UN Communications Strategy 2008-2011

UN Communications Strategy 2008-2011:
Communicating as One
“Alone we can do so little;
together we can do so much.”
Helen Keller
The UN Agencies in Moldova operate on the basis of the United Nations Development
Assistance Framework (UNDAF), a common strategy that provides a collective, coherent and
integrated UN response to national priorities and needs within the framework of the Millennium
Development Goals.
The 2007-2011 UNDAF focuses on three areas of major importance:
Governance and participation,
Access to quality services, and
Regional and local development.
Each of these priority areas of cooperation make a strategic contribution to the achievement of
the national Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and they are closely aligned with the
National Development Plan (NDP) and the EU-Moldova Action Plan.
The Communications Strategy aims at supporting the strategic programming objectives of the
United Nations in Moldova and to contribute, through joint communication and advocacy, to the
successful implementation of UN development priorities spelled out in the United Nations
Development Assistance Framework for 2007-2011.
Drafted by the UN Communications Group (UNCG), an inter-agency committee consisting of
Communications Officers of various UN Agencies, the Strategy is in line with the UN systemwide efforts to achieve greater coherence in communications activities among its different
agencies and with a growing emphasis on the “One UN” approach at the country level.
What does the UN mean to Moldova?
A Survey on UNICEF brand awareness in Moldova carried out in 2007 ranks the UN first in the
list of the best-known international organizations in Moldova.
The Communications Strategy will build on this positive image of the UN in the country, its
achievements over 15 years of presence in Moldova, the knowledge and expertise and vast
array of partners it brings together to help Moldova achieve its development goals. In addition
to an overall positive image, the UN needs to be further associated with specific values, ideals
and programmes.
A survey covering all UN Agencies in Moldova will be undertaken in 2008 to assess the levels of
public awareness, attitudes towards and perceptions of the UN activities, priorities and image in
In 2008, the UN will mark the 15th anniversary of its presence in the Republic of Moldova. This
can serve as an excellent opportunity to take stock of UN’s work over 15 years in Moldova and
highlight major achievements.
What to communicate?
Our Strategy promotes issues-driven communications and a beneficiaries’ perspective to achieve
greater coherence and better positioning of the UN as a partner on key issues that resonate
with Moldovan citizens.
During a UNCG retreat in September 2007, Communications Officers decided that in addition to
their regular communications activities, UN Agencies will work in 2008 on two issues of common
interest: Poverty Reduction and Human Rights.
Strategic communications frameworks have been developed for these two areas which cover
the communications objectives, key messages, tactics and tools as well as monitoring indicators
to measure the impact (see Strategic Communication Frameworks). Content of messages will
be tailored to the actual issues covered by the UN assistance in Moldova and will be supported
with specific examples of UN’s interventions.
UN official days will be exploited to communicate a message and communication on an issue
covered by the UN thematic days (human rights, AIDS, poverty, press freedom, etc.) will be
used to profile the UN as a key player in that area. For example, the year of 2008 will mark the
60th anniversary since the adoption of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and we can
use this occasion to talk about human rights issues and what the UN in Moldova is doing to
address them.
The joint UN Communications Strategy seeks to increase and maintain public awareness of UN
mission, functions, programmes, and services provided to Moldova and to ensure a consistent
projection of the Organization’s image and a steady level of visibility among partners.
 To strengthen inter-agency coordination in the areas of public information and
communications to maximize impact of all UN system communication activities;
 To improve understanding of the effectiveness of UN assistance to Moldova among
different target audiences.
Target audiences:
The Strategy aims to reach out to the following target audiences:
 Media
 Government and Parliament
 Research and educational institutions
 Civil society organizations
 Youth
 Vulnerable groups
 Donor community
 Business community
Key messages:
Messages will be developed to reflect a common vision of the UN’s role in the country and will
be used in system-wide promotion, for example, during joint campaigns and events. In
addition, specific messages tailored to each occasion/theme will be developed and driven by the
 The UN system in Moldova promotes development and supports the Government in
its development agenda and achievement of the MDGs;
 The UN is helping the people of Moldova to build a better life;
 The UN is an impartial and credible partner in national development;
 The UN brings worldwide experience and advice.
Tactics and tools:
The implementation of the Strategy will require the use of different tactics and tools, both
traditional and new ones. The selection of the most suitable communication vehicles will
depend on what message or issue needs to be addressed and what audience is a target. A list
of potential communication tools includes but is not limited to:
 Media (radio, TV, newspapers, Internet based media, etc.);
 Media events (UN Press Club, press conferences, promo campaigns, launches, field
trips and trainings);
 UN Moldova website;
Publications such as newsletters, magazines, etc.;
 Face to face communication (various public events, trainings, meetings, phone calls)
 Dissemination of publications and other information materials (email, launches,
workshops, round tables, etc.)
 Regular advocacy meetings with government officials and parliamentarians;
 Outdoor advertisements.
Media development:
There is increasing recognition of the vital role of effective, independent journalism and the
need to support the development of local news media with robust legal protections, relevant
professional training, and open access to official information for all citizens. A free and vigilant
press is essential to making government responsive and to exposing corruption and abuse of
power. Media independence and professionalism is critical to the attainment of broader UN
In recent years, many UN Agencies in Moldova have implemented or supported journalism
training. Training have too often tended to be generic one-off exercises, with insufficient local
consultation, and little sustained follow-up. Therefore, the UN in Moldova together with other
aid organizations, should get involved more to support media programmes aimed at improving
the professionalism of journalists and legal protections for media.
UNCG is the owner and implementer of the Communications Strategy and Work Plan. The main
prerequisite for the effective implementation of this Strategy is availability of financial and
human resources.
In order to implement the proposed Work Plan, UNCG suggests that UN agencies consider costsharing, either through funding a particular activity or contributing to the common budget. In a
similar way, the actual work should be distributed among the agencies taking into account their
comparative advantages and in-house capacity in communications.
Monitoring and evaluation:
UNCG will undertake a series of actions to access the effectiveness of the strategy, in particular
of the work plan which focuses on specific issues and activities (e.g. media monitoring, focus
groups, etc.).
Common Support Functions:
To rationalize the work of the UN Communications Group (UNCG), a series of common support
functions were developed to synchronize media practices:
Media contacts list
Media monitoring – hire a company to undertake the media monitoring for all UN
agencies and its projects;
Opinion polls—undertake a separate survey or integrate a few questions related to the
perception of UN in Moldova in the 2008 IPP’s Public Opinion Barometer;
Events calendar – develop a joint calendar of key events to avoid overlapping and
ensure coordination of messages, etc;
Common e-mail– communications@un.md
Harmonization of media practices (broadcast of spots, media awards; alliance with
broadcasters, advertising associations)
Communication Strategy Framework
Ministers/Deputy Ministers
Members of Parliament
Communication Objective
Tactics and Tools
Monitoring Results
Understand and
acknowledge UN’s
contribution to poverty
reduction in Moldova.
Moldova has committed itself
to reduce poverty by 2015
and UN fully supports the
country’s efforts in achieving
this goal. (msgs to be
developed around specific
agency interventions/results).
UNIFEM-study on gender &
No. of Govt statements on
UN’s contribution to poverty
Understand and
acknowledge that UN is
responding to national
District councils
Understand and
acknowledge that UN is
responsive to local
development agenda.
UN does not have its own
programs; it supports the
Government (UN does not
build schools -UN helps build
UN encourages and supports
participation of local
governments and
communities in achieving the
country’s goal to reduce
UNIFEM – national strategy
on promoting gender equality
WB- Country Partnership
UNICEF-report on State of
Children in Moldova
ILO-Decent Work Country
Programme Launch
ILO- Sharing lessons learned
piloted model interventions on
combating child labor
No. of Reports disseminated
No. of events on poverty
No of upscaled piloted model
Summary of UN Reports
UN reports recommendations
considered for laws and policy
IOM-Study on Remittances
No of references to UNsupported programs in PND
UNDP – training for newly
elected mayors
No of IMF disbursements per
UNDP – PND (comms
IMF – review mission report
(every 6 months)
Ministerial Advisers
Commissions/Committees and
Understand the UN
contribution to improve
the quality of people’s life,
UN helps Moldova develop
pro-poor policies through its
UNDP- Ronaldo/Zidane spot
ILO – radio programmes,
No. of broadcasts of spots
and radio programs
Communication Strategy Framework
consultative bodies
create capacities for
people to sustainable
Workers and employers’
orgns/tripartite committees at
central and local/branch levels
Community organizations:
youth, women, child
protection, etc.
Vulnerable groups:
Know that UN supports
programs that are
developing capacities of
these target groups and
facilitate their access to
resources and services.
Understand UN’s key
objective to reduce
poverty as part of MDGs.
UN facilitates the exchange of
expertise and practices at
national, regional and intl
UN encourages the creation of
community groups and
supports their participation in
poverty reduction initiatives
(add supporting data—how
many communities UN has
UN offers research
methodologies / standards
used for better targeting the
needs of unemployed
/youth/working age
articles, info sessions on child
labour and migration and
decent work agenda
UN Joint publication on MDG1
No. of people sensitized on
child labour
No. of guest speakers quoting
UN’s support
UNICEF- fundraising (art
bidding) for youth
employment (2007?)
No. of youth and unemployed
who acknowledge UN’s
contribution to improving their
UNDP- opening of maternal
center for women/pregnant
No. of new community
initiatives/events supported
by UN.
UNDP – creation of social
No. of employers’ orgns
supporting UN’s pro-poor
Global Compact network –
launch of labour study
UNICEF-manual for social
WB- development market
place for youth (grants
WB- Social Investment Fund
and Community devt.
No. of workers orgns that
include pro-poor initiatives in
their modus operandi
UNIFEM – publication of a
caricature album “Gender
Facts in Caricatures”
UNIFEM- Caricatures
Partners & Allies
Social NGOs network
Social NGOs network:
Know that UN supports
their poverty reduction
Understand that donors
NGOs play a vital role in
supporting the Govt’s efforts
to reduce poverty.(how much
UN money is spent through
NGOs?; alliances at global
level of NGOs to reduce
TV debates on poverty
UN thematic media trainings
Press trips
Donors mtgs
No. of media reports quoting
UN’s reports on poverty
No. of human touch stories on
how UN makes a difference in
people’s life
No. of donors increasing their
Communication Strategy Framework
have an impt role in
achieving MDGs
Govt Poverty report
Sports and cultural events
CSO Hot-line
Research institutions
Opinion leaders
Media: Increase the
amount and quality of
reporting about poverty
reduction and UN
Research institutions:
assess UN’s contribution
to poverty reduction;
publish reports
Understand and
acknowledge UN’s
contribution to poverty
reduction in Moldova. And
talk about it/pass this
msg to their audiences.
Poverty is an important issue
for Moldova. By covering the
progress made in reducing
poverty you are building
accountability for its
commitment to poverty
UN-supported research is vital
for design of evidence-based
policies and monitoring
Opinion leaders can play an
important part in ensuring
that Moldova meets the devt.
UN Magazine
contributions to poverty
No. of calls to the Hot-line
No. of interviews on UNsupported poverty
Improved HBS methodology
More quantitative and
qualitative data on poverty
available (improved
No. of UN events facilitated by
opinion leaders.
No. of opinion leaders
speaking about UN’s
contribution in various media
Communication Strategy Framework
Primary (your key target
group; people whose
behaviour you want to
influence , make aware)
Communication Objective
Tactics and Tools
Monitoring Results
Be aware of and acknowledge
the efforts/contribution of UN
in human rights issues in
Republic of Moldova.
UN assists the Government to
promote and protect human
rights for all people in
Results of Survey (TB, HIV) –
Marathon for Human
Inputs (budget, staff
involved, miscellaneous, )
Outputs (posters, leaflets,
TV radio spots, press
Outcome (quantity and
quality participants, media
report, nr of high public
officials attendees)
Impact (change of
attitudes, increased
Public authorities (Parliament,
Government, Justice)
Report on Migration (IOM)
Roma Report (UNDP)
Report on Domestic Violence
against children (UNICEF)
Technical working groups
Civil society:
Human Rights activists
Community Leaders
To engage civil society about
capacity development
opportunities or/and existing
priorities, established by the
UN on improving human rights
UN provides resources and
opportunities for capacity
development of civil society in
the field of human rights.
UN Days
Communication Strategy Framework
Communication Objective
Secondary (those who
have influence over the
people in the primary
Increase the human dimension
of reporting on human rights.
A professional and balanced
approach of media towards
human rights, promoted by
UN, could bring benefits to
citizens and communities.
Mass media (electronic and
Secondary (those who
have influence over the
people in the primary
Key experts in HR
Advocate together with the UN
in order to influence decision
makers in all human rights
In line with international
standards and local expertise,
cooperation between UN and
key experts in HR could
change attitudes and influence
decision making towards
protecting human rights.
Tactics and Tools
Monitoring Results
Rock Concert for Refugees
Human Rights Gala (UNDP)
Child Labour Day (ILO)
Journalists (ILO)
Radio Programmes (ILO)
Theatre Performances on
Migrants Rights (IOM)
Photo Exhibition of Migrants
Marathon for human rights
Human Rights Gala
Input: (budget, staff
Output: (TV, radio spots,
letters of invitation send,
posters, speech, nr of
Outcome: (quantity and
quality participants,
media report, nr of high
public officials attendees)
Impact: (increased interest
in the event /during the
years, increased quality of
media reporting on human
rights issues, increased
interest of media to cover
human rights issues.)
Radio and TV show on sexual
education (UNFPA)
Media Training in Child Rights
Media Monitoring
(Discriminatory articles) /
Publication of the “My right»
newspaper (UNDP)
Support Hot Line for human
rights (UNDP)
Creating local websites:
Communication campaign for
Reproduction Health (UNFPA)
Rock concert for refugees
Charity Event
Input: (staff, budget)
Output:: (posters, TV/radio
spots, quantity and quality of
music bands/celebrities
Outcome: nr of participants,
media coverage,
Communication Strategy Framework
Communication Objective
Tactics and Tools
Partners & Allies
Other stakeholders (OSCE,
Share knowledge and
synchronize efforts of
stakeholders, including UN in
the field of human rights.
Join efforts in protecting and
promoting human rights issues
in Republic of Moldova.
Action Plan Report on Human
Rights (debate)
Monitoring Results
Action Plan Report on
Human Rights (debate)
-eligible for secondary
audience as well (key
experts in HR)Input: staff, budget
Output:: the publication,
press release
Outcome: media coverage,
nr of stakeholders
Impact: new joint actions
and initiatives based on the
finding of the report.