WATER GROUP ADVICE ON EPBC ACT REFERRALS QGC referral - 2008/4399 Santos-Petronas referral - 2008/4059 and comments on AP LNG referral - 2009/4974 Based on information provided by the proponents to close of business 03/09/10 GAB Discharge Springs: “Scotts Creek” complex (courtesy Fensham and Fairfax, 2008) Water Group September 2010 1 Water Group Response to EPBC Act CSG Referrals – (QGC and Santos) 1. Summary of Key Concerns ........................................................................................ 3 2. Background ................................................................................................................ 3 3. Issues under the EPBC Act ........................................................................................ 5 (a) Listed and threatened species and communities ................................................... 5 i) Results from QGC .............................................................................................. 6 ii) Results from Santos ........................................................................................... 7 iii) Conclusion........................................................................................................ 7 (b) Listed migratory species....................................................................................... 8 (c) Ramsar-listed Wetlands of International Importance ........................................... 8 (d) Other issues .......................................................................................................... 9 (i) Surat Basin ............................................................................................................ 9 i) Groundwater....................................................................................................... 9 a) Volume of groundwater to be co-produced ....................................................... 9 b) Impacts on groundwater systems and structural integrity. ............................. 11 c) Recovery of groundwater systems to pre-CSG conditions............................... 12 ii) Surface water ................................................................................................... 12 iii) Land subsidence ............................................................................................. 12 (ii) Bowen Basin ...................................................................................................... 13 i) Groundwater..................................................................................................... 13 (a) Volume of groundwater to be co-produced .................................................... 13 (b) Impacts on groundwater systems and structural integrity ............................. 14 c) Recovery of the groundwater systems to pre-CSG conditions ......................... 14 ii) Surface water ................................................................................................... 14 iii) Land subsidence ............................................................................................. 14 4. Issues under the Commonwealth Water Act ............................................................ 14 (a) Murray Darling Basin Plan ................................................................................. 14 (b) Section 255A[A] - Independent expert study on the impacts of mining operations ................................................................................................................. 16 5. References ................................................................................................................ 17 Appendix 1 – Map of EPBC GAB Springs ................................................................. 19 Appendix 2 - Comparative Analysis of proposed Water Extraction by Santos, QGC and AP LNG with current use in the MDB and GAB ................................................. 20 Appendix 3 – Derivation of the amount of groundwater to be co-produced ............... 24 Overview .................................................................................................................. 24 Walloon Coal Measures ........................................................................................... 24 Other Formations ..................................................................................................... 26 Gubberamunda Sandstone ................................................................................... 26 Hutton Sandstone ................................................................................................. 27 Precipice Sandstone ............................................................................................. 27 Springbok Sandstone ........................................................................................... 27 Summary .............................................................................................................. 28 Bandanna Formation ............................................................................................ 28 Precipice Sandstone ............................................................................................. 29 Appendix 4 – Recommendations from the 255A[A] inquiry into ‘The impacts of mining in the Murray Darling Basin’........................................................................... 30 2 1. Summary of Key Concerns This report outlines Water Group’s (WG) key concerns about Coal Seam Gas (CSG) developments in the Surat and Bowen Basins in southeast Queensland, and provides advice as to the likelihood that such activities (as referred in 2008/4399, 2008/4059, 2009/4974) may have a significant impact on Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) and other Commonwealth policy and program interests. In summary, the WG has significant concerns about: a) the general level of uncertainty associated with these proposals, and the inability of proponents to accurately quantify their individual and collective impacts over the life of their projects (which is in the order of 30 years); b) the lack of surety that this represents for the Minister for Environment in making decisions; c) the potential for significant impacts on MNES, particularly the listed Threatened Ecological Communities of The community of native species dependent on natural discharge of groundwater from the Great Artesian Basin; d) the volume of groundwater to be co-produced with CSG, particularly: i. impacts on groundwater systems and their structural integrity, ii. pressure and volume impacts on GAB aquifers; iii. changes to the water chemistry of GAB aquifers; iv. the very significant recovery times for groundwater systems to return to pre-CSG conditions once extractive operations cease, v. the volume of salts and heavy metals associated with CSG coproduced water, and the uncertainty around mechanisms for their disposal, and vi. impacts on surface water hydrology from the discharge of CSG coproduced water into the Condamine and / or Dawson Rivers; e) land subsidence; f) impacts on highly productive agricultural land; g) impacts on Indigenous cultural and spiritual values; h) broader impacts on Commonwealth and national policy initiatives such was the National Water Initiative, the CoAG Water Reform agenda, and the Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative; and i) broader impacts on the Murray-Darling Basin and implementation of the Water Act 2007 and the Basin Plan. 2. Background The primary gas (and water) extraction proposed in the Surat Basin is from the Walloon Coal Measures (WCM), which is part of the Great Artesian Basin (GAB). There are, however, a number of other aquifers above and below the WCM that will be impacted to some degree from these activities. 3 The primary gas (and water) extraction proposed in the Bowen Basin is from the Bandanna Formation. Whilst there is likely to be some water loss from other aquifers, this is not expected to be of the same magnitude as for the Surat Basin. The Approvals and Wildlife Division (AWD) has asked WG to contribute to an assessment of the potential impacts of two proposed CSG developments in southeast Queensland within the Surat and Bowen Basins (predominantly the former), which have been referred under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The Environmental Impact Statements and supplementary material provided by QGC-BG (referral 2008/4399), hereafter referred to as QGC, and SantosPetronas (referral 2008/4059), hereafter referred to as Santos, have been assessed. Some environmental impact material was also provided by AP LNG (referral 2009/4974). Further separate technical meetings were held with QGC (27 June 2010) and Santos (28-29 July 2010 in Roma) by WG officers. WG officers also attended regular meetings between AWD and Santos and attended two technical forums at Geoscience Australia where the two proponents, as well as AP LNG, gave short technical presentations. Through the separate appraisal by Geoscience Australia, WG received additional information that was also assessed. While not part of this current referral process, information from the AP LNG EIS and other material provided to Geoscience Australia as part of their independent appraisal was utilised to assess the cumulative impacts of the CSG developments. In all, the WG has serious concerns about: significant impacts on matters protected under the EPBC Act 1999; the management and long-term sustainability of the GAB; impacts on the water resources of the Murray Darling-Basin; and ongoing implementation of the National Water Initiative and CoAG Water Reforms. WG further concludes that the CSG developments trigger the provisions of s255A[A] of the Water Act 2007; and that there are potential impacts on the hydrology of the Dawson River. The information used to provide this advice was that received by close of business Friday 3rd September, 2010. Supplementary advice will be forthcoming on information received from the proponents (and AP LNG) since that date. 4 3. Issues under the EPBC Act The MNES considered in this advice: listed threatened species and communities listed migratory species Ramsar-listed Wetlands of International Importance (a) Listed and threatened species and communities. ADVICE: CSG extraction activities by both Santos and QGC are likely to have a significant impact on Threatened Ecological Community: The community of native species dependent on natural discharge of groundwater from the Great Artesian Basin at the Springsure, Eulo and Bourke Spring groups. There are several surveyed locations of the Threatened Ecological Communities of The community of native species dependent on natural discharge of groundwater from the Great Artesian Basin (TECs) that may be impacted by the proposed CSG activities. Known locations of this TEC are included in the following GAB Spring Supergroups: Springsure; Eulo; and Bourke. See the map at Appendix 1 for locations of TECs relative to Santos, QGC and AP LNG’s tenements. The Springsure springs are generally located ‘up gradient’ of the proposed CSG developments, with two spring complexes (‘Lucky Last’ and ‘Scotts Creek’) in the immediate vicinity of CSG extraction activities. The exact severity of potential impacts cannot be accurately determined with the information available, nonetheless the amount of water to be extracted is well above the recharge for the area. This means that a groundwater ‘hole’ will be formed down gradient from these springs causing groundwater to flow away from the springs, potentially causing the springs to cease flowing. There are a number of other TECs within the Springsure Supergroup (for example, the ‘Dawson River’ and ‘Cockatoo Creek’ spring complexes) which may also be similarly affected. Existing development pressures on the Springsure, Eulo and Bourke spring groups are already severe. For example, Fensham (Fensham et al. 2010; email: R.Fensham-B.Gray, dated 26 Aug 10 at 16.18) indicates that only 4 of the Eulo springs complexes are still active, with 1 sometimes active; and that twenty complexes have stopped flowing. For the Bourke Springs, Fensham 5 (R.Fensham et al. 2010; e-mail: R.Fensham-B.Gray, dated 26 Aug 10 at 16.18) reports that 8 springs complexes are active, 22 are sometimes active, and 31 have stopped flowing. The Eulo and Bourke Spring Supergroup TECs are down gradient of the proposed CSG developments and are thought to be ‘fed’ by the Hooray Sandstone aquifer, which is the lateral equivalent of the Gooberamunda Sandstone that is present in the CSG development area. While the Gooberamunda Sandstone is not directly connected to the WCM, modelling results by both proponents (and AP LNG) clearly indicate that the pressure in the Gooberamunda Sandstone will be reduced as part of the CSG developments. From the data presented in the AP LNG modelling (the only regional modelling available) drawdowns of approximately 4m to 13m lasting for at least 70 years have been interpreted. This would result in up to 209GL being ‘lost’ from this formation during the life of the CSG development. Whilst pressure decreases are felt ‘immediately’ across an aquifer, the size of the Gooberamunda-Hooray Sandstone is likely to attenuate a pressure decline before it impacts on the Eulo or Bourke Springs. However the nature of the springs means that a decrease as small as 10cm would impact on flow at the Eulo and Bourke spring groups. From the modelling presented, it is not possible to assess such an impact and further analysis is required. It is important to note that recharge into the GAB is estimated at 323GL/year (Kellett et al 2003). Within the Surat groundwater management zone, where the CSG developments are to take place, the total recharge for the Kimbarilla, Mooga, Gubberamunda, and Springbok Sandstones is 60ML/yr (Kellett et al 2003). This equates to 1,800ML (or 1.8GL) over a 30 year period – the approximate lifetime of the CSG extraction – which is only 0.1% of the groundwater to be lost through Coal Seam Gas extraction from the Gubberamunda Sandstone alone. From the limited data available, it can be assumed that the Eulo and Bourke springs are fed by the Gubberamunda Sandstone (and its lateral equivalent the Hooray Sandstone); the amount of water that is predicted to be extracted is larger than the amount of recharge into the Gubberamunda Sandstone. This means that there is likely to be a reduction in the volume of water flowing to the Bourke and Eulo Springs, given current groundwater flow rates, in about 400,000 - 500,000 years. However, given the very low hydraulic gradient, the development of a pressure low may result in a reversal of hydraulic gradient, thereby moving groundwater away from the Bourke and Eulo Springs and resulting in a significantly earlier impact. i) Results from QGC There is concern that TECs reliant on spring complexes within a 50km radius of QGC’s northernmost tenements will be significantly impacted by cumulative 6 drawdown effects, if not directly by QGC’s activities alone. Those TECs of concern include those dependent on discharge springs at Scotts Creek, Dawson River 8, Cockatoo Creek, Dawson River 5 and Dawson River 2 (see Appendix 1). QGC considers there will be no impact on Springsure TECs and that impacts on other aquatic or stygofauna communities are unlikely. The modelling conducted by QGC uses a ‘constant head boundary’ condition at the edge of their model(s).1 The use of such a condition would preclude any assessment of impacts beyond the model boundary. This also means that impacts on the Eulo and Bourke Springs have not been assessed. ii) Results from Santos Santos has confirmed it does not believe that it has any discharge springs supporting TECs on or near its tenements. This view is in conflict with the TEC Recovery Plan dataset (Fensham et al. 2010) held by the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, and is also in conflict with expert advice received from the author of the Recovery Plan for the TECs (e-mail: R.Fensham-B.Gray, dated 26 Aug 10 at 16.18). The data and advice to date confirm that the mapping data supporting the Listing and Recover Plan for the TECs is correct, and that there is one spring complex supporting the TECs inside or adjacent to Santos tenement PL99 (in their Fairview Gas Field), and another approximately 13km southeast of Santos tenement PL100. Other TECs that are likely to be indirectly impacted by Santos’ CSG extraction activities via cumulative impacts are approximately 65km East of Santos’ tenements and approximately 30km North of QGC’s tenements (near the town of Taroom) (see Appendix 1). Santos has not assessed impacts on any of the GAB Spring Supergroups. At the meeting between AWD, WG and Santos on 21 July 210, Santos advised that the modelling detailed in their EIS was ‘inadequate’ and that they were developing new models for both the Surat and Bowen Basins. Their revised modelling was not available at time of writing, meaning that impacts on the Eulo and Bourke Springs have not been assessed by either proponent. iii) Conclusion Both proponents conclude that their CSG developments will have no impact on TECs inside their tenements nor in the greater CSG development area. However, as noted above, neither proponents’ modelling is capable of ascertaining impacts on spring complexes outside their tenement area, such as the Springsure, Eulo and Bourke GAB Spring Supergroups, nor do they fully acknowledge cumulative impacts on TECs. 1 A constant head boundary represents an equipotential line. That is, the head always remains the same (Fetter 2001). This means that water constantly flows into the model from the boundary and there will be no modelled impacts outside the boundary. A constant head boundary is normally used where there is a large water body where the level does not measurably change e.g. the sea. 7 From the water balance and ‘area of impact’ assessments presented above, WG concludes that there is a significant short term risk to these TECs and spring complexes through pressure decline, and an unquantified long term risk due to reduction in groundwater flow which would need to be further assessed. (b) Listed migratory species ADVICE: CSG extraction activities by both Santos and QGC are unlikely to have a significant impact on listed migratory bird species. The major potential threat to listed migratory bird species is through their opportunistic use of storages used for untreated CSG co-produced water, which is highly saline and contains varying concentrations of heavy metals. However, there is no conclusive evidence that CSG extraction activities will pose a significant threat to migratory bird species. (c) Ramsar-listed Wetlands of International Importance ADVICE: CSG extraction activities by Santos and QGC are unlikely to have a significant impact on the ecological character of Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance. However, given the uncertainty surrounding groundwater inflows, and potential surface water connectivity during peak flow events, significant impacts on the Narran Lakes Nature Reserve cannot be completely ruled out. There are two Ramsar-listed Wetlands of International Importance, both of which are a significant distance from the proponents’ tenements: The Gwydir Wetlands; and Narran Lakes Nature Reserve. The Gwydir Wetlands are the closer of the two Ramsar sites but are not hydrologically connected via surface or groundwater systems to the proposed gas fields. There is no evidence that CSG extraction activities will pose a significant threat to the ecological character of the Gwydir Wetlands. Narran Lakes lies downstream on the Condamine River from the CSG developments. The main concern is large scale flood events, as seen earlier in 2010 in this part of southeast Queensland, which could overtop the brine storage basins thereby mobilising salts and associated heavy metals downstream and into the Narran Lakes. 8 There is little evidence of groundwater flow into the Narran Lakes, consequently the drawdown in groundwater levels by the CSG developments are not expected to have a significant impact on the ecological character of Narran Lakes. Given the level of uncertainty surrounding groundwater inflows to Narran Lakes, and to provide increased surety, further investigations and analysis is required to ascertain any level of connection. The recent report by Hillier (2010) indicates that the drawdown in the WCM will result in a reversal in groundwater flow meaning that groundwater in the Condamine Alluvium will flow into the WCM. Potentially this could result in an increase in the loss from the Condamine River into the alluvium. However, since the groundwater level in the Condamine Alluvium is already below the bed of the Condamine River the risk of increased loss of surface water from the CSG proponents is interpreted to be low. WG recommends conditioning any approvals to ensure there are no impacts on Ramsar-listed Wetlands of International Importance. (d) Other issues A comparison of projected groundwater extraction from the CSG developments and current extractions in the Murray Darling Basin and Great Artesian Basin is presented in Appendix 2. (i) Surat Basin i) Groundwater The groundwater systems of the Surat Basin form part of the GAB. Most of the aquifers - Mooga, Gubberamunda, Springbok, Hutton and Precipice Sandstones - are used for pastoral activities and town water supply. Groundwater from the WCM is also used in some areas. In many areas the Surat Basin is overlain by sediments of the Murray Darling Basin, notably the Condamine Alluvium. As the WCM subcrop a significant portion of the Condamine Alluvium there is the potential for extraction of groundwater from the WCM to impact on groundwater levels in the Alluvium, as discussed in section 4. Current groundwater use in this area of the GAB is 549GL/yr (AWR 2005). Estimated groundwater extraction for the MDB is in the order of 1 832GL/year (CSIRO 2008b). a) Volume of groundwater to be co-produced Both the proponents (and AP LNG) intend to lower groundwater pressure in the WCM by at least 400m, over most of the area, to approximately 30-35m above the top coal seam in the WCM. Based on this they have provided 9 estimates of their expected cumulative water production and predict approximately 1,819GL of co-produced groundwater in total from the CSG developments (QCG – 887GL; Santos – 140GL; AP LNG 792GL). It is not clear as to whether the production forecasts provided by the proponents (including AP LNG) is from the WCM only or from all formations in the Surat and Bowen Basins. Furthermore, as no information has been provided on groundwater production from individual wells to confirm this volume, a number of sources and methods were used to confirm the veracity of this prediction and these are presented in Appendix 3. The results of this analysis indicates that from the WCM alone between approximately 229 to 23,000GL (with a most likely range of approximately 6,000 to 14,000GL) of groundwater will be co-produced by CSG operations by the two proponents and AP LNG (Appendix 3). These volumes do not include groundwater from the Springbok Sandstone which both the proponents (and AP LNG) agree is in hydraulic connection with the Walloon Coal Measures. This means that, based on the production details of the proponents (and AP LNG) the Springbok Sandstone (and the top of the WCM) will be de-watered. This will result in a further 76 to 21,000GL (with a probable range of 8,000 to 13,000GL) of groundwater being produced (Appendix 3). It has not been possible, at this stage, to determine whether groundwater from the other sandstone aquifers (Gubberamunda, Hutton and Precipice) will actually be extracted by the proposed CSG operations or whether it will just be ‘lost’ from these formations due to an increase in vertical leakage. However, the calculations shown in Appendix 3 indicate that a further 1.3 to 661GL (with a most likely range of 35 to 411GL) of groundwater will be ‘lost’ as part of the CSG developments by the proponents (and AP LNG). This means that the total estimated volume of groundwater to be produced (and lost to the GAB as a whole) is most likely in the order of 14,035 to 27,411GL. It should be noted that a best case scenario for total water extraction, from our analysis, ranges from 307GL – about 6 and a half times less than that predicted by the proponents (including AP LNG) – to approximately 45,000GL – 22 times more than predicted by the proponents. Hence the expected water production from the proponents (including AP LNG) can be interpreted to be extremely conservative. The amount of water that could be co-produced may be greater than these estimates if the work conducted by Hodgkinson et al (2010) looking at carbon geostorage potential is correct. This study analysed the results of drill stem tests in the Surat and other basins. This analysis clearly shows that in some areas the WCM, the Hutton Sandstone, Evergreen Formation, and the Precipice Sandstone are in ‘vertical communication’. Further the paper states that ‘there is vertical hydraulic communication between the Hutton Sandstone 10 and the Springbok Sandstone through the Walloon sub-group’ (Hodgkinson 2010). If the area of ‘vertical communication’ is extensive (only 10 bores were analysed over an area of approximately 300 by 200km) then the impact on the Hutton and Precipice Sandstones would be even greater than that predicted by the proponents (and AP LNG) and this analysis. The fact that one of the bores analysed is very close to the centre of the proposed QGC and AP LNG operations means that, in the area of the gas fields, groundwater extractions are likely to be greater than those predicted by the proponents or by the analysis presented in Appendix 3. b) Impacts on groundwater systems and structural integrity. As noted above, the proponents are proposing to drawdown the pressure of the WCM by at least 400m below the top of the formation. The Springbok Sandstone unconformably overlies the WCM and, largely, is in hydraulic connection with the WCM. This means that the Springbok Sandstone (and the top part of the WCM) will be, effectively, dewatered. The likely consequences of this are: 1. The Springbok Sandstone, which is currently a confined aquifer, will become an unconfined aquifer. Once a confined aquifer becomes unconfined its properties change. This means that the aquifer will no longer be able to ‘store’ as much water as it is currently able and will also lose its elasticity, resulting in a greater level of subsidence. 2. A large, both vertically and horizontally, ‘de-pressurised’ zone will be produced. Whilst both proponents acknowledge that there will be some pressure reduction in overlying (e.g. Gubberamunda Sandstone) and underlying (e.g. Hutton Sandstone) aquifers, relative to the WCM, these over and underlying aquifers will remain pressurised. Given that the pressure heads of the underlying aquifers will be some 300m above this depressurised zone this is likely to result in an increase in vertical groundwater flow from these aquifers towards the WCM. Further, this ‘artificial’ pressure differential may cause previously ‘sealed’ faults and fractures to become more open, resulting in increased groundwater flow between formations. This may result in ‘losses’ but, perhaps more importantly, a mixing of different groundwaters, with subsequent impacts on water quality. The impact of establishing such a de-pressurised zone between two pressurised systems is unknown. There does not appear to be an example anywhere else in the world of such a situation being produced - a fact acknowledged by AP LNG staff at their presentation on 11 August 2010 (A.Mosur, pers. comms. 2010). Hence, any impacts can only be inferred. The proponents intend to ‘fracc’ many of their production bores to increase production rates. This is not expected to be a problem in hydrological terms unless propagation occurs along an unidentified fault or major fracture, 11 thereby increasing the amount of vertical leakage. Whilst this risk is interpreted to be low in a ‘natural state’, the process in an area that has become so de-pressurised may result in a greater than expected propagation outside the WCM, thereby increasing vertical leakage. c) Recovery of groundwater systems to pre-CSG conditions From all the information provided to date, including that from AP LNG, there is no indication when any of the systems affected by the CSG developments will return to pre-CSG conditions. QGC states that the WCM (this includes the Springbok Sandstone) will not begin to recover until 70 years after CSG production ceases. In QGC’s gas fields, its data shows that the Springbok, Hutton and Precipice Sandstones will not have recovered after 200 years. Whilst the residual drawdown is modelled to be quite small, a simple extrapolation for the Hutton Sandstone would indicate that recovery will take in the order of 1,000 years. As Santos has requested that their modelling in the EIS not be used and its new modelling was not provided in time to be included in this assessment, it was not possible to accurately analyse the impacts of their extractions. From the AP LNG modelling, the Gubberamunda Sandstone (the lateral equivalent of the Hooray Sandstone) will not have returned to pre-CSG levels by 3100. Therefore it can be concluded from the proponents’ modelling that the legacy effects of the CSG developments are considerable, with at least 1,000 years passing before this part of the GAB will return to pre-CSG levels. ii) Surface water The current average annual surface water resource in the CondamineBalonne region is around 1,305GL/year (which is 8.5% of the total in the MDB -23,417GL/year) (CSIRO 2008a, 2008b). The current level of use for the region is extremely high – >722GL/year of the average available surface water is diverted for use (which equates to 55% of the region’s available resource) (CSIRO 2008a). The production of exceptionally large quantities of CSG water, and the subsequent discharge of desalinated water, represents a significant impact on the hydrology of surface water streams in the Condamine River. The issue is exacerbated if water is discharged to ephemeral stream segments, where the steady release of water adversely impacts on the no-flow and, to a lesser degree, low-flow periods of the River’s flow regime. iii) Land subsidence From the original EIS, QGC indicate that up to 30cm of land subsidence will occur. The Santos EIS indicates a similar level of subsidence. 12 After questions were raised in preliminary drafts of the Geoscience Australia independent assessment, both proponents have since significantly lowered the expected level of subsidence. This raises questions as to the veracity of the original assessment (no information was provided in the original EISs as to how the level of subsidence was calculated) and why the amount of subsidence, after the question was raised, was reduced. Previous extraction in this part of the GAB is reported to have lowered the pressure head by 100m in some areas. Unpublished information (M. Habermehl 2010, pers. comms.) indicates that this has resulted in land subsidence in many areas of several metres. For example, the cement collars around bores drilled early last century now stand well above the ground surface. This would indicate the further, significant, land subsidence is likely to occur and is at odds with the predictions of the proponents. (ii) Bowen Basin i) Groundwater (a) Volume of groundwater to be co-produced Much less groundwater is expected to be extracted from the Bowen Basin fields due to the lower permeability of the rocks of the basin. Santos will be producing from both the Arcadia and Fairview fields. For the Fairview field Santos indicates that 98GL of groundwater will be extracted from this field. A similar analysis to that done for the Surat Basin above indicates a most likely range of groundwater extraction of 55 to 103GL (Appendix 3). This gives a greater level of confidence that the predicted groundwater extraction will be closer to the Santos prediction (it should be noted that this gives confidence in the analysis for the Surat Basin). The major concern of over extraction as part of the CSG developments is with the Precipice Sandstone. As noted previously the Santos staff consider the modelling detailed in the EIS to be ‘inadequate’ so it is difficult to quantify potential impacts. Data from AP LNG indicates that there has been little impact on the Precipice Sandstone from current extraction. This may be due to the nature of the contact between the Bandanna Formation and the Precipice Sandstone. The contact is unconformable and hence the top of the Bandana Formation would have been subject to weathering before deposition of the Precipice Sandstone. This may have decreased porosity and permeability to a point whereby groundwater flow between the two formations is highly constrained. However this lack of apparent impact on the Precipice Sandstone may be due to the current low level of production and once full scale production commences impacts will be more apparent. 13 Consideration also needs to be given to potential cumulative impacts due to production from the Roma field which could intersect with production from the Fairview and potentially Arcadia fields. This would be compounded if greater hydraulic connection between the WCM, Hutton and Precipice Sandstones was discovered between the Fairview and Roma fields. (b) Impacts on groundwater systems and structural integrity The rocks of the Bowen Basin are older than those of the Surat Basin. Consequently they have undergone a higher level of ‘deformation’ and can be considered to be ‘more compacted’. This means that the generation of a pressure ‘hole’ in the Bandanna Formation will not have as potential great an impact as for the WCM. Hence there is a much lower concern as to any impacts on the structural integrity of the groundwater systems. c) Recovery of the groundwater systems to pre-CSG conditions As the groundwater modelling supplied by Santos in their EIS is ‘inadequate’ no interpretation was possible to determine how long it would take the aquifers to return to pre-CSG condition (noting the new Santos modelling was unavailable at time of writing). ii) Surface water There is no interpreted impacts on the surface water systems from the CSG developments other than those that may potentially arise from the discharge of treated water. iii) Land subsidence As noted above the rocks of the Bowen Basin are interpreted to have a greater structural integrity than those of the Surat Basin. Hence any subsidence measurable at the land surface is likely to be smaller and more isolated. 4. Issues under the Commonwealth Water Act (a) Murray Darling Basin Plan The Murray Darling Basin Plan will provide a framework for setting environmentally sustainable limits (known as sustainable diversion limits) on the amount of surface water and groundwater that can be taken from the Basin. The Condamine Alluvium, one of the most heavily extracted aquifers in the Murray Darling Basin, is present over much of the proposed CSG 14 development area. For a significant proportion of this area, the Condamine Alluvium is directly underlain by the WCM. Monitored groundwater extraction in the Condamine-Balonne region for 2004/05 is 160GL/year and 97% of this occurs in the Upper Condamine catchment (CSIRO 2008a). This volume is primarily based on metered use, and the total monitored and unmonitored groundwater use in the Upper Condamine is thought to be around 25% higher (CSIRO 2008a). Current extraction is already unsustainable in 15 of the 22 groundwater management units (GMUs) in the region, where extraction in these GMUs is more than double the average potential rainfall recharge. Extraction in six of these GMUs is more than five times the average potential rainfall recharge. In the area of the Upper Condamine that is modelled for groundwater, extraction (currently 47GL/year) exceeds recharge by 38% and recharge is historically exceeded in more than 90 percent of years (CSIRO 2008a). According to CSIRO (2008a), if groundwater extraction in the Upper Condamine sub-catchment were allowed to increase to the current entitlement levels, the system would be severely over-allocated and additional streamflow impacts would occur. Furthermore, according to both Hillier (2010) and CSIRO (2008b), the GAB Alluvial GMU is connected to the surface water system, and foreseeable increases in extraction (not including CSG water extraction) will reduce streamflow by 5 to 6GL/year. From previous studies, Lane (1979) indicated that where the WCM directly subcrop the Condamine Alluvium the groundwater flow direction is generally from the WCM to the alluvium. This is not surprising, given the pressure head in the WCM. This conclusion also supported by Huxley (1982a, 1982b), who indicates inflow from the WCM into the Condamine Alluvium. There is no record of the amount of inflow from the WCM into the alluvium. The recent publication by Hillier (2010), clearly re-affirms that groundwater from the WCM flows into the Condamine Alluvium and that a reduction in the water levels (pressure head) in the WCM will result in a reversal of groundwater flows. That is, groundwater (and potentially surface water) from the Condamine Alluvium will flow into the WCM. Such groundwater losses would be considered as ‘take’ under the Water Act 2007 and would need to be taken into account by the Queensland Government in complying with the sustainable diversion limit. As the sustainable diversion limit for the Condamine Alluvium will be set by a prescribed groundwater level (T. McLeod pers. comm. 2010) such a loss of groundwater has significant implications for the management of this system under the Basin Plan. There are no implications for the Bowen Basin CSG developments under the Water Act 2007 as it lies outside the boundaries of the Murray-Darling Basin. 15 (b) Section 255A[A] - Independent expert study on the impacts of mining operations Section 255A[A] of the Water Act 2007 on the ‘mitigation of unintended diversions states that: “Prior to licences being granted for subsidence mining operations on floodplains that have underlying groundwater systems forming part of the Murray-Darling system inflows, an independent expert study must be undertaken to determine the impacts of the proposed mining operations on the connectivity of groundwater systems, surface water and groundwater flows and water quality”. The preconditions for triggering this provision and necessitating an independent expert study are: It needs to be a subsidence mining operation; It needs to be on a floodplain; and It needs to impact on MDB inflows. The location of the proposed CSG developments in Queensland and the impacts of the groundwater extraction as part of these developments results in all of these preconditions being met. Such a study would need to identify issues and make recommendations in regards to what matters a state or Commonwealth decision maker must take into account before a licence is granted allowing CSG developments to commence. In August 2009, proposed CSG activities in the Namoi region of the MDB triggered Section 255A[A] of the Water Act. Consequently, the Environment, Communications, and the Arts References Committee was tasked by the Senate to conduct an inquiry into ‘The impacts of mining in the Murray Darling Basin’. One recommendation from the inquiry states that it: Recommends that the Commonwealth Government works to ensure the prevention of new mines or extractive industries in the Murray Darling Basin if their impacts on water resources are inconsistent with the Basin Plan. See Appendix 4 for the complete list of recommendations from the Environment, Communications, and the Arts References Committee. 16 5. References Australian Water Resources (2005). A baseline of water resources for the National Water Initiative. National Water Commission. CSIRO (2008a). Condamine-Balonne Region Fact Sheet. Murray-Darling Basin Sustainable Yields Project: A brief guide to the key findings from the CSIRO Murray-Darling Sustainable Yield Project report on the CondamineBalonne region. June 2008. CSIRO, Australia. CSIRO (2008b). Water availability in the Murray-Darling Basin: A report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Murray-Darling Basin Sustainable Yields Project. October 2008. CSIRO, Australia. 67 pp. CSIRO (2008c). Presentation of Results from the Condamine-Balonne and Moonie Regions, Murray-Darling Basin Sustainable Yields Project . Key findings from the CSIRO Murray-Darling Sustainable Yield Project report on the Condamine-Balonne region. June 2008. CSIRO, Australia. 27 pp [www.csiro.au/resources/CondamineBalonneMooniePresentation.html]. Environment, Communications, and the Arts References Committee Report, ‘The impacts of mining in the Murray Darling Basin’ http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/committee/eca_ctte/mining_mdb/report/report.p df, accessed 10/09/2010 Fetter, C.W., (2001). Applied Hydrogeology. Prentice-Hall Inc, USA. Hillier, J.R., (2010). Groundwater connections between the Walloon Coal Measures and the Alluvium of the Condamine River. A report for the Central Downs Irrigators Limited. Hodgkinson, J., Hortle, A., and McKillop, M. (2010). The application of hydrodynamic analysis in the assessment of regional aquifers for carbon geostorage: preliminary results for the Surat Basin, Queensland. APPEA Journal 50, 445-462. Huxley, W.J., (1982). The hydrogeology, hydrology and Hydrochemistry of the Condamine River Valley Alluvium. Project Report Queensland Institute of Technology, Brisbane. Kellett, J.R., Ransley, T.R., Coram, J., Barclay, D.F., McMahon, G.A., Foster, L.M., & Hillier, J.R., (2003). Groundwater Recharge in the Great Artesian Basin Intake Beds, Queensland. Final Report for NHT Project #982713 Sustainable Groundwater Use in the GAB Intake Beds. Queensland, BRS, Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland Government. 17 Lane, W.B., (1979). Progress report on Condamine underground investigation to December 1978. QWRC Groundwater Branch Report, June 1979. (Queensland Water Resources Commission). Qld DERM (2005). Hydrogeological Framework Report for the Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Plan Area (Version 1.0). Report prepared by the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Brisbane [www.derm.qld.gov.au/wrp/gab.html#maps]. 18 Appendix 1 – Map & Images of EPBC GAB Springs 19 GAB Discharge Spring: Lucky Last GAB Discharge Spring: Scotts Creek Image from 2008 survey (courtesy Fensham and Fairfax, 2008) Image from 2008 survey (courtesy Fensham and Fairfax, 2008) Image from pre-2008 survey (courtesy Fensham and Fairfax, 2008) Image from pre-2008 survey (courtesy Fensham and Fairfax, 2008) 20 Appendix 2 - Comparative Analysis of proposed Water Extraction by Santos, QGC and AP LNG with current use in the MDB and GAB WG have concerns about the disproportions between the amounts of water currently extracted from the Condamine and Balonne Catchment of the MDB and the Great Artesian Basin and the amount proposed to be extracted and returned by CSG proponents. All three CSG proponents plan to discharge a portion of co-produced water into either the Dawson River (Santos) or into the Condamine and Balonne Catchment (QGC and AP LNG). Under the Queensland Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004, the co-produced water is owned by the proponent and is, therefore, theirs to sell. WG preference is for natural systems to be returned to a pre-CSG development state as soon as is possible, and that the maximum amount of extracted groundwater be reinjected to, if possible, the same or surrounding aquifers and any co-produced water that cannot be reinjected be returned to the environment as surface discharge into the Condamine and Balonne Catchment of the MDB. This would mean that Santos would need to reconsider its proposal to their ‘Dawson River Beneficial Use Discharge Scheme’. Based on estimates provided by Santos, QCG, and AP LNG in their EIS documentation, GSG water extractions from these three proponents may total around 1 819GL over the 30 year life expectancies of their respective projects. WG conclude that these estimates are likely to be “conservative”, and that the total estimated volume of groundwater to be produced (and therefore “lost” to the GAB) is likely in the order of 14,035 to 27,411GL. This may be as high as 45,000GL. By way of comparison, the volume of the average annual surface water resource for the entire MDB is approximately 23, 417GL/year (CSIRO 2008c). CSIRO also estimate that surface water use across the MDB is in the order of 11,327GL/year (CSIRO 2008c) – which is 48% of the available surface water resource (and is considered a very high and largely unsustainable level of use (CSIRO 2008c)). Estimated groundwater extraction for the MDB is in the order of 1,832GL/year (CSIRO 2008c). This level of extraction represents some 16% of the total water use in the MDB (CSIRO 2008b). However, this estimate excludes extraction from confined aquifers of the Great Artesian Basin that underlie the MDB. Consequently, the actual level of extraction may be up to 25% higher (CSIRO 2008c). 21 Surface Water Region Groundwater Region Total Available Resource / Annual Available Resource DEWHA estimated CSG extraction by Santos, QGC, & AP LNG (proponents numbers): Great Artesian Basin: Estimated Average Annual Extraction 467 to 914GL/a (61GL/a) Based on a 30yr period Total available resource = Average Annual Recharge = Total savings under GABSI 1 & 2 = Murray-Darling Basin4 na na Estimated Total Year Use Extraction 14, 035 to 27, 411GL (18,19GL) 64,900,0001 GL 3232 GL/a 167.3193 GL/a 23, 417 GL/a 11, 327GL/a 339, 810GL/30a MurrayDarling Basin Not known >1, 832GL/a 54.960GL/30a CondamineBalonne4 na 1, 305GL/a 722GL/a 21.660GL/30a na CondamineBalonne Not known >160 GL/a 4.800GL/30a SOURCE: 1. Hillier and Frost, (2002); 2. Kellett et al (2003); 3. GABCC Annual Report 2008/9. 4. CSIRO 2008a; CSIRO 2008c. These figures are even more concerning at the regional level. For example, the current average annual surface water resource in the Condamine-Balonne region is around 1, 305GL/year (which is 8.5% of the total runoff in the MDB) (CSIRO 2008a). The current level of use for the region is extremely high – 722GL/year of the average available surface water is diverted for use (which equates to 55% of the region’s available resource) (CSIRO 2008a). Monitored groundwater extraction in the Condamine-Balonne region for 2004/05 is 160 GL/year and 97% of this occurs in the Upper Condamine catchment (CSIRO 2008a). This volume is primarily based on metered use, and the total monitored and unmonitored groundwater use in the Upper Condamine is thought to be around 25% higher (CSIRO 2008a). Current extraction is already ‘unsustainable’ in 15 of the 22 groundwater management units (GMUs) in the region, where extraction in these GMUs is more than double the average potential rainfall recharge. Extraction in six of these GMUs is more than five times the average potential rainfall recharge. In the area of the Upper Condamine that is modelled for groundwater, extraction (currently 47GL/year) exceeds recharge by 38% and recharge is historically exceeded in more than 90 percent of years (CSIRO 2008a). According to CSIRO (2008a), if groundwater extraction in the Upper Condamine sub-catchment were allowed to increase to the current entitlement levels, the system would be severely over-allocated and additional streamflow impacts would occur. Furthermore, according to both Hillier (2010) and CSIRO (2008), the GAB Alluvial GMU is connected to the surface water system, and forseeable increases in extraction (not including CSG water extraction) will reduce streamflow by 5 to 6GL/year. 22 Qld GAB Bowen and Surat Basin Annual Extraction / Use Levels Qld GAB Groundwater Management Units S&D Entitlement (excl S&D) General Reserve2 (GL/year) (GL/year) (GL/year) Total (excl. general reserve)1 (GL/year) Surat 1 – 8 47.1 19.8 5 66.9 Surat North 1 – 4 16.4 2.5 0.2 18.9 Surat East 1 – 4 10.3 15.5 2 25.8 73.8 37.8 7.2 111.6 3.4 0.4 0 3.8 Surat Basin Mimosa 1 Bowen Basin Total 77.2 38.2 7.2 Estimated CSG extraction* (proponents) (GL/year) 467 to 914 (61) 3.8 1.8 to 3.4 (3.3) 115.4 468.8 to 917.4 (64.3) * Assumes a 30 year production period SOURCE: 1. Qld DERM (2005). Hydrogeological Framework Report for the Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Plan Area (Version 1.0). Report prepared by the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Brisbane [www.derm.qld.gov.au/wrp/gab.html#maps]. 2. Qld GAB Water Sharing Plan, 2006. (Note the explanatory notes indicate and additional 10GL in the state reserve). 23 Appendix 3 – Derivation of the amount of groundwater to be co-produced Overview Original estimates of how much groundwater could be produced was derived from a limited amount of published information. The Queensland Government Mining Journal (2008) estimated that 100ML of groundwater would be produced for every PetaJoule (PJ) of energy. The Journal estimated that there was 250,000PJ in the Surat and Bowen Basin giving a groundwater production of 25,000GL. As 69% of the resource is estimated to be in the Surat Basin this would equate to a groundwater volume of approximately 17,300GL. The second estimate was derived for the information contained in the yet to be published draft Waterlines Report2. This report, using information from QGC, indicates that groundwater production rates in their wells range from 0.4-0.8ML/d before decreasing to a rate of about 0.1Ml/d over six months to a few years. The current estimates from the proponents (and AP LNG) are that there will be approximately 18,500 production bores. Simply assuming that number of bores pumping at 0.6ML/d for 12 months, and then at 0.1ML/d for 14 years (15 years is the normal production life for a bore), this would result in a groundwater production of approximately 13,500GL. In the Gas Today Magazine (May 2009) Robert Caine, Origin Energy Senior Engineer Water Management, is quoted as saying that bores will produced between 0.1ML/day to 0.8ML/day. For a production life of 15 years and 18,500 bores for 0.1ML/day this results in a figure of approximately 10,000GL and for 0.8ML/day 81,000GL. All of these published estimates result in considerably more groundwater being produced than that estimated by the proponents (and AP LNG) of 1,819GL. Walloon Coal Measures The majority of the groundwater to be co-produced, as part of the CSG developments will come from the Walloon Coal Measures. The groundwater to be co-produced will be that which forms the pressure head, or the elastic storage. The amount of groundwater that can be produced due to this drawdown in pressure (elastic storage), can be measured through the equation: Es = Ss x Va x H1-H2 2010, On-Shore Co-Produced Water – Discussion Paper, Waterlines Report, National Water Commission, Canberra (p7 of the yet to be published report). 2[DRAFT] 24 Where Es is the elastic storage; Ss is the specific storage; Va is the volume of the aquifer and H1-H2 is the difference in pressure head. Specific storage was either provided directly in, or can be calculated from the storativity (storage co-efficient) values provided in the EIS documentation by the equation: Ss = S/b Where S is the storativity and b is the thickness of the aquifer (in this case the amount of the aquifer to be perforated). From discussions with Przemyslaw Nalecki (Santos) up to 30m of coal seams would be perforated and so a thickness of 90m should be used. From the data provided in the EIS’ this results in a range of Specific Storage values from 10-5 to 10-7. Based on the expected drawdowns from the proponents (and AP LNG) a H1-H2 value of 400m was used as an indicative levels as the drawdown in some areas will be greater and in some areas smaller. The thickness of the Walloon Coal Measures is 300m and indicative areas were calculated for the QGC, Santos, AP LNG and cumulative areas: o Santos 4,900km2 o QCG and AP LNG 3,900km2 o Cumulative area (main Walloon CSM Fairway) 19,125km2. Using the numbers the amount of Elastic Storage was calculated for each proponent and the cumulative area: QCG Santos AP LNG Cumulative Specific Storage 10-5 Specific Storage 10-6 Specific Storage 10-7 2,340GL 5,880GL 2,340GL 22,950GL 234GL 588GL 234GL 2,295GL 23.4GL 58.8GL 23.4GL 229.5GL As a sensitivity analysis 3 other options were considered using a variable ranges of Specific Storage: o Option A: 20% - 10-5; 60% - 10-6; 20% - 10-7 o Option B: 60% - 10-5; 20% - 10-6; 20% - 10-7 o Option C: 20% - 10-5; 20% - 10-6; 60% - 10-7. Using the parameters described above this gives the following: QCG Santos AP LNG Cumulative Option A 613GL 1,540GL 613GL 6,013GL Option B 1,455GL 3,657GL 1,455GL 14,275GL Option C 529GL 1,329GL 529GL 5,187GL 25 To further understand the amount of groundwater to be produced, analysis of the data in the QCG EIS to calculate the Elastic Storage was also done. ( As noted in the report Santos had described there modelling in the EIS as ‘inadequate’ and hence a similar assessment to the QGC data was not done for the Santos area). This analysis was done for the 3 development areas. From the QGC modelling numbers Specific Storage values of 1x10 -5 to 1x10-6 can be derived and the area was the modelled depressurisation area. Development Area Area WCM H1thickness H2 (m) North West 500km2 300 518 Volume using Specific Storage 10-6 388.5GL Volume using Specific Storage 10-5 3885GL Central South East 500km2 300 500km2 300 249 410 186.8GL 1867GL 307.5GL 3075GL This would indicate a total volume to be extracted of 883GL - 8,8270GL The predicted volume from QCG is 887GL. Hence it can be interpreted that the production numbers stated by QGC present a low side, or conservative, estimate of the amount of water produced. Importantly, this analysis did not include any production from the Springbok Sandstone. Given that QGC notes that the two units are in hydraulic connection and the pressure head will be drawn down to below the base of the Springbok Sandstone (as per their documentation), the volume of water to be produced will be considerably larger than that predicted by QCG. (Note this number does not include water produced or ‘lost’ from other formations e.g. Hutton Sandstone). Other Formations A similar analysis was performed for other formations as per the methodology detailed in the previous section and only the cumulative numbers are presented here. Two drawdowns (H1-H2) were used based on the minimum and maximum drawdowns (as applicable) listed by the proponents. Gubberamunda Sandstone H1-H2 (0.7m) H1-H2 (13m) Specific Storage 10-5 Specific Storage 10-6 Specific Storage 10-7 Option A Option B Option C 11.3GL 1.1GL 0.1GL 2.9GL 7.0GL 2.5GL 208.9GL 20.9GL 2.1GL 54.7GL 129.9GL 47.2GL 26 Hutton Sandstone H1-H2 (2.5m) H1-H2 (10m) Specific Storage 10-5 Specific Storage 10-6 Specific Storage 10-7 Option A Option B Option C 110GL 11GL 1.1GL 28.8GL 68.4GL 24.9GL 439.9GL 44.0GL 4.4GL 115.2GL 273.6GL 99.4GL Using the QGC figures detailed in their modelling and doing a similar analysis as performed for the Walloon Coal Measures a range of 0-431GL is derived. Precipice Sandstone H1-H2 (1.0m) Specific Storage 10-5 Specific Storage 10-6 Specific Storage 10-7 Option A Option B Option C 12.0GL 1.2GL 0.1GL 3.2GL 7.5GL 2.7GL Using the QGC figures used in their modelling and doing a similar analysis as performed for the Walloon Coal Measures a range of 0-252GL is derived. Springbok Sandstone Both proponents (and AP LNG) agree that the WCM are in hydraulic connection with the Springbok Sandstone, though they suggest the degree of connectivity is variable. This suggestion is somewhat of a misnomer. Where there is a connection, groundwater from the Springbok Sandstone will flow directly into the WCM and these areas of influence will spread out across the Springbok Sandstone and become interconnected; increasing the loss of groundwater. As the lowering of pressure in the WCM is to be below the base of the Springbok Sandstone, the Springbok Sandstone (and the top part of the WCM) will be dewatered. Once the pressure drawdown in the Walloon Coal Measures reaches the top of the Springbok Sandstone the ongoing extraction will change this aquifer from a confined to an unconfined system. To calculate the amount of groundwater a different equation is needed: Vw = S x Area x H1-H2 Where Vw is the volume of water; S is the storativity and H1-H2 is the amount of drawdown in the aquifer. The areas from the previous analysis were used and three H1-H2 values were used to reflect the variability in thickness of the Springbok Sandstone. The storativity values are those supplied by the proponents (and AP LNG). The value of 10-3 was used as an ‘average’ between the listed values. It is interesting to note the difference in values between QGC and AP LNG even though they are largely in the same area. 27 Storativity 10-2 Storativity 10-3 Storativity 10-4 QGC 40 70 110 7.8GL 13.65GL 21.45GL Santos 40 70 110 19.6GL 34.3GL 53.9GL AP LNG 40 70 110 780GL 1,365GL 2,145GL Cumulative 40 70 110 7,650GL 13,387GL 21,037GL 765GL 1,339GL 2,104GL 76GL 134GL 210GL Using the QGC figures used in their modelling and doing a similar analysis to that done above a range of 5.9 to 86.7GL is calculated. This higher figure is well above the maximum calculated and shown in the table above. Summary The maximum range for cumulative co-produced groundwater from all formations based on this analysis is 307 to 44,647GL. The published data would indicate a range of 13,500 to 81,000GL. The proponents (and AP LNG) predict that 1,819GL of groundwater will be produced which appears to be a conservative estimate. The sheer varability in volumes that can be calculated in the numbers provided by QGC alone increases the level of uncertainty as to how much groundwater will be produced. Hence, on balance of probability, it is likely that more groundwater will be produced than that predicted by the proponents and AP LNG. Bandanna Formation The majority of water that will be produced in the Bowen Basin will be from the Bandanna Formation. To estimate the amount of water to be produced the following equation, as for the Surat Basin, was used: Es = Ss x Va x H1-H2 Where Es is the elastic storage; Ss is the specific storage; Va is the volume of the aquifer and H1-H2 is the difference in pressure head. Calculations were only made for the Fairview Field area. An estimated area of 50km by 50km was used and two estimated formation thicknesses 134m and 28 250m to reflect variability. A drawdown of 300m was used based on the information provided by Santos (noting the modelling for this area was described as ‘inadequate’ by Santos staff). A sensitivity analysis was also performed to test various levels of specific storage. 134m 250m Specific Storage 10-7 Specific Storage 10-6 Option A Option B Option C 10.05GL 18.8GL 100.5GL 187.5GL 55.3GL 77.9GL 32.7GL 103.1GL 145.3GL 60.9GL Option A: 50% - 10-7; 50% - 10-6 Option B: 75% - 10-7; 25% - 10-6 Option C: 25% - 10-7; 75% - 10-6 Precipice Sandstone No analysis was performed for the Precipice Sandstone due to the modelling deficiencies noted previously. Further advice will be provided as to potential impacts on this formation. 29 Appendix 4 – Recommendations from the 255A[A] inquiry into ‘The impacts of mining in the Murray Darling Basin’ On 12 August 2009, the tasked the Environment, Communications, and the Arts References Committee to hold an inquiry into ‘The impacts of mining in the Murray Darling Basin’. On 4 December 2009 the Committee delivered the following recommendations: Recommendation 1 The committee recommends that all governments support the Namoi Catchment Water Study and not take further decisions in relation to the licensing of mining and extractive industries in the Namoi catchment until that study is completed and publicly released. Recommendation 2 The committee recommends that, as a matter of priority and preferably prior to the release of future Mineral Exploration Licences, state governments establish regional water plans in areas potentially subject to mining or extractive industry operations. Recommendation 3 The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government: • investigate the scope of Section 255A of the Water Act 2007 to determine whether it applies to groundwater resources located in ridge country. If this is not the case, the committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government amend Section 255A to include groundwater resources on all land types. • Work with the states to ensure the prohibition of the licensing of mining or extractive industries in the event that a study conducted under section 255A indicates that development would have adverse impacts on groundwater resources and the environment. Recommendation 4 The committee, noting extensive planning and research already being undertaken including the National Water Initiative, the Basin Plan, regional water plans and other studies currently underway, • Urges all governments to maximise use of information and data gleaned from planning and research activities to ensure that coordinated analysis of regional water plans takes place, so as to better understand the cumulative impacts of mining in the Murray-Darling Basin; and • Recommends that the Commonwealth Government works to ensure the prevention of new mines or extractive industries in the Murray Darling Basin if their impacts on water resources are inconsistent with the Basin Plan. Source: Environment, Communications, and the Arts References Committee Report, ‘The impacts of mining in the Murray Darling Basin’ http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/committee/eca_ctte/mining_mdb/report/report.pdf, accessed 10/09/2010 30