SOSC229 INTRODUCTION TO GLOBALIZATION STUDIES Lecturer: Dr. PUN, Ngai (Room 3364, Lecture Time: Tue-Fri 9:30 am- 12:20 pm Lecture Venue: 3007 Homepage: Course Description This course will provide a cultural critique to the current globalization studies. Recent studies contribute to our understanding of cogent issues like global cities, trans-border phenomenon, social polarization, anti- globalization and the like. What is globalization? How does global city develop? What are the trans-border issues? Shall we have alternative models? These are the few intrigue questions we will be exploring in the coming term. Hong Kong and Mainland China will be our foci. Case-based learning will be led by video shows, and guest speakers. Video teaching and class discussion are integral to our course structure. Objectives 1. Concepts of Globalization 2. Major Debates of Globalization Studies 3. Counter Discourses to Globalization 4. Alternative Development Model Grades and Grading Mid-term test (Multiple Choice) Final Exam (Multiple Choice) 40% 40% Class Participation and Discussion 20% Total 100% Time Lecture 1 June 10 Lecture 2 June 11 Lecture 3 Lecture Topics Introduction to Globalization Studies: Concepts and Theories Ankie Hoogvelt 1997 Globalization and the Postcolonial World. London: MacMillan Press. Pp.114-131. Video Program: Globalization Globalization and Global Cities Josef Gugler, 2004 World Cities Beyond the West, Cambridge U. Press, pp,1-14 Video: Global City Globalization and Global Cities: Hong Kong June 12 Guest Speech June 13 Lecture 4 June 1 7 Alvin So, 2004 “Hong Kong’s Pathway to becoming a global city”, in World Cities Beyond the West , pp212-239. Video Program: 香港製造 (24 min) Globalization and Social Inequality Guest Speakers: Professor Meng Jie Professor Han Jia Ling Transborder Flow: between Hong Kong and China Pun Ngai 2003. “Locating Trans-border Subjects: Hong Kong Working People in Mainland China”, in Representing Local Places and Raising Voices from Below. pp.61-72. Mid Term Video Program: 南來北往 (24 min) Lecture 5 June 18 Globalization and China (1) Pun Ngai 2005 Made in China: Women Factory Workers in a Global Workplace. Introduction. Video Program: 小英的故事 CWWN’s Talk Lecture 6 Globalization and China (2) June 19 Lecture 7 SACOM’s talk Globalization and Social Inequality- Hong Kong Pun Ngai and Wu Ka Ming, “Lived Citizenship and Lower Class Women in Hong Kong: A Global City without its People”, in Remaking Citizenship in Hong Kong pp. 139-154. June 20 Hong Kong Women Workers Association Lecture 8 Globalization and Social Exclusion- Hong Kong June 24 Lecture 9 Hong Kong Construction Trade Union Resistance to Globalization Christine Chin and James Mittelman, 1997 “Conceptualizing Resistance to Globalization”, New Political Economy, 2(1):25-38. June 25 Lecture 10 June 26 Lecture 11 June 27 Clean workers movement in HKBU Globalization from Below Anti-Link Forum Alternative World (1) Annual Report of Self Employed Women Association, 2003. Video Program: Community Economy Lecture 12 Alternative World (2) June 2 A community partnering project in Wanchai: see Final Exam A community partnering project in Cheung Sha Wan: see All required readings are reserved in the library.