Highly secure Steganography using Cross-Over Algorithm and Unbreakable Cryptosystem 1 Mr. Shailesh Nana Kumavat, 2Mr. Pavan Patil, 3 Miss. Ashwini Yeole, 4Mr. Yogesh Patil 1,2,3,4 Department of Computer Engineering, SSBT’s College of Engineering & Technology, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, India 1 Shaileshkumavat93@gmail.com, 2 pavan.patil093@gmail.com, 3yeoleashvini24@gmail.com , 4 patilyogesh092@gmail.com Abstract - Cryptographic system develop for the secure our data. There are number of cryptographic protocol and they provide security. In this paper used random password. Plaintext converted into the cipher text using random password scheme in unbreakable cryptosystem. After used steganography to hide a secret message. Embedding a secret message into the cover image is called stego image. A large number of steganography program use the least significant bit (LSB) embedding as the method of choice for hiding data. After used another protection lock for secret message that is cross over algorithm. Cross over algorithm used to modify the pixel location of stego image. In cross over algorithm first shuffling column pixel and after shuffling row pixel. This proposed system is highly secure & reliable. This data secure implementation is done in java platform. Keywords - Steganography, Unbreakable Cryptography, Crossover Algorithm, Crypto-analysis, modified pixel image, Stego image. I. INTRODUCTION A. Cryptography Cryptography referred as the encryption and decryption. Encryption is the process to convert plaintext into the cipher text, while in Decryption process, the cipher text convert into plaintext. In cryptosystem used the ordered list of element of finite possible plaintext, cipher text, key and the encryption and decryption algorithms which correspond to each key. So It used unique password to provide secure cryptosystem .That is developed by Gibert Vernam in 1918.It used the secret key (PAD) as the same length as the plaintext. This secret key is not reusable .Crypto analysis is the term used for the study of method for obtaining the meaning of encrypted message without secret key normally required to do so that is the study how to crack encryption and decryption process or their implementation details. B. Steganography The term steganography is comes from the Greek words stegos which means cover and grafia means writing defining it as covered writing. In image steganography the secret message is hidden in images. Steganography is the technique for secret communication .It is the practice of encoding /embedding secret information in a manner such that the existence of the information is invisible. The Original files can be referred to as cover image. After inserting the secret message it is referred to as stego-image. A key is used for hiding/encoding process to restrict Detection and extraction of the embedded Image Steganography is the art and process of secret communication. Steganography program used for hiding data it has low computation complexity and high data encoding capacity. The Steganography system deals with secret message encoded in least significant bits of the cover image that is called stego image, and this security given by the secret key. Secret message embedded so, stego image does contain any detectable artifacts. Digital image files that contain the information can be used as cover image to embedd secret message. The best embedding method of steganography to hide a message is lsb based steganography: in which right most bit in a binary form is replaced with a bit from the embedded message In this paper one more protection lock for the secret message that is called cross-over algorithm This cross-over algorithm is used to modify the image pixel position of stego image, in this algorithm shuffling pixel row and column. So, detection of secret message is complex. Both the topic of steganography and unbreakable cryptography used for image security research on combining these two topic but results are not good with respect to RS analysis. The use of steganography in combination with unbreakable cryptography is the study of model and a lot of challenges to detecting such hidden messages and encrypted data . R.Nivedhitha1, Dr.T.Meyyappan presented the paper as Image Security Using Steganography and Cryptographic Techniques for securing the image by encryption is done by DES algorithm using the key image. The decryption can be done by the same key image using DES algorithm. IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM C. Literature Survey The word cryptography derived from Greek word “Kryptos” means “Hidden secret” and “graphein” means writing”. Cryptography mostly referred the encryption, which is process to converting the information into the unreadable format. Decryption is reverse of that. Cryptography demand increases in industry interest and individual interest that is secure wireless communication. In ATM card, computer password also used the cryptography. The word steganography derived from Greek word, “Steganos” meaning “cover” and “graphic “meaning “writing”. The first published work describing steganography was written by the German abbot, Johannes trithemiu (14621516). Steganography it means the art of hiding Data. Different method were used during the worlds wars just like using invisible ink for message and placing small dots above or below letters in a text. The cover text is often chosen to imitate spam-message due to the vast spread of such message in steganography. II. MOTIVATION The first reason for selecting steganography among the list of possible project topics was due to an unfamiliarity of the word that twigged an interest in the given subject. Second reason for researching the topic was after reading an online article in the USA titled 'Terror groups hide behind Web encryption' which claims terrorists particularly, Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaida network, they are using steganography for secret communication with each other in planning terrorist attacks. It uses the images with hidden messages are placed on bulletin boards for other terrorists to pick up and retrieve hidden messages. So the current thinking has yet to be proven. III. RELATED WORK Combine use of Steganography and Visual Cryptography for Secured Data hiding in Computer Forensics(2012) designed a feasible RS-resistance secure algorithm which combines the use of both Steganography and Visual Cryptography. Many RS analysis has a potential to detect the hidden message by the statistic analysis of the pixel value. The proposed system is basically a framework designed in java swing with the Embedding and Extracting process of steganography, cross over algorithm and cryptography. . Fig 1. Proposed System Highly secure steganography for the security of secret message in an image. User (user 1) should be able to secure the data using steganography which is used for secrete communication. Users should be able to encrypt or decrypt the secret message. In encryption process user gives secret message as an input of Cryptography module (Module 1). The cryptography modules generate a cipher text and secret key for user which is use after for decryption process. Cryptography module provide cipher text and User provide cover image as an inputs of steganography module (module 2) respectively, steganography module generate stego image the secrete message embed into the cover image is called the stego-Image. In LSB based steganography the data are embed into pixel. Each pixel represent 8-bit binary value and the data is embed by replacing digit of lsb position of pixel value. The selection of pixel is random manner for better security it is an encoding method of steganography where the right most bit in a binary number stream is replaced with a bit from the embedded message. LSB steganography has low computational complexity and high encoding capacity. Digital images and other computer files which contain perceptually irrelevant or redundant information can be used as “covers” or carriers to hide secret messages. The generated stego image is converted into modified pixel image by shuffling row and column pixels of stego image in Cross-over algorithm (module 3). Cross over algorithm first shuffling the column pixel then shuffling row pixel. In decryption process, the other user (user2) who receive the modified pixel image has to perform the reverse process. Before start reverse procedure user must have to enter secret key. Firstly performs the reverse cross-over algorithm, modified pixel image is converted into stego image by reverse shifting row and column pixel. They are having the secret shared key to retrieve the secret message from image. The user provide secret key to separate cipher text and cover image from stego image. In extraction process the data is extracted by finding random pixel which contain actual data in their lsb position of pixel value. The data is collected as cipher text from cover image. After cipher text convert into the plaintext by using reverse cryptography , unauthorized user do not have secret key to decrypt the secret message so, the proposed system provide multi layered data security for users . REFERENCES [1] Rehana Begum R.D, Sharayu Pradeep,” Best Approach for LSB Based Steganography Using Genetic Algorithm and Visual Cryptography for Secured Data Hiding and Transmission over Networks”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 6, June 2014. [2] Ms Sunita, Ms Ritu Malik.” Hyper Encryption as an Advancement of one Time Pad an Unbreakable Cryptosystem”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014. [3] Ravindra Gupta, Akanksha Jain, Gajendra Singh, “Combine use of Steganography and Visual Cryptography for Secured Data hiding in Computer Forensics” , International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 3 (3) , 2012,4366 – 4370. [4] R.Nivedhitha1, Dr.T.Meyyappan,” Image Security Using Steganography And Cryptographic Techniques”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue3- 2012. [5] Shamim Ahmed Laskar ,Kattamanchi Hemachandran,” High Capacity data hiding using LSB Steganography and Encryption”, International Journal of Database Management Systems ( IJDMS ) Vol.4, No.6, December 2012. [6] Jagroop kaur ,” Private key Steganography using DCT “International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 2, februrary 2014. V. IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS The proposed system work is designed on 64 bit Windows OS with Core i3 Processor, 4 GB RAM and 1.80GHz using Java Platform. The original image is in JPG format whereas SECRET MESSAGE is in a plaintext Format The original secret message is encrypted first and then it is embedded into the image by using LSB based cryptography method. The resultant image is called as stego-image. Crossover algorithm is used to modify the image pixel position of stego image which is another protection lock for the secret message and image. Using cross-over concept the column pixel shuffling happen first and the row pixel shuffling happens next and the detection of this message is complex. User who received the modified pixel image has to do the reverse process and the data hide key to retrieve the Image and secret message .It is almost impossible for anyone who will attempt to decrypt the embedded secret message within that image. VI. CONCLUSION We have discussed the process of implementation of embedding secret message in an image using cryptosystem with a secret key and steganography along with cross over algorithm. It can be concluded that normal data security using steganography and cross-over algorithm technique is applied, it makes the task of the investigators not feasible to decrypt the encoded secret message. It provide multi layered data security for users .The security features of the steganography are highly optimized using cross-over algorithm. This proposed system is highly secure & reliable