International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Cooperation Project

International Atomic Energy Agency
Technical Cooperation Project RAF/50/70
Supporting Area-Wide Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Management to Improve
Livestock Productivity and Enable Sustainable Agriculture and Rural
Development (Phase II)
Regional Training Course on The Use of Population Genetics and GIS to
Identify Isolated Tsetse Populations.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
21 September – 2 October 2015
Deadline for
20 July 2015
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Centre de Coopération
Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD) in
collaboration with the FAO and PATTEC;
Host Country
Director of the Southern Tsetse Fly Eradication Project (STEP);
P.O. Box 19917
Addis Ababa
Kaliti Tsetse Mass Rearing and Irradiation Centre
Akaki Kaliti Kefle Ketema W.27 K.10
Debrezeyet Road
Addis ababa
Tel: 00 251 911 210 428
Fax: 00251 114 390 273
The project target countries are: Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad,
Central African Republic, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana,Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Kenya, Malawi, Mali,
Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South
Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Togo, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Purpose of the
The purpose of the course is to provide participants with training on GIS,
predicting population distribution software and population genetic analyses to
inform the strategic decisions in their national tsetse control programmes.
At the end of the training, participants are expected to be able to produce maps
with predicted distributions of tsetse populations based on base-line entomological
data previously collected and analyse the degree of isolation of adjacent tsetse
Nature of the
The training program consists of theoretical lectures and practical hands-on
sessions. The following topics will be considered:
- introduction area wide integrated pest management
- biology and ecology of tsetse species
- Use of population genetics to inform the tsetse control strategy
- overview of GIS basic concepts
- advanced GIS exercises with satellite rasters
- Distribution models using Maxent software and Modis satellite layers
- tsetse sampling for genetic studies
- Empirical population genetics using microsatellite, dispersal and reproductive
systems inferences
- case studies
In support of the overall goals of the African Union Pan-African Tsetse and
Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign (AU-PATTEC), and specifically in
support of ongoing and planned Government efforts aiming at the initiation of
national and sub-regional PATTEC projects, the training course seeks to assist
tsetse and trypanosomosis (T&T) affected IAEA and / or FAO Member States
with the provision of procedures to identify isolated or well confined tsetse
populations making use of molecular tsetse population genetic analyses and
prediction distribution models and GIS. The identification of isolated or wellconfined tsetse populations is a critical factor to develop the strategy of area-wide
integrated T&T intervention campaigns.
The course is open to approximately 15 participants.
The course will be open to 15 participants from African IAEA and / or FAO
Member States, which are affected by the T&T problem and are implementing or
plan to initiate a national or sub-regional intervention project along the overall
objectives of the AU-PATTEC initiative. The participants should be researchers or
tsetse control personnel, who are actively involved in gathering and/or evaluating
molecular population genetic information of tsetse fly populations that are
candidate target populations under AW-IPM campaigns against the T&T problem.
The participants should hold at least a bachelor’s degree in biology, entomology,
human or veterinary medicine, parasitology, genetics / molecular genetics or a
related discipline. The participants should have the capacity of working with GIS
and basic knowledge on population genetics principles.
Eligible Member States are encouraged to submit more than one application to
provide scope for IAEA final selection. The training course will be conducted in
English and, consequently, selected participants should be capable of freely
expressing themselves and following lectures in this language.
Nominations should be submitted via the IAEA application platform InTouch
( and sent through the official channels established.
They must be received by the International Atomic Energy Agency, through
InTouch platform, not later than 2015-07-20. Nominations received after that
date cannot be considered.
Alternatively fully completed and dully endorsed nominations can still be
submitted to the Programme Management Officer for this project, Ms Margaret
Mashinkila, through IAEA Official E-Mail (, not later
than 2015-07-20. Nominations received after this date or which have not been
routed through the established official channels cannot be considered.
The facsimile/e-mail should contain the following basic information about the
candidates: name, age, sex, academic qualifications, present position including
exact nature of duties carried out, and full working address (including telephone
and fax numbers and e-mail) to enable the IAEA to make preliminary evaluation
of the candidates.
Completed forms should be endorsed by relevant national authorities and
returned to the Agency through the official channels, i.e. the designated
National Liaison Office for IAEA Matters.
BSITFII/ASITF: It is recommended that participants complete the courses Basic Security in the
Field: Safety, Health and Welfare (BSITF) and Advanced Security in the Field
(ASITF), prior to travelling to locations where UN security phases are in effect.
The aim of these courses is to educate participants on how best to avoid or
minimize potential dangers and threats, and to show what individuals can do if
they find themselves in insecure situations.
The courses are available on the following UN websites by using
Microsoft Internet Explorer:
If you have difficulty using the websites, a CD-ROM can be obtained
from your IAEA National Liaison Officer, or from IAEA.
Once the candidate has completed the courses and passed the accompanying
exams, certificates will be generated automatically and must be printed for
submission to the IAEA (either as an e-mail attachment or by fax). Copies of the
certificates should be kept by the candidate for his/her records, as they are valid
for a period of three years.
and financial
1. Nominating Governments will be informed in due time of the names of the
selected candidates and will at that time be given full details on the procedures to
be followed with regard to administrative and financial matters.
During their attendance at the course, participants from countries eligible to
receive technical assistance will be provided by the IAEA with a daily subsistence
allowance to cover the cost of their accommodation, food, and minor incidental
expenses during their attendance at the course.
The IAEA will also provide the participants with a round-trip air ticket,
economy/excursion class, from their home countries to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
and return. Shipment of accumulated course materials to the participants’ home
countries is not the responsibility of the IAEA.
The organizers of the course do not accept liability for the payment of any cost or
compensation that may arise from damage to or loss of personal property, or from
illness, injury, disability or death of a participant while he/she is travelling to and
from or attending the course, and it is clearly understood that each Government, in
nominating participants, undertakes responsibility for such coverage.
Governments would be well advised to take out insurance against these risks.
2. Visa arrangements, including transit visas, are the sole responsibility of the
participant. He/she should initiate the necessary actions for obtaining a visa prior
to departure. In case the host country of the training event has no representation in
the candidate’s country, the latter should send, well in advance, preferably
together with the nomination, to the local coordinator (course director) all
necessary bio data (full name and address, passport number, expiry/issuance dates,
birth place and date, and arrival details) and request an entry visa to be made
available to him/her at arrival.
The Course Director is not obliged to provide this type of assistance and,
therefore, the candidate should initiate this action and make sure that the bio data
reach the Course Director in due time (with copy to the IAEA).