Relearn Church Part 7- Live Holy Lives in an Unholy World

Relearn Church
Part 7- Live Holy Lives in an Unholy World
Titus 2:11-14
Titus 2:11-14
1) Difficult instructions
A) Say no to ungodliness and worldly passions
-1 John 2:16
i) We are to say no to inappropriate physical pleasure
ii) We are to say no to the overabundance of material possessions
iii) We are to say no to human pride
-We live in a world where we’d rather be envied than esteemed
-2 Timothy 1:7
B) Say yes to godliness
2) Powerful incentives
A) Remember God’s grace
-When we remember and appreciate God’s grace, we are motivated to holy
B) Understand God’s purpose
C) Believe God’s promise
3) Essential ingredients
A) Use your mind
-Right thinking leads to right behavior and then to right feeling.
-The facts should be understood (thinking), then we respond in faith
(behavior), and then comes feelings (of security & goodness).
-Romans 8:38-39
B) Wait patiently
Promoting Growth by Living Holy Lives
1. Which is easier for you to do—to say no to ungodliness or yes to godliness? Which is more
2. This message brought out three incentives for godly living. Which of those three is the most
powerful motivator for you? Is there another powerful motivator that inspires you to righteous living?
3. How do you define holy living? Name a person you think is living a holy life. What characteristics
about him or her would you like to imitate?
4. Only the Holy Spirit can change and mold us into Christ’s image. Yet there are some things we can
do to make it harder or easier for the Spirit to do His work. When you consider the person you
mentioned in the question above, what disciplines have allowed him or her to be open to God’s
transforming power? Would you be willing to change your life so that these disciplines were a part of
your life as well?