Educational Policies Committee

Educational Policies Committee
Minutes of November 21, 2013 - Approved
Attending: J. Blackburn, D. Dombek, W. Fass, M. Frank, R. Frederick, S. Hardin, and J. Slimick.
Approval of minutes
With no corrections, a motion was made by J. Slimick and seconded by J. Blackburn to approve the minutes of
the October 24, 2013 meeting.
Approved by 5 with 2 abstention due to absence from the previous meeting
2. Old Business
New Business
MGMT 1305 - GE: Global Competency
This change requested granting of GE Global competency status to this course.
Motion to approve__ X_ or table _ __ made by _R. Frederick________ Seconded by ___ M. Frank ___
Approved by 5; 1 opposed
MRKT 1420 - GE: Global Competency
This change requested granting of GE Global competency status to this course.
Motion to approve__ X_ or table _ __ made by _R. Frederick ________ Seconded by ___ M. Frank ___
Approved by 5; 1 opposed
FIN 1401 - GE: Global Competency
This change requested granting of GE Global competency and GE Behavioral science status to this course.
Motion to approve__ X_ or table _ __ made by _R. Frederick ________ Seconded by ___ M. Frank ___
Approved by 5; 1 opposed
New Course Proposal: PS 13XX Identity Politics (GE Political Science and Global
Motion to approve_ X__ _ or table _ __ made by _M. Frank________ Seconded by ___ J. Blackburn___
Approved by 5; 1 abstain
New course number PS 1337
New Course Proposal: SOC 13XX Identity Politics (GE Behavioral Science and Global
Motion to approve_ X__ _ or table _ __ made by _M. Frank________ Seconded by ___ J. Blackburn___
Approved by 5; 1 abstain
New course number SOC 1337
New Course Proposal: PS 13XX Global Environmental Politics (GE Political Science and
Global Competency)
Motion to approve_ X__ _ or table _ __ made by _J. Slimick________ Seconded by ___ M. Frank___
Approved by all
New course number PS 1375
Revision in Political Science Minor
The current Political Science Minor required three core course requirements (1. American Political
Process, 2. World Politics and 3. Comparative Politics or Great Political Thinkers) as well as two
electives (one of which had to be an upper-level course). The proposed changes to the Political
Science Minor are a shift to two core course requirements (1. American Political Process and 2.
Comparative Politics or Introduction to International Affairs) and three electives (at least two of which
must be upper-level courses.)
Motion to approve__ X_ or table _ __ made by _R. Frederick ________ Seconded by ___ M. Frank ___
Approved by 5; 1 abstain
Revision in International Studies Minor
The proposed change to the International Studies minor involved adding five courses as electives in
the Politics and Economics category for the International Studies minor. Those courses are PS 0215
European Politics and the European Union, PS 0220 Media and Internet in Politics, PS 1340
Democratization, and PS 1365 Social Movements and WOMNST 0201 Introduction to Women’s
Studies. All of these courses are granted GC status.
Motion to approve_ X__ _ or table _ __ made by _J. Slimick________ Seconded by ___ J. Blackburn___
Approved by all
Revision in Women Studies Minor
The proposal was to remove CLP 1350 Latina Writers from the required course list and add it to the
electives list. In addition, CLP 1315 Critical Methods, and PS 1337 Identify Politics (see above), and
WOMNST 0197 or 1497 Directed Study were also added to the electives list. The rationale was that
these moves would better meet the interdisciplinary interests of WOMNST minors.
Motion to approve_ X__ _ or table _ __ made by _J. Slimick________ Seconded by ___ R. Frederick___
Approved by all
3. Matters Arising
With no further business, J. Slimick moved to adjourn G. Tessmer seconded the motion. The motion to adjourn
was approved by all.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna M. Dombek
EPC Secretary