Hamlet Literary Groups Role: Board Game Creators Objective: To facilitate insightful class discussion in order to promote critical thinking about key ideas in the Act. Evaluation and analysis of key ideas and characterizations from the Act. Review of each Act & relevant quotes, plot changes and occurrences to assist with Hamlet exam. Responsibilities: Your team will be responsible for creating a board game (must have game pieces – at least four). You will be shown a model based on Shakespeare’s MacBeth. Your final project will be a board game which will be displayed and played on your presentation day. Materials will be provided in class, though you are welcome to bring additional markers/supplies from home. ***Additionally, you must include MLA citations for all of your quotes, and be ready to explain the contexts, the speakers, and the meanings AND relevance of the quotes you have chosen. Requirements: Full, colorful and relevant board game for your particular Act (1/2 to 1 full posterboard) Your board game must directly relate to the primary characters, quotes, and plots in Hamlet You must bring – in a closed container so they do not get lost – four game pieces, “Mystery” cards, and a di (singular for dice) Requirements for squares: A minimum of 16 squares (maximum of 20, due to time constraints) A minimum of five quotations (direct lines) from the Act A minimum of five direct references (paraphrased lines) from the Act A minimum of two plot ideas/changes from the Act A minimum of two Mystery squares: Each time a player lands on one, he/she must take a card and ask a question about Hamlet’s personality and how it changes A minimum of one “Go Back X Spaces” or “Go Forward X Spaces” square *** Typed and TII submitted Mystery Questions for Mystery Cards, typed and TII submitted quotations (MLA format, with scene and line #s), and typed and TII submitted plot twists/changes and paraphrased references NOTE: All of the above may be submitted on one document; only one document per team Your grade will be based on the following: - Creativity - Following the requirements - Inclusion of important/relevant quotes by and/or about characters - Inclusion of relevant plot twists/changes - Inclusion of important/relevant references (paraphrases) from the text - A minimum of three “Mystery Cards” for each Mystery Square. Every single card must have a different question that relates directly to occurrences in the play. Direct references (paraphrased) to occurrences in the Act “Go back” and “Go forward” squares (which state how many squares you must skip) depending on the plot twist or idea that square represents. (I.e. Lady MacBeth convinces her husband he must personally kill the king – take three steps back.) Game rules: EVERY member of the team must participate in the creation of the game First one to reach end wins (your board game must have an ‘ending’ square that reflects the occurrences at the ending of the Act) Explanations and analysis: Your entire team must be very well-versed in the Act. You must be ready to explicate the following when we have our board game review day, for other teams that may have questions: 1. For each quotation you land on, you must provide the context, the character who stated it, to whom it was stated, the meaning of the quotation, the reasoning for it, and why it is truly relevant to the play 2. For each plot idea/change, you must be prepared to fully explicate the relevance/importance of that idea/change to BOTH the Act itself, as well as the play as a whole 3. For each “Go back” or “Go forward” square, a clear plot idea/change that is reflected by the number of steps that character must take (in other words, why? Why is it a reward, or a punishment?) 4. Mystery squares: Must be relevant to Hamlet’s personality fluctuations