IFCA Youth Coordination Rome, 6th December 2007 ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION n.4 SUGGESTIONS FOR PARTICIPANTS’ PERSONAL PREPARATION 1 Live the spirit of ADVENT intensely 2 Follow the news on the Italian and the Israeli newspapers and on the website http://www.fiacifca.org/it/osservatori/TS 3 Refer to Guide Books of the Holy Land, in your language (history, geography, holy places,…) We are working on the possibility of having a guide for every language during our visit in the Holy Land 4 THE PILGRIMAGE to the Holy Land in the history of the Church The Christian Pilgrimage in the Holy Land (IV-VII century) A Saint Jerome lived in Bethlehem and there he translated the VULGATE Bible "Those who do not know the Bible do not know Christ "(Saint Jerome)" [Second Ecum. Vat. Council, Dei Verbum, 21] Catechism of the CC133 Saint Paola and her daughter Eustochio followed him from Rome to Bethlehem http://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/38700 B Egeria, Diary of a Journey This is the famous ‘Diary of a Journey’ by Egeria, a noble widow who lived in the IV century and who visited the holy places in the Holy Land. She left us the first diary of a pilgrimage to the places where Christianity was born and gives us a taste of the enchantment experienced by a Christian woman during the first pilgrimages to the Holy Land. She belonged to the first generation of Christians who were free from persecution and restrictions. She traveled from Sinai to Jerusalem, from Palestine to Egypt up to Constantinople, trying to discover the places where the patriarchs and Jesus Christ spent their lives. A deeply emotional journey, with a personal experience of faith and participation, where discovery and prayer were the main concern. http://www.url.it/donnestoria/testi/recensioni/maririegeria.htm TRANSLATED into many languages C The map of Madaba shows the Holy Places D Three SAINTS - pilgrims in the Holy Land Saint Francis of Assisi Journey to the Holy Land in 1219, meeting with the Sultan, beginning of the Holy Land Custody http://www.terrasanta.net/terrasanta/csm_cst.jsp Saint Ignatius of Loyola 1523 meets Pope Adrian VI in Rome, who blesses his planned pilgrimage to holy places. He leaves from Venice to the Holy Land. He visits Jerusalem, the Holy Sepulchre, Bethany, Jordan and the Mount of Olives. He wanted to remain there. Brigitte of Sweden She was already seventy years old when she wanted to undertake her last and most desired pilgrimage, that to the Holy Land. In May 1372 she arrived in Jerusalem, where for four months she visited and meditated in the places where Jesus spent His life. She then returned to Rome treasuring the memories and emotions in her heart. She died in 1373. E Two BLÈSSED - in the last century Blessed Charles de Foucauld spent a very important period of his life and of his vocation in Nazareth Biography for his beatification on the website.va web http://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/saints/ns_lit_doc_20051113_de-foucauld_fr.html http://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/saints/ns_lit_doc_20051113_defoucauld_en.html http://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/saints/ns_lit_doc_20051113_de-foucauld_it.html Blessed Myriam Baouardy of Jesus Crucified, ENG http://www.melkite.org/sa33.htm http://www.abbaye-saint-benoit.ch/hagiographie/fiches/f0240.htm ENG http://www.carmelholyland.org/en/mariam/index49.htm 5 POPES - pilgrims Paul VI Pilgrim in the Holy Land 4-6 January 1964 http://www.va/holy_father/paul_vi/travels/sub-index/index_terrasanta_it.htm John Paul II Jubilee Pilgrim in the Holy Land (20-26 March 2000) http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/travels/sub_index/trav_holyland-2000_it.htm 6 For pilgrims of our times LETTER BY HIS HOLINESS JOHN PAUL II ON HIS PILGRIMAGE TO PLACES LINKED WITH THE STORY OF SALVATION http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/letters/documents/hf_jpii_let_30061999_pilgrimage_it.html 7 JERUSALEM APOSTOLIC LETTER REDEMPTIONIS ANNO by John Paul II 1984 It esp Ai vescovi della Chiesa cattolica, ai sacerdoti, ai religiosi e religiose, e ai fedeli tutti sulla città di Gerusalemme, patrimonio sacro di tutti i credenti e desiderato crocevia di pace per i popoli del Medio Oriente http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/apost_letters/documents/hf_jpii_apl_20041984_redemptionis-anno_it.html http://www.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/apost_letters/documents/hf_jpii_apl_20041984_redemptionis-anno_sp.html 8 Carlo Maria Martini After more than twenty years, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini left the Archdiocese of Milan and, as from 2007, chose Jerusalem as “the final aim of a journey”. Martini took this decision after an intricate spiritual, cultural and existential experience. In the present situation, marked by destruction and conflicts, this decision assumes more significance. http://www.libreriadelsanto.it/libri/880717071X/verso-gerusalemme.html 9 THE CRIB – Saint Francis - The Holy Land Greccio 1223 … Francis of Assisi is the saint of the crib. http://www.sanfrancescoassisi.org/SANFRA_NATALE.htm http://www.christusrex.org/www1/ofm/sites/TSbtgrecc1.html 10 CRONOLOGICAL MAPS (recent) http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/in_depth/world/2001/israel_and_palestinians/key_map s/ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/middle_east/03/v3_ip_timeline/html/default.stm http://www.peacereporter.net/dettaglio_mappamondo.php?idc=8&idm=4&menu_aree=46 http://www.giovaniemissione.it/index.php?option=content&blog=on&task=view&id=451&Itemi d=123 http://www.mideastweb.org/timeline.htm