Normal - Skelsmergh Community Hall

Flooding, culverts, drains and roads
Cllr Stan Collins is trying to improve the suitablitity and maintenance of the drains in the Upper
Kent division. This includes Bowston, Burneside, Firbank, Grayrigg, Ings, Kentmere, Killington,
Lambrigg, Longsleddale, Mealbank, New Hutton, Old Hutton, Patton, Plumgarths, Selside,
Skelsmergh, Staveley and Watchgate.
Stan says, “We need to improve our knowledge of the drainage network in the Upper Kent area.
This will help us to plan maintenance better so that we can avert flooding on roads, reduce
damage to the highway and prevent accidents. I've found that a lot of local people have
information which could help make it easier to keep culverts and drains clear and reduce flooding.
“Do you or anyone in your family have information about drains (especially road drains and
culverts) in your area? This could be personal knowledge, old plans, deeds or other documents.
You can also help by reporting where water often stands on the highway, drains which don't work
and evidence of sewage contamination.”
“Please use this form to let us know if you can help us. You can also come along and have your
say at the Neighbourhood Forum at 7.30pm on Thursday 22 November at St. Oswald’s School,
What information do you have?
Please describe any issues with drainage/blocked drains in your area. Please give us a location
and the nature of the problem:
1. Mealbank:
Laverock Bridge Lane at junction with private road leading to Mealbank Estate at SD 542 954.
Existing drains are either inadequate or in wrong position to capture surface water before it runs
down private road causing serious erosion affecting multiple dwellings.
2. Garth Row:
Gurnal Bridge Lane opp. Goody Nook at SD 528 974.
Drainage from field floods highway affecting surface over 50m. and can flood Red Tree Cottages.
Water pools in the dip and causes freezing hazard in winter. Drain/gully required.
3. Garth Row:
Gurnal Bridge Lane adj. post-box SD 526 975.
Underground stream surfaces under dwelling opp. post-box, flows over footpath and down road to
gully in verge but also pools in dip creating freezing hazard. Source of water under highway needs
to be located and diverted into gully or drain.
4. Garth Row;
Gurnal Bridge Lane above Hollin Root at SD 524 976.
Spring rises in centre of road surface causing erosion and a freezing hazard in winter. Source of
water uphill in adjacent field needs to be located and diverted to gully/drain.
5. Gurnal Bridge below Hollin Root/ Thorneyslack at SD 523 976.
Spring adjacent to highway floods road causing erosion and potholing plus freezing hazard. Source
needs to be located and diverted to gully or drain.
Where are there problems with water / flooding / surface water on roads? Please give us a
location and the nature of the problem:
Do you, or anyone you know, have information about drainage/locations of drains which could help
us? Please give details:
Name: John Chapman, Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council
Address:1, Oakbank House, Skelsmergh, Kendal, LA8 9AQ
Phone number:01539 731863
Email address: