15 APRIL 2012 SUBMISSION ON THE PROPOSED BASIN PLAN PREPARED BY: CENTRAL DOWNS IRRIGATORS LIMITED Central Downs Irrigators Limited (CDIL) wishes to submit to the MDBA the following comments regarding the Draft Basin Plan: CDIL represents irrigators on the Condamine flood plain in southern Queensland. Our member’s access regulated water entitlements from the Condamine River and the North Branch of the Condamine River, water harvesting from the Condamine and tributaries, groundwater entitlements from the Central Condamine Alluvium, and overland flow water harvesting. CDIL is in general agreement with the proposed basin plan as it relates to our region, however we do understand and support the concerns expressed by other basin communities regarding the effect of the proposed plan on them, and the uncertainty of any positive environmental outcomes flowing from that effect. CDIL notes the Authority is proposing that a further 95 GL of surface water needs to be recovered to meet environmental needs, with the majority being likely to come from downstream of St George because of the location of key environmental sites. While we support that concept, we would hope that willing sellers of water upstream of St George would be able to participate in the water buyback process. It is unclear in the proposed plan just how any recovered water will be used to enhance environmental outcomes at key sites. An environmental watering plan should be developed by the authority before any water is recovered, so communities can have confidence that the process will deliver the desired environmental outcomes. CDIL also notes the Authority is proposing a reduction in groundwater use for the Central Condamine Alluvium from 81.5 GL to 46.0 GL. CDIL accepts the SDL figure of 46GL and for many years now has worked cooperatively with State regulatory agencies to bring use to a sustainable level. CDIL welcomes the Authorities proposal that the groundwater needing to be recovered be purchased through the Australian Government’s water purchase program. CDIL believe that purchased groundwater must be treated differently than purchased surface water which will be held by the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder who could put that water to environmental or consumptive use. Purchased groundwater entitlements must be cancelled so there can be no possibility they will impact on the sustainability of aquifers in the future. Yours Sincerely, Graham Clapham Chairman 2499 Brookstead-Norwin Rd. M/S 181 Pittsworth QLD 4356 Email: admin@cdil.com.au Web: www.cdil.com.au ABN: 84 010 210 063