William (Bill) F. Popiel 242 Tennant Crescent. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7H 4Y8 P - (306) 374-3003 Email – williampopiel@me.com I have a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Manitoba, in 1976. I am a registered Professional Engineer in the province of Saskatchewan. My artistic passion encompasses various aspects of glass working which I have been striving to develop and improve over the years. Art Education Exhibition s 2014 Shona Firman, Glass casting workshop 2010 Micheal Dupille, Fritography Workshop 2008 Bob Leatherbarrow Powders: Colour, Components, & Crackle 2004 Dick Millard Painting I Class in Stained Glass 2001 Joy Jubenvill Bead making Workshop 1994 Peter McGrain (Advanced Technique) Workshop 1994 Dan Fenton Pate De Verre & Kiln Casting Work Shop 1993 Rachel Mesrahi (Advanced Leading) Work Shop 1992 ACA Glass Blowing Workshop 1991 Glass Painting Workshop 1987 Glass Fusing (self taught) 1983 Glass Abrasive Blasting & Carving (self taught) 1981 Beginners glass class (Glassworks) 2012 Creativity & Spirituality 2011 Random Acts of Light (Saskatoon Glassworkers Guild exhibition at the SCC gallery) 2014 Glass Art 2006 to 2014 2003 Glass Art 2000 to 2003 2001 Vitreous Maximus (Saskatoon Glassworkers Guild exhibition at the SCC gallery) 1998 Glass Art 1996 to 1998 1995 Glass First (Saskatoon Glassworkers Guild exhibition at the SCC gallery) Teaching Membershi ps 2007 2005 2003 2002 2001 1999 Beginning glass painting Beginning glass painting Beginning glass painting Beginning glass painting Intermediate glass painting Beginning glass painting Saskatchewan Craft Council (SCC) Saskatoon Glass Workers Guild Glass Art Association of Canada Participation I have been a member of the Saskatoon Glassworkers’ Guild since its inception in 1987, and have held a number of executive positions through the years, including treasurer and president. Presently I am on the Saskatoon Glassworkers’ Guild executive with responsibility for managing and updating the web page and facebook page. Artist Statement I started my journey in stained glass in a class at Glass Works in Saskatoon in 1981. I had always been excited by the interplay of colour and light through stained glass, and felt that this was the time to explore and develop my skills in this art form. Glass is a truly unique medium to view, and a challenge to work in. Since sunlight is ever changing in direction and intensity, so does a stained glass window's colours and vibrance. There is a life generated in a seedy hand-blown glass that can't be duplicated in other visual media. When you stand in the sunlight transformed by the stained glass's saturated colours, it might impact more than your visual senses. The elements within my glass art are created by working with glass in a variety of ways: glass blowing, fusing, sandblasting, glass painting, lead sculpting, lead overlay, silk screening and glass plating methods. Many of these methods introduce fine detail and a three-dimensional perspective to the glasswork. Recently I have been exploring light and shadow by using traditional glass painting methods and dichroic metal coatings on hand-blown stained glass. Observed differences in line, form, colour and shape in the mounted glass piece's projected image are truly magical. Throughout the glasswork and the mounting system design, I am striving to make the magic obvious to all. Another current body of work is entitled Symbols. Symbols are all around us, providing information and direction in many of our day to day activities. However, many of ancient symbols have been secret or lost in time. They can be symbols of protection, power, faith, or oracles to predict the fate of man. Many are a captivating script in their own right. From Reiki symbols of attunement to Viking runes, I am attempting to ferret out their meaning and purpose and bring them back into the light.