1. What are the four planets closest to the Sun? Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
2. What are the four outer planets? Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
3. What is used to be the last planet in our solar system? Pluto
4. What is the largest planet? Jupiter
5. What is the smallest planet? Mercury
6. What is the coldest planet? Neptune
7. What is the warmest planet? Mercury
8. What is found between Mars and Jupiter? Asteroid Belt
9. What do you call a planet’s trip around the Sun? Revolution
10. How long does it take Earth to make a revolution? One Year
11. What is it called when a planet spins on its axis? Rotation
12. How long does it take Earth to make a rotation? One Day
13. What causes day and night on the Earth? Earth’s Rotation
14. What time is it when the Sun is directly overhead? Noon
15. What causes the seasons on the Earth? Tilt of the Earth’s Axis
16. The N. Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun. What season are we having?
17. The N. Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun. What season are we having?
18. What causes the tides on the Earth? Moon’s gravity
19. How often do we have high tide during a day? Twice
20. Are the tides stronger or weaker if the moon and Sun are aligned? Stronger
21. Name the eclipse when you can’t see the Sun. Solar
22. Name the eclipse when you can’t see the moon. Lunar
23. What instrument do astronomers use to see outer space? Telescope
24. What causes the phases of the moon? Moon’s Revolution
25. How long does it take the moon to complete its phases? About one month
26. What measures the amount matter in an object? Mass
27. What measures the amount of space an object takes up? Volume
28. What measures the matter in a given space? (Mass divided by Volume) Density
29. What does gravity determine? Weight
30. Do you weigh less on the Earth or moon? Why? Moon, less gravity
31. What number is the metric system based on? 10
32. One kilogram equals how many grams? 1000
33. Seconds measure? Time
34. Degrees Fahrenheit measures? Temperature
35. Kilometers and centimeters measure? Distance
36. Kilograms and milligrams measure? Mass
37. Milliliters, Liters, and Cubic centimeters measure? Volume
38. What does g/ml (grams per milliliter) or g/cm3 (grams per cubic centimeter)
measure? Density
39. A stopwatch measures? Time
40. A thermometer measures? Temperature
41. A metric ruler measures? Distance
42. A graduated cylinder measures? Volume
43. A triple beam balance measures? Mass
44. Length x Width x Height measures? Volume of a solid
45. Mass divided by volume measures? Density
46. There’s 3 mL of water in a graduated cylinder. The water level rises to 5 mL
when a ring is dropped in. What is the volume of the ring. 2 mL
47. What is an “if-then” statement or an educated guess to the solution of a
problem? hypothesis
48. What group is used to test the hypothesis? Test group
49. What group is used for a comparison? Control Group
50. What are things that do NOT change in an experiment called? Constant
51. What are things that do change in an experiment called? Variables
52. How many variables should you have when you start an experiment? One
53. Located on the x-axis? Independent
54. Located on the y-axis? Dependent
55. Located after “if” in a hypothesis? Independent
56. Located after “then” in a hypothesis? Dependent
57. It is the first thing to change in an experiment? Independent
58. It is sometimes called the cause? Independent
59. It is sometimes called the effect? Dependent
An experiment is testing how the height of a ramp effects the distance a car
will roll. (60-62)
60. What is the independent variable? Height of the ramp
61. What is the dependent variable? Distance a car will roll
62. Should you use the same car or different cars? Same car
63. What is the purpose of repeating an experiment? Prove or verify your results,
reduce errors
64. What graph measures changes over time? Line
65. What graph measures percents? Pie
66. What graph measures total amounts or averages? Bar
67. Resources limited in their supply are called? Nonrenewable
68. Resources not limited in their supply are called? Renewable
69. Identify a nonrenewable resource. Fossil Fuels
70. Identify a renewable resource. Wood, Wind, Water, Sun, Etc
71. What is the major source of pollution in the United States? Burning Fossil Fuels
72. Where do fossil fuels come from? Decomposed plants and animals over millions
of years
73. Give an example of a fossil fuel. Gasoline, Oil, Petroleum, Coal
74. What are changes over time in order to survive? Adaptations
75. What is the process where animals select mates with traits best suited for
survival? Natural Selection
76. What term describes when a species completely dies out? Extinction
Complete each statement about the cell theory.
77. All cells come from _____________. Other cells
78. Cells can carry out all of _____________. Life’s functions
79. All _____________ are made of cells. Living things
Identify the parts of the cell. (80-89)
80. Creates protein. Ribosomes
81. Transports things throughout the cell. ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum)
82. Store food, water, and waste. Vacuoles
83. Powerhouse of cell; supplies energy. Mitochondria
84. Control center of the cell. Nucleus
85. Jelly-like substance. Cytoplasm
86. What two things are found only in plant cell? Chloroplast (Chlorophyll) and Cell
87. Absorbs sunlight in plants? Chloroplast (Chlorophyll)
88. Protects plant cells? Cell Wall
89. Protects plant and animal cells plus allows things to move in and out of the cell?
Cell Membrane
90. What can plant cells do that animal cells can’t? Make their own food
91. What is the process where new cells are created through cell reproduction?
92. What is the process where new cells are created through cell division? Mitosis
93. Groups of cells create? Tissues
94. Groups of tissues create? Organs
95. Groups of organs create? Systems
96. What is the process where plants create their own food? Photosynthesis
97. What source of energy is needed for photosynthesis? Sunlight
98. What two resources are the reactants during photosynthesis? Water and
Carbon Dioxide
99. What two resources are the products of photosynthesis? Glucose and Oxygen
100. What do plants use glucose for? Food
101. What is the two most important reasons photosynthesis is necessary for life on
Earth? Food and Oxygen
102. Who is the Father of Genetics? Mendel
103. Identify a characteristic you inherited. Eye color, Hair color, Nose shape,
104. Identify a characteristic determined by your environment. Personality,
Intelligence, Language Skills
105. Your individual traits are called? Genes
106. What creates DNA and contains all of your individual traits? Chromosomes
107. What is your complete genetic code called? DNA
108. What word describes the strong trait? Dominant
109. What word describes the weak trait? Recessive
110. What is the name of the chart that shows possible phenotypes and genotypes?
Punnett Square
111. What is the basis of all food chains? Producers (Plants)
Identify each as a producer, consumer, or decomposer. (112 – 114)
112. A grasshopper is a _____________. Consumer
113. Wheat is a _____________. Producer
114. A bacteria spore is a _____________. Decomposer
115. Contrast a predator and prey. Predator eats Prey
116. Give an example of a predator – prey relationship. Ex. Wolf eats Rabbit
117. Give an example of a producer – consumer relationship. Ex. Rabbit eats Grass
118. What does a herbivore eat? Plants
119. What does a carnivore eat? Meats
120. What does omnivore eat? Plants and Meat
Identify each symbiotic relationship. (121-123)
121. One thing benefits while the other is harmed. (Tick on a Dog) Parasitism
122. One thing benefits while the other isn’t effected. (Vultures feed on the
scrapes left by a Lion) Commensalism
123. Both things benefit. (Sharks are cleaned by a smaller fish) Mutualism
You’re a raccoon. What will happen to your population in each case below? (124131)
124. If the size of the habitat increases? Population increases
125. If the size of the habitat decreases? Population decreases
126. If the number of wolves decrease? Population increases
127. If the number of wolves increase? Population decreases
128. If the food supply decreases? Population decreases
129. If the food supply increase? Population increases
130. If the number of squirrel (competition) increase? Population decreases
131. If the number of squirrel (competition) decrease? Population increases
132. What is the warmest biome? Desert
133. What is the coldest biome? Tundra
134. What biome gets the most rain? Rainforest
135. What biome gets the least rain? Desert
136. What biome do the animals need to be able to run fast? Grassland
137. What biome do animals and plants need to store water? Desert
138. What biome do plants have very large leaves? Rainforest
139. What biome is white fur an advantage? Tundra
140. What biome is being able to climb or fly important? Rainforest
141. What biome would you find trees with needles and cones? Coniferous Forest
142. What biome would you find oak and maple trees? Deciduous Forest
143. What biome is large feet an advantage? Tundra
144. Are there more plants or animals in the grassland or rainforest? Why?
Rainforest,more rain & stable climate
145. What biome would you find corn and wheat growing? Grassland
146. What is an abiotic factor? Nonliving factor
147. Give an example of an abiotic factor. Rock, water, climate, temperature, etc.
148. What is a biotic factor? Living factor
149. Give an example of a biotic factor. Trees, animals, cells, etc.
150. The flow of electrons creates? Electricity
151. What is created when domains align in certain metals? Magnetism
152. What are the two ways you can strengthen an electromagnet if the battery is
kept the same?
Bigger nail, more coils of wire around the nail
153. What do opposite charges or poles do? Attract
154. What do like charges or poles do? Repel
155. A positive and negative will? Attract
156. A North pole and North pole will? Repel
157. Where is a magnet the strongest? Poles
158. What is a circuit with only one path called? Series
159. What is a circuit with more than one path called? Parallel
160. Which circuit will shut off if there is one break in the circuit? Series
161. A parallel circuit will still work as long as electricity can do what?
The current can travel from and to the battery or the circuit is complete
162. What is a current that flows back and forth? Alternating
163. What is a current that flows in one direction? Direct
164. What is the unit for electric power? Watts
165. What is the unit for electric energy consumed? KWh (kilowatt hours)
166. What is the energy (juice) of the current measured in volts? voltage
167. What is an example of magnetism creating electricity? Hydroelectric plant
(Hoover Dam) or Generator
168. Can sound or light waves travel in outer space? Light
169. What is an example of longitudinal wave? Sound
170. What is an example of transverse wave? Light
171. What is the top of a light wave? Crest
172. What is the lowest point of a light wave? Trough
173. What is the distance from the line of origin to the crest or trough in a light
wave? Amplitude
174. What is the pressed together portion of a sound wave? Compression
175. What is the section where a sound wave spreads apart? Rarefaction
176. What is the distance between two similar parts of a wave? Ex. Crest->Crest,
Trough->Trough, Compression->Compression Wavelength
177. What is it called when a wave bounces? Reflection
178. What is it called when a wave bends as it changes speeds? Refraction
179. What is it called when sound waves are used to locate objects under the water?
180. What is it called when animals use sound waves to locate things? Echolocation
181. What wave property determines intensity (loudness)? Amplitude
182. What wave property determines pitch? Frequency
183. What two things will happen to the particles in a substance when it is heated?
Move faster & farther apart
184. What two things will happen to the particles in a substance when it is cooled?
Move slower & closer together
185. What is the coldest possible temperature when there is no kinetic energy
called? Absolute zero
186. Heat transfer by contact is called? Conduction
187. Heat transfer by fluids is called? Convection
188. Heat transfer by the Sun to the Earth is called? Radiation
Identify the phase change. (189 – 193)
189. Solid changes to a Liquid. Melting
190. Liquid changes to a Gas. Boiling, Evaporation, Vaporization
191. Gas changes to a Liquid. Condensation
192. Liquid changes to a Solid. Freezing
193. Are phase changes physical or chemical changes? Physical
Identify the state of matter. (194-196)
194. Has shape and volume. Solid
195. Has volume, but has no shape. Liquid
196. Has no shape or volume. Gas
197. Why does an object appear to be blue? It reflects blue light
198. How do you remember the order of colors in the electromagnetic spectrum?
199. What do you call an object that you can’t see through? Opaque
200. What do you call an object that you can see clearly through? Transparent
201. What do you call an object that produces a blurry image? Translucent
202. What do you call a push or pull? Force
203. In order for you to do work what two things must happen? Force & Motion
204. What is Newton’s 1st Law? Law of Inertia
205. What is Newton’s 2nd Law? Force = Mass x Acceleration
206. What is Newton’s 3rd Law? For every action there is an equal and opposite
207. A ramp or screw is what type of simple machine? Inclined Plane
208. What type of simple machine is used to operate a flagpole? Pulley
209. What type of simple machine is a rake, scissors, and see-saw? Lever
210. What type of simple machine always contains a fulcrum? Lever
211. What is a device made of more than one simple machine? Compound Machine
212. Give an example of a compound machine. Bike, car, pencil sharpener, etc.
213. Why can’t Mechanical Efficiency ever be 100%? Friction or Heat
214. What does meters per second or kilometers per hour measure? Speed
215. What does velocity tell you that speed does not? Direction
216. What is the ability to do work? Energy
217. What is the metric unit for energy and work? Joules
218. What is the metric unit for force? Newton
219. What is anything that has mass and takes up space? Matter
220. What is the basic building block for all matter? Atoms
221. What is pure substance made of only one kind of atom? Elements
222. What are two or more elements chemically combined? Compounds
223. What are two or more substances physically combined? Mixtures
224. When an acid reacts with a base you get? Salt and Water
Identify each as an acid, base, or neutral. (225-237)
225. pH of 7. Neutral
226. pH 0-6. Acid
227. pH 8-14. Base
228. Turns litmus blue. Base
229. Turns litmus red. Acid
230. Has no effect on litmus. Neutral
231. Tastes bitter. Base
232. Tastes sour. Acid
234. Starts with H. Acid
235. Ends with OH. Base
236. Feels slippery. Base
237. Burns your skin. Acid
238. Chemical properties tell you how something ______. Reacts
239. What are two ways can you identify a physical property? Uses your senses,
can be measured
240. Malleable, Ductile, and Luster are all physical properties of what type of
substance? Metal
Identify each as a characteristic of a physical or chemical change. (241-246)
241. Something new produced. Chemical
242. Can be change back. Physical
243. Change in size or shape. Physical
244. Energy is produced. Chemical
245. Results in gas bubbles or a color change. Chemical
246. Phase change or mixture. Physical
247. What is the center of the atom? Nucleus
248. What charge do protons have? Positive
249. What charge do electrons have? Negative
250. What charge do neutrons have? Neutral or no charge
251. What two parts of the atom make up of the nucleus? Protons and neutrons
252. What part of the atom is involved in chemical bonding? Valence electrons
253. Where are valence electrons located? Last or outermost energy level
254. What identifies the number of protons in an atom? Atomic number
255. What identifies the number of protons plus neutrons? Atomic mass
256. What are atoms that gained or lost electrons and give them a positive or
negative charge? Ions
257. What are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons?
258. What part of the atom never changes? Protons
259. What makes every element of the periodic table different? Protons or Atomic
260. What are the 18 columns on the periodic table called? Groups
261. What are the 7 rows on the periodic table called? Periods
262. A covalent bond is between what two things? Nonmetal and nonmetal
263. An ionic bond is between what two things? Metal and nonmetal
264. Where are the metals on the periodic table? Left of the staircase
265. Where are nonmetals on the periodic table? Right of the staircase
266. Where are the metalloids on the periodic table? On the staircase
267. Are there more metals, nonmetals, or metalloids on the periodic table? Metals
268. What is it called when an atom splits? Nuclear Fission
269. What is it called when two atoms combine? Nuclear Fusion
270. The left side of a chemical equation is called? Reactants
271. The right side of a chemical equation is called? Products
272. What identifies the # of atoms in a chemical bond? Subscripts
273. What identifies the # of molecules in a chemical reaction & can be used to
balance an equation? Coefficients
274. What is stored energy? Potential energy
275. What is energy of motion? Kinetic energy
Identify the examples of energy. (276-280)
276. Fire, Friction, Radiant Energy. Heat Energy
277. Sun, Homer Simpson’s Power Plant. Nuclear Energy
278. Food, Fuel, Batteries, Plants. Chemical Energy
279. Simple Machines, Wind, Water. Mechanical Energy
280. Circuits, Lightening, Solar Cells. Electrical Energy
What energy transformation takes place in each. (281-282)
281. Photosynthesis. Light to Chemical
282. Flashlight. Chemical to Electrical to Light
283. The stomach is the major organ in what system? Digestive
284. The lungs are the major organs in what system? Respiratory
285. The brain is the major organ in what system? Nervous
286. The heart is the major organ in what system? Circulatory
287. What is the function of digestive system? Breakdown food
288. What is the function of respiratory system? Take in oxygen
289. What is the function of nervous system? Controls other body systems and
290. What is the function of circulatory system? Move blood and oxygen
throughout the body
291. What is the function of red blood cells? Carries oxygen
292. What is the function of white blood cells? Fights infections & diseases
293. What is the function of platelets? Clots the blood
294. What is the blood plasma? Blood fluid
295. What are three ways to increase how fast something dissolves? Heat it up,
Cut it up, or stir it
296. Phototropism is when plants grow towards ________. Its light source or the
297. What are two alternatives to using fossil fuels for power? Wind, Water,
Nuclear, Solar
298. What is the problem with solar power? Sun doesn’t always shine
299. What is the problem with hydroelectric power? Everyone doesn’t live near a
large water supply
300. What is the problem with wind power? Wind doesn’t always blow
301. What is the problem with nuclear power? Storing nuclear waste
302. What element do organic compounds always contain? Carbon
303. What are reactions that absorb or take in energy? Endothermic
304. What are reactions that release or let our energy? Exothermic
305. What determines the gravitational pull of an object? The object’s mass
306. What is an animal’s niche? Role or job in life
307. What is the wise use of natural resources called? Conservation
308. What is a science periodical? Magazine
309. What is it called when an animal sleeps through the winter to save energy?
310. Where does an aquatic animal live? In the water
311. What is called when an animal blends in with their surroundings? Camouflage
Aluminum has an atomic number of 13 and an atomic mass of 26.98
312. How many protons does Aluminum have? 13
313. How many neutrons does Aluminum have? 14
314. How many electrons does Aluminum have? 13
315. If an atom gains an electron the atom will have what charge? Negative
316. If an atom loses an electron the atom will have what charge? Positive
317. If the mass is 10 grams and the volume is 5 mL. What is the density? (Density =
Mass/Volume) 2 g/mL
318. A cube has sides that measure 2 centimeters. What is the volume? (V = L x W x
H). 8 cubic centimeters
319. What is the speed of a runner who travels 100 meters in 10 seconds? (Speed =
Distance/Time). 10 m/s
320. How does most of the water in the water cycle get into the air? Evaporation
321. How does most of the water in the water cycle return to the Earth?