Simulated rainfall in a GCM with retrieved root-zone soil moisture from surface soil moisture estimated with TRMM/PR over the Tropics Yukiko Hirabayashi1, Shinta Seto1, Taikan Oki1, Shinjiro Kanae1, Katumi Musiake1 1 IIS, University of Tokyo ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is an application of satellite-based soil moisture estimates to numerical climate simulations. The research consists of two parts. Firstly, a method estimating root-zone soil moisture from surface soil moisture has developed using global soil moisture data set with a land surface model under the global soil wetness project (GSWP). Analyses of the data set has showed that the relationship between surface and root-zone soil moisture could be linearly approximated with the correction of the time lag, and thus the root-zone soil moisture can be estimated from surface soil moisture. This method was applied to the satellite-based surface soil moisture estimated by microwave remote sensing observed by the Precipitation Radar on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM/PR) and a new soil moisture was created. Secondary, boreal summer (June-August) simulated rainfall over the tropics by an atmospheric GCM with different soil moisture distributions as for boundary condition were compared. Results showed that simulated precipitation error was larger when soil moisture estimated by TRMM/PR was directly used since the soil moisture estimates by satellite did not represent deeper soil states. The simulated precipitation has improved with the new soil moisture of TRMM/PR by our method compared to the case of the simulation of direct use of satellite observations. 1. Introduction estimate deeper soil moisture from is highly desired. Soil moisture plays an important role in the exchange In this study, a simple approach to estimate root-zone of water and energy between land surface and soil moisture from surface moisture was developed with atmosphere. Numerical model studies have shown that the data estimated by the Simple Biosphere Model giving proper soil moisture data as initial and/or implemented boundary conditions should improve the precipitation in (JMA/SiB) under the Global Soil Wetness Project model simulations (Dirmeyer, 1999). However, since (GSWP: IGPO, 1995). With use of this new technique, a direct observation of soil moisture is limited in their soil moisture obtained by TRMM/PR was applied for spatial extent and temporal frequency, there have been numerical experiments with the CCSR/NIES (Center for no observed data set sufficient to apply global climate Climate System Research, University of Tokyo/National simulations. Institute for Environmental Studies) atmospheric general Recently, passive and active microwave remote at Japan Meteorological Agency circulation model (AGCM). sensors are expected to provide quantitative information 2. Global soil moisture data about soil moisture on a large scale, however, microwave (1) JMA/SiB GSWP can detect the information of soil moisture only in very In this study, a global soil moisture distribution, which near-surface soil layers. Since soil moisture in root-zone was calculated with a land surface model (LSM) with is relevant for climatic and hydrological studies in areas observed forcing data, was used in order to obtain a with vegetation cover, developing an algorithm that can transfer function between moisture in surface and deeper soil layers. JMA/SiB is a SiB type LSM that was used in previous Under the GSWP, the deca-day (three times per JMA-GCM with some modification concerning snow month) temporal-mean values of 2-year (1987-1988) 1° melting process. Hydrological process in JMA/SiB ×1°global data set of soil moisture were produced by scheme considers water pumping from deeper soil layer integrating one-way uncoupled LSMs with climatic by vegetation, evapotranspiration from leaf stomata and forcing. The forcing given to the LSMs was ISLSCP interception loss. Soil is divided into three layers in this Initiative I CD-ROM data. In this research, JMA/SiB scheme where the first layer denotes 5cm deep from top GSWP was selected for a global soil moisture data, surface, from 5cm deep to root depth in terms of because JMA/SiB was the only data set providing both vegetation type for the second layer, and more deeper surface soil moisture and total soil moisture at the soil is classified as the third layer. All the data employed redistributed in this study was the ensemble mean value of 1987 and GSWP data center at that time ( 1988 in order to eliminate the bias in a specific year. Ws (2) Satellite observation by TRMM/PR was the value in the first layer and Wa was the integrated Soil moisture distribution by TRMM/PR active value of the first and second layer in SiB model. microwave satellite sensor was obtained by Seto et al. (2001). Monthly mean 1 ° × 1 ° soil moisture distribution in the tropics ranged from 36°N to 36°S are available in 1998. However, similar to the other microwave remote sensing, this data reflects only the physical states between the surface and at most a few centimeters deep. As the microwave penetration depth Fig. 1 One-to-one relationship between Ws and Wa of into the ground is less than its wavelength, information JMA/SiB GSWP, averaged value in 1987 and 1988, in obtained by TRMM/PR represents approximately 2cm Thailand. depth of the soil with its 13.5 GHz frequency. In this study, all soil moisture values are expressed in Figure 1-a and 1-b show average value of Ws and Wa in 95-110°E, 10-20°N, where corresponds to Thailand. unit of soil wetness index (SWI). Definition of the value Figure 1-a is the time series in a year. The shapes of the of “soil wetness index” is indicated as SWI = (Sm - Wlp) / (Fc - Wlp) (1) curves of Ws and Wa indicate that their values seem to be correlated although their ranges and the phases are where Sm is the volumetric soil moisture of the grid, Wlp different. Figure 1-b is the one-to-one relationship of Ws is the wilting point, and Fc is the field capacity. SWI ranges from 0 (wilting point) to 1 (field capacity), and and Wa where dots express average value of 36 deca-day in a year and a black star indicates the first deca-day the larger value indicates wetter state. SWI could be average of the year (from 1st to 10th in January). It is greater than 1, or negative in certain instances. clearly seen in Figure 1-b that the relationship between 3. Derivation of total soil moisture from surface moisture Relationship between surface soil moisture (Ws) and total integrated soil moisture (Wa) was investigated from Ws and Wa draws a loop within a year. This annual loop is due to the phase difference of the time series between Ws and Wa seen in Figure 1-a. In order to define the phase difference between Ws and JMA/SiB GSWP soil moisture data set. Wa, we introduced a new index called “maximum and minimum peak index” in each 1°×1°pixel in the way as follows: Firstly, smoothing procedure was adopted in both spatial and temporal distribution. Each grid was averaged with 8 surrounding grids as spatial smoothing. As for temporal smoothing, 5 deca-day moving average was adopted. At the end, the maximum and the minimum values at each grid box were picked up. The maximum and the minimum peak index were equal to the deca-day number (1-36) of those peak values. With this maximum and minimum peak index, time lag between Ws and Wa were calculated at each grid by subtracting peak deca-day number of Wa from those of Ws as LAGmax/min = (deca-day of Wa – deca-day of Ws)max/min (2) Fig.2 LAG of maximum peak (a) and minimum peak index (b). Negative value is circled by solid line. (Noted that if the LAG in (2) becomes less than –18, 36 regions (not shown) is almost constant and its fluctuation is added to LAG. If LAG exceeds 18, 36 is subtracted from LAG, so that LAG becomes between –18 and 18.) range is very small due to high moisture supplement from snow and lower evaporation ratio. We conclude that In equation (2), LAG indicates the time lag. It should be due to such characters of soil moisture, the simple noted that this method could not catch accurate time lag algorithm to detect the phase lags can not be applied to between Ws and Wa when their variation difference those regions. exceeds six months (deca-day number of -18 or 18). It is also seen in Figure 2 that LAG values are larger at Figure 2 shows the global maps of the LAG for minimum peak (b) than at maximum peak (a). This maximum (a) and minimum (b) peak index. Globally, difference of LAG may be explained by the difference of most part shows positive value indicating that the Ws water movement of wet and dry periods. Figure 2 reaches its maximum (minimum) peak earlier than Wa. In suggests that in wet period, when soil moisture is most regions, LAG values are from zero to less than 3 reaching its maximum peak in a year, the effects of deca-days (30 days), or, at most, a couple of months atmospheric forcing on upper surface are transmitted (30-90days). Some areas show negative (circled by solid faster to deeper soil, comparing to the case of the dry line) or too long positive lags. These areas are basically period when soil is drying and reaching its minimum. placed in high latitude such as Canada, Scandinavian This difference of vertical transmission speed of soil Peninsula, northern part of China and Siberia, or in moisture in the two periods may be due to the difference high-elevated area such as in Rocky Mountains in USA, of the characteristics of the infiltration and the European Alps, and Tibetan Plateau. Soil moisture in evapotranspiration. these regions is strongly affected by snow. Time Using this time lag information, Ws data was shifted in variations of Ws in these regions (not shown) have several peaks corresponding to their rainy season, time. At first, adjusting time for Ws to fit the time of Wa was snowfall, and snow melting within a year. Wa in these calculated. Shifting amount of maximum Before applying the transfer function above to the TRMM/PR data, it should be noted that soil wetness obtained from different LSMs under same climatic forcing do not show the same value. In this context, the transfer function obtained from Wa of JMA/SiB can not be directly applied to soil moisture for CCSR/NIES bucket. Fig.3 One-to-one relationship between time-shifted Ws and Wa by JMA/SiB GSWP, averaged value in 1987 and 1988 in Thailand (a), East China (b), India (c), and Mississippi (d). (minimum) peak is obtained as a difference of maximum (minimum) peak deca-day between Ws and Wa. Shifting length of the data between peaks are simply calculated linearly. At last, original Ws data was shifted as a function of varying time by liner interpolation (expressed Fig. 4 One-to-one relationship between Ws of JMA/SiB GSWP and CCSR-NIES/buckets GSWP, averaged value in 1987 and 1988 in Thai as Ws’). Figure 3 illustrates the same figure of Figure 1-b, but (a), East China (b), India (c), and Mississippi (d). with Ws’. Average values in Thailand (same area as Fortunately, as shown in Figure 4, comparisons of total Fig.1-b), East China (110-125°E, 20-30°N), India soil moisture by JMA/SiB GSWP (Wa) and by (75-85 ° E, 10-20 ° N), and Mississippi (60-75 ° W, CCCSR/NIES bucket GSWP (Waccsr) showed that the 0-10°S) are shown. It is clearly seen from these figures difference due to models could be corrected by a unique that after our phase-shift corrections, relationships function globally. Although this approximation was between Ws‘ and Wa can be approximated to linear worse in high-vegetated area like Thailand, the regression lines. Assuming that neither this time lag nor regression lines seemed almost the same at anyplace. regression line change inter-annually, transfer function of This liner function adjustment was applied to the deeper soil moisture from surface soil moisture value converted TRMM/PR data before they were adapted to was defined. This transfer function obtained from CCSR/NIES AGCM. All these procedures transferring JMA/SiB GSWP was applied to a satellite observation N98 from T98 are schematically shown in Figure 5, data set by TRMM/PR in the next section. where f(x,y,t) indicates the phase shift and liner 4. Application of soil moisture data TRMM/PR for summer rainfall simulations by approximation and g indicates the unique liner function between JMA/SiB and CCSR/NIES bucket. TRMM/PR few centimeter T98 JMA/SiB GSWP Ws Ws’ Wa f(x,y,t) CCSR/AGCM total root-depth CCSR/NIES bucket GSWP Waccsr N98 g g f(x,y,t) Figure 5 Schematic representation of the soil moisture transfer method Fig. 6 Error of JJA total precipitation in 1998 (simulation-observation). Each dot indicates The AGCM employed in this study is CCSR/NIES land point of GCM grid. AGCM (Numaguti et al., 1997) at a spectral resolution NCEP/NCAR was used as the boundary condition over of T42 (approximately 2.8 degrees) and 20 vertical levels. the ocean. The LSM coupled to the GCM is CCSR/NIES bucket Figure 6 shows the comparison of errors in simulated model. Experiment period is three months of boreal three months precipitation of these two experiments. summer (June, July, and August) in 1998. In these three Precipitation error is calculated by subtracting observed months, snow melting effects in northern continents are precipitation data by Global Precipitation Climatology smallest in a year and many regions have a rainy season. Center (GPCP, WCRP, 1990) from their simulation Integration is conducted in ensembles of nine runs, results. From this figure, it is clear that precipitation which is initialized at 0000 UTC on 23-31 May, and error is less in N98 than T98. integrated forward through the end of 31 August. Figure 7 is a map indicating which experiment is Two sets of ensembles with specified soil moisture better in terms of error range of simulated precipitation. were conducted. One ensemble used original monthly Light gray indicates the places where precipitation error TRMM/PR soil moisture (Seto et al. 2001) as for the of N98 is less than that of T98 and dark gray indicates boundary condition, as if SWI of this was representative places where T98 showed better result. Regions with less to deeper soil state. This ensemble is referred to as T98 precipitation error than 50mm in the both two ensembles in this paper. In another ensemble, integrated total soil are masked in the map. Decreasing of the precipitation moisture transferred from TRMM/PR data with the new error in N98 was obvious over the land in tropical area algorithm was specified. The latter ensemble with where transferred soil moisture was given, such as most converted satellite soil moisture is referred to as N98. part of South America and Africa. However, precipitation In both experiments, CCSR/NIES GSWP two-year error in N98 was larger than T98 in wide area in ensemble mean was used for boundary soil moisture in Southeast Asia. One possible reason of this could be that high latitudes where TRMM/PR does not cover. the precipitation process in these regions is mainly Other all conditions were same between two governed by large circulation induced by sea surface ensembles, where climatic condition was initialized with conditions, and the effect of land surface is National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National comparatively lower. Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) daily Figure8 indicates averaged soil moisture difference in reanalysis and observed monthly SST data by three months used as the boundary conditions in the two with direct use of satellite-based soil moisture especially over the tropical land where transferred soil moisture information was given. In South America and the southern part in Africa, regions where simulated precipitation errors have decreased in N98 and the places of large soil moisture difference were corresponded. Fig.7 Comparison of three months (JJA) precipitation In this research, soil moisture by TRMM/PR was error where error was over 50mm. Light gray applied to GCM seasonal simulation as a boundary indicates regions where the error in N98 is lower. condition. Utilization of such kind of data as for initial Dark color indicates where error in T98 is lower. condition of seasonal predictions and application for 4 dimensional data assimilation are highly expected as future studies. References Dirmeyer, P. A., 1999: Assessing GCM sensitivity to soil Fig.8 Average soil moisture difference in three months wetness using GSWP. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 77, 367-385 (JJA). Dark color indicates large difference. IGPO (1995): Global soil wetness project. Technical experiments. Large differences are seen in south part in report, International GEWEX Project Office, Silver Africa, most part in South America, India, and northeast Spring, MD 20910. part in Australia. In some regions, precipitation Numaguti A., S. Sugata, M.Takahashi, T. Nakajima ans improvements seen in Figure 7 corresponded to large A. Sumi, 1997: Study on the Climate System and difference of soil moisture, such as South America and Mass Transport by a Climate Model, CCSR’s south part of Africa. As seen above, the simulated supercomputer monograph report, National Institute precipitation might be better because the boundary for Environmental Research, Environment Agency of condition of the transferred soil moisture is more Japan (Eds.), 3. appropriate for these areas. Sellers, P., Y. Mintz, Y. C. Sud and A. Dalcher, 1986: A 5. Conclusion Simple Biosphere model (SiB) for use within general Soil moisture in deeper soil was estimated from circulation models, J. Atmos. 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