4.7.1 EMS(P) Environmental Emergency Response Plan

4.7.1 EMS(P) Environmental Emergency
Response Plan
Environmental Emergency Plan
Site Name:
Site Nominated Person:
Environmental Emergencies and Vulnerable Targets
This plan applies to the following foreseeable environmental emergencies:
Major leakage or spillage of polluting liquids or solids
Escape through site drains to
(particularly oils, solvents, acids, waste, milk or similar and any cause water pollution
unknown liquid)
Site users and staff
Fire or explosion involving waste or environmentally
hazardous materials
Unplanned chemical reaction leading to release of fumes,
gases, heat
Serious flooding contacting with waste or environmentally
hazardous materials
Neighbouring businesses and
Escape of water used on fire
through site drains to cause
water pollution
Site users and staff
Escape through site drains to
cause water pollution
Site users and staff
Emergency Actions
All emergencies
The most senior Incentive Group person present on site at the time of event will take immediate
control of the incident and instigate call out procedure and start implementing emergency plan
pending handover to the appropriate authority or the Nominated person
Remember to complete Incident Report Form
Gather as much information as possible – get names and addresses of any witnesses
Type A Emergency
1. Isolate the affected area to prevent unauthorised access, evacuate non-essential personnel
2. If safe to do so, isolate source of leak or spillage to prevent further losses
3. Use appropriate personal protective equipment
4. Use absorbents or booms to contain spread of spillage – locations given in next section
5. Protect site drains by drain seal or sealing drain outfall using suitable bung
6. Notify Environment Agency and Senior Manager
7. Transfer any residual contents and contaminated absorbents to suitable temporary storage
8. Obtain specialist advice on decontamination of surfaces and drains
Type B Emergency
1. Isolate the affected area and evacuate site to the assembly area
2. Dial 999 and call for assistance from the Fire Brigade
3. Notify Environment Agency and Senior Manager
4. If safe to do so, tackle any fire using the appropriate fire fighting appliance
5. If safe to do so, protect site drains by sealing outfall using suitable bung
4.7.1 EMS(P) Environmental Emergency
Response Plan
Type C Emergency
1. Dial 999 and call for assistance from the Fire Brigade
2. Notify Environment Agency and Senior Manager
3. If safe to do so, remove any polluting liquids, wastes or solids to an unaffected area
4. When flooding subsides, check all wastes affected by flood to ensure that no polluting liquids
are escaping – if so treat as Type A Emergency
Location of Emergency response equipment
Oil booms:
Drain covers:
Emergency Contacts
Environment Agency / Scottish Environmental Protection Agency:
National Incident Number: 0800 807060
Management contacts (out of hours): …………………………………………..
Water Company: …………………………………………..
Local authority:
During hours:
Out of hours:
Approved Clean-up Contractors ……………………………………………