Xi Theta Sorority Constitution Columbus State University Article I. Name Section 1. Article II. The name of the organization shall be Xi Theta Sorority. Purpose Section 1. The purpose of this organization shall be to promote unity among the female students at Columbus State University, to promote maturity, integrity, and intelligence and to provide services to the university as a whole and to the community. Article III. Organization Section 1. There shall be eight (8) officers to sustain the activity of the organization, all eight (8) being on the Executive Board. Section 2. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Educator, Historian and Publicator. All decisions that concern the sorority will be discussed and approved by the Executive Board. If the Executive Board cannot perform this duty for any reason, then a voting quorum will control the decisions and actions of the sorority. Section 3. Paragraph A) The officers shall be nominated and seconded by those in attendance; in addition, the nominating party must give valid reasons to support the eligibility of the nominee at the meeting and shall be voted in by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the former Executive Board shall make the final decision by unanimous vote. Officers will be nominated three weeks prior to the end of the Fall Semester. The week after nominations an election shall be held. Prior to elections, each nominee shall make a speech stating her qualifications to office. Paragraph B) The incumbent officers must maintain their office until new officers are inaugurated at the last meeting of that Fall Semester. The new officers shall take their office at the first meeting of Spring Semester. The former officers have a week to transfer all materials needed for that office to the new officer after elections. Section 4. Active sisters cannot hold the office of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Historian, or chair a committee until they have remained in good standing with the sorority for two consecutive semesters. Good standing is defined by a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and no financial debt greater than a semester’s worth. Anything less is to the discretion of the current President and Treasurer. Active sisters can hold the office of Secretary or Publicator upon initiation into Xi Theta. Section 5. Each executive board member shall be required to be at 75 percent of all chapter meetings and 75 percent of all chapter functions throughout their term, excluding the summer semester. In the event that the above requirements are not met action may be taken against said officer, which may include but not limited to impeachment. Section 6. The President’s duties shall consist of making executive decisions with the advice of the Dean of Students or the Greek Advisor. She shall conduct all meetings in an orderly manner. In the result of a tie in the sorority, the President will make the final decision, this is the only time the President has a vote. She shall be present at all functions and meetings unless she is called away for emergency reasons. In which case, the Vice President will act in her behalf. She shall represent the sorority at all other meetings and functions on behalf of the membership. She shall also be the contact for the Alumni Chapter. Section 7. The Vice President’s duties shall consist of conducting the meetings in the absence of the President. She shall be present at all meetings and functions unless she is called away for emergency reasons. She shall represent the membership at all other meetings in the absence of the President. All committee chairs shall report to the Vice President all committee decisions. The Vice President shall act as chairman for the (External) Social Events and Philanthropy Committees and will be responsible for the actions of said committee. Upon such a time that is deemed necessary she will appoint a co-chair of her own discretion who will report to her and act in all capacity as her assistant. Any problems the Vice President has will be reported to the President. The Vice President shall carry out all duties delegated to her by the President. Section 8. The Secretary shall be responsible for recording and reporting the events of all meetings. She shall be responsible for recording the attendance of all sisters at any group function. In case of absence, excuses shall be made to her in order that she may keep an up to date report. She shall be responsible for reporting all planned activities to either the Dean of Students or the Greek Advisor and the Advisor for approval. She shall be responsible for maintaining up to date and current contact information (i.e. phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses) for all active and inactive sisters. Secretary will work with Publicator on web site. Section 9. The Treasurer shall be responsible for writing checks and maintaining the financial stability of the sorority. She shall collect all dues and fees and report the financial negligence of any member to the Executive Board for investigation. She is also responsible for planning out and maintaining a yearly budget. All funds requests are to go to the Treasurer. (All sisters who intend to be reimbursed by Xi Theta Sorority are required to file fund requests.) The Treasurer shall act as chairman for the Fundraising Committee and will be responsible for the actions of said committee. Upon such a time that is deemed necessary she will appoint a co-chair of her own discretion who will report to her and act in all capacity as her assistant. She will work with the Publicator to see who has and has not paid for publicity items. She will make (at least) biweekly trips to the bank to deposit checks and money. At events, two people will verify the money at the beginning and end. (Example, if the President is there, she will count, if she is not there, the Vice President, etc.) The Treasurer is also responsible for providing all active sisters and any additional sister who asks an account summary of Xi Theta’s deposits and withdrawals at the beginning of each month. Section 10. The Parliamentarian shall be responsible for maintaining order at all group functions. She shall act as chairman for the Judicial and (Internal) Social Events Committee and will be responsible for the actions of said committee. Upon such a time that is deemed necessary she will appoint a co-chair of her own discretion who will report to her and act in all capacity as her assistant. She will keep blank and signed constitutions. She is also responsible for setting up review meetings. Section 11. The Educator shall be responsible for organizing the events of new member period. She shall also be responsible for informing recruited sisters of their duties prior to initiation. The Educator shall act as chairman for the Membership Recruitment Committee and will be responsible for the actions of said committee. Upon such a time that is deemed necessary she will appoint a co-chair of her own discretion who will report to her and act in all capacity as her assistant. She shall also appoint a pledge master who will keep weekly contact with all new member candidates. Section 12. The Historian shall be responsible for the scrapbook and the history book. She shall keep all past records and will be the Expansion Liaison in conjunction with the Alumni Chapter to bring the sorority to new campuses. Section 13. The Publicator shall be responsible for the advertising of Xi Theta; this includes banners, T-shirts, flyers, newspaper articles, etc. She will act as the chairperson for the publicity committee and its actions. Publicator will work with Secretary on web site. She will also help the Educator with rush. Section 14. The Advisor shall be a member of Columbus State University faculty or staff. He or she shall be elected by the sisters in attendance at the meeting. He or she shall have the right to attend any function or meeting of the sorority in exception to initiation and ritual. He or she shall be asked to offer comment or advice concerning any matter of question by the sorority. Section 15. Any officer of the Executive Board may be impeached provided that there is at least two-thirds voting quorum of active sisters suing for said action. Accusations must be presented to the President and Parliamentarian followed by a mediation session to address the concerning issue. Article IV. The Fixed Committees Committee formation: Pending the number of active sisters (10), each committee must consist of a minimum of two active sisters and each sister must volunteer for at least two active committees (External, Internal, Fundraising, Publications, Membership Recruitment Committee, Philanthropy, and the Historical Committee). If the active membership falls fewer than ten active sisters then the duties of each committee will be divided among the active chapter. Section 1. The External Social Events Committee will be responsible for at least one event held outside of the sorority per semester. Section 2. The Internal Social Events Committee will be responsible for three events per semester held inside of the sorority, not including Founder’s Day, White Tigress, and the Holiday Social. Those three events include two with sisters and one with sisters, friends and family members. Section 3. The Fundraising Committee will be responsible for any event with the primary intent of increasing funds. There will be at least two fundraisers per semester. Section 4. The Judicial Committee will be responsible for the review/investigation into any matter involving the sisters of the sorority. The individual being reviewed must be notified that a matter involving them is being investigated. They will report their findings to the Executive Board. Section 5. The Publications Committee will be responsible for publicizing all Xi Theta events, whether they are fundraising, membership recruitment, or social events, by all means deemed appropriate. They are also responsible for planning out and executing a “publication week”. In this week, one week out of the month, the sisters are to promote Xi Theta Sorority whether it be through a chant, call, banner, wearing letters, etc. Section 6. The Membership Recruitment Committee (The MRC) Paragraph a. Membership recruitment shall begin on the first day of classes of fall and spring semesters. Additional recruitment periods may be decided on by the MRC and Chair. Membership recruitment shall last as long as deemed necessary by the MRC and Executive Board. Paragraph b. Letters of acceptance, called Bids, will be given to each recruited member who meets the qualifications established by Xi Theta Sorority. The sorority will vote bids by majority vote. The proper method of acceptance shall be explained and written on the bid. Paragraph c. Membership recruitment Chairman/Educator shall be responsible for organizing recruitment and appointing duties involving recruitment. She shall also be responsible for calling on people in her committee. The MRC co-chair shall make all reports to the Educator. Section 7. The Philanthropy Committee is responsible for any event with intent of serving the community at least once per semester. Section 8. The Historical Committee is responsible for the upkeep for historical data about the sorority and will also work Alumni Chapter for colony establishment. They are also responsible to keep an up to date scrapbook of all Xi Theta events of that school year. Article V. Sorority Expectations Section 1. Upon the active chapter reaching ten (10) active sisters, each sister is asked to volunteer for at least 2 committees per semester Section 2. All sisters shall help raise money to contribute to the funding of the sorority. If a sister fails to do so, she will not benefit freely from the work of others, and will have to fulfill her own financial obligations. Section 3. An absence can be excused at the discretion of a majority vote of officers. If the sister in question is an officer, her vote is excluded. If an event requires preparation, and the sister does not have a valid excuse, they may be denied access to the event at the discretion of the executive board. If a sister is going to be late, or not in attendance, she must call the Secretary at least an hour before the event. Examples of excused absences are as follows: work, illness, etc. Section 4. At the end of each semester, three awards will be given. One to the sister that attends the most events, excluding excused absences; one to the sister that is on time the most, including set up if event requires it; and one to the sister who participates the most, including set up and break down of events. Section 5. Paragraph a. If a sister continuously does not fulfill her obligations to the sorority, there are certain steps that will be taken at the discretion of the executive board. Examples of steps to be taken are as follows: if the sister in question is an officer, she may be impeached and unable to run for another office for one semester; if there is a t-shirt for an event, the sister in question will not be able to get one; she may be denied other items of publicity for the sorority (ex: purses, t-shirts, etc); and/or she may be denied access to events. Paragraph b. Attendance issues shall be rectified with monetary consequences. The transgressions and consequences are as follows: -No call and tardy: the penalty would be tardy box: first ten minutes free, dollar for the next 20, a dollar every five minutes after. -No call and absent: -A sister must call an hour before hand to be considered excused (extenuating circumstances can be excused at the discretion of the executive board) -Upon discussion (which will be held at the chapter after the event, only when the sister in question is present), a fine of a pre-determined amount (which will be discussed at the chapter before hand) will be implemented as a consequence for unexcused absences and tardies. The limit of fining cannot exceed 60$. Article VI. Hazing Section 1. Hazing, defined by the Columbus State University as any action taken or a situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule on a new member. Therefore there shall be no physical or mental harassment of any new member of Xi Theta Sorority. Article VII. Recruiting Section 1. Each woman accepting a bid shall be formally inducted at the designated time and place. She shall remain in recruitment status until such time that she has a cumulative GPA (grade point average) of 2.0 on all work attempted at Columbus State University. Section 2. A woman without a cumulative GPA of 2.0 is unable to become a new member of Xi Theta Sorority. Section 3. In accordance with Columbus State University policy, a woman enrolled in University-College shall be unable to become a new member of Xi Theta until such time that they have graduated University-College and completed 30 semester hours. If enrolled in Learning Support classes, thirty (30) hours are required to be completed toward a degree before member can be given a bid. Article VIII. Formal Initiation Section 1. After a woman has been a new member for the required time period and has met all of the requirements established by the educator, she shall be eligible to be officially initiated into the sorority. If she does not meet the qualifications of the sorority, she may remain a new member for a time period that is decided upon by the active chapter. Once she has attained a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and has met the qualifications of Xi Theta Sorority, she will be eligible for official initiation into the sorority. Article IX. Meetings Section 1. Sorority. Article X. Meetings shall be announced and agreed upon by the sisters of Xi Theta Dues Section 1. Dues shall be collected in a manner determined by the Treasurer. Section 2. The sorority as a whole shall establish amount of dues. Section 3. All sisters are required to end each semester with a zero balance, unless it is an extreme case. In that situation, the sister in question must set up a payment plan and be using it. Article XI. Quorum Section 1. Quorum constitutes two-thirds of all active sisters and must include three officers. A roll call vote will be required for any situation that calls for a quorum. Article XII. Ratification Section 1. The Constitution shall be ratified by a majority vote of all sisters in the Executive Board. It shall then be submitted to the Student Government Association for approval, and given to Advisor. Article XIII. Amendments Section 1. semester. Section 2. The Constitution must be reevaluated once a year and read once a The Constitution shall be amended by a quorum. Section 3. The amended Constitution shall be resubmitted to the Student Government Association, Greek Council and Dean of Student Activities for approval. Article XIV. Disbandment Section 1. In the event of the disbanding of the sorority, remaining funds shall be used to pay any outstanding debts. Section 2. final called meeting. Further funds shall be donated to a charity voted on by the sorority at a Article XV. Membership Section 1. Inactive Status Paragraph a. Any sister becoming inactive for any reason (i.e. grades, choice, etc.) shall do so by submitting a written statement with the explanation for her actions to the President, in person, which will be discussed with the sorority. She must meet all financial obligations before going inactive. The inactive sister must meet with the Treasurer within thirty (30) days in order to make a payment plan for any debt. In addition to not holding an office or having voting rights, she will not receive anything bought at the expense of the sorority, unless the cost is covered by the individual. Paragraph b. Any sister who is no longer attending Columbus State University (i.e. internship, graduation, or transfer) must submit a written statement with the explanation to the President. She must meet all financial obligations before going inactive/alumni. The inactive/alumni sister must meet with the Treasurer within thirty (30) days in order to make a payment plan for any debt. Paragraph c. Any sister with inactive/alumni status may attend any meeting or function supported by the sorority. Section 2. The Executive Board can vote to suspend any sister for any determined amount of time contingent on a review performed by the Judicial Committee. Article XVI. Conflict Management Section 1. - If a situation should arise between a sister(s) and another sister(s) of Xi Theta or a sister(s) and Xi Theta as a whole, those parties involved MUST attend a conflict resolution mediation. Section 2. The conflict resolution mediation shall consist of those disputed parties and an impartial sister acting as mediator. The job of the mediator is to help the disputing parties to come to a reasonable agreement that is fair to all parties. Section 3. The guidelines for a conflict resolution are as stated: Describe the problem and focus on what each party involved wants to solve at the conflict resolution mediation. Brainstorm ALL possible solutions to said problem regardless of how trivial it may seem. Identify all practical solutions to said problem. Disputing parties must agree on a solution. This solution shall be put into a formal agreement between the disputing parties .All parties must sign and receive a copy of the agreement. By signing this agreement each party is responsible for fulfilling their part of the agreement. Article XVII. De-pledging and De-sistering Section 1. Voluntary Paragraph a. Any sister wishing to relieve herself of her obligations to Xi Theta shall be able to do so at any time. She shall be required to submit a written petition to the President explaining her reasons for making this decision. The petition shall then be brought before the Executive Board for discussion. Paragraph b. Once the Executive Board has approved the petition, and a conflict resolution mediation has been held and all financial obligations have been met, the petitioning woman will be further released from her obligations. The De-Sistered must meet with the Treasurer within thirty (30) days in order to make a payment plan for any debt. Paragraph c. The seceding sister must surrender her pin, crest and constitution to the sorority. She is not allowed to attend any functions or meetings. She shall not be permitted to represent the sorority in any fashion. She must remember to keep forever secret the vows and traditions of the sorority. Section 2. After being reviewed by the Judicial Committee, the sorority may decide to vote on the dismissal of any individual in the sorority through a quorum. ___________________________________ President ___________________________________ Sister or New Member Xi Theta Sorority Bylaws 1. No arguing among sisters in public (disputes are to be handled person-to-person in private: beyond hearing of others.) 2. No defamation of any sister or of the sorority. 3. All sisters are responsible for the welfare of each sister. 4. All sisters are responsible for the defense of any sister and the sorority no matter what opinion is held personally. 5. All sorority business, information, and sorority bond is to remain CONFIDENTIAL. 6. A dress code will be decided on before each function and must be abided by. 7. There shall be no romantic or physical relationship between any sisters. 8. All rules above are to be followed at all times. Failure to comply will result in reprimand decided upon by the Executive Board. This may include inability to wear her letters, exclusion from activities and/or desistering. ___________________________________ President ___________________________________ Sister or New Member Last modified 10/21/07 by ALC Last modified 10/21/07 by ALC PAGE 9