Daniel Pratt Elementary School

Daniel Pratt Elementary School
Field Day 2010
Wristband Sales
Field Day 2010 is almost here! This year we will be pre-selling tickets in the form
of Wristbands with perforated tickets attached. Wristbands will be on sale April
27th –May 7th. Tickets on the wristband will be used to purchase food, drinks and
novelty items during Field Day. These wristbands will only be good for the day of
Field Day. Grades 3rd-6th will be competing in various team competition events
during the day (i.e. kickball, volleyball, and tug of war).
New this year is a Racetrac, where students will race remote control cars against
each other. Students can purchase a Race Wristband for $3.00 each or 2 for $5.00.
Wristband Prices
The cost of each wristband is $5.00.
You will have 10 tickets on each wristband and each ticket is worth 50¢.
Race Wristbands are 1 for $3.00 or 2 for $5.00
You may purchase more than one wristband.
Stubs void if detached from wristband
Early Bird Special
Spend $20 and receive a FREE Race Wristband
(worth $3)
On the day of Field Day, ALL tickets will be 50¢.
You may purchase additional tickets the day of Field Day for 50¢.
All tickets must be used the day of field day. Tickets will not be accepted in the snack room.
Please fill out the order form on back and return to school no later than May 7, 2010
Stubs void if detached from wristband
Field Day 2010 Menu
Water…………………………………………..1 ticket
20 oz. soda………….……………3 tickets (grades 3-6)
12 oz soda------------------------------2 tickets (grades 1-2)
Gatorade………………..……………...………2 tickets
Cotton Candy………………………………….3 tickets
Sno Cone/Slushes…………………….………..2 tickets
Nachos & Cheese……………………..……….3 tickets
Candy………………….……………………1or2 tickets
Pickle……………………………..…………….1 ticket
Battery Powered Electric Light Fans - 4 tickets ($2)
Day Bags/Packs - 5 tickets ($2.50)
Bandannas-3 tickets ($1.50)
Visors- 6 tickets ($3.00)
Sun Glasses – 6 or 8 tickets ($3 or $4)
Sharpie markers for signing t-shirts – 2 tickets ($1)
Other novelty items---1 or 2 tickets
Dunk’n Booth -1 ticket (50¢) (grades 3-6)
There will also be a Moonwalk, Obstacle Course, Giant Water Slide and lots more fun!!
All of these activities will be FREE!!
Return the wristband order form and money to school NO LATER THAN Friday MAY 7th
Student’s Name_____________________________________________________
Homeroom Teacher___________________________Grade__________________
Number of Wristbands purchased _________X $5 = $__________Total
Number of Race Wristbands purchased _______ = $____________Total
Amount Enclosed $_____________
Check #_____Cash_____
Early Bird Special
Spend $20 and receive a FREE Race Wristband
Field Day wristband tickets will not be accepted in the Snack Shack. They must be used on Field Day.
Stubs void if detached from wristband