a Health Professional ***** if other please specify Professional Body Registration If you are registered with the regulatory body or council of your profession please indicate which you are registered with Exchange Title Proposed start date ****** Aii. Exchange Host Details NIHR Infrastructure Organisation Department Address 1 Contact Address 2 Address 3 Town/City Address 5 Postcode Published January 2016 Page 2 of 11 Aiii Home Institution Details Job title Department Contact Organisation Address 1 Address 2 Contact Phone No Contact email Address 3 Town/City Address 5 Postcode Applicant correspondence address if different from above Address 1 Phone No Address 2 Email Address 3 Town/City Address 5 Postcode Published January 2016 Page 3 of 11 PART B – TRAINEE EXPERIENCE Overview of experience to date (100 words max) PART C – EXCHANGE HOST ORGANISATION AND SUPERVISOR Contact details Surname Forename Title ****** Job title Address 1 Contact Address 2 Phone No Address 3 email Town/City Address 5 Postcode Published January 2016 Page 4 of 11 PART D – PROPOSED EXCHANGE TRAINING PROGRAMME Di. Please outline the research you plan to undertake during your exchange, and describe how it will contribute to your PhD (300 words max) Dii. Please provide details of the host supervisor and how they will support the applicant (300 words max) Diii. Please justify the resources requested for the exchange Published January 2016 Page 5 of 11 PART E - DECLARATIONS AND SIGNATURES Applicant I confirm that I have secured all necessary licences and ethical approvals in relation to the research and will abide by the terms of those licences and approvals in carrying out the research. I confirm that I have read the NIHR Carbon Reduction Guidelines and, where possible, taken steps to reduce the carbon emissions generated by this research. I confirm that the information regarding the current status of my research doctorate is complete and accurate. I undertake to conduct the research according to such guidelines for good research practice as the Host Organisation may from time to time laydown according to the NIHR research governance framework and the guidelines set out in ‘Good Clinical Practice in MRC-funded Trials’ (MRC 1998). In completing this, I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this application, is true, accurate and complete. I have read the Guidance Notes and agree to accept the process by which an application is assessed and agree to abide by the conditions under which an award may be granted. I agree that the NIHR may hold and process, by computer or otherwise, personal and other data supplied with this application and, if successful, additional data provided during the fellowship award. I understand that the application will be shared with members of the Expert Review Panel and may be sent for external peer review. Name (please print) Published January 2016 Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Page 6 of 11 Home Organisation – Primary Supervisor As Primary Supervisor of the Applicant at the home institution, I approve this application and will support the candidate’s programme of activities as detailed in this application. The applicant is eligible for and capable of taking up this award. I confirm that the candidate will be eligible, for the duration of the award, to live and work in the UK. Name: Job Title: Email Address: Signature: Date:(dd/mm/yy) Home Organisation – NIHR Training Lead As NIHR Training Lead of the home employing institution, I have read the Guidance Notes. Name: Job Title: Email Address: Signature: Date:(dd/mm/yy) Host Organisation – Supervisor As host organisation supervisor, I have read the Guidance Notes. I approve this application and will support the candidate’s programme of activities as detailed in this application. Name: Job Title: Email Address: Published January 2016 Page 7 of 11 Signature: Date:(dd/mm/yy) Published January 2016 Page 8 of 11 PART F – NIHR INFRASTRUCTURE TRAINING LEAD STATEMENT OF SUPPORT (400 words max). Name Job title Signature PART G – DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MONITORING INFORMATION How did you become aware of this scheme? (NB: if from a colleague or advisor, it would also be helpful to know their source of information) If ‘Other’ please give brief description below ***** UKCRC Health Categories - Select ONE or TWO Health categories First category ***** Second (optional) category ***** Published January 2016 Page 9 of 11 UKCRC Research Activities - Only select ONE or TWO research activities – see guidance notes for details Underpinning Research 1.1 Normal biological development and functioning Aetiology 2.1 Biological and endogenous factors 1.2 Psychological and socioeconomic processes 2.2 Factors relating to physical environment 1.3 Chemical and physical sciences 2.3 Psychological social and economic factors 1.4 Methodologies and measurements 2.4 Surveillance and distribution 1.5 Resources and infrastructure (underpinning) 2.5 Research design and methodologies (aetiology) 2.6 Resources and infrastructure (aetiology) Prevention of Disease and Conditions and Promotion of Well-Being Detection, Screening and Diagnosis 3.1 Primary prevention interventions to modify behaviours or promote well-being 3.2 Interventions to alter physical and biological environmental risks 4.1 Discovery and preclinical testing of markers and technologies 3.3 Nutrition and chemoprevention 4.3 Influences and impact 3.4 Vaccines 4.4 Population screening 3.5 Resources and infrastructure (prevention) 4.5 Resources and infrastructure (detection) Development of Treatments and Therapeutic Interventions Evaluation of Treatments and Therapeutic Interventions 5.1 Pharmaceuticals 6.1 Pharmaceuticals 5.2 Cellular and gene therapies 6.2 Cellular and gene therapies 5.3 Medical devices 6.3 Medical devices 5.4 Surgery 6.4 Surgery 5.5 Radiotherapy 6.5 Radiotherapy 5.6 Psychological and behavioural 6.6 Psychological and behavioural 5.7 Physical 6.7 Physical 5.8 Complementary 6.8 Complementary 5.9 Resources and infrastructure (development of treatments) 6.9 Resources and infrastructure (development of treatments) Management of Diseases and Conditions Health and Social Care Services Research 7.1 Individual care needs 8.1 Organisation and delivery of services Published January 2016 4.2 Evaluation of markers and technologies Page 10 of 11 7.2 End of life care 8.2 Health and welfare economics 7.3 Management and decision making 8.3 Policy ethics and research governance 7.4 Resources and infrastructure (disease management) 8.4 Research design and methodologies 8.5 Resources and infrastructure (disease management) The Department of Health, National Institute for Health Research (DH NIHR) is the Data Controller under the Data Protection Act 1998 (‘the Act’). Applicants for funding should be aware that information contained in this application might be shared with other DH NIHR bodies for the purposes of statistical analysis and other DH NIHR management purposes, including targeted communications with selected groups of researchers. Applicants may be assured that DH NIHR is committed to protecting privacy and to processing all personal information in a manner that meets the requirements of the Act. Published January 2016 Page 11 of 11