Articles (a, an, and the) and limiting adjectives (words which limit the number of the
noun that follows) are called noun markers. Underline the noun markers and circle
the nouns in the following sentences.
1. Few men wore hats at the meeting.
2. Both young men answered correctly.
3. More ripe strawberries were found in the other field.
4. Every good student was given a reward.
5. Several African elephants were seen at the circus.
6. This clown was also at the show.
7. All vegetables contain some vitamins.
8. Two wild horses ran through the canyon.
9. Those older children explained the rules of the game.
10. Every candidate spoke on that subject.
11. Some students in the class visited the rodeo.
12. These students saw many exciting events.
13. Some cowhands rode wild bulls.
14. Other riders entered a barrel-racing contest.
15. Another racing event involved stagecoaches.
16. No rodeo would be complete without several clowns.
17. One colorful clown hid in a barrel.
18. A bull knocked over the barrel.
19. The crowd cheered the winners.
20. many people attended the rodeo for every event.
What’s your number?
Underline all of the nouns in the sentences which follow. Write S above each
singular noun and P above each plural noun. (The number of nouns in each
sentence is given in parentheses).
Example: Big celebrations have been held every year on the Fourth of July. (3)
1. Long ago, one celebration was always held in the field behind the Bunde
Methodist Church in Minnesota. (4)
2. That church is in the country, next to the highway, about three miles from
town. (5)
3. There were games and contests with prizes all day. (4)
4. The women from the Ladies Aid Society were competing to pound a handful of
huge spikes into a thick beam. (5)
5. Suitcase relays for the men always made the people laugh. (3)
6. The clothesline relay for the men entertained everybody. (2)
7. The women were especially amused to watch the men racing in teams to hang
laundry on the lines. (5)
8. Shirts hanging by their cuffs and gloves pinned down finger by finger looked
strange. (5)
9. Mr. Johnson, who is my neighbor, won the relay, but Bob Smith was second. (3)
10. The best part of the day was when Annabelle Thompson fell in the mud trying to
wrestle a feisty pig to the ground. (6)
Singular or Plural?
Underline the nouns in the following sentences. Write S above each singular noun
and P above each plural noun. (The number of nouns in each sentence is indicated
in parentheses).
1. My brother always throws his dirty socks on the floor. (3).
2. The chairs look much nicer since they’ve been reupholstered with such a richlooking fabric. (2)
3. To exercise my mind, I wrote two entries in my diary. (3)
4. Watermelon is the greatest refreshment ever on hot summer days. (3)
5. Mark told me that there are chicken beaks in some processed meats. (3)
6. Aquarium fish sleep when the light is out. (2)
7. Clover is added to grass to make it thicker. (2)
8. On the refrigerator is a list of groceries. (3)
9. I left my shoes somewhere in that pile of dirty clothes. (3)
10. Myron has got another one of those nasty summer colds. (2)
11. I bought a six-pack of Coke and five packs of Kool-Aid for the picnic. (5)
12. We saw a gaggle of geese waddle across the road. (3)
13. Believe it or not, the cows crossed right by the cattle-crossing sign. (2)
14. As you may well know, deer cross roads wherever they want. (2)
15. My little brother knows he has to stay in the yard even if Mom and Dad are at
home. (5)
Common or Proper?
Underline the nouns in the following sentences. Write C above each common noun
and P above each proper noun. (The number of nouns in each sentence is indicated
in parentheses).
1. Mary got a pair of Reeboks for her birthday. (4)
2. My parents went to Paris for their wedding anniversary. (3)
3. Todd calls the MTV vote-line every Friday night. (3)
4. I brush my cocker spaniel in the morning. (2)
5. My mom loves that new song by Madonna. (3)
6. I know Dad likes our Siamese cat Mitsi. (3)
7. Mount Rushmore, Washington Monument, and Devils tower are all national
monuments. (4)
8. The White House is the executive residence of the president. (3)
9. My dad says I have more shoes than Grant’s army. (3)
10. Computers are common sights in American classrooms. (3)
11. Byron actually has five copies of The Outsiders in his locker. (4)
12. A volcano erupted in the Philippines yesterday. (2)
13. Yuck, Gino eats cold pizza with anchovies for breakfast. (4)
14. On Friday night, the Hendersons eat fish. (3)
15. A writing handbook is required at Bigfoot Academy. (2)
16. I love large dogs like Great Danes and Saint Bernards. (3)