Information in English - Rønningen folkehøgskole

Rønningen Folk High School
Rønningen is a boarding school in the Nordic Folk High School tradition. The school can
accommodate up to 100 students in single or double rooms.
Students come from all over Norway and many other parts of the world, creating a unique
multi-cultural environment.
The school year is 33 weeks and runs from Mid-August to Mid-May.
Rønningen Folk High School was founded in 1969, and is owned and run by the Norwegian
YMCA. Located on a hillside, the school has a fine view of Oslo and the Oslofjord. Although
Rønningen is only a 25 minute journey from the city centre, it is surrounded by beautiful
For students who do not speak Norwegian when they come to Rønningen, the school offers a
Norwegian language training-course. This course will start in August and continue through
the whole school year.
Folk high schools are probably the single best way of gaining first-hand and practical
knowledge of Norwegian. You can expect that throughout the year you will be able to use the
language on an everyday level to communicate with native speakers.
The total cost of a folk high school year in 2006/2007 is 77 500 Nok (Norwegian krons) for
room and board for 33 weeks. This sum includes an applicaton fee, some additional expenses
for materials, books, excursions, trips and some pocket money. Scholarships, grants, and
bursaries are limited. Please contact your local school authorities, the schools themselves
and/or The Memorial Fund of May the 8th, 1970 (contact NKF, Grensen 9A, 0159 Oslo,
Folk High School - A way of life
A folk high school is different from other kinds of schools. It is a meeting place for young
people, where personal growth and responsibility is an important part of the curriculum.
Rønningen is a Christian school where Christianity plays an important role in everyday life.
At a folk high school, both theoretical and practical knowledge is gained through a variety of
teaching methods. Living and working close together creates a strong social environment
amongst the students, but can also lead to conflicts. However, learning to overcome such
difficulties is seen as an important part of the folk high school education. Students learn about
concepts such as ‘love’, ‘justice’ and personal responsibility, all of, which are vital for future
life. Therefore, a folk high school provides not only academic training, but also develops
social skills preparing students for the challenges that lie ahead.
Who can apply?
We do not make any specific requirements regarding pervious schooling or experience. You
should be at least 18 years old. There is no upper age limit. The folk high schools do not
grant degrees or conduct exams. Today's folk high schools offer a variety of non-traditional
and non-academic subjects, as well as some academic subjects.
By law, folk high schools will not conduct any formal examinations and do not issue
degrees. After finishing your school year, you will receive a diploma detailing what you have
participated in. Although receiving financial support from the state, the folk high schools are
independent from the regular educational system in Norway.
International students who wish to continue to study in Norway will not qualify for enrolment
as students in a Norwegian college or university. You must meet the same entry requirements
as other international students, but you will get merit if you decide to continue to study in
Important information for foreign applicants
EU citizens
Norway is not an EU-member, but takes part in all EU cooperative initiatives in education.
Therefore, citizens from EU countries do not need a residence permit in Norway. As a folk
high school student, you only need to carry medical insurance in your home country and
insurance for your personal belongings.
Other Foreign Applicants
You need official permission to stay (residence permit) in Norway, in order to attend a folk
high school.
Admission to a folk high school must be secured before you apply for a residence permit.
Your application for a residence permit must be sent to the Norwegian authorities in your
home country while you are still there, or in the country where you have stayed during the last
six months. The following three documents have to be included.
1. An application form for a residence permit
2. An admission letter from the folk high school
3. Verification of financial status
The verification of your financial status normally consists of you documenting that you have
paid NOK 77.500, - (for year 2006/2007) into an account in the school's name. The admission
letter from the school will give further details.
Education must be the main purpose of your stay and you must be a full-time student. You
must be able to return to your home country after having completed your school year (i.e. you
will have to have money enough to buy a return ticket). A residence permit from the
Norwegian authorities is normally issued for one year at a time. All successful applicants
must carry medical insurance for their period of stay in Norway.
We welcome you, irrespective of ideology or faith, but you must be willing to participate
in the social life of the school.
Please contact us for further information. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards
Håkon Øgreid
Rønningen folkehøgskole