MS Word - Learning Disabilities Association of Canada

Philpott, D.F. & Fiedorowicz, C.A.M. (2012)
The recent ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada (in Moore1) has affirmed the legal rights of students
with learning disabilities to receive an education that gives them an opportunity to develop their full
potential. The decision was unanimous. The decision has significant implications for all students in
Canada with learning disabilities. The following is the story of Jeffrey Moore which led to the critical
decision and a summary of some of the key factors identified by Canada's highest court.
Jeffrey Moore still could not read by the end of the third grade (1994). School assessments had identified
him as having a learning disability, specifically dyslexia, and he received a combination of in-school and
private supports. His learning disability was ultimately classified as severe. Recognizing his need for
more intensive, individualized help, Jeffrey’s teachers referred him to a separate special program within
the school district (School District No. 44 North Vancouver). However, funding cuts resulted in the
program being closed. As a result, the school recommended that Jeffrey attend a private school
specifically for students with learning disabilities. His parents, desperate for help, remortgaged their
home and enrolled Jeffrey in that school where he made good progress.
The story so far is all too familiar to countless families of children with learning disabilities. However,
what happened next stands to redirect program planning for students with learning disabilities and
reconfirm the responsibility of schools to identify and respond effectively to the individual education
needs of students.
Jeffrey’s parents filed a complaint to the British Columbia Human Rights Commission, charging that the
school district’s decision to close the special program and without replacing it with an appropriate
alternative, denied their son the right to the type of education he required, which constituted
discrimination. After months of deliberation and testimony of expert witnesses, the British Columbia
Human Rights Tribunal agreed that Jeffrey had been discriminated against. Further, financial
compensation for the family was awarded. However, both a reviewing judge and, subsequently, the
British Columbia Court of Appeal overturned that decision. Undeterred, the Moore family appealed to the
Supreme Court of Canada. A number of groups, including the Learning Disabilities Association of
Canada attained Intervener status to be a part of the process.
On November 9th, 2012, some 12 years later, the Supreme Court of Canada unanimously ruled to uphold
the Human Rights Tribunal’s ruling of discrimination and, in so doing, made an articulate and powerful
statement: “…adequate special education, therefore, is not a dispensable luxury. For those with
severe learning disabilities, it is the ramp that provides access to the statutory commitment to
education made to all children…”. This is a significant recognition that needed services must be
provided when required as a matter of course. Educators at all levels need to pay particular attention to
Moore v. British Columbia (Education), 2012 SCC 61 (CanLII)
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada,
20 – 2420 Bank Street, OTTAWA, ON, CANADA, K1V 8S1
this binding statement. It is also significant the ruling agreed that financial compensation be awarded to
the Moore family for all the costs they incurred.
In today’s era of inclusive educational program planning, the Supreme Court of Canada validated the
position long held by learning disability associations across Canada in their support for: “the right of all
students with learning disabilities to adequate special education programs and services,
including intensive evidence-based interventions for those who need them.”
In a country where educational policy, practice and discourse are heavily splintered by
provincial/territorial jurisdiction, the ruling establishes a common bar or standard for students all across
the country. As current practice is increasingly influenced by education models such as “Response to
Intervention” and “Differentiated Instruction” which challenge the need for formal assessments, diagnosis
and individualized programs, the ruling cautioned that, “…discrimination was made out based on the
insufficiently intensive remediation provided by the District for Jeffrey’s learning disability in
order for him to get access to the education he was entitled to.” This highlights that educators have
an obligation to provide individualized programs for individual needs based on appropriate assessment.
In the months ahead, the implications of the Supreme Court of Canada ruling will reverberate through
Ministries of Education, professional training schools, including psychologists and teachers, teachers’
unions and countless families. Interpretations, debate and conflict will flourish. This ruling, however,
should stop the initiatives toward an interpretation of inclusive education in which placement in the
regular class is a preferred option for all students. The authors suggest that the following constructs will
be central to the ensuing application of the Supreme Court of Canada ruling.
“There is no dispute that Jeffrey’s dyslexia is a disability. There is equally no question that any
adverse impact he suffered is related to his disability.” This language of the ruling legally secures
both the diagnosis of Learning Disabilities as a disability under the law (including dyslexia) and its
potential to inflict harm, if unattended. It challenges educational practices that shy away from
assessment and diagnosis and the need for programs specifically designed to lessen the impact of the
disability and enhance learning. The ruling concluded that dyslexia carries with it the potential to inflict
“adverse impact” and “suffering” which carried with them the need for both identification and
appropriate effective intervention. Such a position challenges the unduly long waitlists for assessments,
reiterates the need for early identification and intervention, and reminds educators of their inherent
responsibility to minimize suffering. Expeditious identification and provision of individualized interventions
in the most enabling environment are critical for students with learning disabilities.
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that “…for students with learning disabilities like Jeffrey’s,
Special Education is not the service, it is the means by which those students get meaningful
access to the general education…”. The special program to which Jeffrey was denied access was a
pullout service, in a separate site: this service stands in direct contrast to current interpretations of
inclusive practice. The word “inclusion” was not used in the ruling but instead the terminology such as
special needs, special needs programs, and remedial instruction was preferred. The court agreed
with the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal in stating that “…a range of services was necessary
for these students…” The ruling is a clear and unequivocal reconfirmation that a cascade or
continuum of interventions for a range of needs is not a “luxury” and indeed is the standard that must
be applied.
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada,
20 – 2420 Bank Street, OTTAWA, ON, CANADA, K1V 8S1
Undoubtedly, among all the concepts that will be considered from this ruling, meaningful access will
likely be one that dominates. The phrase “meaningful access” to the curriculum to which all children in
British Columbia are entitled is significant. “Jeffrey required intensive remediation in order to have
meaningful access to education”. The ruling addressed both the importance of remedial services and
equality of opportunity for individual students in order to access and master the curriculum at their
individual levels. While students have equal access to a general education, their ability to achieve within
that curriculum, as well as the setting where those services are delivered, is highly individualized. This is
a restatement of a long-held position of the Supreme Court, (Eaton v. Brant County School, 1997): “In
some cases, special education is a necessary adaptation of the mainstream world which enables
some disabled pupils access to the learning environment they need in order to have equal
opportunity in education”2.
The Supreme Court of Canada rejected comparing the needs of one special needs student with the
needs of another special needs student in order to determine the right to meaningful access. The Board
of Education of School District No. 44 argued that by closing the specialized center Jeffrey was not
individually discriminated against, as it affected all children with similar needs. But, the Supreme Court of
Canada ruling states that program decisions must be based on the subjective, child-centered
“individual needs” of each student and that the equal treatment of children is discriminatory as it
violates their individual rights. The ruling found that “Comparing Jeffrey only to other special needs
students would mean that the District could cut all special needs programs and yet be immune
from a claim of discrimination… this risks perpetuating the very disadvantaged….”
This ruling sends a powerful message to education systems in which special education, particularly
pullout service, is often viewed as an antiquated practice and concept. While educators are
understandably challenged in responding to the diversity and severity of the needs in their classrooms,
triaging accommodation by comparing the needs is not acceptable. This means that the needs of one
child cannot negate the needs of another. Likewise, perspectives that one placement option or one
program model is the best for all students, or even similar students, cannot be tolerated in our education
Central to the appeal was the school District’s decision, due to budget cutbacks, to close the separate
specialized program that would have met Jeffrey’s needs. Twelve years later, financial challenges have
increased so the ruling is particularly relevant today. The District argued that they were forced to make
cuts but the Supreme Court of Canada ruling concluded that “…cuts were disproportionably made to
special needs programs…” and “… that the district did so without knowing how the needs of
students like Jeffrey would be addressed…”. Other discretionary programs were continued, despite
the budget shortfalls and in the absence of “… a needs based-analysis…” or consideration of “…the
effect of the closure on students”. The ruling cautioned educators that in making budget cuts they
must consider proportion of impact and not equality or uniformity of expense. “Accommodation is not
a question of more efficiency” and a budget cut could well result in a disproportionate and therefore
unfair impact on students with learning disabilities. A heightened level of decision-making and
accountability is required at the school district level where decisions are made on how to spend
provincially allocated funds. The potential of disproportionate impact of their decisions on students with
learning disabilities requires careful consideration.
Eaton v. Brant County Board of Education, (1997) 1 S.C.R.241 [Eaton], at para. 69.
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada,
20 – 2420 Bank Street, OTTAWA, ON, CANADA, K1V 8S1
The Supreme Court of Canada is the ultimate legal decision maker in Canada and its rulings impact
public policy and practice. The Jeffrey Moore case is undoubtedly a game changer in the provision of
services to students with learning disabilities in this country, as well as to our understanding of identifying
and accommodating individual needs within an inclusive society. It challenges those involved in the
provision of education to recalibrate both their understanding of the individualized needs of students with
learning disabilities and how best to provide services that give them meaningful access to an education
that maximizes their potential. It challenges teachers to be increasingly diligent in their professional
practice to identify and respond. It challenges psychologists to be thorough and accurate in their
assessments, diagnosis and recommendations for interventions. It challenges decision makers to be
responsible and accountable for the outcome of funding decisions. It confirms the court’s long held stand
that the individual needs of students require individual planning and that a continuum of services is
Ultimately, this ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada speaks to the power of parents, diligent in their
stewardship of protecting the rights of their child, to change a system to best meet their child's needs.
The need for shared advocacy for the rights of these students in accessing the best of care by
educators, parents, community associations and public servants, is validated.
November 27, 2012
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada
Education Consortium:
Philpott, D.F.
Fiedorowicz, C.A.M
The authors wish to express gratitude and admiration for the dedication, perseverance and personal
sacrifice of Jeffrey Moore and his parents in pursuing the rights of not only one child, but also the rights
of all children in Canada with learning disabilities. We also wish to acknowledge the efforts and support
of the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada, including their counsel Yude M. Henteleff C.M., Q.C.,
LL.D. (Hon.) of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Dr. Christina Fiedorowicz is a member of The Professional Advisory Council of the Learning Disabilities
Association of Canada. She was an Expert Witness who appeared before the British Columbia Human
Rights Tribunal on Jeffrey Moore’s behalf. Dr. Fiedorowicz has a Private Practice in Neuropsychology in
Ottawa and individuals with Learning Disabilities are a significant part of her practice.
Dr. David Philpott is also a member of the Professional Advisory Council of the Learning Disabilities
Association of Canada. He is a Full Professor in the Faculty of Education at Memorial University of
Newfoundland where he lectures and writes on learning disabilities, assessment and family
Moore v. British Columbia (Education) - 2012 SCC 61 - 2012-11-09 Appeals
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada,
20 – 2420 Bank Street, OTTAWA, ON, CANADA, K1V 8S1