Items 2a and 2b Staff Report to the Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting of February 12, 2013 Requested Action: Special Exception from Section 130-310 “Buffer and screening standards” to reduce the requirement of an opaque fence along a portion of the lot line between a proposed commercial development and an existing single family residence for a distance of 20 feet. Applicant: Dannay Kham Owner: Dannay and Vutha Kham Subject Property: Locally known as 5328 North Highway 146 and is legally described as Lot 1 of the Provost Minor Plat, Chambers County, Texas. Parcel Information: Zoning: Use: North: West: East: South: Mixed Use (MU) Proposed donut shop Vacant North Highway 146 Residential Vacant The following data is provided for the Board to use in its discussion and decision making: Applicant wishes to build a donut shop. The site is zoned Mixed Use (MU). The Baytown Zoning Code requires an opaque fence along the lot line between a proposed commercial development and an existing single family residence. (Chapter 130 “Zoning”). The property to the east of 5328 North Highway 146 is a single family residential use. The applicant has filed a special exception application requesting that the opaque fence not be required along a portion of the lot line between her property at 5328 North Highway 146 and an existing single family residence for a distance of 20 feet beginning at the southeastern corner of Ms. Kham’s property and extending 20 feet northward. This special exception request is because of a 20 foot wide road easement which passes through Ms. Kham’s property and the two properties to the east of Ms. Kham’s property. There is no data on the effect of this type of special exception on property values of adjacent properties. The zoning ordinance states that one of the purposes of the ordinance is to “prevent or minimize land use incompatibilities and conflicts among different land uses.” Buffer fencing is a means to prevent or minimize land use incompatibilities between commercial and residential uses. The City of Baytown is not a party to the road easement. The Board may also consider information presented in the attached application and in any testimony given at the public hearing. Items 2a and 2b In order to approve an application for a special exception, the Board of Adjustment shall make an affirmative finding that the following criteria are met: 1. Ensure the same general level of land use compatibility as the otherwise applicable standards; 2. Not materially and adversely affect adjacent land uses and the physical character of uses in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development because of inadequate buffering, screening, setbacks and other land use considerations; 3. Not adversely affect property values in any material way; and 4. Be generally consistent with the purposes and intent of this chapter. Public Notification: Notices mailed to property owners within 300 feet – 24