Chapter 5: Solubility and Activity Coefficients in Water First let’s get a feeling for the “driving force of mixing” in terms of the partial molar free energy G or chemical potential, i of a compound in a phase, which is: i = i* +RT ln f i/f i * if we choose f i * as the fugacity of the pure liquid and f i = i X if i *pure liquid i = i* +RT ln i X i i w = i* +RT ln i w X i w the organic phase the water phase The difference in chemical potentials for our compound in interest, i, in the two phases is 1 i w - i= RT ln i w X i w - RT ln i X i where i w - i= solG i the molar free energy of solution or “the driving force” for phase transfer Initially if we start with pure organic and water and just consider the X i w (organic in water), X i w is --> zero solG i = RT ln i w X i w - RT ln i X i at some small time, dt, after the phase transfer starts let say i.999 and X i= 0.999; lni Xi= -0.002 At this same time, dt, let’s say two organic molecules have gone into the water phase; X iw 2 will be very small, eg., 2 divided by 6.02 x 10 23 molecules for one mole of water, or X iw= ~10-24 and say iw >> 1 for a very dilute solution of the organic in water, remember toluene iw in water = 1x10+4 the product of Xiw and iw is still << than 1 so ln iw Xiw = ln [1x10-24 x 10+4] = - 46 multiplying by RT gives, RT ln -114 kJ mole-1 for solG iw X iw = This makes G negative (it’s chemical potential difference between the two phases); the sign tells the direction of the desired transfer. This process continues until iw X iw = i X i or f iw = f i 3 where and f iw = iw X iw f io f i = i X i f io going back to solGi = RT ln iw X iw - RT ln i Xi For the majority of compounds Xi, the mole fraction of the organic in the organic layer is essentially one i.e. there is almost no water in the organic phase; we will also assume that the activity coef. in the organic phase is essentially ideal and is close to one From Chapter 3 RT lni hx Xi hx = RT lniH2OXi H2O xiH2O RT ln (RT ln iH2O RT ln ihx ) xihx 4 xiH2O ' KiH 2O / hx = Ki12; xihx 1,2G = - RT ln KH2O/hx; (Free energy of transfer) 12Gi = RT ln iw + RT ln where Xiw GE = RT ln iw ; RT ln Xiw is called the entropy of ideal mixing. the RT ln iw term is the molar excess free energy, GiE, of the liquid compound in water due to the non-ideally of solution of the organic in water 5 Chapter 5 compares saturated and infinitely dilute activity coefficients 6 Table 5.2 page 80 old book (see page 141 new book) 7 Solubility of solids and gases in liquids for liquid -liquid interactions (organic-water) 12Gi = RT ln iw + RT ln Xiw and we have shown over and over again that 1/Xiw = iw In dissolving a solid into a liquid we need to also account for melting From the Gibbs Duhem equation for gases in equilibrium with a liquid vapGi = vapi = RT ln p*iL / po if po is one bar (or atm) vapGi = vapi = RT ln p*iL for gas-solids by analogy subGi = RT ln p*iS and fusGi = subGi - vapGi= RTln {p*iL/ p*iS} to account for melting 8 12Gi = RT lnXiw + RT ideal mixing * piL lniw - RT ln * pis nonideal effects melting so Xiwsat = 1/iwsat (liquids) * sat sat pis Xiw = 1/iw * piL (solids) Note that Xsatiw/ Vmix = Xsatiw(L) / Csatiw = Csatiw(L) Vmix * pis * piL * pis * piL * p Xiwsat = 1/iwsat ig* piL (gases) As far as computing from Ciwsat values, 9 the new book gives log Cwsat corrected for solid -- liquid interactions; the old book gives both new book example page 140 Estimate Csatiw (L), satiwand GEiw for di-n-butyl phthalate 1st Csatiw (L),= Csatiw on page 1206, -log Csatiw= 4.36 Csatiw = 4.37x10-5 Csatiw = Xi / Vmix= 1 /i Vmix So i = 1/( 4.37x10-5 x 0.018) = 1.27x106 GEiw= RTlnI = 3483 J/ (molK) What about solid hexa-chlorocyclohexane??? 10 If we can estimate p*is/ p*iw sat sat iw = 1/X iw * pis * piL (solids) and plug into iwsat = 1/( Csatiw * p Vmix) is * piL (solids) * pis a ”poor man’s” estimate of ln * is piL ln * pis 0 = -56.5/R (T m/Tamb –1); for Tm= 113 C * piL * pis * piL 0.076 ; iwsat Csatiw= 2.5x10-5 moles/L = 1.69 x105 and GEiw= RTlnI 11 Heats of Solution relationships Figure 5.3 page 83 (old book) Hcav= H1+H2 + H3 H1used to break orgainc-organic bonds H2 used to break H2O H2O bonds and forming a cavity H3 heat released from organic-H2O bonds H1&H2>1; H3 <1 Hice = water molecules around organic are attracted to outside water molecules and “solidified” in place HsE = Hcav+Hice molecular size 12 Enthalpies of solution appear to be related to surface area of the molecule 13 14 Is there a relationship between solubility and molar volumes with in a compound class? 15 16 This suggests a generalized relationship ln iw = a (size) +b or ln Csatiw = -a (size) +b 17 Entropy of Dissolution Gs = RT ln w + RT ln Xw (entropy term) It is difficult to derive an exact analog between excess enthalpies of solution, Hes and excess entropies of solution Ses Since entropy is an indicator of randomness, for an ideal solution, Sidealmix= -R (nsoluteln Xsolute + nsolvent ln Xsolvent) here it is assumed that each molecule has approximately the same size and shape The non-ideal mixing, of large organic molecules results in the displacement of many water molecules. It is suggested (old book) that a better description of the displacement of water molecules is the volume fraction Srealmix= -R (norgln X ’org + nH2O ln X ’H2O) where X’’ is the volume fraction 18 Srealmix= -R (norgln X ’org + nH2O ln X’’H2O) the volume fraction of X ’H2O is almost 1 so Srealmix= -R norgln X ’org if we represent X’org as vol. In the organic phase/ totalvol S real mix Rnorgln norg Vorg norg Vorg nH2O VH2O because nH2O >> norg S real mix Rnorgln norg Vorg nH2O VH2O separating the ln term and, norg/nH2O = Xorg S real mix Rnorglnx org Rnorgln Sidealmix per mole T S e mix Vorg VH2O Semix RT ln Vorg VH2O volume is important 19 RT ln wGes = Hes + TSes = Hcav+Hice –T(Scav+Sice+Semix) Contribution of molecular size to entropy of dissolution of an organic compound in water (Figure 5.4 p 87 old book) 20 Table 5.3 page 87 (old book) 21 GEi = HEi + TSEi= RT ln w Enthalpy and Entropy contributions to Excess Free Energies of solution (Table 5.4 p 88, old book) 22 Effect of Temperature and Solution Composition on Aqueous Solubility and Activity Coefficients * ln p i pure liq . sat ln iw vapHi 1 constp R T HE 1 i const R T assuming a const. HEi ,and Csatiw = Xsatiw / Viw where Viw does not change with temperature sat ln Ciw E since H i HE i const RT is small and negative for most organics in water is reasonable that ln X does not change with temperature 23 Solubility vs. temp. (Figure 5.6, p 91, see page 155 new book) 24 Effects of temperature on activity coef. 25 Effects of Salts; Figure 5.7 page 94 26 Csat log[ satw ] K s [ salt ]t Cw,salt in sea water where salt = 30,000 ppm or = 30,000x10-6g/ml = 30,000x10-3g/L if we take NaCl at a Mw of 58.5g/mol 30,000x10 3 g/L #moles /L of NaCl 0.5 M 58.5g/mol and If Ks is ~0.3, sea water will have the effect of C sat K [ satw ] 10 s C w,salt [ salt ]t 10.3 x0.5 14 . salting out phenomenon may be viewed as polar ions Na+ and Cl- being hydrated and reducing the availability water to dissolve into or less and less water to form cavities 27 If the effects of individual salts are additive Ks K is xi i Effects of different Salts; Table 5.7 page 97(old book) 28 Dissolved Organics Solutes and Solvents effects on a large amt. dissolved organic in an organic/water solution; say MeOH and H2O other dissolve organics but a lower conc. low levels of other dissolved organics 29 Effects on a large amt. dissolved organic in an organic/water solution; say MeOH and H2O Yalkowsky and co-workers reasoned that the excess free energy should be the sum of the solution free energies in each solvent Ges:mix (1 fc )Ges:w fc Ges:c fc= vol faction of co-solvent Ges: w excess free energy in H2O Ges:c excess free energy in co solvent organic. recalling that Gef = + RT ln since =1/X, lnmix= (1-fc) lnw + fcln(c) lnXmix= (1-fc) lnXw + fcln(Xc) 30 Yalkowsky then reasons that the excess free energy of the dissolved organic in water and a co-organic solvent is the sum of the free energies in water and the co-organic. This free energy is a function of the interfacial energy in J/cm-2 where the organic of interest contacts the water and similarly the organic co-solvent Everything we have seen ---> the importance of molecule surface area in water Ges:w = (h:w) ( HSA)(N)+ (p:w) (PSA)(N) h:w= interfacial energy where the hydrophobic part of the solute molecule contacts water p:w= interfacial energy where the polar part of the solute molecule contacts water HSA and PSA = solute molecule hydrophobic and polar surf.area for For the organic Ges:c = (h:c) ( HSA)(N)+ (p:c) (PSA)(N) 31 since G = + RT ln and substituting Geh:w = (h:w) ( HSA)(N)+ (p:w) (PSA)(N) and Ges:c = (h:c) ( HSA)(N)+ (p:c) (PSA)(N) into -RT lnXmix= -(1-fc) RT lnXw -fc RT ln(Xc) sat log Xmix N( h: w )HSA N( p: w )PSA 2.303RT 2.303RT f N( fcN( p: w p:c )PSA c h: w s: c )HSA 2.303RT 2.303RT if the polar surface area of the solute molecule is very small 32 N( h: w )HSA fcN( h: w s:c )HSA sat log Xmix 2 . 303 RT 2 . 303 RT rearranging sat log Xmix N( h: w )HSA N( s:c )HSA ( 1 f ) f c c 2.303RT 2.303RT recalling lnXmix= (1-fc) lnXw + fcln(Xc) and going back to our equation above sat log X mix log X sat w f c N( h:w s:c )HSA and 2.303RT sat fcN(h: w s:c )HSA Xmix log sat 2 . 303 RT Xw 33 Yalkowsky et al solute in a water organic mixture sat fcN( h: w h:c )HSA Xmix log sat 2 . 303 RT Xw HSA = Hydrophobic surface area h:w=hydrophobic interfacial energy where the solute contacts the water h:w=hydrophobic interfacial energy where the solute contacts the organic fc = volume fract. of organic for water sea water X sat fcN( t: w t:sw )HSA s, w log sat 2 . 303 RT X w Looks like a Setschenow 34 c N( air: water air:salt water )HSA K [salt ] 2.303RT s air:water=surface tensions against air where the solute contacts the air-water surface 35 increased hydrophobic surface area Increased fraction of co-solvent (propylene glycol) 36 37