Phase Gate Presentation Checklist Document Owner: The purpose of this document is to provide a checklist of items to consider in the preparation of the Phase Gate Presentation. It is important to be aware of the strategic context that will shape the presentation (e.g., business goals, client issues, etc.) The Phase Gate Presentation contains three types of elements: 1. Elements present in all Phase Gate Recommendations The following outline is common to each Phase Gate Presentation: Title Page Phase Gate Objective Agenda Change Review Status Overview Deliverables Review Budget/Resource Review Risk Critical issues Phase Gate Decision Next Steps Appendices 2. Elements specific to the Phase being reviewed Each PMAP Phase has a specific purpose. To this end there is content that is unique to each Phase which needs to be addressed. 3. Elements specific to the project being covered These address items specific to the type of project being reviewed. For example, a Software Development project will have a different set of deliverables from an Infrastructure Development project, which will have different deliverables from a Facilities Development project. Elements present in all Phase Gate Presentations The following table provides an outline of elements that are common to all Phase Gate Presentations, and their purpose. Sections may be combined, re-ordered, and the level of detail scaled up or down, depending on the type of project. Section Header Title Page Phase Gate Objective Purpose Provide the initial context for the presentation. Content should include: Phase Gate Review – [Name of Phase] Phase, Project Title, Date of Phase Gate Review, and the Phase Gate Participants. Provide a concise statement of the purpose of the meeting, i.e., what Phase Gate Presentation Checklist Document Owner: you expect to accomplish during the Phase Gate review. Agenda Change Review Status Overview Deliverables Review Budget/Resource Review Risks Provide an agenda for the presentation, i.e., a list of topics to be covered to achieve the objective. If changes have occurred to the following since the previous phase gate, they should be summarized: These may be in an appendix If commitment Changes have been reviewed prior to the meeting. Commitment Changes Present a summary of approved Commitment Changes since the previous Phase Gate or Status review. Include a summary of pending Commitment Change Requests. Approach If there is a change to the methodology being followed to develop and implement the solution, it should be included in this section. The development methodologies being followed are initially addressed in the “Solution Options” and “Recommended Solution Option” section of the Project Definition Phase Gate presentation. Project Organization Address whether there are changes to the project team roles or project governance. Provide a high level update on what has been delivered to date and recent accomplishments. Provide an outline of the deliverables planned for the next phase and their purpose. If deemed appropriate, deliverables for future Phases can also be included. Milestone Schedule Summary of deliverable milestones Review estimates and assumptions for the next Phase. If deemed appropriate, estimates for future Phases can also be included. Estimates should include: Personnel Needs Estimate (Optional: Summary of personnel needs: FTE’s by Role and assumptions, e.g., Schools and centers will commit the personnel and time necessary to complete the planning phase. This commitment will be in the form of staff participation in surveys, interviews, working groups and advisory panels. Budget Summary of the budget based on the Budget worksheet.(This may be in an appendix) Include validation of funding sources, as required Review the project risks and validate risk mitigation plans. This can be covered in an appendix unless there are new risks. Phase Gate Presentation Checklist Critical issues Phase Gate Decision Next Steps Appendices Document Owner: Review open critical project issues (risks that are real) and agree on whether the impact can be mitigated without revising the estimate. Give recommended mitigations. Request Approval to Proceed Decisions include one of four options: Approval to proceed Contingent Approval Revise and Reconvene Denial Review next steps based on the Phase Gate decision. Depending on the Phase Gate, different documents should be included as appendix items to the presentation. (e.g., budget report, additional details) Elements specific to the Phase being Reviewed The following table includes elements specific to particular phases for Phase Gate Recommendation presentations. Phase Gate Presentation: Project Definition The following table includes elements specific to the Definition Phase and needed for the Phase Gate presentation. Much of the content of the Project Definition Phase Gate is a summary of the main components of the Project Proposal. Presentation Content Section Header Purpose Approach Provide assurance regarding quality control measures that will be instituted to ensure an effective project delivery process. Reference to the fact that PMAP principles will be followed. Address the methodology being followed to develop and implement the solution. This may not always be known at this stage, in which case it should be addressed at the Planning Phase Gate review. Project Review the project organization so that the Phase Gate participants Organization understand the project team, their respective roles and the project governance structure for the project. Business Overview Validate the business value proposition. Business Problem/Need Business Vision or Goal Objectives and Success Measures Benefits Strategic Alignment Scope Validate that there is a common understanding of the Project Scope and address any changes to the scope. The “Project Proposal” provides the Phase Gate Presentation Checklist Section Header Document Owner: Purpose baseline for the scope. Solution Options Recommended Solution Option Appendices The scope slide should include a list of the business processes impacted, the functional modules and features in scope, the target audience, and a list of scope assumptions and constraints. Summarize alternative options considered for solving the business problem or need. It may be useful to include the following: Description of each option Pros and Cons Order of magnitude costs Benefits Personnel needs High level project timeline. Reference the methodologies that will be followed to develop and implement the option; e.g., Agile Development for FAST SDLC, Waterfall SDLC, Infrastructure Development, etc. Risks Present the recommended options proposed for solving the business problem or need. Describe why the recommended option was selected and why the others were not. It is possible that a single option cannot yet be recommended; in that case, indicate when – and how – the decision is likely to be made. Summarize the strategy and its rationale that will be used to deliver the product or solution, e.g., “The ‘Agile Development Process for the Fast Framework’ methodology will be followed because it accommodates the fact that the customer cannot provide all of the requirements up front, desires flexibility in requirement definition, and prefers an interactive prototyping requirements definition approach and iterative deployment of solutions.” Typical documents that could be included as appendix items include: Budget Report, material supporting the Project Proposal estimates and options, etc Outcomes Following the Definition Phase Gate review, there are certain tasks which need to be performed. These depend on the Phase Gate decision and are as follows: Phase Gate Decision Approved Action Change Phase to Planning Change Project status to “open/approved” Phase Gate Presentation Checklist Contingent Approval Revise & Reconvene Denied Document Owner: Follow up with action items identified in Phase Gate review Submit update to Phase Gate participants Change Phase to Planning Change Project status to “open/approved” Follow up with action items identified in Phase Gate review Reconvene Phase Gate meeting with Phase Gate participants NOTE: This could include scenario where a project is put on hold. Change Project status to “Cancelled.” Phase Gate Presentation: Project Planning The following table includes elements specific to the Planning Phase (Iteration n) needed for the Phase Gate presentation. Presentation Content Section Header Business Overview Communications Plan Review Solution Options Review Recommended Solution Option Appendices Purpose Validate the business value proposition if it has changed. Provide a summary of the Communications Plan Present alternative options considered for solving the business problem or need, if another alternative has been considered since the Definition Phase Gate Review. Present the recommended option proposed for solving the business problem or need, if another alternative has been considered since the Definition Phase Gate Review. Describe why the recommended option was selected and why the others were not. Present SDLC related plans security, training, user support, etc. Typical documents that could be included as appendix items include: Communications Schedule, SDLC plan details, etc. Outcomes Following the Planning Phase Gate review, there are certain tasks which need to be performed. These depend on the Phase Gate decision and are as follows: Phase Gate Action Decision Approved Change Phase to Execution. Contingent Follow up with action items identified in Phase Gate Phase Gate Presentation Checklist Approval Revise & Reconvene Denied Document Owner: review. Submit update to Phase Gate participants. Change Phase to Execution. Follow up with action items identified in Phase Gate review. Reconvene Phase Gate meeting with Phase Gate participants NOTE: This could include scenario where a project is put on hold. Change Project status to Cancelled. Phase Gate Presentation: Project Execution The following table includes elements specific to the Project Execution Phase (Iteration n) needed for the Phase Gate presentation. It is expected that a Phase Gate review occurs prior to each production implementation. Presentation Content Section Header Communications Plan Product Readiness Review Steady-State Transition Status Appendices Purpose If relevant, provide a summary of changes to the Communications Plan Present a summary of Product Readiness plans. This should include a summary of what will be implemented, acceptance test results, the proposed implementation/production rollout strategy, updates to production training plans, and user-support plans. Provide a summary of the transition status to production operations, outlining any critical transition risks or issues. Documents that could be included as appendix items depend on the development methodology being followed. Typical SDLC documents could include: High Level Test Plans, Test Results, Additional details for Training Plans, User Support Plans, etc. Outcomes Following the Execution Iteration (n) Phase Gate review, there are certain tasks which need to be performed. These depend on the Phase Gate decision and are as follows: Phase Gate Decision Approved Contingent Action Change Phase to Closure Follow up with action items identified in Phase Gate Phase Gate Presentation Checklist Approval Revise & Reconvene Denied Document Owner: review. Submit update to Phase Gate participants. Change Phase to Closure Follow up with action items identified in Phase Gate review. Reconvene Phase Gate meeting with Phase Gate participants NOTE: This could include scenario where a project is put on hold. Change Project status to Cancelled. Phase Gate Presentation: Project Closure The following table includes elements specific to the Project Closure Phase needed for the Phase Gate presentation. Presentation Content Section Header Project Acceptance Review Post Implementation Review Steady-State Transition Status Related Documents Purpose Provide a summary of the Deliverable Approval Plan and review deliverables against approval criteria. Provide a summary of the results of the Lessons Learned and Best Practices Report. Provide a summary of the transition status to production operations, outlining any critical transition risks or issues. Transition from Steady State to the operational manager should occur during the Execution phase. This is just an opportunity to summarize the final transition issues and risks. Typical documents that could be included as appendix include: Lessons Learned and Best Practices Report, Deliverable Approval Form. Outcomes Following the Closure Phase Gate review, there are certain tasks which need to be performed. These depend on the Phase Gate decision and are as follows: Phase Gate Decision Approved Contingent Approval Action Change Phase to Operations Follow up with action items identified in Phase Gate review. Submit update to Phase Gate participants. Change Phase to Operations Phase Gate Presentation Checklist Revise & Reconvene Document Owner: Follow up with action items identified in Phase Gate review. Reconvene Phase Gate meeting with Phase Gate participants Elements specific to the Project being reviewed For each project being reviewed, there may be elements specific to the project that is are not covered by the common and phase-specific outlines described above. Most likely, these elements will depend upon the Development Methodology selected for the project. The following table presents examples of presentation elements specific to a Project utilizing the Agile Development Methodology for the FAST Framework. Software Development Project Elements – Agile Development Methodology for FAST The following table includes elements specific to the Agile Development methodology. Section Header Purpose Iteration Plan Provide an overview of the Iteration Plan during the Planning Phase Gate review, and at each Execution Phase Gate review.